Court métrageTranscription
00:00 *musique*
00:02 *sonnerie*
00:04 *musique*
00:06 *musique*
00:08 *musique*
00:10 *musique*
00:12 *musique*
00:15 *musique*
00:17 -What are you talking about ? -Using the hashtag
00:19 -in the #NoMakesMeBlow. -Oh ! Are we partying up in here ?
00:22 -Oh ! -He looks so handsome.
00:26 -Handsome like a turd. -Michael Tyson, did you ever think,
00:30 in the middle of the bout, "I wish I could just look my opponent in the eye
00:33 and say, 'I am enough'"? -I do that when I smash his face.
00:36 -Mmh ! -Chicken and Sarah,
00:38 my girlfriend, also named Lauren, looks like me.
00:41 Does that make me an honorary twin lesbian ?
00:44 -Wow ! -I'm starting an office frat.
00:47 Wanna be our first member ? -This is not an endorsement
00:49 of Greek life or its rapey wolf culture.
00:52 -Woo ! -How many horny boomers
00:54 could you have in this office before it's a fire hazard ?
00:57 -Aaah ! -I'm sexually attracted to ideas.
01:00 I once got an erection from reading Plato's "The Cave".
01:02 -Do you have a therapist ?
01:05 [Musique]
01:11 -Oh, hell yeah ! -Ow !
01:13 -It's time for a racial round-table. Hold my hand, Carl.
01:17 Carl, your hand. -Aww !
01:19 -I'm a baby ! -I'm the man !
01:22 [Cris de joie]
01:24 -Q.Laurie, what should we do about Meghan Markle ?
01:26 -I don't know that any action is required.
01:30 [Musique]
01:32 -Do you have the research for the first guest ?
01:35 It just says "straight white woman".
01:37 -It tells you everything you need to know.
01:39 [Générique de fin]