Dyche: VAR testing my patience after Calvert-Lewin red in cup stalemate

  • 8 months ago
Dyche: VAR testing my patience after Calvert-Lewin red in cup stalemate
00:00 A lot from the mentality once again, I think, after a tough one to bounce out of it and get back to our performance levels, which bring us to that.
00:09 And it had been a lot of the season. I said we set miles off it against Dillard and we did last week, but I thought there was reasons for it.
00:15 I thought it was on show, the reasons I mentioned, because I thought we really took the game up.
00:20 Came here, right mentality, right performance level.
00:23 Didn't find the killer moment, but enough to have won the game.
00:27 But we didn't find it quite obviously.
00:32 Yeah, hopefully he's calm in the dressing room, which is always a sign.
00:36 You know, you do worry when there's that many people around it, but hopefully he's calm, which is, like I say, it's usually a positive sign.
00:42 We'll obviously get it checked out in the next 24, 48 hours.
00:48 I don't know. I haven't seen it back.
00:50 It's an ankle, though. That's clear.
00:52 But I haven't seen the instant back.
00:57 What did you make of the red card?
01:00 I just think it's in a peculiar place, and I'll try and explain myself.
01:05 If you slow anything down of that nature, it's going to look a lot worse.
01:08 So that live, when you see it live, I've seen it both, of course, it doesn't look that bad.
01:13 You slow it down and it's high, but there's minimal contact.
01:17 You know, the player, and I know you can't judge a player, but it's certainly not that type of player.
01:22 That's for sure.
01:24 And then you go, right, OK, live, the ref gives nothing, lets the game go on.
01:27 Then, of course, it's pulled back.
01:29 Then you go, right, let's start slowing it down.
01:31 Now, the bigger picture point for me is, Beto clearly gets pulled to the floor with two arms around his waist at the end of the game.
01:38 So why don't they slow-mo that?
01:40 Because if it's the same, I've seen the slow-mo.
01:42 So when the slow-mo happens and the ball drops in front of them, their player's got two arms around his waist.
01:46 And what they'll say again is, they'll go, yeah, but if you look at it live, he doesn't hold on for him long enough.
01:51 I bet you that'll be the feedback.
01:53 They go, well, if you look at that live, you go, yeah, it's not that bad.
01:56 So it's, you know, what's the parity?
01:59 And we all know the penalty thing, you know, you try and get on the end of someone's toe and they go down and that's OK.
02:04 But you grab someone around their waist and apparently that's not.
02:06 So I think, you know, if you're going to start slowing everything down, then you've got to have parity.
02:10 You've got to go, well, if you slow that down and freeze for a bit, that's a penalty.
02:14 Do you think there's a pressure on referees as well when they go over?
02:16 They're called over to look at the screen.
02:17 Oh, don't, don't, don't, don't even.
02:21 I have no clue what that's there for.
02:23 Every fan, I hope, I'm not just speaking for myself,
02:26 but mostly every fan out there go, what is the point?
02:28 We all know the outcome.
02:29 The outcome is going to be they agree with everything that's been told.
02:33 Unless someone can tell me ten instances that aren't, I can't hardly, in fact, I can't think of one.
02:38 I don't know what the stats are.
02:40 Some of you guys are working out, someone will.
02:43 The chance of someone getting turned over are minuscule.
02:46 So what do you bother?
02:47 As a fan, we know what's going to happen.
02:49 Can we just get on with the game?
02:51 And then afterwards, we might debate it.
02:53 But what's the point in doing it there?
02:54 And I can't say, unless you are going to change it, if you're going to stand up and go, no, I'm sticking with my original.
03:00 We've had all sorts already, by the way.
03:02 You know, VR moments when you go, how is that?
03:04 And then they go, well, explain it afterwards.
03:07 And you just go, well, where does it live?
03:10 Martial at home to us at Penoy.
03:12 You can clearly see his legs are collapsing before there's any contact.
03:15 But then they go, yeah, but there was a contact.
03:16 And then you go, well, like I said, if you slow down everything, you're going to find what you're looking for.
03:20 Anyways, look, I'm not a fan of VR, but I just don't get all this delaying and looking at the screen.
