Quran Aur Siddique Akbar RA - Episode 7 - 6 Jan 2024 - ARY Qtv

  • 8 months ago
Quran Aur Siddique Akbar RA - Episode 7 - 6 Jan 2024

Speaker: Allama Hafiz Owais Ahmed

#HazratAbuBakrSiddiqueRA #QuranAurSiddiqueAkbarRA #aryqtv

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00:53 Dear listeners and viewers, Alhamdulillah, we are in the gathering that is being celebrated in memory of our beloved Sayyidina Siddique Akbar (R.A)
01:06 in the form of ARYQ TV. This week is being celebrated in memory of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) with Dars-e-Quran.
01:18 The verses of Quran are taken and their commentary is done and many aspects of fragrance, remembrance and remembrance are obtained from the attributes of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A)
01:35 This is a matter of great happiness and a beautiful way that Quran also enters our hearts through our listening with its guidance and light
01:49 and at the same time, the beautiful aspects and aspects of the character of Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) also come to us.
01:59 In today's program, we are fortunate to have the opportunity to select the verses of Quran.
02:07 This is the 22nd Parah, Surah Al-Ahzab and we have selected verses from 41 to 44.
02:19 You will hear its commentary along with the translation and the relationship of these verses with Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) will also be presented to us.
02:33 This is the great glory of Quran that it carries along with its teachings the fragrance of personality.
02:47 Because a person is impressed by seeing other people.
02:51 When he sees that someone has done this, he also feels that he should also come to this.
02:59 That is why Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was given the title of the perfect human being.
03:05 So the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was shown that he did all this.
03:10 So the mission, action and character of his companions also develops in the different verses of the Holy Quran.
03:19 This is the miracle of Quran that it has gathered so many aspects in itself and it has become fragrance, subtlety and light and guidance for people.
03:33 So we turn to the verses.
03:35 Allah says in the Quran that O believers, remember Allah, and glorify Him morning and evening.
03:55 He is the One who sends down mercy upon you, and His angels pray for you, to bring you out of darkness into light, so that He may bring you out of darkness into light.
04:14 And He is the One who shows mercy to the believers.
04:21 The initial words of the words of those believers are "Yawma yalqaunahu"
04:29 The day when they will meet Allah, the words will be "Salamun Salam"
04:38 "Wa a'addalahum ajran kareema"
04:41 And Allah has prepared a generous reward for those believers.
04:47 The translation of these verses is that Allah has commanded to mention Him in the first verse, verse number 41.
04:55 Allah says O believers, remember Allah.
04:59 If you study the Quran in terms of Zikr, then one thing that is worth noting is that the way in which the Quran commands to mention Him is not light.
05:18 It is very heavy.
05:20 If you look at the way in which the Quran commands to mention Him, it is very heavy.
05:28 In one place Allah says that "Kam zikr karna, wa la yadhkuruna Allah illa qaleela"
05:38 What attribute did Allah take of the hypocrites?
05:42 It is not that they are not doing Zikr.
05:44 They are doing Zikr of Allah.
05:46 Their Zikr is not based on sincerity.
05:49 It is based on the little amount of Zikr that they do.
05:53 But Allah has put the word "Qaleel" with them.
05:56 That they are the ones who do Zikr.
05:58 And when Allah talks about the believers, He says
06:02 "Ya ayyuhal lazeena aamanu, ayyuman walo, uzkurullaha zikran kaseera"
06:09 "Mera khoob zikr karuna, kasrat se mujhe yaad karuna"
06:14 If you look at the verses of the Quran, Allah has given the commandment of Zikr in such places
06:24 that if there was a gap or a possibility of ease, it would be here.
06:33 If there is no ease here, then where will it be?
06:39 There are such places as
06:41 "Ya ayyuhal lazeena aamanu, iza laqeetum fee'atan, fasbutu wadhkurullaha kaseera"
06:49 When you are in the battlefield in front of the enemy, you have to do two things.
06:55 The battle is going on, but you have to do two things.
06:58 First, you have to remain steadfast.
07:00 And second, you have to do a lot of Zikr.
07:03 It's a strange phase.
07:05 In the battlefield, Zikrullah is not forgiven.
07:08 It's the remembrance of Allah.
07:10 There too, there are the calls of Allah, the remembrance of Allah,
07:13 the sincerity in the battle,
07:15 that for whom am I raising my sword?
07:17 For whom should I reach this battlefield?
07:20 If there too, the thought of Allah is lost, then you are gone.
