• l’année dernière


00:00 The Bible is basically a road map to get you where you're going and you're going to God.
00:07 And the Bible teaches us how to pray so we can learn how to interact with God.
00:11 One of the most important things you will ever learn in life is how to pray.
00:18 A lot of people want to learn how to preach, but that's not where the power is.
00:23 You know, I've said this before, the disciples didn't ask Jesus, "Teach me how to preach."
00:30 They said, "Lord, teach us how to pray."
00:34 There was something dynamic, there was something life-giving, there was something viral about
00:40 how Jesus prayed and got hold of the Father that the disciples wanted above everything
00:46 else.
00:47 You'd think they'd say, "Teach me how to tell parables like you.
00:51 Teach me how to heal the sick and raise the dead like you."
00:57 But their request was, "Lord, teach me how to pray."
01:11 We're going to be in Luke chapter 17 and verse 11.
01:19 Now it happened as they went to Jerusalem.
01:23 Jesus was on His final journey to Jerusalem, and He knew the beating and the suffering
01:30 and the cross that was waiting for Him down the road.
01:33 But the amazing thing is Jesus kept walking.
01:37 And whenever I feel like giving up, whenever I feel like running away, whenever I feel
01:41 like throwing in the towel, I can't help but think about Jesus.
01:46 You see, the Gospel is the only story where the hero dies for the villain.
01:54 But Jesus kept walking.
01:58 And He passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee.
02:03 And what He did there is He traveled through pretty much the area of the two borders of
02:10 the two countries.
02:11 And these two countries had been in conflict for centuries.
02:16 Now they worshiped the same God, but they did it in different temples and also in different
02:21 ways.
02:22 I think the situation probably between the Samaritans and the Jews was a little bit like
02:28 the situation in America between blacks and whites in the '50s and '60s, between Ireland
02:34 and Northern Ireland in the '70s, the Hutus and the Tutsis in the '90s, and probably Russia
02:42 and the Ukrainians today.
02:44 So there's a lot of hostility.
02:46 There was longstanding conflict, and they hate each other, and they would avoid each
02:53 other.
02:54 They would look down on each other, talk about each other.
02:57 This was the type of relationship these two nations had, or people groups.
03:03 Then as He entered a certain village where, you know, of course He was going to, in that
03:08 area, meet both Samaritans and Israelites, there met Him 10 men who were lepers.
03:16 Now most of us know that leprosy is one of the oldest and most dreaded infectious diseases
03:24 in world history.
03:26 So it was not only like COVID and the fear that came from it, it had enormous social
03:32 stigma.
03:33 Actually, if you received leprosy, if you were in a nation that worshipped the gods,
03:41 they felt that you were judged by the gods.
03:43 And if you were in Israel, you felt that somehow God was punishing you for a deed in your life.
03:49 That's why when a man that was born blind, the disciples asked, "Well, who sinned, his
03:55 mother or his father?"
03:57 Because they felt that these types of illnesses only came from sin and error and bad actions.
04:04 So this leprosy was a serious thing.
04:07 It included skin discoloration, blisters with pus and oozing, loss of hair, I already got
04:15 that, partial paralysis, frequent infections.
04:21 And over time, you'd lose sensation in your limbs.
04:25 And what would happen is you'd burn yourself and wouldn't know it, and there'd be an infection
04:29 in your body.
04:30 Or a rat would come along at night and start eating your fingers and you wouldn't know
04:34 it.
04:35 And that's why many times lepers were missing limbs, sometimes without a nose and all the
04:40 rest.
04:41 This was a horrible, horrible illness.
04:46 But there met Him 10 men who were facing the worst, and they were lepers.
04:56 And because of their leprosy, they stood afar off.
05:03 Has there ever been or ever dealt with issues in your life that you kind of had to stay
05:07 away from people, stay at a distance because there was some unclean areas, some things
05:11 you didn't feel good about yourself, so you would kind of self-isolate and move away?
05:17 So in this time, lepers were required to self-quarantine outside the community.
05:24 So they couldn't live with their family.
05:27 They would live in the woods.
05:28 They would live in caves.
05:30 They would live in isolated places.
05:33 On top of that, Jewish customs would require that they would stay six feet away from healthy
05:40 people.
05:41 And if the wind was blowing, 150 feet away.
05:46 And when they were in the proximity of anyone with health, they had to cover their mouths
05:53 and shout, "Unclean, unclean."