03:26 And I just don't get it.
03:27 It's a minuscule chance they turn it over.
03:30 Do you think VR has gone beyond its intended purpose though?
03:34 Because we're still talking about clear and obvious where it was brought in.
03:38 It seems from this perspective that the bar's getting lower and lower and lower.
03:43 It seems a bit confused at the moment.
03:44 I'm a fan, but I agree.
03:46 I think we're unsure.
03:49 We've had a number this season that I don't know others have.
03:52 And you go, well, which ones do refereeing?
03:54 You know, we've had them get nothing and then suddenly it's pulled back.
03:56 All of that sort of stuff.
03:58 I think that's what you suggested.
03:59 Who's refereeing who?
04:00 I said recently we had another one.
04:01 I said, I don't know who's refereeing which.
04:04 I am a fan.
04:06 I think it definitely, I think we're all aware it needs tidying up.
04:10 For whatever reason, I thought it was getting tidied up.
04:12 And then it seems to have stepped back a little bit.
04:16 I remain a fan at this stage, but it is beginning to test my patience even.
04:20 Because I look at it from the obvious offside, which I think is fair.
04:23 That should be there.
04:24 Some of the others, I'm going, well, what's got a chance now of being let play?
04:28 And what's got a chance of being called back?
04:30 We don't actually know.
04:31 So we just give a fingers crossed, let them get on the right side of it,
04:33 which we generally haven't.
04:36 Any further questions?
04:39 Yeah.
04:40 No, I wondered if you made any performance of Arnaud,
04:42 Devin Hume, where you felt like he was quite likely to come out?
04:44 Yeah, particularly the first half.
04:46 Excuse me. Particularly the first half.
04:48 We didn't take him off his performance just because he's newish in the side.
04:52 Hasn't had as many minutes.
04:53 And, you know, Jack and Dwight until he went off,
04:56 they've been playing a lot of minutes, Jimmy Garner.
04:57 So the fitness level's more than anything.
04:59 But yeah, he affected the game particularly.
05:01 The game had a great chance and so did we score.
05:04 We want that from him.
05:06 Not just him, I thought Shams affected the game.
05:08 I thought Gilles came in really pleased with Gilles.
05:10 I thought Beto came on and affected the game.
05:12 Andre helped us short up.
05:13 You know, I think the growth in the group mentality,
05:17 that's been my most pleasing thing, I think.
05:19 You know, and even tonight, come off a real tough game and get out there
05:22 in the form straight away like that from the off is really,
05:25 really pleasing about what the group are trying to achieve.
05:27 And backed by an amazing support of 4,000.
05:30 We were coming down here on a Thursday night, which is, they're feeling it as well.
05:34 They're connected with what we're doing and what the club and the history,
05:36 and they're staying strong to it.
05:38 And that's an important factor to keep our fans strong
05:41 at what we're trying to achieve this season.
05:43 We all know the news.
05:44 So, we've got to stay together and I think they're showing that.
05:46 And Crystal Palace is creating hopes on Eze tonight.
05:50 How do you feel you've dealt with him?
05:53 As I said, I mean, their managers speak about Roy,
05:56 but I was really pleased with our performance.
05:58 I thought we dealt with a lot of their side of the game and created enough chances to win.
06:02 But you need that cutting edge and that one wasn't there tonight.
06:07 Any further questions, guys?
06:08 Can I just check, are you going to appeal?
06:12 We'll wait and see. I'll double check the process.
06:15 You know, yet again, it's one of those risk and reward things.
06:17 You go, is it worth it? Is it not worth it?
06:18 The way I don't think anyone knows what's going to happen with these decisions now.
06:22 And certainly tonight was one of them I didn't know.
06:24 I was going, and then after seeing it, I went, you know, where's that left?
06:28 But then you appeal, you know, and they prove it.
06:30 You know, they say, oh, yeah, but there's cutting edge, you know, and all of that sort of stuff.
06:33 So, you go, what was the point in the first place?
06:35 Anyway, we'll see. We'll analyse it.
06:36 We'll get an outside view and then we'll decide.
06:39 Chris, do you have another one?
06:42 Cheers, everyone. Thank you.
06:45 (MURMURS)
