বছরের শুরুতেই ভারত পেল সুখবর! গিনেস ওয়ার্ল্ড রেকর্ডে গুজরাটের ‘সূর্য নমস্কার’ | Oneindia Bengali

  • 8 months ago
বছরের শুরুতেই ভারত পেল সুখবর! গিনেস ওয়ার্ল্ড রেকর্ডে নাম তুলল গুজরাটের ‘সূর্য নমস্কার’ #SuryaNamaskar #ModheraSunTemple #GuinnessWorldRecords #Gujrat #narendramodi


00:00 The news of the new year came to India.
00:05 The Guinness World Record was set for the name of Narendra Modi's state of Gujarat.
00:09 The Guinness World Records named the state of Gujarat as the most auspicious state.
00:14 The state's most successful Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
00:18 On the first day of the new year, the state was invited to the most auspicious state of Gujarat.
00:27 The state's 108 places were inaugurated with the sun-bowing ceremony.
00:31 More than 4000 people were present to do the sun-bowing ceremony.
00:36 The Gujarat government announced the inauguration of this ceremony to show respect for Indian culture.
00:44 The Guinness World Records states that the maximum number of people can do the sun-bowing ceremony at a time.
00:49 We had set a minimum requirement of 300 people.
00:55 The ceremony should be held at multiple venues.
00:58 Not at one place, but at different venues.
01:01 Everyone should do the same asana.
01:03 Everyone's counting method and verification is the same.
01:07 I have been here since the day they started this record.
01:10 In the first attempt, some things were not right according to our rules.
01:15 So I asked them to do a second attempt.
01:17 And the second attempt has been successfully done.
01:20 I am happy to say that they have now set a new Guinness World Records title.
01:25 How many people and how many places have been set?
01:28 In the second attempt, the record was set at three places.
01:31 It was an attempt.
01:33 I will get the final number when I get the documentation.
01:37 But there will be a final number of successful participants between 1100 and 1200.
01:42 How many participants were there in Modera?
01:44 There were 1000 participants in Modera.
01:46 This is the biggest venue.
01:47 The most number of people were present here.
01:49 The founder of Guinness World Records, Shabnil Dangarikar, was present at the Surjo Namaskar event at Modera Surjo Temple.
01:56 On this day, after a detailed discussion with many people in the Surjo Temple area,
02:03 it was found that the event was not recorded in the Guinness World Records.
02:10 With the first light of the sun, the Surjo Temple was inaugurated in Modera.
02:18 Today, Gujarat has set a new Guinness World Records.
02:24 The highest number of people have to perform the Surya Namaskar Sadhana at the same time and at the same time, the highest number of people have to perform the Surya Namaskar Sadhana at the same time.
02:40 Gujarat people set a record of the highest number of people performing Yoga at the same time in 2023.
02:51 And today, Gujarat has set the world's first Guinness World Records in 2024.
03:01 This is also a record in itself.
03:03 All the youth of Gujarat, together with the first light of the sun, participated in this Surya Namaskar Sadhana in large numbers.
03:14 I would like to congratulate all those participants.
03:19 After the name of the Guinness World Records was raised for the highest number of people performing the Surya Namaskar,
03:24 Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised the state.
03:28 Modi wrote on social media, "Gujarat has welcomed the new year with extraordinary activity."
03:35 Gujarat set a Guinness World Records for performing the Surya Namaskar at the same time in 108 countries.
03:42 108th is a special milestone in Indian culture.
03:48 Before the Lok Sabha meeting, there was a lot of excitement in the BJP, but they did not wait to speak.
03:56 Bureau report, One India Bangla.