07:24 In the intense and intense calls, in your intentions, in your passion, who should it be?
07:30 Allah.
07:32 There too, Allah has not forgiven him.
07:35 So, the words of the companions and the followers are present under this verse.
07:40 They say that when Allah is saying in the battlefield that do Zikr of me,
07:44 then the one who is reading and listening, tell me where will Zikrullah be forgiven?
07:49 Then, in the moments of life, in the nights and the days, this Zikr should be included.
07:55 And then, the care that you will see in the Quran,
07:58 "Fazkuruni azkurkum"
08:00 You remember me, I will remember you.
08:04 You remember me, I will remember you.
08:07 What a beautiful style.
08:09 Meaning, the non-Muslims, they have been removed from the middle.
08:14 You talk about me, I will talk about you.
08:17 How beautiful is this style of the Quran,
08:20 that through Zikrullah, how it is connecting the person.
08:26 And at one place, it is said,
08:28 "Wa la zikrullahi akbar"
08:31 Allah's Zikr is a great thing.
08:34 What is the greatest thing?
08:36 It is Allah's Zikr.
08:38 You are praying, it is Zikrullah.
08:40 You are fasting, it is Zikrullah.
08:42 Whatever good deed you do, what is the basis of it?
08:46 It is Zikrullah.
08:48 So, Allah's Zikr is a great thing.
08:50 In this style, the Quran has brought Zikrullah.
08:54 So, the benefits and benefits of it,
08:59 that the Prophet (PBUH) used to say different Tasbeehat,
09:03 different words,
09:06 the benefits of it are found in the Ahadith.
09:11 All of it is the explanation of these verses of the Quran.
09:14 You see, at one place it is said,
09:16 "Ala bi zikrillahi tatmainul quloob"
09:20 The heart finds peace through Allah's Zikr.
09:23 You tell me, isn't the greatest blessing in the world,
09:27 the peace of the heart?
09:30 Where will that come from?
09:31 It will come from Zikrullah.
09:33 Zikrullah is the only source of satisfaction in the heart.
09:37 And when there is satisfaction in the heart,
09:39 then fear is removed.
09:42 Sorrow is removed.
09:44 And this is the place where the Quran says,
09:46 "Ala inna awliya'allahi la khawfun 'alayhim wala hum yahdanoon"
09:51 That there is no fear or sorrow on the saints.
09:53 Then what is there?
09:54 There is peace.
09:55 So, where does peace come from?
09:56 "Bi zikrillah"
09:58 It comes from Allah's Zikr.
10:00 This is the Zikr that makes a person righteous.
10:04 This is the Zikr that makes a person a saint.
10:07 This is the Zikr that makes a person close to Allah.
10:12 It makes a person a human.
10:14 And this is the Zikr that makes a person blessed and happy.
10:19 This is the Zikr that makes a person beautiful in all its aspects.
10:27 This is the Zikr that introduces a person's qualities to his servitude.
10:34 Because a person announces, "Allah is the Greatest, He is the Greatest, I am very small."
10:41 "SubhanAllah, He is the Purest, I am full of flaws."
10:45 "He is the Perfect, I am weak and weak."
10:48 This is the Zikr that introduces a person to his God.
10:54 "Man arafa nafsahu faqad arafa rabbahu"
10:58 That the one who introduces himself to his God,
11:00 he introduces himself to his God.
11:02 So this Zikr introduces a person to his God with the knowledge of his self.
11:08 This is why the Holy Quran has mentioned this with great care.
11:14 And here too we see in verse 41 how much it is emphasized.
11:19 "Uzkurullah zikran kaseera"
11:22 And here the point is not finished.
11:24 "Wa sabihuhu bukratan waseela"
11:27 "And state his Tasbeeh"
11:30 "Morning and evening"
11:32 Again it is emphasized.
11:34 After Zikr, Tasbeeh.
11:36 You can also say it like this,
11:39 that there is a way to say that these are the qualities of Allah.
11:46 And Tasbeeh means that he is free from all these flaws.
11:52 We can keep on mentioning all the flaws.
11:55 So this is what both the people have to do.
11:58 That they have to say that Allah is the greatest.
12:02 And they have to say that Allah is free from all these flaws.
12:07 The Holy Quran has said this.
12:09 Or you can see that the Jews said this,
12:13 "Innallaha faqeerun wa nahnu agniya"
12:17 That Allah is poor and we are rich.
12:20 See, who did they connect the flaw of poverty with?
12:23 They connected it with Allah.
12:25 So we have to say this Tasbeeh.
12:28 He is not poor.