05:56 So this was basically our social distancing and quarantine on steroids.
06:01 I mean, they really, really, really suffered because of this disease.
06:08 And these lepers did something.
06:12 They lifted up their voices.
06:18 My Bible says sometimes you have not because you ask not.
06:23 And if there's one thing I could teach you, it's how to pray.
06:26 I'm grateful, you know, and I want you to know the Bible, and I teach the Bible, but
06:30 the reason I want to understand the Bible so I can know how to pray.
06:34 The Bible is basically a roadmap to get you where you're going and you're going to God.
06:39 And the Bible teaches us how to pray so we can learn how to interact with God.
06:43 One of the most important things you will ever learn in life is how to pray.
06:49 A lot of people want to learn how to preach, but that's not where the power is.
06:55 You know, I've said this before.
06:59 The disciples didn't ask Jesus, "Teach me how to preach."
07:02 They said, "Lord, teach us how to pray."
07:06 There was something dynamic, there was something life-giving, there was something viral about
07:12 how Jesus prayed and got hold of the Father that the disciples wanted above everything
07:18 else.
07:19 You'd think they'd say, "Teach me how to tell parables like you.
07:24 Teach me how to heal the sick and raise the dead like you."
07:29 But their request was, "Lord, teach me how to pray."
07:35 And my prayer is that your request would be, "Lord, teach me how to pray."
07:43 Not how the Baptists do it, not how the Catholics do it, not necessarily how the Pentecostals
07:49 do it, but, "Lord, teach me how to pray."
07:59 And they lifted their voices.
08:02 You know, we confuse now prayer with Eastern meditation.
08:06 We're so influenced by the world, we forgot how to do it.
08:11 Now I can pray in my heart and with my mind, but typically in the Bible it's out loud and
08:15 with your mouth.
08:17 When's the last time you had an out loud conversation with God?
08:22 I ain't getting no hand claps there, but...
08:30 But watch how they appeal to Jesus.
08:34 Jesus, watch the next word, "Master."
08:41 The word translated "Master" here is only used in the book of Luke.
08:47 It means owner.
08:50 It means commander.
08:51 It means overseer.
08:53 Now listen, I do have a problem sometimes with worry, but I have to remind myself, listen,
09:01 I'm not the owner of my life.
09:03 So the problem I'm facing is not my problem.
09:06 It's God's problem.
09:07 God is my owner.
09:08 He is my Lord.
09:11 I've given Him ownership and Lordship of my life, and because of that this problem's not
09:17 my problem.
09:18 So why worry self?
09:19 Give it to God.
09:21 Trust the one who owns the problem, the one that can handle the problem.
09:26 The first step to getting free for these lepers was coming under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
09:37 They called Him "Master."
09:41 What I found in my life, what I found in my ministry, what I found in my marriage, what
09:44 I found in my friendships, what I found in my family relationships, God is only responsible
09:50 for the parts of my life that I submit to Him.
09:55 You see, the problem with dancing with the devil is after a while he gets to pick the
10:00 tune.
10:03 And I've learned that the key to spiritual warfare is not climbing up on some mountain
10:07 yelling at the devil or finding out the name of the principality over the city.
10:12 None of that.
10:13 James says, "Submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee."
10:19 There's power in submission.
10:21 There's power in your yes.
10:23 There's power in sanctification.
10:24 You hear what I'm saying?
10:26 There's power in surrender.
10:30 So when the devil starts running crazy in my life, I turn to God and say, "Lord, where
10:35 can I surrender a new God?
10:36 What else can I give to You, Lord?
10:38 What shall I render?"
10:41 They said, "Jesus, Master."
10:46 Christ is either Lord of all or He's not Lord at all.
10:50 Jesus, where's the last—come on, come on.
10:56 I know today, listen, listen, listen.
10:59 I know how we are.
11:06 I mean we got doctors, we got lawyers, we have jobs and transportation.
11:10 Microwaves and all the rest, and we don't really think we need God.
11:18 So we kind of, you know, we kind of run to God when we kind of need something.
11:25 But Christ is either Lord of all or He's not Lord at all.
11:31 And listen, I want Christ not only to be my Savior, I want Him to be Lord.
11:41 I want Him to govern the way I relate to that woman in the first row.
11:45 I want Him to govern the way I relate to my children.
11:48 I want Him to govern the way I drive my car.
