• l’année dernière


00:00:00 [congregation cheering]
00:00:09 Come on, give it up for Dole.
00:00:10 My God.
00:00:12 Whoo!
00:00:13 [congregation cheering]
00:00:18 Whoo!
00:00:21 Man, sometimes when you're experiencing the Holy Spirit,
00:00:26 I just want to do just what she just did.
00:00:28 Just let it all--just holler and scream and act like you're
00:00:31 just out of your mind and just praise Him and don't care
00:00:35 what nobody say.
00:00:37 Oh, I certainly appreciate that.
00:00:39 Would you lift your hands up just for a moment
00:00:41 to just worship Him?
00:00:46 Fill this room with your presence.
00:00:52 Fill this room with your presence.
00:00:59 You are His Majesty the King.
00:01:04 And as we cross over into this new year, we want to declare
00:01:09 once and again that we cannot do it without you.
00:01:17 We declare and we make known that we depend on you.
00:01:25 We're no longer depending on our efforts.
00:01:27 We're no longer depending on ourselves.
00:01:29 We are totally and completely depending on you.
00:01:34 So in you, we move, and in you, we breathe,
00:01:42 and in you, we have our being.
00:01:46 For we have been made righteous in you.
00:01:52 Now, Holy Spirit, speak through my vocal cords.
00:01:56 Think through my mind.
00:02:01 None of me, all of you.
00:02:06 Anoint every ear to hear.
00:02:09 Anoint every life that's here.
00:02:11 Remove every burden.
00:02:12 Destroy every yoke.
00:02:15 Remove everything that we don't like about ourselves.
00:02:19 We leave it in 2023, but we will not be attached to our past.
00:02:26 We're not taking any luggage over with us.
00:02:30 All is well.
00:02:34 In Jesus' mighty name we pray, and everybody said,
00:02:41 "Would you give the Lord a very big handclap of praise
00:02:46 and worship and praise him because of who he is?"
00:02:49 [applause]
00:02:54 And you may be seated.
00:02:56 So this is part two from this morning,
00:03:02 and I'm so glad that we had a 7 o'clock service instead of a 10
00:03:06 o'clock midnight service 'cause I'm sleepy already.
00:03:09 [laughter]
00:03:14 If you have your Bibles, go with me once again to the book
00:03:21 of Romans chapter 1 and verse 16.
00:03:25 And so, this morning we begin talking about maintaining your
00:03:30 righteous stance, that we understand what's going
00:03:35 to happen in 24.
00:03:36 We understand that there's going to be a release of technology
00:03:40 like we've never seen before, but Christian people,
00:03:42 we're not afraid of technology.
00:03:44 We're going to use it to advance the gospel like never before.
00:03:47 We also know that there's going to be this weird dissension,
00:03:54 separation, split, whatever you want to call it,
00:03:56 within the church.
00:03:59 There will be a compromising, if you will, church,
00:04:04 and there will be one who will understand what the gospel
00:04:07 is all about, and there will be lots of offense and lots
00:04:10 of slanders and leaders fighting one another,
00:04:13 but the church will be all right after it's all over,
00:04:15 which the church will still rise up out of that as well.
00:04:19 There will be the coming together of governments from all
00:04:23 over the world as the Antichrist spirit works diligently to
00:04:31 achieve this one world government, at the same time,
00:04:35 working diligently to annihilate the church.
00:04:38 Everything is to prepare for the revealing of the Antichrist,
00:04:43 to work diligently with technology so that the
00:04:48 communication will go all around the world at one time,
00:04:53 and yet I'm not afraid of none of that.
00:04:56 The thing that concerns me the most is that when all of us
00:05:00 and all of that is going on, what will be happening to you?
00:05:04 For there will be an attack in your soul like you've
00:05:10 never experienced.
00:05:12 Our identity is righteousness, and there are many who still
00:05:20 struggle with believing that they've been made righteous,
00:05:25 and Satan will attack you in your soul, in your mind,
00:05:29 in your emotions with shame and guilt and condemnation.