12:30 He is selfless.
12:32 He is rich.
12:34 And whoever connects with him becomes rich.
12:37 So you are mentioning these flaws for Allah.
12:39 So mentioning Allah and accepting Allah as pure from all flaws,
12:45 makes a person perfect.
12:47 This is the right way of Zikr that a person should do.
12:51 And if you mention morning and evening,
12:53 then in the Holy Quran, in other places,
12:55 in the morning and evening,
12:57 there are times where five prayers are mentioned.
13:00 That is the example of Tasbeeh.
13:02 That in the morning and evening, you should do Tasbeeh of Allah.
13:05 After waking up, you should do Fajr prayer.
13:07 And before sleeping, you should do Isha prayer.
13:09 So this is the morning and evening.
13:11 All the times are mentioned.
13:13 So Allah says, "Remember Me in every moment of yours."
13:17 And in the morning and evening,
13:19 when there are specific times,
13:21 when there are such times,
13:23 I call you to me.
13:25 And I say, "Now you are completely mine."
13:28 Now you cannot talk to anyone.
13:33 You cannot eat, drink, look at the mirror.
13:37 You cannot think of anyone else.
13:40 You should think of Me.
13:42 You should focus on Me.
13:44 In the morning and evening, you should do Tasbeeh of Me.
13:47 In the morning and evening, you should do Sajda to Me.
13:50 In the morning and evening, you should do Ruku to Me.
13:53 So these are very comprehensive verses
13:56 to mention the remembrance of Allah.
13:59 And someone said to Hazrat Data Ali Hajweri,
14:05 that how often do you remember Allah?
14:08 He said, "I have never forgotten."
14:11 Either he should do what he has forgotten.
14:15 I have never forgotten.
14:17 The way the religious scholars make the breath of every breath
14:22 become a habit,
14:24 that if the tongue is silent, then the breath should make the mention.
14:27 And you should feel its fragrance,
14:29 that my breath is also making the mention.
14:32 And more than this, the heartbeats,
14:34 the sound of Allah in those heartbeats,
14:37 should be heard in your ears.
14:39 The religious scholars have made a lot of effort
14:42 to make your tongue, your eyes, your heart, your breath
14:47 become a habit.
14:49 Why have they done this?
14:51 Because it is a great emphasis.
14:52 "Remember Allah often, and glorify Him often."
14:57 This is the foundation
15:00 to make a relationship with Allah.
15:04 Now, the next verses,
15:07 in terms of the glory of the revelation,
15:10 where we find the mention of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (R.A)
15:15 is that when Hazrat Anas (R.A)
15:20 narrated this hadith,
15:22 that when the verse of Durood was revealed to Prophet (PBUH)
15:26 The Surah we are reading, Surah Al-Ahzab,
15:29 the verse of Durood is also a part of it.
15:31 We are in the same Surah.
15:33 And the verse of Khatam-e-Nubuwat is also a part of Surah Al-Ahzab.
15:39 This Surah is a very glorious verse in the Quran.
15:43 In verse number 40, you see,
15:45 "Khataman Nabiyeen"
15:46 and the verse of Durood is in this.
15:48 And the qualities of Prophet (PBUH)
15:51 will be found in this.
15:54 "Laqad kana lakum fee Rasoolillah"
15:57 You will find the biography in this.
15:59 The status of the wives of the holy ones,
16:02 the status of the mothers in the Quran,
16:05 you will find that in this.
16:07 The commandments given to the sons of the Prophet (PBUH)
16:10 and the wives of the Prophet (PBUH)
16:12 in relation to the purdah,
16:13 you will find that in this Surah.
16:15 This is a very colorful Surah.
16:16 So the verse of Durood is a part of this.
16:18 So when the verse of Durood was revealed to Prophet (PBUH)
16:21 "Inna Allaha wa mala'ikata hu yusalluna 'alan nabi"
16:26 Allah and His angels send Durood on the Prophet.
16:30 Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (R.A)
16:33 made a wish in the presence of the Prophet (PBUH)
16:36 He said, "O Prophet of Allah (PBUH)
16:40 He bestows His mercy on you.
16:42 He is your Lord, He told us.
16:44 O Prophet of Allah,
16:46 may we also get a part of that mercy.
16:50 May we also get a part of that mercy.
16:53 What a great thing is this of Siddiq-e-Akbar.
16:56 At this stage, we should understand that
16:59 the companions of the Prophet (PBUH)
17:02 who reached the threshold of the Prophet (PBUH)
17:05 and the things that they presented to him
17:08 through their wishes and questions
17:11 were a blessing upon the whole Ummah.