11:51 I want Him to govern the way I live my life, the speech that comes out of my mouth, whether
11:56 it's sweet or sarcastic.
11:58 I want Him to govern my life.
12:01 My prayer is, Lord, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
12:06 In Heaven there's no problem.
12:07 The problem's on earth.
12:08 I'm on earth, and I want to bring God's solution to my situation.
12:14 So Lord, govern my affairs, govern my behavior, govern my life.
12:20 Cause me to forgive, cause me to let go, cause me to love, cause me to be patient, cause
12:26 me to be kind, cause me to be good, cause me to be loyal, cause me to be faithful,
12:31 cause me to be meek, cause me to have self-control, God.
12:37 Govern my life.
12:41 And they said, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us."
12:51 This is important, no other attribute of God would help if Jesus didn't put mercy first.
13:00 His justice would have doomed us.
13:03 His holiness would reject us.
13:07 His power would crush us.
13:10 His truth would condemn us.
13:12 And His wrath would obliterate us.
13:15 But mercy said no.
13:21 So when He saw them, He saw their condition, but He didn't see them until they called.
13:29 There's some things in your life you're not going to get out of until you call on that
13:33 name.
13:41 And when He saw them, He saw their condition after He heard their appeal.
13:51 Martin Luther said, he said, "Praying is not overcoming God's reluctance, it's laying hold
13:57 of His willingness."
14:00 I don't pray to twist God's arm to do what I want.
14:04 I tap into what He wants, you hear what I'm saying?
14:07 But His will be done on earth as it is in heaven, and He hears.
14:12 Because the Bible says His ear is inclined to the righteous.
14:20 He said to them, after hearing them, "Go."
14:30 They addressed Him as Master.
14:33 But when you call Jesus Lord, He has a right to test to see if you're playing with Him
14:37 or not.
14:38 See, it's easy to worship in an environment like this, but when you go home and God said,
14:45 "Go love your wife.
14:47 Go love your husband.
14:48 Go clean them dirty dishes.
14:50 Go make that bed.
14:51 Go to work on time.
14:54 Do what your boss said."
14:56 That's when it gets hard.
14:58 You see, faith is not just what you feel, it's ultimately what you do.
15:08 He said to them, "Y'all call me Lord.
15:09 You call me Master.
15:11 Then let me test that.
15:15 Go show yourselves to the priests."
15:20 This was a big ask, because it was the priests that diagnosed and declared that they were
15:26 unclean in the first place.
15:29 And at this point, they were still sick.
15:33 So they could have said, "Jesus, this don't make no sense.
15:34 I still got pus running out the side of my face.
15:37 You know, I'm still missing that finger, and I still smell bad, and man, I'm discolored.
15:44 My eyeball feels funny.
15:45 It itches right on the backside of it.
15:47 And Lord, I don't want to face disappointment again.
15:50 I don't want to go back to them religious people.
15:52 You know, last time they put me out.
15:53 I don't want to deal with that again.
15:57 But real faith says I know how I feel, but I'm going to trust what God says."
16:08 Can I mess with you for a moment?
16:10 So many of us got a feeling religion.
16:14 When I feel it, I'll do it.
16:16 When I feel like going home, I'll go home.
16:18 When I feel like doing right, I'll do it.
16:19 I felt like—if I did what I felt—many of us have a feel-good religion instead of
16:33 a do-right religion.
16:37 And we've got to learn to get past what we feel to do what's right.
16:41 The cross didn't feel good.
16:45 Gethsemane didn't feel good.
16:48 The opposition Jesus faced all the time from religious leaders did not feel good.
16:54 Dealing with men always bickering, those 12 men that walked with Him and slept around
16:59 Him every night.
17:00 He had to deal with them every day.
17:01 It didn't always feel good to have to deal with Peter, have to deal with John, have to
17:06 deal with James, have to deal with Thomas.
17:09 But Jesus didn't do what felt good.
17:16 Jesus was in glory in Heaven.
17:20 There were no needs.
17:23 He never experienced a broken presence with the Father, but He humbled Himself and came
17:29 down.
17:32 And the first thing out of His mouth was not a shout "Hallelujah!"
17:35 He cried like every baby.
17:39 Becoming human didn't feel good, but it was necessary.
17:49 Talking to this side of the room, there's some things that may not feel good, but they
17:56 are necessary.
17:58 And if you call Him Lord, you better do what the Master says.
