Bubba Ventrone Media Availability January 4 2024

  • 9 months ago
Browns Special Teams Coordinator Bubba Ventrone speaks at the podium on January 4, 2024.
00:10 It was definitely a unique situation.
00:15 Fortunately, we lost and had to use new guys.
00:21 I thought that Brian and Matt did a nice job in the game,
00:25 especially with a short week and not a lot of time to get ready.
00:30 So that was a good thing.
00:33 >> [INAUDIBLE]
00:43 >> Yeah,
00:50 we're gonna have both guys ready to go and we'll see how it goes at the end of the week.
00:54 But Dustin's really day to day and
00:57 we'll make a decision at the end of the week on what coach and AP thinks.
01:03 >> [INAUDIBLE]
01:09 >> Yeah, I mean,
01:10 I feel like sometimes the approval can be a little,
01:15 I would say unfair to a degree.
01:18 I remember back in 2020, when I was in Indianapolis,
01:23 George Odom was clearly the best special teamer in the league.
01:27 Led the league by, I think he had 21 tackles, I think the next best guy had 13,
01:32 maybe, and he wasn't elected to the Pro Bowl.
01:34 But then he was first team All-Pro.
01:37 So I think a lot of times the All-Pro teams are a little bit more,
01:42 I would say, accurate.
01:45 So, but I think clearly Dustin's had the best season in the AFC for
01:51 sure, and probably the second best season overall next to Aubrey in Dallas.
01:59 So, I mean, eight for eight, over 50.
02:04 And in addition to that, I would say the kicks that he's made
02:09 have impacted our team and our season, and have really put us in a spot to have 11.
02:16 So I think when you look at that, not to take anything away from Tucker,
02:23 but he's probably the best kicker of all time.
02:27 Fortunately for me, I think I've coached the most clutch kicker of all time, Vinny.
02:33 And I think Dustin, I'm sorry, I think Justin Tucker's also a good guy.
02:40 >> [COUGH]
02:42 >> So how do you approach this?
02:53 >> Yeah, it's challenging.
02:55 And you don't have as many numbers as you have in a preseason where guys,
03:00 not as many guys are playing, but you have a lot more to work with.
03:04 So as we play more, it'll be great opportunities for
03:09 young players to get more offensive and defensive time.
03:12 And some of those guys will have to go double duty and obviously play kicking.
03:17 And you only have so many guys and bodies to work with.
03:19 So everyone will be ready to play.
03:22 >> [INAUDIBLE]
03:32 >> I think a lot of guys have done a nice job.
03:47 I really do.
03:47 I think if you look at our whole entire core,
03:50 I think everyone we've done a good job of playing collectively together.
03:54 We've definitely had some injuries throughout the way that have forced us
03:59 to go another direction.
04:01 We've had to elevate guys playing games and injuries happen throughout the week.
04:07 And then you have to bring up a guy on a Friday and things like that.
04:09 I think to credit our players, everyone has prepared well.
04:14 And I would say everyone's prepared well and
04:19 preparing like they're gonna play in the game.
04:23 So I think that that's been a good thing for us.
04:25 >> [INAUDIBLE]
04:35 >> Yeah, so I mean,
04:37 things happen in the game.
04:39 And unfortunately, we had a couple of things, a couple of mishaps and
04:44 didn't play to our standard.
04:47 And then you get into the game and
04:49 ideally you would like to not have the kicker chased down the runner there.
04:56 And Anthony kicked in high school, so we thought it was a good option for us.
05:01 And Roy had a little sore there, didn't want him to finish out like that.
05:06 So just made the adjustment in game and I thought our guys responded.
05:11 Actually, I think on the kick that he actually made, he made the tackle.
05:16 Well, that was pretty unique.
05:18 >> [INAUDIBLE]
05:28 >> I know you've seen over the last couple years,
05:31 like Justin Reed kicked for Kansas City last year.
05:36 And then Austin Wall in Houston kicked for them.
05:40 I mean, to me, those guys, they feel, to me,
05:44 just watching those guys kick, I know Smoove Ruger Hill kicked this past week
05:49 in Carolina, to me it actually looks like those guys have had some type of
05:54 history of playing like soccer maybe, even with the way they actually hit the ball.
06:00 Doesn't look like they've never done it before.
06:03 Fortunately for those teams, they have those types of guys.
06:07 Not everyone's gonna have that option or that ability.
06:11 When you have something like that that happens in game,
06:15 the biggest risk is obviously not just the operation, but
06:21 the elevation of the kick, risk getting a block.
06:25 I know that we had a short kick at one point.
06:27 Then we decided not to use because you don't wanna risk a block at that point.
06:35 So, yeah.
06:37 >> Bubba, two things.
06:39 First, with the Hopkins and the hamstring,
06:42 those soft tissue injuries can kinda be hit or miss at times.
06:45 Is that something you worry at all about him tweaking or
06:48 reinjuring if he plays this weekend?
06:50 >> I mean, I think there's always risk whenever you're coming back off of
06:55 a soft tissue injury.
06:57 I've had them in my career.
06:59 I'm not a kicker.
07:02 So I guess we'll just have to see how he is.
07:08 I mean, obviously there's risk when you come back from any injury.
07:11 >> And then with Corey, he makes it to the Pro Bowl as an alternate.
07:14 Just how impressive has he been this season?
07:18 Field position is such an important part of the game.
07:21 For him to just be able to be effective and do that for you all season,
07:24 sort of flip the field, just what's that been like to be a part of?
07:27 >> Yeah, I was excited that he got recognized there.
07:29 I think he's done a nice job.
07:33 I really do.
07:34 He's worked hard and he's given our unit an edge.
07:38 I feel that we've done a pretty solid job overall in that unit.
07:43 And I think we can be even better.
07:44 Hopefully, we can get him back soon.
07:56 >> Yeah, he's a great guy to have on the unit.
08:00 He plays with high effort.
08:03 He's got long arms.
08:04 He takes pride in that unit.
08:07 He's very vocal.
08:08 He's a good communicator with me.
08:10 And does a good job of in-game communicating on what he's seeing inside.
08:15 So he did a nice job of getting, we didn't get a ton of push on that rep.
08:21 But he does a nice job of getting his hands under the ball flight.
08:24 So anytime he can block a kick, it's good for the team.
08:28 So it was good.
08:43 >> It never came up, honestly, and I wish it would have came up.
08:47 I wish I would have got after that one earlier in the season and
08:54 just communicated better on that if that were ever to happen.
08:59 Our coverage has been pretty damn good all year.
09:02 And playing some young guys inside and it just gets on us fast.
09:08 And we don't close the crease down enough.
09:11 And to his credit, he made a good run.
09:12 It's not like it was like this elaborate scheme that we weren't ready for.
09:18 He's gotta play it better.
09:20 So I mean, the kid does a good job of navigating his way through a tight crease.
09:26 It wasn't this big hole.
09:28 So ideally, we'd like to have the kicker not chase it down,
09:33 especially once he gets outside, seven pull off.
09:36 But effort to finish and unfortunately, we get the injury, so.
09:47 All right.