17:14 They were a blessing upon the whole Ummah.
17:16 They became his first pillar.
17:18 They became his cause.
17:20 They became his means.
17:22 Whether or not anyone mentions them until the end,
17:25 Allah Himself has declared in the Quran
17:28 that I am pleased with them.
17:30 When Allah is pleased with them,
17:32 then if someone says that I am not pleased,
17:34 then who are you?
17:36 Allah is pleased with them.
17:38 Similarly, when the Quran was revealed
17:42 upon their advice,
17:44 when the Quran was revealed upon their request,
17:47 when the verses of the Quran were revealed
17:50 upon their request,
17:52 then tell me how their rewards,
17:55 their status, their greatness
17:58 will continue till the Day of Judgment.
18:01 These verses like the Quran
18:03 will remain till the Day of Judgment.
18:05 The remembrance of the companions of the Prophet
18:07 will remain till the Day of Judgment.
18:09 Whoever reads it with justice
18:11 cannot read the Quran without
18:13 the remembrance of the companions of the Prophet.
18:16 They will come to the threshold of the Prophet.
18:19 They will come to the commentary of the Quran.
18:22 They will come as a character of the Quran.
18:25 They will come as a reference of the Quran.
18:27 But they will come.
18:29 You see in these verses that
18:31 the verse of Durood was revealed.
18:33 For the believers,
18:35 Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (R) says,
18:37 O Messenger of Allah,
18:39 this revelation of mercy upon you,
18:41 may we receive some rewards
18:43 because of you.
18:45 May we receive some mercy
18:47 from you.
18:49 When he said this,
18:51 the Lord of the Universe revealed these verses.
18:54 Who is the reason and the glory
18:56 of the revelation of these verses?
18:59 Abu Bakr Siddiq (R)
19:02 So what is Allah saying?
19:04 He is the One who sends down mercy upon you.
19:11 Who is the addressee of 'Alaikum'?
19:14 The believers.
19:16 And the first addressee is the companions.
19:18 So the word 'Yusalluna'
19:20 is in the verse of Durood.
19:22 That Allah sends down mercy.
19:24 And the same word and the same phrase
19:27 Allah has mentioned for the believers
19:30 who have mentioned it for their Prophet.
19:32 'Yusalluna' is there and 'Yusalli' is here.
19:36 O believers, Allah sends down His mercy upon you.
19:40 He sends down the reward of the Prophet.
19:44 He sends down the reward of Abu Bakr.
19:47 He sends down upon the request of Abu Bakr.
19:50 'Yusalli alaikum wa malaikatuhu'
19:54 Angels also pray for you.
19:58 Allahu Akbar.
20:00 You can see the glory of the believers in this.
20:04 You see the style of addressing.
20:07 You see how much mercy has been given to us
20:09 by the reward of the Prophet.
20:11 'Yusalli alaikum'
20:15 If a person keeps on reading this
20:17 by adding 'Yusalluna' to the word of the Prophet
20:19 then he will keep on crying all his life
20:21 because of this happiness.
20:23 Where has Allah sent us?
20:25 How much mercy has been given to us
20:27 by the reward of the Prophet.
20:30 And the reason and the means in between
20:32 is Abu Bakr.
20:34 'Yusalli alaikum wa malaikatuhu'
20:38 He sends down upon you mercy.
20:41 'Wa malaikatuhu'
20:42 His angels also.
20:43 'Liyukhrijakum minaz zulmaati ilal noor'
20:46 Why?
20:47 So that He can remove you from the darkness
20:49 and make you enter the light.
20:51 'Andhere chhat jaye, roshni ka bol bala'
20:55 Let the darkness be removed, and the light be brought forth.
20:57 Let me tell you a strange thing here.
21:00 'Zulmaat' is the plural of 'zulmat'.
21:04 'Zulmat' means darkness.
21:06 'Zulmaat' means darkness.
21:08 The Quran has mentioned the plural of 'zulmat'.
21:13 'Zulmaat' means darkness.
21:17 'Gumraahiyan' means misguidance.
21:21 There are many misguidances.
21:23 Just look at it.
21:24 There are so many misguidances.
21:27 So many types of misguidances.
21:30 So many types of misguidances.
21:32 There are many.
21:34 But the Quran has not mentioned the plural of 'noor'.
21:38 When the word 'noor' is mentioned in the Quran,
21:40 it is the singular.
21:43 It is the same in Surah Baqarah.
