Shan e Siddique RA - 6 Jan 2024 - ARY Qtv

  • 8 months ago
Shan e Siddique RA

Host: Safdar Ali Mohsin

Guest: Mufti Irfanullah Saifi, Sahibzada Mian Mustafeez Ahmed, Al Haj Rafique Ziya Sahab

#HazratAbuBakrSiddiqueRA #KidsProgram #aryqtv

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15:21 [Hassan] Thank you very much. We are all fortunate that today we are in the gathering of
15:25 Sayyidina Siddique Akbar (RA) for his Zikr-e-Pak.
15:29 [Ghamidi] Without a doubt.
15:31 [Hassan] Doctor Sahib gave a very beautiful speech.
15:33 First of all, I will state what is the meaning of being truthful and honest.
15:39 When a person reaches the peak of his personality,
15:46 when all his qualities become beautiful, then that person is called truthful.
15:53 And the Prophet (pbuh) before the announcement of prophethood,
15:58 when he was in the Meccan life,
16:02 he would look at your qualities and morals and call you truthful.
16:07 So Sayyidina Siddique Akbar (RA) has this quality that all the companions are truthful,
16:14 but you are such that Allah, his Messenger and all the companions have called you truthful.
16:21 And as you said, in the Holy Quran Allah has used the word 'Siddique' in different places.
16:30 And wherever the good qualities of the believers have been mentioned,
16:35 in those qualities Allah has used the words 'Siddique' and 'Sadiq'.
16:42 And when Allah mentioned a reward for the believers,
16:47 that what will the believers get after this world,
16:51 then Allah says,
16:52 [Arabic]
17:01 That Allah will give the believers the biggest reward in this life after this world,
17:10 that he will give the companionship of the prophets and the companionship of the truthful.
17:15 And after this Allah has said in another place that Sayyidina Ibrahim (AS)
17:22 has been mentioned a lot in the Holy Quran.
17:25 So when Allah mentioned him,
17:28 [Arabic]
17:34 Sayyidina Ibrahim (AS) is such a sincere and loving person of Allah,
17:40 that Allah has mentioned the title of 'Siddique' in the Holy Quran.
17:45 And about many other prophets,
17:48 Sayyidina Idrees (AS) has also mentioned the word 'Siddique' about him.
17:54 And Prophet (PBUH) has also mentioned Sayyidina Siddique Akbar (RA) as 'Siddique'.
18:02 Once he was present at Jabal-e-Uhud,
18:05 and Sayyidina Abu Bakr Siddiq, Sayyidina Umar Farooq, Sayyidina Uthman Ghani were also present.
18:10 So the mountain started to shake,
18:12 and he said, 'O Hud, stop, there is a prophet, a Siddiq and two martyrs on you'.
18:19 So this Prophet (PBUH) was also given by his blessed tongue,
18:25 this is the word of Siddiq,
18:27 this word has also been mentioned by Allah's tongue,
18:31 and all the companions used to mention you with the title of Siddiq.
18:36 Mashallah, Mashallah.
18:37 Very beautiful, Mian Sahab,
18:38 you have beautifully explained the word Siddiq.
18:41 We have to move forward in the series of discourses.
18:43 Let's turn to Dr. Sahab's service.
18:45 So what are the qualities of Siddiq and what are they?
18:50 First of all, anything is related to the intention and intention of a person.
18:56 Because all the actions, all the actions that are in the world,
18:59 are related to the intention.
19:01 The intention is continuous.
19:03 So the first quality of Siddiq is the truthfulness of the intention.
19:08 The intention of a person should be true.
19:11 This is the first quality of Siddiq,
19:14 that his thought should be pure and his thought should be correct.
19:18 And it should be based on truthfulness.
19:20 The second thing is that when the thought and his thought is expressed,
19:25 his tongue should be pure and honest.
19:29 The truthfulness of the speech is the second quality of Siddiq.
19:33 The intention and the speech.
19:35 And the third thing that is important is determination.
19:38 He should be so determined that he will do what he is saying.
19:45 It is not that he just said it and then he became silent.