00:05:35 And the objective is to shame you out of your real identity,
00:05:41 which is righteousness.
00:05:44 The objective is to cause you to feel guilty about your past,
00:05:48 and so you continue to have chains connected to what God is
00:05:52 already forgiving you of.
00:05:57 The objective is to condemn you to the point where you think God
00:06:03 doesn't even want to use you anymore.
00:06:05 Get the message from this morning.
00:06:09 So, what we're going to deal with tonight is we're going to
00:06:14 talk about the effects of righteousness.
00:06:17 What happens when you go ahead and receive it?
00:06:20 What happens when you go ahead and believe it?
00:06:22 What happens when you start walking in it?
00:06:25 There are some effects that come with receiving
00:06:29 your righteousness.
00:06:31 Let's begin tonight.
00:06:32 Romans chapter 1 and verse 16, he says, "For I am not ashamed,"
00:06:36 the apostle Paul is speaking here, "For I am not ashamed of
00:06:41 this good news," the gospel about Christ.
00:06:44 This good news is good news about Christ.
00:06:47 He says, "I'm not ashamed of that, and yet there will be cold
00:06:52 blood that will go out throughout the church."
00:06:55 People are going to come to a point where they just don't care
00:06:58 anymore, their love will wax cold.
00:07:03 And I'm wondering, how many of you who are seated here today,
00:07:08 will you even be interested in what Jesus has to say this time
00:07:12 next year?
00:07:14 An all-out launch to just try to work on your soul so you can
00:07:19 get up, cave in, and quit.
00:07:24 But I prophesy over world changes, not here, devil.
00:07:27 I'm not ashamed of the good news about Christ.
00:07:35 This good news is the power of God at work in you.
00:07:40 This good news about Christ is the power of God.
00:07:45 What is that good news?
00:07:46 The good news that Christ has forgiven you of your sins.
00:07:49 The good news that in him you've been made righteous without
00:07:53 working to earn that righteousness, but you have
00:07:55 been made right because your righteousness is in him.
00:08:00 It is the power of God at work saving everyone who believes,
00:08:06 the Jew first and also the Gentiles.
00:08:09 And in verse 17, he says this, "This good news tells us how God
00:08:14 has made us right in his sight."
00:08:18 So, he is specifically talking about the good news of how you
00:08:21 been made righteous in the sight of God, how you just believing
00:08:29 that you've been made right because of Jesus.
00:08:32 That is the good news the world can't understand, and even some
00:08:35 of the church can't understand.
00:08:36 How can you be made right without earning it through your
00:08:40 goody-goody things?
00:08:43 The good news tells us how God makes us right in his sight.
00:08:47 He said, "This is accomplished from start to finish
00:08:51 by your faith."
00:08:53 Something happens when you finally say, "Okay, God, I
00:08:57 believe I'm the righteousness of God because you said so."
00:09:01 Abraham said, "I believe," and the Bible says in Genesis,
00:09:05 "Immediately heaven said, 'You're righteous.'"
00:09:07 Without him doing any, any goody-goody thing first, heaven
00:09:11 said, "You're righteous because you believe."
00:09:17 He said, "This is accomplished from start to finish by faith."
00:09:20 As the Scripture says, "It is through faith that a righteous
00:09:24 person has life."
00:09:26 Now, let's look at the effects of righteousness.
00:09:31 First John chapter 2 and verse 1.
00:09:36 First John chapter 2 and verse 1.
00:09:38 What happens when you finally just give up on sweating to try
00:09:43 to get what has already been given to you?
00:09:47 What happens when you begin to accept the fact that I am who he
00:09:52 says that I am?
00:09:53 That is my identity.
00:09:54 I am the righteousness of God when I'm up, when I'm down,
00:09:56 when I missed it, when I made it.
00:09:58 I'm the righteousness of God.
00:09:59 What happens when you do that?
00:10:01 Here's the first effect.
00:10:06 "My dear children, I am writing this to you so that you will not
00:10:10 sin, but if anyone does sin, we have an advocate who pleads our
00:10:16 case before the Father.