21:45 And here too,
21:47 'Yayyalyukhrijakum minaz zulmaati ilal noor'
21:50 Why has Allah chosen this style?
21:52 Allah wants to tell us that
21:54 no matter how many types of darkness there are,
21:57 one light is enough for them.
22:03 One light is enough.
22:05 Once it is lit,
22:07 then how many darknesses will you bring?
22:11 Keep bringing.
22:13 The light that is in the form of the light of the Prophet,
22:18 the light that is in the form of the Quran,
22:21 that is enough.
22:23 That is enough for you.
22:24 You don't need any new light.
22:27 People are born new.
22:29 Scholars say that they have brought a new thought.
22:33 They have learnt a new thing that has not come from anywhere in 1400 years.
22:36 Follow this.
22:38 No, we don't need any light.
22:41 Because our Prophet is himself Siraj-e-Muneer.
22:45 This is the same in the next verse.
22:47 'Yayyun nabiyunna arsalna ka shahida hu'
22:50 'Wa da'iyan ilal laahi bi-idni wa siraj-an muneera'
22:53 And after the mention of the end of Prophethood,
22:56 it is very important to say that the Prophet is Siraj-e-Muneer.
22:59 'O tyrants, when the Prophet is Siraj-e-Muneer,
23:04 why do you seek light after him?'
23:07 When the Prophet is Siraj-e-Muneer,
23:12 then why do you light your candles in the day?
23:19 The Prophet has come, the matter is over.
23:21 There is no need for it.
23:23 So, the basic blessing that Allah gave to the believers was that
23:28 'li yukhrijakum minaz zulumati ilal noor'
23:31 He took you out of the darkness and brought you to the light.
23:34 We are going to a break for a while.
23:38 Stay with us.
23:39 Welcome back, viewers.
23:40 I say that in this world,
23:42 those who are in the light and those who are in the mercy of Allah,
23:46 along with them are the prayers of Abu Bakr Siddiq.
23:50 He got it.
23:53 He got it from his Prophet.
23:56 He made it a part of the Quran.
23:59 He made it clear.
24:02 'Those who are going to follow the path of my Prophet,
24:06 take these blessings.
24:08 We saw the Prophet.
24:11 We found this light.
24:13 We will give you its rays.'
24:15 What generosity!
24:16 I say that where the Quran has mentioned the generosity of his wealth,
24:20 Allah has mentioned the generosity of Abu Bakr's light.
24:25 This has become the status of the believers.
24:28 'He sends blessings upon you and his angels
24:31 to take you out of darkness and to the light.
24:34 He is Merciful to the believers.'
24:36 Allah is the Merciful.
24:39 He is Merciful.
24:40 At every stage,
24:41 His mercy to His servants is very perfect.
24:45 He is very kind to you.
24:47 Where you cannot reach,
24:49 your thoughts and your consciousness cannot reach,
24:52 He is Merciful to you.
24:54 He is Merciful to you.
24:55 He knows when you were in the womb,
24:58 what kind of mercy you needed.
25:00 When you were born,
25:01 what kind of mercy you needed.
25:03 When you were in the stage of drinking milk,
25:06 what kind of mercy you needed.
25:08 You are just living in this world
25:11 and His mercy is shadowing you.
25:13 His mercy is shadowing you.
25:15 He is taking care of you at every stage.
25:18 So if someone says something like this to Allah,
25:20 like Abu Bakr said,
25:23 'Come, I will take you out of darkness.'
25:24 Allah likes this.
25:26 'The one who asks for my mercy has come.'
25:29 Here, this point is very worth noticing.
25:32 The desire from the heart of a truthful person
25:35 is accepted.
25:38 You see,
25:39 this was the desire of Abu Bakr Siddiq,
25:42 the heart of a truthful person.
25:45 If this was not the desire of a truthful person,
25:48 then the Quran would never have been made.
25:51 If it has been completed,
25:53 then this is the confirmation of the desire of a truthful person
25:57 from Allah,
25:58 that the heart of a truthful person is also truthful.
26:02 His intention is also truthful.
26:05 His heart is also truthful.
26:06 He is truthful.
26:07 He is truthful in his speech,
26:09 he is truthful in his thinking,
26:10 he is truthful in his intention.
26:12 This is the sincerity of Abu Bakr Siddiq,
26:16 which you have always shown.
26:19 So today, this is a big lesson for us.