18:12 And so it was, this is the big point today, as they went, they were cleaned.
18:23 But what He promises us is not going to happen because we read about it.
18:29 It's not going to happen because we think about it.
18:31 It's not going to happen just because we talk about it or even just because we pray about
18:35 it.
18:36 It's going to happen because we get about it and we do it.
18:42 As they went.
18:49 Not immediately when Jesus said it, but as they stepped out into what Jesus said.
18:58 You will not get your freedom or your healing apart from God's instruction to you.
19:05 As they went in obedience to the word of the Master, they were cleansed.
19:13 Now here's the challenge.
19:15 They had to walk all the way to Jerusalem, and I don't know if it was a short walk or
19:21 a long walk before they got clean.
19:25 And I don't know if it's going to be a short walk or a long walk for you before God manifests
19:30 His promise.
19:32 All I know is if you just keep on stepping.
19:34 He who promised is faithful.
19:36 I don't know anything else except to stay at it, keep doing what the Lord told me to
19:41 do.
19:42 No matter what people say, what it looks like or feels like, I'm going to persevere in His
19:49 purposes.
19:50 Fifteen, and one of them, only one of them, when he saw that he was healed and he got
19:57 healed on the way, he stopped his journey to Jerusalem while the others kept on walking.
20:05 You know, many who started with you will not finish with you.
20:11 Don't be afraid of being different.
20:20 Be afraid of being like everybody else.
20:26 Millions didn't make it.
20:31 Millions didn't make it.
20:33 Many will cry, "Lord, Lord!"
20:37 Millions didn't make it.
20:40 He returned with a loud voice, and don't miss it, loud voice, loud voice, loud voice.
20:47 You got to get past some of this whispering worship.
20:52 Loud voice glorified God.
20:58 He spent years screaming from a distance, "Unclean, unclean."
21:06 But now he used that same shout to worship Jesus.
21:12 How is it we do so much when we're dealing with an unclean state, but when God cleanses
21:19 us and changes us, all of a sudden we get shy?
21:22 But I worship Him in my heart, and God knows what I really mean.
21:27 I don't know what's come over me, but I'm helping somebody.
21:32 But you got to break through all that.
21:37 You got to become a worshiper of God, unashamed, unashamed.
21:47 I am who God said I am.
21:49 I can do what God said I can do.
21:55 And with a loud voice, with a loud voice, with a loud voice, glorified, glorified, glorified.
22:07 Come on, glorified, glorified.
22:12 Come on, glorified.
22:15 Come on, give Him some glory.
22:18 Glorified.
22:19 Woo!
22:20 Glorified God.
22:21 Hallelujah.
22:22 Come on, come on.
22:23 Give it to Him.
22:24 Give it to Him.
22:25 Break it loose.
22:26 Break it loose.
22:27 Shake it loose.
22:28 Get free of the cobwebs.
22:29 He's worthy of praise, worthy of adoration, worthy of thanksgiving.
22:30 He's Lord of all, King of kings.
22:31 And I worship You.
22:32 I worship You.
22:33 We worship You.
22:34 Oh God.
22:35 Come on, hallelujah, hallelujah.
22:36 Woo!
22:37 I'm not going to say anything.
22:38 I'm not going to say anything.
22:39 I'm not going to say anything.
22:40 I'm not going to say anything.
22:41 I'm not going to say anything.
22:42 I'm not going to say anything.
22:43 I'm not going to say anything.
22:44 I'm not going to say anything.
22:45 I'm not going to say anything.
22:46 I'm not going to say anything.
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22:52 I'm not going to say anything.
22:53 I'm not going to say anything.
22:54 I'm not going to say anything.
22:55 I'm not going to say anything.
22:56 I'm not going to say anything.
22:57 I'm not going to say anything.
22:58 I'm not going to say anything.
22:59 I'm not going to say anything.
23:00 I'm not going to say anything.
23:01 I'm not going to say anything.
23:02 I'm not going to say anything.
23:03 I'm not going to say anything.
23:04 I'm not going to say anything.
23:05 I'm not going to say anything.
23:06 I'm not going to say anything.
23:07 I'm not going to say anything.
23:08 I'm not going to say anything.
23:09 I'm not going to say anything.
23:10 I'm not going to say anything.
23:11 I'm not going to say anything.
23:12 I'm not going to say anything.
23:13 I'm not going to say anything.
23:14 I'm not going to say anything.