19:51 No, his determination is strong and he will act on that determination.
19:56 This is the fourth thing.
19:57 So, Dr. you can say that he is not a speaker.
20:01 If he is a speaker of character, then he is Siddiq.
20:04 Correct.
20:05 So, determination and action on determination.
20:09 And then the general life matters are in his other character,
20:14 in the general life matters.
20:16 And then he will act on the high qualities of religion and its higher conditions.
20:24 That is, he will be a 'Atqa' as the Holy Quran has said about Abu Bakr Siddiq.
20:30 What is it?
20:31 One is 'Muttaqi' and the other is 'Taqi'.
20:33 That is, 'Muttaqi' is the most 'Prehizgar' and 'Taqi' is the most 'Prehizgar'.
20:37 And 'Atqa' is the one who is the most 'Prehizgar'.
20:40 And the Quran has called Abu Bakr Siddiq 'Atqa'.
20:43 This means that he is at that level in his 'Taqwa'.
20:48 That is, 'Taqwa' is also at the highest level of 'Siddiqiyat'.
20:52 And if we look at the practical situation of Abu Bakr Siddiq in his life,
20:58 then we see that every word that Abu Bakr Siddiq acted on it.
21:04 What you said was based on truth.
21:07 You never lied.
21:08 Never in life.
21:09 And whatever intention you have made, you have shown it with full determination.
21:15 You see, after the appearance of the Prophet (pbuh)
21:19 the situation has changed a lot.
21:21 People are becoming apostates.
21:23 People have refused to give 'Zakat'.
21:26 There was a problem of 'Khatm-e-Nabuwat'
21:28 and Musalima Qazabut stood up.
21:30 Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (r) is sending an army.
21:33 Those who do not give 'Zakat' and refuse, go and catch them.
21:36 Hazrat Umar Farooq (r) says, "Huzoor, we are only saying 'Zakat'
21:40 and reciting the Kalima, we are doing the rest of the work."
21:43 Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (r) says, "O Umar, what has happened to you?
21:46 In the age of ignorance, you were so brave,
21:48 and now you are showing such weakness."
21:50 In the era of the Prophet (pbuh),
21:53 if a camel's tail would not give 'Zakat',
21:56 then Abu Bakr's sword would decide it.
21:59 And historians have written that the companions used to accept
22:04 that if Abu Bakr Siddiq (r) had not taken this step,
22:07 then all people would have thought that Islam has become weak.
22:10 Similarly, with reference to 'Khatm-e-Nabuwat',
22:12 people have stopped him from sending an army.
22:14 There is no one to protect Medina.
22:16 Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (r) said, "If the wolves snatch Abu Bakr's flesh,
22:20 he will not stop.
22:22 He will not stop and the matter of 'Khatm-e-Nabuwat'
22:25 will reach a logical conclusion."
22:27 There is a sincerity in the greatness.
22:29 We see all your characters at the highest level of sincerity.
22:34 Subhanallah.
22:36 Mian Sahib Qibla, since we are talking about sincerity,
22:39 we have to understand its status and rank,
22:41 so that we become aware of this status,
22:44 which is called 'Siddiqiyat'.
22:46 How do you guide us in regards to the status of 'Siddiqiyat'?
22:49 Please guide us.
22:51 The status of 'Siddiqiyat' in terms of Sufism and spirituality,
22:56 is such that after the Prophets,
22:59 if a person can attain the highest rank of being close to Allah,
23:05 then that rank is called 'Siddiqiyat'.
23:07 Subhanallah.
23:08 And Sayyidina Siddiq-e-Akbar (r)
23:10 has this special quality in his pure being,
23:14 that the Sufis state that a truthful person is one
23:17 who states the matter in accordance with the reality.
23:20 And a truthful person is one who,
23:22 states the matter in accordance with the reality.
23:27 And Sayyidina Siddiq-e-Akbar (r)
23:30 can also be seen from his pure being,
23:34 that when an incident occurs,
23:36 it is confirmed.