26:22 No matter how difficult your situation is,
26:25 the desire you have from Allah,
26:26 which you have made from your truthful heart,
26:28 the truthfulness of your heart,
26:30 whatever you have said to Allah,
26:34 if the heart is truthful in that,
26:36 the desire is truthful,
26:37 then it will be accepted.
26:39 You just have to come to this stage,
26:42 and reach this level.
26:44 The glory of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (ra)
26:48 is seen here very clearly.
26:51 And if we look at the verses,
26:54 the commandment of Allah's remembrance,
26:57 the remembrance of the Tasbih,
26:59 the mention of the descent of mercy,
27:01 in all these verses,
27:03 Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (ra)
27:06 has a unique character.
27:08 We should learn from him as well.
27:11 Because he was the one who was the Zakir
27:13 of Allah and his Prophet.
27:15 His food was the remembrance of the Prophet
27:18 and Allah.
27:20 He used to look at the Prophet,
27:22 this is mentioned in the Hadith,
27:24 he used to say,
27:25 O Prophet of Allah,
27:27 I have seen you,
27:28 now there is no need to eat anything.
27:30 Now there is no need to drink anything.
27:32 He used to look at the Prophet
27:34 and walk around.
27:35 He used to see the Prophet.
27:37 So the remembrance of Allah and his Prophet,
27:40 he has done it,
27:41 with his eyes, ears, heart.
27:44 That is why the Prophet said,
27:47 that the status of Abu Bakr,
27:49 is not from his outward appearance,
27:51 from his prayers.
27:52 The status of Abu Bakr is from his heart.
27:55 The status at which Abu Bakr,
27:57 this is what the Prophet said,
27:58 the status at which Abu Bakr's heart is,
28:00 Allah has given him this status,
28:02 because of his heart.
28:04 So this,
28:05 his Zikr,
28:06 this became a spiritual state.
28:09 Secondly,
28:10 the recitation he did,
28:12 the prayers he offered,
28:14 the Zikr he did of Allah,
28:16 when he recited the Quran,
28:19 the disbelievers of Mecca,
28:21 those who were hard hearted,
28:23 who did not believe in the Prophet,
28:25 they also felt the attraction,
28:28 and they would come and stand up,
28:30 and they would come and listen to the recitation.
28:32 And the softness that has been created in the hearts of so many people,
28:36 that has been created by the Zikr of Abu Bakr.
28:39 The hearts of so many people,
28:40 who have turned towards the Quran,
28:42 that has been created by the recitation of Abu Bakr.
28:45 So his crying at night,
28:49 the recitation of Allah,
28:51 and his saying to Allah,
28:53 that I am nothing,
28:55 I am just a drop,
28:56 and nothing is asked of me.
28:58 This humility,
29:00 this Zikr,
29:01 we should also keep in mind in these verses,
29:04 that how the companions of the Prophet,
29:06 did the Zikr of Allah,
29:08 how they offered the prayers,
29:10 how they became pillars in the prayers,
29:13 how they used to spend,
29:16 so there was a place for them to spend in the presence of Allah,
29:20 that Allah used to spend,
29:23 Hazrat Abu Bakr spent,
29:26 the world objected to him,
29:28 that he has bought Hazrat Bilal,
29:30 Allah has confirmed that,
29:32 no,
29:33 Siddique is true,
29:34 the ones who put allegations are liars.
29:36 So what was that?
29:37 It was an action.
29:38 So that action,
29:40 the remembrance of Allah,
29:41 that status of that,
29:43 in the whole Quran,
29:44 we see from the being of Hazrat Abu Bakr,
29:49 that how a person should be the Zakir of Allah.
29:52 Then it is said,
29:54 the last verse of the Quran,
29:55 at this stage,
29:57 Allah has said that,
29:59 that Allah has taken them towards the light from darkness,
30:02 it is a big thing that,
30:04 a person should be firm on this light,
30:06 today we are talking about it,
30:08 so to be firm on that light,
30:10 has become a big challenge,
30:12 because darkness is being seen to be overwhelming,
30:15 and light,
30:16 because we have weakened our faith by our actions,
30:20 that light is like a tree,
30:22 but we have made it so overwhelming,
30:27 that it seems like darkness has increased.