23:15 I'm not going to say anything.
23:16 I'm not going to say anything.
23:17 I'm not going to say anything.
23:18 I'm not going to say anything.
23:19 I'm not going to say anything.
23:20 I'm not going to say anything.
23:21 I'm not going to say anything.
23:22 I'm not going to say anything.
23:23 I'm not going to say anything.
23:24 I'm not going to say anything.
23:25 I'm not going to say anything.
23:26 I'm not going to say anything.
23:27 I'm not going to say anything.
23:28 I'm not going to say anything.
23:29 I'm not going to say anything.
23:30 I'm not going to say anything.
23:31 I'm not going to say anything.
23:32 God said to Timothy to stir up that gift of God that was within you.
23:46 Some things won't manifest unless you stir it up.
23:52 God's trying to stir something in your heart, stir something in this room.
23:56 He's trying to stir it up.
24:02 I'm not ashamed of the Gospel for it is the power of God to all who believe.
24:09 The Jew first in the Greek.
24:10 I'm not ashamed of this Gospel.
24:13 It is good news to anyone that might hear.
24:17 I'm not ashamed of the goodness and the glory of my God.
24:44 And this leper, he fell down on his face at Jesus' feet.
24:55 He didn't care who was watching.
24:58 He didn't care who might say that's too much.
25:04 He completely turned up for Jesus.
25:08 You see, when I was a hater, I hated.
25:11 When I was a sinner, I sinned.
25:14 But now that I'm a worshiper, hold my mule.
25:16 Hold my mule.
25:17 Hold my mule.
25:18 Hold my mule.
25:19 I'm going to worship.
25:20 I'm going to worship.
25:21 I'm going to worship.
25:22 Hold my mule.
25:43 Hold my mule.
25:49 For the young people, that was an '80s reference.
25:57 Giving him thanks.
26:03 This man had just gone through the ordeal of his life.
26:09 Eating food out of garbage cans.
26:13 Surrounded daily by his own suffering and suffering of others.
26:18 Sickness and dying daily.
26:21 But when Jesus got him to the other side, He made sure he came back to give God thanks.
26:37 Most today are soft.
26:38 I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about them.
26:44 They would have been so mad at what they went through, they wouldn't have anything to say
26:49 to God.
26:52 But where do we get the idea that God only wants to send us to safe places and do easy
26:59 things?
27:03 Giving Him thanks.
27:09 This is the last time you really, from your heart, said thank you.
27:17 It could have been different, God.
27:20 God, thank you.
27:23 I know I didn't get this, but I did get that.
27:26 God, I know I'm disappointed about that, but thank you for this.
27:34 God, I lost someone in 2022, but I made it to 2023.
27:51 As bad as things might have been, it sure could have been worse.
27:56 I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I know who holds tomorrow.
28:02 That's not just preaching material, that's a life lived.
28:05 I know who holds my tomorrow.
28:09 He's faithful, and I'm going to praise Him today.
28:18 But here's the rub.
28:20 The man that came back was a Samaritan.
28:25 The man who didn't worship right, the man who worshipped in the wrong temple, the man
28:33 whose doctrine was a little bit off.
28:40 He was spiritually inferior as far as the Jews were concerned.
28:45 But I want to tell you, the sin of ingratitude is greater than the sin of taking revenge.
28:54 Man y'all got this passive-aggressive thing, you hating on people all year, and just because
28:57 you ain't going to jail for it, just because, you know, it's so sneaky and passive-aggressive
29:02 you think you're getting away.
29:04 But God sees, and He knows.
29:06 Pay attention.
29:08 Years ago, me and my wife were struggling, and man, I don't know what was wrong with
29:15 me.
29:16 I found everything wrong with her.
29:17 And man, I go to sleep, she ain't doing this, she ain't doing that, and—
29:29 But all of a sudden, I was in this position at home.
29:33 Let me tell you the whole truth.
29:40 God's not shy.
29:41 How many of y'all know that?
29:43 I was in the bathroom doing what humans do.
29:54 And I felt like this Holy Spirit has a sense of humor in me.
29:56 I don't know how He is with you.
29:57 But it's like He was saying, "That's what you're full of."
30:11 And He said, "You better thank me for her."
30:15 And I began to thank for every little tiny thing about her, and I got grateful for her.
30:21 And it's amazing what God did in our lives, because I began to give thanks for what she
30:30 was and what she did do instead of what she didn't do.