00:10:19 He is Jesus Christ, the one who is truly righteous."
00:10:26 You know what he's saying here?
00:10:28 Your failures don't alter Jesus' righteousness.
00:10:35 Think about what I said.
00:10:38 Your failures don't change Jesus' righteousness.
00:10:43 As long as Jesus is righteous and you believe in him,
00:10:48 you are righteous.
00:10:49 But the church and religion teaches you that your failure
00:10:54 changes Jesus' righteousness because you think you're no
00:10:58 longer righteous.
00:10:59 You're righteous because of him, not because of you.
00:11:02 So, your failure didn't change his righteousness.
00:11:05 So, if he's okay, you okay.
00:11:07 You're no longer okay if he's not okay.
00:11:10 The only way you're not okay is if something happened with him
00:11:13 not being okay, but ain't nothing gonna happen with his
00:11:16 okayness as long as he is okay, you okay.
00:11:20 Everybody say, "I'm okay."
00:11:23 So, if you don't believe, your failures don't alter
00:11:30 his righteousness.
00:11:32 Let's look at the next effect.
00:11:36 Ephesians chapter 1.
00:11:39 Let's look at this in the NLT.
00:11:41 Ephesians chapter 1, verse 4, and then Colossians chapter 1
00:11:46 and 22, Ephesians 1 and 4.
00:11:50 Now, if you heard this morning, you can add that to this and
00:11:53 see what happens, amen, and I take it that those of you who
00:11:56 didn't come to church this morning because you wanted to
00:11:58 come tonight, that you at least heard what I said this morning
00:12:00 so we all on the same page.
00:12:01 I know you did, amen.
00:12:03 So, I'm righteous because I believe in Jesus, and Jesus said
00:12:14 that he's made me right with him, and I say,
00:12:18 "I believe that, Lord."
00:12:20 It's hard to believe when you're not doing right, but your doing
00:12:24 right doesn't change your identity as righteous, and
00:12:27 that's what Satan's after.
00:12:28 "I got to get you to believe that you are as you behave."
00:12:33 Look what he says here in verse 4.
00:12:38 "Even before he made the world, God--" oh, my goodness.
00:12:44 "God loved us and chose us in Christ, and in Christ he chose
00:12:52 us to be holy in Christ, and he chose us to be without fault in
00:12:58 his eyes."
00:13:00 You know how strong that is?
00:13:03 So, he said, "Before he made the world, he--" before you were
00:13:11 born, before you even formed into a fetus, he loved you, and
00:13:16 he chose you in Christ.
00:13:19 He already decided he's not gonna see you in yourself, he
00:13:23 gonna see you in Christ, and in Christ--" and what does it mean
00:13:28 to be in Christ?
00:13:29 If you're born again, you're in Christ.
00:13:33 If you're in Christ, you are holy right now, but you don't
00:13:41 believe that, and Satan's gonna work on that.
00:13:45 Satan's gonna work on that all this next year.
00:13:47 "Don't believe that.
00:13:48 Ain't no way you holy in Christ.
00:13:49 Look at you.
00:13:50 Look at what you did last year.
00:13:52 Look at what you just did five minutes ago.
00:13:53 How you gonna say you holy?"
00:13:56 The same way Paul, a murderer and a persecutor of the church
00:14:01 was the one who stood by and allowed Stephen to be stoned to
00:14:06 death, and this Paul said, "I have wronged no man.
00:14:10 I have corrupted no man.
00:14:12 I have defrauded no man."
00:14:14 How could he say that when you can turn to the next page and
00:14:17 see him wronging people, defrauding people, and
00:14:20 corrupting people?
00:14:22 How could he say that?
00:14:23 He made his mind up, "Since I don't know what to do with my
00:14:27 own self, I'm gonna go ahead and receive Jesus and believe him
00:14:33 and realize that my righteousness is always gonna
00:14:36 be stronger than my sin.
00:14:38 And if I believe that I'm righteous, I'm telling you
00:14:42 that's gonna take care of your sinning."