23:38 But Sayyidina Abu Bakr Siddiq (r)
23:41 when the incident of 'Miraj' was stated before him,
23:44 he did not hear the incident first,
23:47 he first confirmed it.
23:49 After confirming it,
23:51 the Prophet (pbuh) came to his court.
23:55 So this is the rank of 'Siddiqiyat',
23:57 that the rank at which a person's 'Siddiqiyat' or being truthful,
24:03 is so high,
24:05 that it is very difficult for a person,
24:09 to speak the truth all the time,
24:11 to show the truth in every action,
24:13 but when he reaches the rank of 'Siddiqiyat',
24:17 then his truthfulness is so evident,
24:21 that it is not even a little bit difficult for him.
24:24 So this is the rank of 'Siddiqiyat',
24:26 where the proximity of Allah,
24:28 when a person, after the Prophets,
24:31 gradually reaches the highest rank of spirituality,
24:36 that rank is called 'Siddiqiyat'.
24:39 And Sayyidina Siddiq-e-Akbar (r)
24:42 is the Imam of all 'Siddiqeen'.
24:45 And another description of 'Siddiqeen' is that,
24:48 they have a high level of sincerity.
24:52 Their every action is not for their own self,
24:57 it is not for any worldly benefit,
25:00 but only for the sake of Allah and his Prophet.
25:06 And 'Siddiq' is that,
25:08 when in a general situation,
25:11 when there is a war,
25:13 there is one army on one side,
25:15 and another army on the other side.
25:17 But 'Siddiq' is that,
25:19 when you are alone,
25:20 and there are hundreds of people in front of you,
25:23 yet you are alone,
25:24 that is called 'Siddiq'.
25:26 And 'Siddiq' is that,
25:28 when your life, your wealth,
25:31 is practically in this world,
25:33 and the Prophet (pbuh) attacks you,
25:38 that being is called 'Siddiq'.
25:40 So, Sayyidina Siddique Akbar (ra)
25:43 has such qualities,
25:46 that the Prophet (pbuh) said,
25:50 that all the qualities that a believer can have,
25:54 are all in the qualities of Abu Bakr Siddiq.
25:59 And this is his level of 'Siddiqeen'.
26:01 Subhanallah, subhanallah.
26:03 Very beautiful,
26:04 Mr. Mustafiz Ahmed Sharqpuri.
26:06 We were understanding the level of 'Siddiqeen',
26:10 our guide was saying,
26:11 Mr. Mustafiz,
26:12 here in the program 'Shahane Siddique',
26:14 a short segment.
26:16 Viewers, welcome.
26:17 Your welcome is from the city of Data, Lahore.
26:19 A special program and series is of 'Shahane Siddique'.
26:22 Sayyidina Siddique Akbar (ra)
26:25 his life, his teachings,
26:26 his qualities, his life, his circumstances,
26:29 and his blessed personality,
26:31 and his blessed teachings,
26:33 to spread them to the whole world,
26:35 this special program is being presented.
26:37 Which is in reality,
26:38 from us the Fakirs,
26:39 a gift of love and faith,
26:41 to Hazrat Siddique Akbar (ra)
26:43 in his service.
26:44 The closing moments of the program,
26:46 are the moments of receiving the messages.
26:50 I will ask Dr. Irfanullah Saifi,
26:53 that today's session,
26:54 which is dedicated to the level of 'Siddiqueen',
26:57 Dr. Sahib, how do you present its summary?
27:01 Mr. Sabtar,
27:02 firstly, it is our happiness that Allah the Almighty,
27:05 has given us our beloved,
27:07 who is superior to all the Prophets.
27:10 No doubt, no doubt.
27:11 With his charity,
27:12 we have the chance to be the best of the nation,
27:14 the best of the nations.
27:15 And then Allah the Almighty has given us that personality,
27:18 whom we are discussing today,
27:20 who is superior to all the people after the Prophets,
27:23 and superior to the companions of all the Prophets.
27:27 What to say?
27:28 After all the Prophets,
27:30 the best and the greatest of all the companions of the nation,
27:33 is Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (ra).
27:35 Allahu Akbar Kabir.
