• last year
00:00 Where's Gorvan?
00:02 Still hanging out with the bats downstairs, I guess.
00:05 Yeah, and it's a good thing.
00:07 I haven't gotten anywhere with this computer.
00:09 Everything's locked out.
00:10 I did find a file cross-linked to Gorvan's record that looks like it was recorded by
00:14 Grandpa Max, but even that's password protected.
00:17 What's the date on the file?
00:19 Just over five years ago.
00:20 Why?
00:21 Hmm.
00:22 Let me give it a try.
00:23 I've been at this for hours.
00:27 What did you type?
00:28 Flutterworms.
00:29 Yeah, Grandpa Max considered them a delicacy.
00:33 Especially live.
00:34 I totally forgot about those things.
00:36 He never made you try them.
00:38 Log file continued.
00:41 Subject, investigation of the plumber Magister Gorvan.
00:45 Grandpa Max!
00:46 Our ongoing investigation has tracked the missing alien tech to Gorvan, but he apparently
00:51 disposed of or sold the items before we could recover them.
00:56 Gorvan has also disappeared.
00:58 At this point we have no way to know why the tech was stolen or who might have it now.
01:04 We have issued a galactic, rim-wide alert for Gorvan.
01:06 He is considered to be extremely dangerous and possibly armed.
01:11 With weapons, that is.
01:12 If encountered, he is to be placed into custody immediately.
01:16 End log.
01:17 Gorvan is a fugitive!
01:18 Earth is the perfect place to hide since there aren't any full-time plumbers stationed here
01:23 anymore.
01:24 And if he's still in the business of stealing alien tech...
01:26 Then we've been doing his dirty work for him.
01:29 We've got to stop him and find out what he's doing with all this tech.
01:32 Kevin, why don't you...
01:33 Where'd he go?
01:34 Ben, look!
01:35 He must have used his plumber's badge to open the door.
01:36 I bet he went to find Gorvan.
01:37 I better go after him.
01:38 There's no telling how dangerous Gorvan will be when he finds out we know his secret.
01:39 Whoa.
01:40 Kevin?
01:41 Kevin, are you there?
01:42 Yeah, I'm here.
01:43 You're not going to believe what I found.
01:44 Gorvan has been hiding tons of alien tech.
01:45 And it looks like most of it is hybrid stuff.
01:59 But you haven't found Gorvan?
02:01 Nah, not yet.
02:02 But, oh man, there are a ton of Xenocyte eggs down here.
02:06 This is not good.
02:07 Eggs?
02:08 Kevin, just stay put and don't touch anything.
02:09 Ben is a...
02:10 Glenn?
02:11 Glenn?
02:12 Glenn?
02:13 Glenn?
02:14 Glenn?
02:15 Hello?
02:16 Whatever.
02:17 That four-armed phony has probably bugged out.
02:19 Not that I couldn't take him myself, anyway.
02:20 You think so?
02:21 Well, my young meddling friend, I'm sorry to inform you that you aren't worth my time.
02:22 I usually let my little friends handle polite work.
02:23 Friends?
02:24 What friends?
02:25 Oh, those friends.
02:26 Right.
02:27 Well, you guys must have a good time.
02:28 I'm sure you're having a good time.
02:29 I'm sure you're having a good time.
02:30 I'm sure you're having a good time.
02:31 I'm sure you're having a good time.
02:32 I'm sure you're having a good time.
02:33 I'm sure you're having a good time.
02:34 I'm sure you're having a good time.
02:35 I'm sure you're having a good time.
02:36 I'm sure you're having a good time.
02:57 I'm sure you're having a good time.
03:24 I'm sure you're having a good time.
03:52 I'm sure you're having a good time.
03:55 I'm sure you're having a good time.
03:56 I'm sure you're having a good time.
03:57 I'm sure you're having a good time.
03:58 I'm sure you're having a good time.
03:59 I'm sure you're having a good time.
04:00 I'm sure you're having a good time.
04:01 I'm sure you're having a good time.
04:02 I'm sure you're having a good time.
04:03 I'm sure you're having a good time.
04:04 I'm sure you're having a good time.
04:05 I'm sure you're having a good time.
04:06 I'm sure you're having a good time.
04:07 I'm sure you're having a good time.
04:08 I'm sure you're having a good time.
04:09 I'm sure you're having a good time.
04:10 I'm sure you're having a good time.
04:11 I'm sure you're having a good time.
04:12 I'm sure you're having a good time.
04:13 I'm sure you're having a good time.
04:34 D and alien commanders carry the best weapons they can get their hands on.
04:37 A couple of hits from those blasters can do some major damage, so try not to get hit.
04:43 the ship.
04:51 the ship.
04:57 the ship.
05:05 the ship.
05:13 the ship.
05:21 the ship.
05:29 the ship.
05:37 the ship.
05:45 the ship.
05:53 the ship.
06:00 the ship.
06:10 the ship.
06:20 the ship.
06:30 the ship.
06:40 the ship.
06:48 the ship.
06:58 the ship.
07:08 the ship.
07:18 the ship.
07:28 the ship.
07:38 the ship.
07:48 the ship.
07:58 the ship.
08:08 the ship.
08:18 the ship.
08:28 the ship.
08:38 the ship.
08:48 the ship.
08:58 the ship.
09:08 the ship.
09:18 the ship.
09:28 the ship.
09:38 the ship.
09:48 the ship.
09:58 the ship.
10:08 the ship.
10:18 the ship.
10:28 the ship.
10:38 the ship.
10:48 the ship.
10:58 the ship.
11:08 the ship.
11:18 the ship.
11:28 the ship.
11:38 the ship.
11:48 the ship.
11:58 the ship.
12:08 the ship.
12:18 the ship.
12:28 the ship.
12:38 the ship.
12:48 the ship.
12:58 the ship.
13:08 the ship.
13:18 the ship.
13:28 the ship.
13:38 the ship.
13:48 the ship.
13:58 the ship.
14:08 the ship.
14:18 the ship.
14:28 the ship.
14:38 the ship.
14:48 the ship.
14:58 the ship.
15:08 the ship.
15:18 the ship.
15:28 the ship.
15:38 the ship.
15:48 the ship.
15:58 the ship.
16:08 the ship.
16:18 the ship.
16:28 the ship.
16:38 the ship.
16:48 the ship.
16:58 the ship.
17:08 the ship.
17:18 the ship.
17:28 the ship.
17:38 the ship.
17:48 the ship.
17:58 the ship.
18:08 the ship.
18:18 the ship.
18:28 the ship.
18:38 the ship.
18:48 the ship.
18:58 the ship.
19:08 the ship.
19:18 the ship.
19:28 the ship.
19:38 the ship.
19:48 the ship.
20:08 the ship.
20:18 I am Tennyson.
20:40 You are ready.
21:08 You are ready.
21:26 I used to be.
21:36 I freeze.
22:04 I need more.
22:14 I need more.
22:34 I need more.
22:44 I need more.
23:04 I need more.
23:14 I need more.
23:34 I need more.
23:44 I need more.
23:54 I need more.
24:04 I need more.