Cillian Murphy Balances Intensity with Levity On Set

  • 8 months ago
The actor emphasized the importance of a calm environment, particularly considering the gravity of the roles he usually takes on.


00:00 Killian Murphy, renowned for his immersive performances in intense and often sombre roles,
00:07 revealed a crucial role he abides by while on set – a need for a sense of lightness.
00:13 In an interview with a leading newspaper, the actor highlighted the significance of
00:19 a relaxed atmosphere, especially given the weight of the characters he typically portrays.
00:24 "I can't work unless there is a lightness around the set," Murphy emphasized, acknowledging
00:31 the demanding nature of the serious roles he undertakes.
00:35 "A lot of the films I do are quite heavy and go to some dark, challenging places, and
00:41 you have to be relaxed to do that."
00:44 For Murphy, maintaining ease is vital.
00:46 "I don't walk around in a state of angst," he clarified.
00:50 "I need to feel at ease.
00:52 I can't be in a dark place all the time.
00:55 I don't have the stamina for it."
00:58 This approach was particularly essential during the filming of Christopher Nolan's epic
01:03 Oppenheimer, when Murphy portrayed the complex character of American scientist J. Robert
01:08 Oppenheimer in the narrative of the atomic bomb's development.
01:14 Amidst the weighty movements on set, Murphy found solace in his co-star Emily Blunt, who
01:20 played Oppenheimer's wife, Kitty, in the film.
01:23 He lauded Blunt as one of the funniest people he's encountered, their camaraderie fostering
01:29 a close friendship and providing much-needed levity during intense scenes.
01:35 Reflecting on the year, Murphy and Blunt found themselves part of a unique cinematic phenomenon,
01:41 with Oppenheimer and Greta Gerwig's Barbie releasing in theaters on the same July weekend,
01:46 affectionately dubbed "Barbelheimer."
01:49 To be part of a movie that people went to see multiple times and part of a great movement
01:54 for cinema.
01:55 That frenzy for those two films was just lovely.
01:59 Express Murphy, cherishing the experience.
02:01 I don't know if we'll ever see it again, but I like to hope so.
02:06 [music]
02:13 (upbeat music)