30:37 And gratitude is worse than revenge.
30:42 With revenge, you return evil for evil.
30:45 But with ingratitude, you return evil for good.
30:51 So, Jesus answered and said, He's got two more verses.
30:59 Were there not ten cleansed, but where are the nine?
31:04 And this is my question to many of you this morning.
31:08 Some of you by live stream, some of you, wherever you are, maybe you'll hear this later.
31:15 Where are you in your worship?
31:18 Where are you in your gratitude and your praise?
31:20 I know where you are in your complaining.
31:23 I know where you are in your disappointments and your hurts and your fears.
31:26 But where are you in your praise?
31:28 Where are you in your worship?
31:29 Where are you in your gratitude?
31:34 Our worship each week is simply practice for eternity, because we're going to praise Him
31:42 forever, and if you don't like it now, you're not going to like it then.
31:46 I'm getting you ready.
31:47 I'm getting you prepared.
31:48 Eighteen, just two more verses, I'm done.
31:56 Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?
32:05 You see, the Jews are like a lot of church people.
32:07 Not you, the person next to you, maybe on the row somewhere.
32:10 Not you, of course.
32:14 See, the Jews felt entitled to the things of God, and because of it, they lost their
32:23 wonder.
32:26 And you could feel entitled to the big house, the big car, the perfect wife, the perfect
32:32 husband.
32:33 You could feel so entitled that you lose your sense of gratitude.
32:42 But this man who was on the outside, he was too new to be ungrateful.
32:48 He knew it was only by grace, and when grace saves you, when grace reaches down and picks
32:55 you up, you can't get up except with a grateful heart.
33:02 And Jesus said to this man, he didn't say this to the Jews.
33:08 He said it to the Samaritan.
33:10 He didn't say it to the folks that probably had their doctrine right.
33:14 They worshiped right, and they were in the right temple, the right place, right lineage.
33:21 He didn't say this to them.
33:22 He only said it to this man.
33:26 "Arise, go your way.
33:31 Your faith has made you well."
33:36 Other translations say whole.
33:41 You see, the other nine were made well, but they weren't whole.
33:52 You see, God can heal you physically.
33:58 He can heal your finances, your circumstances, but you're not whole until He heals you by
34:06 giving you a grateful heart.
34:10 Stop focusing on what you don't have, because a heart like that will never have enough.
34:17 Be grateful for what you do have, and it will make all the difference in your life.
34:33 You see, there is no long-term wellness of body without wellness of soul.
34:42 And today, I want to preach you well.
34:49 I want to remind you that the sun did rise, and later on today it is going to set.
34:56 I do want to remind you that you're breathing fresh air.
34:59 I do want to remind you that most of you are in your right mind, that you came here under
35:05 the strength of your own body.
35:07 I do want to remind you that you may not have the nicest house and the nicest car, but you
35:12 do have a place to live.
35:13 You do have a place to go, and you're not getting wet when it rains.
35:17 You have food to eat.
35:19 No, it may not be in a five-star restaurant, but your cooking ain't that bad.
35:24 You hear what I'm saying?
35:25 That you do have reason to give thanks.
35:32 So today, my goal is not just healing but wholeness.
35:38 And married folk, I want you to think about your spouse and be thankful.
35:42 You could be by yourself.
35:46 You could be in there with Bubba.
35:48 There could be all different types of things happening.
35:52 Be thankful.
35:55 I know your children are drowning in your grace, but be thankful for that child.
35:59 You see, my church doesn't do this, the head church doesn't.
36:05 Be thankful for this church.
36:07 There are people that have never heard the Word of God.
36:11 We get to hear it over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
36:18 Again.
36:22 I want you to be part of something really big, a vision that addresses both spiritual
36:27 and practical needs, helps the affluent and the poor, and not only impacts the United
36:32 States but the world.
36:34 When you become a DGM partner, you become part of an organization known for its integrity,
36:40 and you also join a group that not only accurately shares the gospel but provides aid and relief
36:46 to children, families, the elderly, and everyday people like you and me.
36:51 We deeply care and want every individual to have the resources required to experience
36:56 a life of purpose and a life of fulfillment.
36:59 Through your generous prayers and your regular giving, together we can continue to create
37:04 positive change in the lives of countless people.
37:07 Thank you for being a Difference Maker.
37:09 Click below to learn more, and God bless you.
37:12 [music]
37:39 (whooshing)