00:14:44 You gotta get your identity fixed before you see your
00:14:50 behavior fixed.
00:14:54 Religion is teaching you to deal with your behavior first
00:14:58 and ignore your identity, but Jesus is saying, "I need you to
00:15:04 believe your identity in Jesus Christ, and in Christ Jesus,
00:15:10 I need you to believe you're holy.
00:15:14 And in Christ Jesus, as you believe that you are holy,
00:15:19 I see you as holy, but I also see you without fault."
00:15:24 Ooh.
00:15:26 Think about thinking about this knowing you got plenty fault,
00:15:34 but you sit there and say, "Jesus sees me with no fault."
00:15:42 Who does that?
00:15:46 It's not hard to love him.
00:15:49 He loved me before I was ever born, died for me, went to the
00:15:53 hell I should have went to, and then he says, "I see you with
00:15:58 no fault."
00:15:59 That's beyond my thinking.
00:16:01 I can't figure that out.
00:16:04 How can you see me without fault?
00:16:08 He said, "'Cause I'm not looking at you outside of Christ.
00:16:13 When I look at you, I'm only looking at you in Christ.
00:16:19 I see you holy, and I see you righteous, and I see you without
00:16:23 fault," and Satan wants to contradict that just like he
00:16:28 did with Adam and Eve in the garden.
00:16:29 He wants to come to you and say, "Lie, lie, lie.
00:16:34 Look at yourself.
00:16:35 Remember what you did.
00:16:37 You ain't no good because if he can destroy and attack your
00:16:40 identity, you will buy the chaos that is to come in this world."
00:16:46 There's gonna be chaos, and there's gonna be foolishness
00:16:49 like you've never seen before, but just because there's gonna
00:16:51 be chaos doesn't mean you have to dwell in the chaos.
00:16:54 You can dwell in the peace that comes with believing Christ and
00:16:58 operating in his grace.
00:17:01 And the church said, "Amen."
00:17:06 Now, let's look at this Scripture in Colossians chapter
00:17:09 1, 22 in the NLT.
00:17:12 This literally broke me down when I was reading yesterday
00:17:17 'cause I'm like, "I believe it, but you're so awesome."
00:17:22 He said, "Yet now he has reconciled you to himself."
00:17:28 He did it through the death of Christ in his physical body.
00:17:32 Now, as a result of Jesus dying in his physical body, he has
00:17:37 brought you into his own presence.
00:17:43 I now have access to the presence of God, not because I
00:17:49 earned it, not because I deserved it, but I believed in
00:17:53 Jesus and him making me right, and now I have access to his
00:17:58 presence, and he says, "And you are holy, and you are blameless
00:18:04 as you stand before him without a single fault."
00:18:10 Now, that may not mean a lot to a lot of you, but somebody who's
00:18:18 been walking around beating themselves up and allowing the
00:18:21 devil to beat you up and telling you day in and night that you
00:18:24 ain't no good, that you deserve hell, that all what you did will
00:18:27 never be forgiven, oh, you ought to be ashamed of yourself, it
00:18:31 may not mean much to you, but to that guy, it means a whole lot
00:18:35 because it says, "I got an opportunity to walk away from
00:18:39 all of the crazy I used to be and stand in his presence
00:18:44 without one single fault."
00:18:47 [speaking in tongues]
00:18:52 My goodness, that's the effect of it.
00:18:58 If this thing takes place, if Satan doesn't stop this thing,
00:19:03 you're gonna walk around knowing that you're more powerful than
00:19:09 he is.
00:19:11 He's got to get you to accept that you are every bit of your
00:19:18 bad behavior, and the bad behavior won't change because
00:19:24 you won't yield to believing Jesus as the one who's made you
00:19:29 righteous.
00:19:31 Your righteousness is greater than your sin, and your
00:19:34 righteousness will eventually--your identity will
00:19:37 eventually--your identity as a righteousness of God will
00:19:40 overcome the sinning.
00:19:41 You keep worrying about the sinning.