27:36 We have attained this happiness, Alhamdulillah.
27:39 Hazrat Hakimul Ummah,
27:40 Ahmad Yar Khan Naimi,
27:41 may Allah have mercy on him,
27:43 while explaining the 'Yusufu Ayyuhas Siddique',
27:46 Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (ra) points out,
27:50 he says that,
27:51 Hazrat Yusuf (as) had narrated two dreams.
27:54 And the dream-seekers,
27:56 after listening to the interpretation,
27:58 one person said,
27:59 who was told about death,
28:00 that he will not live in this world.
28:02 He said, no, I did not see.
28:03 He said, whatever I said, it happened.
28:05 He said that Siddique has a position,
28:07 that whatever he says, it happens.
28:09 So Allah the Almighty has given this position to Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (ra).
28:14 This means that we are those fortunate people,
28:18 that Allah the Almighty has given us role models,
28:22 such personalities,
28:23 that we can live our lives in a good manner.
28:27 We do not need to take charity from any other source.
28:30 We have so much of guidance,
28:34 and practical personalities are present.
28:36 These are not just verbal things,
28:38 and these are not just verbal things,
28:40 but practically we have the role model of their lives.
28:44 We also need to have a relationship with such a great personality.
28:48 We should also prove the truth in our words.
28:51 We should prove the truth in our thoughts.
28:53 We should prove our actions to be true,
28:55 so that we can get out of the situation of the Ummah.
29:00 Today we see that the people say,
29:03 that a Muslim said, it is possible that he is lying.
29:06 That is, we have reached a point,
29:10 that if a non-Muslim is saying, then he must not be lying.
29:13 If a Muslim is saying, then he must be lying.
29:15 This is the state of our reputation.
29:16 This is the state.
29:17 Although our past is so hot,
29:19 our personalities are so hot,
29:21 that we can take light from them and make our character shine.
29:24 SubhanAllah.
29:25 May Allah enable us.
29:26 Allah-o-Amin.
29:27 Allah-o-Amin.
29:28 Mian Sahib, today's topic of the program was to describe the status of Siddiquity.
29:32 So, in the context of the status of Siddiquity,
29:35 what message would you like to spread to our viewers?
29:38 Sayyidina Siddique Akbar (R.A)
29:41 Your existence is a life example for us every moment.
29:45 No doubt.
29:46 And you are the person who told us that
29:49 the most precious thing for a Muslim is the love of the Prophet (pbuh)
29:55 Allahumma salli 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
29:57 And you told us how the love of the Prophet goes.
30:00 You taught this to the companions.
30:03 What are the requirements of the love of the Prophet?
30:05 And how does the love of the Prophet (pbuh) go with his respect,
30:10 his blessed personality?
30:14 And you were not just a Sufi.
30:16 Today, the meaning of Sufi is that he sits in the Khanqah and recites the Zikr.
30:23 Sayyidina Abu Bakr Siddique is the Imam of all Sufis.
30:27 And when you were admitted to the Masjid-e-Khilafat,
30:30 you told us that a Sufi has the requirement
30:35 to try and implement Islam practically.
30:41 And when you were in the Masjid-e-Khilafat for 2.5 years,
30:45 you told us that Islam is the religion
30:48 that some things should be followed and some should be left.
31:02 This cannot be done.
31:03 Allah says that you should enter Islam completely.
31:07 And Sayyidina Abu Bakr Siddique, you solved all the issues of Zakat
31:12 and told us that a Sufi, where the love of the Prophet (pbuh)
31:19 is a miracle in his heart,
31:21 similarly, he is also the one who fulfills all the requirements
31:26 of the modern age or the age in which he lives.
31:30 So, Sayyidina Abu Bakr Siddique (ra)
31:33 has a big message in his Seerat-e-Mubarakah
31:37 that we, the people of the Khankahs,
31:40 should fulfill the requirements of the modern age,
31:44 the needs of the modern age,
31:47 the issues of the youth,
31:49 the issues that we are facing,
31:50 and present a solution to them.
31:51 Very beautiful.
31:52 That is, we should practically implement everything.
