逾3万人离家避难 日本再发生5.5级地震

  • 8 months ago
八点最热报 | 1月1号发生7.6级地震,石川县当地大小余震不断,今天再度发生5.5级强烈地震,幸好这次地震没有引发海啸威胁(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 Japan's Shichuan County had an earthquake of level 7.6 on January 1st.
00:10 The number of people in the area has climbed to 64 people, and 372 people have been injured.
00:15 More than 34,000 people were forced to leave their homes and go to the evacuation center.
00:19 After the earthquake, the local area of Shichuan County was constantly in a state of emergency.
00:23 Today, a strong earthquake of level 5.5 occurred again.
00:27 Fortunately, the earthquake did not cause a tsunami threat.
00:30 The most serious earthquake of level 7.6 on Monday was in the city of Rundao.
00:35 The search and rescue work is still underway.
00:37 Many roads were damaged by the strong earthquake,
00:39 which caused rescue workers to be unable to pass through the ground to rescue.
00:43 This greatly slowed the rescue progress.
00:45 At present, Rundao is almost like an isolated island.
00:49 Rescue workers can only transport rescue supplies by helicopter.
00:54 At the same time, the Japanese government issued a warning that heavy rainfall may occur in Rundao.
01:00 Due to the impact of the earthquake, the local soil is very loose.
01:04 Even if the rain is not heavy, it is likely to cause a mountain mudslide,
01:07 causing a crisis in the local soil and rock flow, causing the area of the disaster to be snowy.
01:13 After the strong earthquake of level 7.6 on Sunday, Shichuan County, Japan,
01:18 the disaster area was completely destroyed.
01:20 The wires on the road were shaking and many houses began to tilt.
01:24 Some houses were destroyed and only the roof of the house remained on the ground.
01:28 There was almost no house that was intact.
01:31 Rescue workers are still looking for the missing person in the disaster area.
01:35 In the picture, the man saw his wife's body being pulled out of the house by the rescue workers.
01:41 He kneeled next to his wife's body and almost cried.
01:44 Japanese Prime Minister Akihiko Antoine said that the local authorities received a lot of headlines.
01:48 Many people are still trapped in the ruins.
01:51 Therefore, the local authorities hope to rescue all those trapped within 72 hours of the gold rescue.
01:57 I would like to say a prayer for the victims and all those who were killed.
02:04 More than 40 hours have passed since the earthquake.
02:09 The rescue of the victims is a battle against time.
02:15 I feel that this is a moment of youth.
02:18 The disaster victims who were forced to leave their homes due to the earthquake
02:23 are cooking food outside the rescue center.
02:25 Although it is not as convenient as at home, they can finally fill their stomachs temporarily.
02:30 Due to the low temperature in Japan at the moment,
02:32 the disaster victims in the evacuation center are surrounded by heaters to warm themselves.
02:36 They also hope that this warmth can dispel the shadows brought by the earthquake.
02:42 The Earthquake in Tokyo
02:47 The Earthquake in Tokyo
