Severe heatwave warning for South Australia

  • 8 months ago
Four separate heatwave warnings have been declared for parts of South Australia today.


00:00 There's plenty of ways to cool off here at Henley Beach in Adelaide on a hot and humid
00:06 day with temperatures expected to reach 31 degrees.
00:09 But spare a thought for those in South Australia's northeastern pastoral district where the State
00:14 Emergency Service has issued a severe heatwave warning with temperatures expected to reach
00:19 the mid-40s.
00:20 Now the State Emergency Service is asking elderly people, children, women who are pregnant
00:26 and people with medical conditions to try and stay cool as best as they possibly can
00:30 today with heatwave conditions expected to be dangerous for those people.
00:34 They've given some tips for people to try and stay cool on days like today including
00:38 staying inside, try and find somewhere with some air conditioning.
00:42 If that's not at home, try somewhere else like the local shopping centre or the local
00:46 library.
00:47 They've also given some other tips like drawing the blinds, keeping the windows closed, keeping
00:51 a spray bottle nearby and if you have an ice cold water the SES says you just chuck a lemon
00:57 in there and that'll keep you hydrated as well.
01:00 Thankfully though the Weather Bureau expects that heatwave to pass by pretty soon and you
01:04 can expect some cooler temperatures as we head into the weekend.