31:55 Thank you very much.
31:56 Viewers, this is the end of our program.
31:59 I am very thankful to Dr. Irfanullah Saifi,
32:02 to Mian Mustafiz Ahmed Sharifpuri,
32:04 to Allah Haj Muhammad Rafiq Zia Qadri.
32:07 We will now listen to a few words of kindness
32:10 from Rafiq Zia Qadri Sahib,
32:11 in the service of Taajdar-e-Sadaqat.
32:13 He is seeking the attention of his guests,
32:16 and is collecting prayers from the viewers.
32:18 One is a Qata and the other is a Kalam,
32:20 with three or four Ashar.
32:21 These are beautiful creations of Hassan-e-Syed.
32:25 Please observe.
32:26 Dr. Kibla, Mian Sahib and Rafiq Zia Sahib.
32:29 All the Imams and Wali of the Salasils come.
32:32 All the Imams and Wali of the Salasils come.
32:35 Khwaja-o-Data, my Ghaus-e-Jali come.
32:42 If you have decorated the Bazaar with Siddiq,
32:44 then with the Sarkar,
32:49 Maula Ali himself comes to the Lake of Hassanain.
32:52 Maula Ali himself comes to the Lake of Hassanain.
32:58 A few Ashar of Iklaam from the Kalam of Hassan-e-Syed.
33:01 He writes,
33:02 Who is it for whom the Salam of the Lord comes?
33:09 On the Lake of Yuha, the name of Abu Bakr comes.
33:13 On the Lake of Yuha,
33:16 "Wa ma yantiku anil Hawa in huwa illa Wahyun Yuha"
33:21 On the Lake of Yuha, the name of Abu Bakr comes.
33:24 And then what happens?
33:25 "Par bichate hai Malak, bhes banate hai wohi"
33:34 "Boriya pehne jab Aka ka Ghulam aata hai"
33:41 And Zia sahib,
33:42 "Jiski ik neki ka hai naam Umar Ibn-ul-Khattab"
33:47 By Allah, the whole incident came in his mind.
33:51 "Jiski ik neki ka hai naam Umar Ibn-ul-Khattab"
33:55 How does he get a place in the scale?
34:02 "Manqabat kahte huye unki yahi sochta hun"
34:09 "Sher aate hain ke yeh Rab ka inaam aata hai"
34:18 Listen to the last words of the verse.
34:21 "Hukm hoga khulein khuld ke abwab tamaam"
34:30 "Khuld mein ab sabhi sachon ka imaam aata hai"
34:38 "Kaazoo hai ke mere maula kahen, Hasan-i sun"
34:49 Rafiq Zia Qadri,
34:51 "Manqabat guzaar hota hai, hum rukhsat ke talabgaar hota hai"
34:56 "Aaam"
35:04 "Aaam"
35:11 "Sidhku safa ki pay kar"
35:19 "Hazrat Siddiq-e-Akbar"
35:26 "Sidhku safa ki pay kar"
35:33 "Hazrat Siddiq-e-Akbar"
35:40 "Sarkaar ki hai dil par"
35:46 "Hazrat Siddiq-e-Akbar"
35:52 "Sidhku safa ki pay kar"
35:58 "Hazrat Siddiq-e-Akbar"
36:05 "Naam-e-Nabi pe waara"
36:12 "Apna jahaan saara"
36:19 "Naam-e-Nabi pe waara"
36:26 "Apna jahaan saara"
36:32 "Deen-e-Nabi ke zewar"
36:38 "Hazrat Siddiq-e-Akbar"
36:44 "Sarkaar ki hai dil par"
36:50 "Hazrat Siddiq-e-Akbar"
36:56 "Mere Siddiq-e-Ali"
37:03 "Tiri zaat hai misali"
37:10 "Mere Siddiq-e-Ali"
37:17 "Tiri zaat hai misali"
37:24 "Hai mamba-e-sadaqat"
37:30 "Hazrat Siddiq-e-Akbar"
37:36 "Sarkaar ki hai dil par"
37:42 "Hazrat Siddiq-e-Akbar"
