Plus de 60 obus tirés par la Corée du Nord près de Yeonpyeong.

  • 8 months ago
Après avoir tiré plus de 200 obus en mer Jaune vendredi, Pyongyang a procédé au tir de plusieurs dizaines de nouveaux obus samedi près de l'île sud-coréenne de Yeonpyeong, selon Séoul.
L'info en continu
Infos, news & actualités - L'information internationale en direct.
00:00 After firing more than 200 shells at sea on Friday, Pyongyang has proceeded to fire
00:05 several dozen new shells Saturday near the South Korean island of Yeongpyeong, according
00:09 to Seoul.
00:10 "Our army will take the appropriate measures to safeguard the country," the South Korean
00:15 State Majority Leader warned.
00:16 More than 60 shells were fired Saturday, January 6, by North Korea near the South Korean island
00:22 of Yeongpyeong, the South Korean army announced.
00:24 Shots that occurred the day after a Pyongyang first salvo, which had triggered Seoul's
00:30 re-enforcement with a real-life ammunition exercise in the region.
00:33 North Korean forces fired more than 60 shells near the island of Yeongpyeong between 4 p.m.
00:39 and 5 p.m. approximately, 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. between GMT, the South Korean army's
00:45 state majority leader declared, putting Pyongyang on guard against a pursuit of these shots.
00:50 Friday, North Korea had fired more than 200 yellow shells near the two South Korean islands
00:55 of Yeongpyeong and Bangyeong, located just south of the de facto maritime border between
01:00 the two countries.
01:01 Yeongpyeong, which has about 2,000 inhabitants, is located about 115 km west of Seoul and
01:08 about 10 km south of the North Korean coast.
01:10 Also very close to North Korea, Bangyeong, 4,900 inhabitants, is located about 210 km
01:18 west of the South Korean capital.
01:21 Friday's shots had done neither victim nor damage, according to Seoul.
01:25 Inhabitants had been ordered to join the ferries and services connecting the islands
01:30 to the rest of South Korea had been suspended.