30:32 So that is why,
30:33 this verse,
30:34 the word light,
30:36 that is mentioned in the Quran,
30:38 it draws our attention to,
30:40 how bright is your heart,
30:43 how bright is the light of your heart,
30:46 is it flickering,
30:48 or has it become a strong light,
30:54 a strong minaret of light,
30:57 that not only in your heart,
30:59 but it is also illuminating your surroundings,
31:05 that is its qualities,
31:07 if this light becomes strong and bright,
31:10 as you see,
31:11 for the elders of the religion,
31:13 we say that when India came,
31:14 lakhs of people became Muslims,
31:16 how many lights can be lit by one person,
31:19 because their guidance was very strong,
31:23 so if this becomes strong,
31:25 then it illuminates the whole world,
31:29 one light,
31:30 Hazrat Ibrahim was alone,
31:32 Allah said,
31:33 "Indeed, Ibrahim was a nation."
31:34 Ibrahim is not an individual,
31:36 he was a nation,
31:38 one light was enough,
31:40 one light is enough,
31:42 all darkness is gone,
31:45 and if this becomes weak,
31:47 then a person himself becomes in darkness,
31:50 it is important to understand in these verses,
31:52 that the darkness should end,
31:54 and the light should be illuminated,
31:56 the last verse,
31:57 "Tahiyyatuhum"
31:58 there are good wishes in every culture,
32:02 we say some good words,
32:05 we exchange,
32:07 we say Tahiyyat to that,
32:10 the initial words we give to someone,
32:12 or we say something,
32:14 Allah says,
32:15 when you meet Allah,
32:17 when you meet Allah,
32:18 what will be the initial words?
32:20 "Salam"
32:24 Now the question is,
32:25 when will we meet Allah?
32:27 When will we meet?
32:29 Abdullah Ibn Masood says,
32:32 when the time of death of a person comes,
32:35 this will be the first time when we meet Allah,
32:39 so he says,
32:40 when the eyes of a believer are closed,
32:44 the angel comes to him,
32:46 saying Salam,
32:48 Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Masood says,
32:51 he is given Salam,
32:53 "Assalamu Alaikum"
32:55 "Peace be upon you"
32:57 "Come, let us take you to Allah"
32:59 "Ya ayyatuhan nafsul mutma'inna"
33:01 "irji'i ila rabbiki raadi'atam mardiya"
33:04 "fadkhuli fee ibadi, wadkhuli jannati"
33:08 "Tahiyyatuhum yawma yalqauna hu salam"
33:12 When the eyes are closed,
33:14 Salam is said,
33:16 and the second sign of meeting Allah is,
33:19 entering the grave,
33:21 when you enter the grave,
33:23 Salam,
33:24 the third sign is,
33:25 when you are in the field of judgement,
33:28 the angels will still be saying Salam to the believers,
33:32 and the fourth sign is,
33:34 when they go to heaven,
33:36 they will still be greeted with Salam,
33:39 Salam is the attribute of the Lord,
33:42 and the meaning of Salam is,
33:44 peace,
33:45 so the one who has kept faith safe,
33:48 then he is greeted with Salam,
33:50 "Assalamu Alaikum"
33:52 In different verses and maqams of the Holy Quran,
33:55 the words of Salam,
33:57 that when they reach heaven,
33:59 the angels will say,
34:00 "Assalamu Alaikum"
34:01 "Tibtum fadkhuluha khalideen"
34:03 So this Salam,
34:06 is when the person is safe from Allah,
34:09 so these are beautiful sentences,
34:12 that when meeting Allah,
34:14 the Tahiyyat will be presented,
34:16 "Come, I greet you"
34:18 "Salamun Qawlam Mir Rabbir Rahim"
34:21 "Wa Amtaazul Yauma Ayyuhal Mujrimoon"
34:24 The criminals will be separated,
34:26 and the believers will be greeted,
34:29 "Fi Maqadi Sidqin 'Inda Malikim Muqtadir"
34:32 "Malik-ul Muqtadir"
34:34 The king will be seated,
34:36 and the Salam will be presented.
34:39 So this is a beautiful verse,
34:41 that the Tahiyyat will be presented,
34:45 and Allah says,
34:47 that He is preparing a reward for them.
34:49 There are also situations of rewards,
34:51 and the reward is,
34:53 is it a blessing or a special act,
34:55 that special act of Allah.
34:57 So it is a special act,
34:59 and it is a special act,
35:01 and it is a special act of Allah.
35:03 So this is how the status of a person is decided.
35:06 If we give someone a reward,
35:08 then what is the status of that reward.
35:10 So the sign of the reward is,
35:12 that the status and reward of the person,
35:15 will determine how great he is,
35:18 and how great he is,
35:20 and how great are the people,
35:22 who have attained the Zikr,
35:24 Tasbeeh, Noor and Tahiyyat.
35:26 Allah is praying for us,
35:28 that He will bless us all,
35:30 with the blessings of these verses.
