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Encryption Algorithm: A mathematical formula acts as a scrambling machine, transforming plain text (plaintext) into encrypted text (ciphertext).
Encryption Key: This secret key, like a unique password, unlocks the encryption process. Only those with the key can decipher the message.
Decryption: The reverse process, using the key to restore the original plaintext.
Types of Encryption:
Symmetric Encryption: Same key for both encryption and decryption, like a shared secret between sender and recipient.
Example: AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), used for secure file storage and communication.
Asymmetric Encryption: Two keys, a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption, ensuring confidentiality even when sharing the public key widely.
Example: RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman), used for secure email and digital signatures.
Common Uses of Encryption:

Secure Online Transactions: Protecting your credit card information during online shopping.
Protecting Sensitive Data: Securing medical records, financial documents, and personal communications.
Secure Communications: Ensuring privacy for email, messaging apps, and video calls.
Safeguarding Passwords: Storing passwords in an encrypted format to prevent theft.
Protecting Digital Files: Preventing unauthorized access to sensitive files on computers and devices.
Defense Against Cyberattacks: Thwarting hackers and protecting sensitive information from data breaches.

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