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00:00 Welcome back everyone. I feel like I owe you a little bit of an update
00:04 I also really want to inform everyone about the plan of the channel in
00:09 2024 and how I'm going to tackle these things because in
00:13 2023 I mentioned that you know a bunch of things are going to change some people picked it up some people ran with it some
00:21 People gave it their own twists
00:22 I just want to clarify a bunch of stuff and then hopefully set some very ambitious goals for
00:29 2024 and and you know really pick things up from there, so let's start off where it started earlier
00:36 We have this whole AI stuff evolved and then in 2023 like the last week
00:42 I mentioned hey, you know what we're going to do this completely different
00:45 I didn't really know exactly what we were going to do, but we had this plan
00:49 We had this strategy in mind and that was to build out
00:53 Welcome AI in a different way a way that everyone can respect it so that it isn't there to
01:00 Replace me, but rather to assist me. It's more of like a twin brother than it is a clone and
01:07 The support has been amazing like I am shocked to see the like to dislike ratio on every video
01:15 Just completely shifted from previously being
01:18 predominantly dislikes to now being the majority likes
01:22 And the comments I've read like I would say I'd say every single one of them
01:28 They've gone from we hate this to this is brilliant. I love it
01:33 I'm subscribing for it and on a per video basis
01:36 We're not losing subscribers anymore, but we're gaining subscribers
01:40 So to me these are some really good signs that what we're doing is respected by all of you watching
01:46 And I want to do more of it now bear with me because it takes a little bit of time
01:52 Before this I had started. You know kind of I
01:56 Kind of was was was ready to retire with this whole cobble cup
02:00 YouTube channel and now I've kind of found a new
02:05 Challenge in all of this I found a way to
02:08 rekindle this
02:11 Joy that that I you know had in YouTube for so long that it kind of lost
02:16 Which means that I need to rebuild the production team this takes a little bit of time, okay?
02:22 I need to find the right people put them in the right places
02:24 I need to tweak the system and make the system better and then
02:29 Continue with it another fun thing which I found hilarious was obviously I mentioned that I was gonna quit AI
02:37 It was never really my intention to fully quit AI, but that was part of it
02:42 I was supposed to share this with the world and people would run with it
02:46 But instead that was the start of the storyline that we had written a really fun part
02:52 There was that some news outlets picked it up and said
02:56 Qualcomm is done with AI he's giving up and he's caving into the hate to me
03:02 That was just hilarious because we had already recorded all the videos after that where you know he hacked me and things like that
03:08 And to me, I think this is
03:11 What it's all supposed to be about it's supposed to be much less serious and much more light-hearted
03:16 It should be focused much more on entertainment and joy and spreading creativity
03:21 Then pushing anyone's agenda that could be for or against Qualcomm AI and instead we should I
03:28 Don't know embrace it work together, and and just have the best time possible
03:33 Together like twin brothers not like clones
03:38 So with that in mind we posted a few videos here and there and some videos picked up and some videos didn't
03:45 But it to me shows very clearly the direction. I want to take the channel in in
03:50 2024 and mainly because of everyone who's watching and everyone who's sharing their thoughts and their opinions
03:57 So one thing that I really want to do is I want to gain more with the AI
04:02 Okay, this is something that no one does no one plays games with themselves like like against themselves
04:08 I mean, but we did the race and it did really well it performed really well
04:12 The stats looked really well and the comments were phenomenal so I want to bring back some of the races
04:18 I know there's a lot of people out there who love the GTA races
04:23 And if there's one thing I learned is that when I get you know when I get recognized on the streets when I run into
04:29 one of you guys
04:31 90% of them and 90% of you will mention how you love GTA 5 races and wish I brought them back
04:37 So why not why not go and do some crazy impossible races that's certainly possible it is
04:43 It is strange because it's myself in a way
04:47 But I see it more as a person that I can bounce off and I feel like I really need that in a way
04:54 Because doing everything on your own can be very taxing. Let's say I record for an hour
05:00 That's me talking for an hour versus when I do it with someone else
05:04 That's only me talking for 30 minutes and that's something I really want to you know, take care of in the future
05:11 So I was thinking hey
05:13 Why not start a funny series with the AI?