35:33 The Dars has reached its conclusion,
35:35 if anyone has any questions.
35:37 The tongue of Siddique Akbar,
35:39 and the tongue of Farooq Azam,
35:41 what is the matter,
35:43 that in their blessed words,
35:45 the Holy Quran is being revealed.
35:47 You have said a beautiful thing,
35:49 that you have said,
35:51 "Wa la zikrullahi Akbar"
35:53 So, is the Zikr of Siddique Akbar,
35:55 may Allah be pleased with him,
35:57 one of the Zikr of Allah Akbar?
35:59 The Zikr of Allah's pious servants,
36:04 is mentioned in the Holy Quran,
36:06 as we have read another verse,
36:08 with this Zikr,
36:10 "Fazkuruni azkurkum"
36:13 "You do my Zikr,
36:15 and I will do your Zikr"
36:17 So, this means,
36:19 that Allah certainly,
36:21 does the Zikr of His servants.
36:24 He has said this Himself.
36:26 In what way does He do the Zikr?
36:28 It is very clear,
36:30 that till the Day of Judgment,
36:32 the Zikr of Allah,
36:34 is being preserved.
36:36 And we are narrating this from the Quran.
36:38 See, this is a beautiful attempt
36:40 of RYEQ TV,
36:42 that the Quran is revealing,
36:44 the character of Siddique Akbar.
36:46 So, Allah is mentioning him.
36:48 Allah says about him,
36:50 "Innal muslimeena wal muslimati wal momineena wal mominati
36:54 wal qaniteena wal qanitati
36:56 wal sadiqueena wal sadiqati
36:58 wal sabireena wal sabirati
37:00 wal khashieena wal khashiyati
37:02 wal mutasaddiqeena wal mutasaddiqati
37:05 wal saimina wal saimati
37:07 wal hafizina furujahum
37:09 wal hafizina wal zakireena
37:11 Allaha kaseeran wal zakirat"
37:13 So, who is telling us about these many qualities?
37:16 Allah is telling us.
37:18 Allah is mentioning them.
37:20 And it is obvious,
37:22 that the status of Siddique Akbar
37:24 is as much as he is worthy of being mentioned
37:26 in the creation.
37:28 So, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (R.A)
37:30 is Siddique Akbar in his own self.
37:33 So, when he was mentioned,
37:35 Allah made him the greatest
37:37 in the mention of him.
37:39 So, Alhamdulillah,
37:41 this became our belief,
37:43 that Badr Rasool is the greatest.
37:46 So, this is his mention,
37:48 that he became the greatest in this mention.
37:50 So, this can be said.
37:52 It is a blessing.
37:54 [Questioner] Hazrat,
37:56 is Zikr the yeast of this universe?
38:00 Is there a connection between
38:02 the servant and the Lord?
38:04 And is the yeast of this universe
38:06 the relation between the Lord and the servant?
38:09 Is it based on Zikr?
38:11 [Hazrat Ali] You have asked a very beautiful question.
38:14 You have said a very good thing,
38:16 that the yeast of the universe
38:18 is based on Zikr Allah.
38:20 And it is so.
38:22 As it was mentioned,
38:24 that as long as there is one
38:26 Zikr-doer in the universe,
38:28 who says La Ilaha Illa Allah,
38:30 then the Day of Judgment will not be established.
38:32 This means that when there is no Zikr-doer,
38:34 who is Zakir,
38:36 then the universe will not exist.
38:38 You have said a very beautiful thing,
38:40 that the system of this universe
38:42 is based on Zikr Allah.
38:44 And this is a different thing,
38:46 that the relation between the servant and the Lord
38:50 is also based on this.
38:52 If you remember him,
38:54 then you will pray,
38:56 if you remember him,
38:58 then you will do good,
39:00 if you remember him,
39:02 then you will do good.
39:04 If you don't remember him,
39:06 then you don't do good.
39:08 So, it is like this,
39:10 that the reality of this universe
39:12 is Zikr Allah.
39:14 May Allah bless us with His blessings.
39:16 And we send our greetings to
39:18 Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (R.A)
39:20 who opened the doors of mercy for us.
39:22 May Allah reward him with goodness.
39:24 And may Allah reward us
39:26 with His blessings.
39:28 Wa Ma 'Alaina Illa Al-Bala.
39:30 O Beloved of Allah,
39:32 Siddiq-e-Akbar.
39:34 Sadaqah by
39:36 Siddiq-e-Akbar.
39:38 Sadaqah by Siddiq-e-Akbar.
