High Voltage Movie (2018) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: After a lightning strike kills the lead singer of a band, she is resurrected with electrifying special abilities.
Director : Alex Keledjian
Writer: Alex Keledjian
Stars: David Arquette, Allie Gonino, Ryan Donowho
Director : Alex Keledjian
Writer: Alex Keledjian
Stars: David Arquette, Allie Gonino, Ryan Donowho
Short filmTranscript
00:00 Once there was a band, three people brought together by music.
00:05 I brought my axe, Rachel brought her golden voice, and Scott brought the tunes.
00:13 I thought maybe my luck had changed.
00:18 It did.
00:20 It got worse.
00:26 She's struck by lightning. Dead for three hours, her mom killed right next to her.
00:31 So you think after that, you take it easy. Wrong.
00:36 You keep death, you don't cash out.
00:39 You double down.
00:42 Lightning did something to her, I'm telling you.
00:44 You never did that before.
00:46 There's a lot of things I've never done before.
00:48 I keep 50% of whatever the band makes, and I want a million in marketing.
00:53 Wow.
00:56 [Lightning strikes]
00:57 Why don't we move somewhere a little bit more private?
01:04 Since she had mental problems, not magical powers.
01:07 [Music]
01:23 [Music fades]
01:25 [Music fades]
01:26 [Music fades]
01:27 [Music fades]
01:29 [Music fades]
01:31 [Music fades]
01:32 [Music fades]