05:15 Where we go and compete against each other and the loser gets a little bit of a punishment
05:19 Which will look very interesting with the AI so you can expect that
05:23 Another thing you can expect in 2024 is for us to continue building out this war
05:28 Who is Kwebbelkop AI? What is he doing here? What are his ambitions?
05:34 What is his goal on this planet? Okay, we've set him loose. All right, we have set Kwebbelkop AI loose
05:41 He's thinking for himself now, but where is this all gonna go? I just know one thing where this is gonna go
05:48 Yeah, he's gonna he's gonna mess around with me on Minecraft. He's gonna do that a lot
05:53 Maybe he already has and I just haven't seen it yet. Or maybe I've already recorded a video on it
05:57 I don't know when I'm gonna post this video, but
05:59 Kwebbelkop AI
06:02 I'm playing Minecraft. He's playing Minecraft
06:05 I mean, it's a very interesting dynamic to see that evolve and turn into something
06:09 exciting and I think those are the main aspects and the main elements that I've really managed to
06:17 enjoy thoroughly that I've managed to share with you cops and that you've enjoyed too and
06:24 For me, the main goal here is to just bring back the fun and that's all I just want to post some videos
06:30 I just want to have a good time. I want to have a good time in recording
06:34 I'm not here to try and and and get a hundred million views or try to be number one in YouTube
06:41 I'm not competing with anyone else, but myself and I want to make it very clear
06:47 All right. I have all my reward my words here in the background. I have a very very fun
06:53 And you know everything in history on YouTube
06:56 But I realized that I I'm not a fan of trying to compete with others
07:02 But I'm much rather a fan of trying to work on myself and grow myself
07:06 So that's something that I'll be doing maybe occasionally I'll drop a vlog here in there
07:11 But I think the main thing that I really really enjoy is on one side
07:16 Fan service build out Kwebbelkop lore do some of these personal one-on-one videos just me and you
07:23 And and and that's that then on the other side. I want to do some stuff. That's a little bit more mainstream appealing
07:30 Some stuff that's easily digestible and that's fun to share and those could be GTA 5 races that could be Minecraft
07:38 With Kwebbelkop AI not just Kwebbelkop AI not just me but together all right
07:45 I mean, maybe you'll do an occasional thing here and there solo, but it all adds to the grander scheme of things
07:53 Yeah, like it like I said the the reaction stuff to
07:57 Me and Kwebbelkop AI doing a competition. Maybe it's
08:01 Real life versus AI and we have to distinguish which one is real life and which one is AI
08:08 and I think the main thing here is
08:11 Believe in the vision look where this is going and and that's all I think 2024 will be a phenomenal year
08:21 For content creators for storytellers and for AI and I'm super curious where it's gonna go
08:26 I also plan to launch a little bit of a discord server for more of the you know I
08:32 Would say serious conversations
08:36 Rather than it'll be a little bit more of a serious discord where we'll probably share some of our AI tools to rather than
08:44 You know Kwebbelkop fan discord so those are a few things that you can expect in 2024
08:50 I hope this video was a little bit informative a little bit of a sneak peek in my head
08:56 Regarding upload frequency the goal is to build this out to a consistent schedule
09:02 consistently high quality content -
09:05 I don't want to promise anything
09:07 Because it simply takes time for me and the team to build out this production pipeline and for things to get smooth
09:14 But personally I'm focused on the long-term vision and that is first of all accepting that I kind of really enjoy
09:20 Recording videos, but I only enjoy recording videos that are fun and so sticking more to that
09:26 I became a youtuber because I think it's fun, and that's what I'm gonna be nurturing
09:31 So thank you so much for watching this little update video. I hope this clears the air a little bit
09:36 And a tip to all the news outlets
09:39 Wait
09:41 Ask me my to share my side of the story before writing with a story and just looking like a fool
09:47 When I say I quit AI you report that I quit AI and the next video is the AI again
09:52 It just it's just stupid come on. You can do better cool. Anyways alright. See in the next video
09:58 Probably in a few days