00:19:43 It's almost like you think you can be righteous by doing,
00:19:46 doing, doing, and you think you can be free from sin by doing,
00:19:49 doing, doing, and you don't get what this is all about.
00:19:53 You need Jesus Christ.
00:19:54 You are a human being stained with the sin of Adam, and the
00:19:59 only way out is Jesus.
00:20:01 You fall short of the glory of God.
00:20:03 You have inferiority because of what happened in the Garden of
00:20:06 Eden.
00:20:07 You feel like you don't measure up.
00:20:09 You feel like you're not cared about.
00:20:11 You are inferior, and the only way to defeat that inferiority
00:20:16 is through Jesus Christ, and the devil knows it.
00:20:19 He knows if I can keep you in inferiority, if I can keep you
00:20:23 thinking that way, you won't change how you live, you won't
00:20:27 change what you do, but the day you receive that I am the
00:20:31 righteousness of God, then all of a sudden you ain't gonna wanna
00:20:34 do what you used to do because you're not who you used to be
00:20:39 because in him he has changed your identity.
00:20:46 I'm more concerned about the character of saved folks in 2024
00:20:53 more than I am when the devil gonna show up and when the
00:20:56 Antichrist coming, and, "Oh, what about 666 and yeah."
00:20:59 I ain't worried about that.
00:21:01 I'm more concerned about you believing who Jesus says you
00:21:04 are, and if you believe who Jesus says you are, if you
00:21:07 should bump into the Antichrist, you can recall Luke chapter 10,
00:21:12 19, "Behold, I give you power over all the power of the enemy
00:21:21 and you'll tread on serpents and you'll tread on scorpions and
00:21:25 nothing will by any means hurt you.
00:21:27 I am the righteousness of God."
00:21:30 Devil, take that stuff somewhere else because in Jesus you can't
00:21:35 touch this.
00:21:39 Are y'all seeing what I'm saying?
00:21:41 It's not just you knowing what I am saying, it's you receiving.
00:21:51 Until you place ownership of this righteousness and start
00:22:05 walking around owning it, all you're doing is flapping
00:22:11 your jaws, but if you move past flapping your jaws to,
00:22:20 "I'm righteous."
00:22:22 Now the enemy's got a problem.
00:22:26 Somebody say, "Well, I don't need to know none of this."
00:22:31 Well, they that live godly shall suffer persecution.
00:22:33 You ready for yours?
00:22:36 Oh, but past is going to be hard.
00:22:39 That's what life is.
00:22:40 You're going down a path, you are on a journey,
00:22:43 and I'm screaming to the top of my voice tonight.
00:22:47 I'd scream to the top of my voice this morning because what
00:22:52 bothers me is this is so simple that your intelligentsia is
00:22:58 going to let it pass by your mind why you allow the world
00:23:03 to move you into concentrating on something that's not as
00:23:07 important as your identity.
00:23:10 I want to remind you the first attack Satan released on Adam
00:23:15 was his identity.
00:23:17 The first attack that he released on Jesus in the
00:23:21 wilderness was his identity.
00:23:23 The attack that he's about to release on all of us is our
00:23:28 identity in Jesus Christ.
00:23:30 Not what your last name is right now, but do you know who you are
00:23:36 in Christ Jesus, and if you fail to answer that, you become open
00:23:41 prey for the devil to reap havoc in every area of your life,
00:23:49 your relationships, your marriages.
00:23:53 Oh, yeah.
00:23:55 You got to know you the righteousness of God
00:23:57 while you're married.
00:23:59 'Cause if not, you'll start conducting yourself like worldly
00:24:03 relationships, and you won't see that through this righteousness
00:24:10 you conduct yourself as someone who is holy and righteous
00:24:16 and without fault.
00:24:18 But if you won't do that, you won't have patience with
00:24:22 Jethro Nim, and you'll just say, "Look, I'm--you know,
00:24:26 I ain't in him no more.
00:24:28 I love him, but I'm not in love with him."
00:24:33 You know that excuse that we use.
00:24:35 So far, all I am--all I've done tonight is read Scripture and
00:24:44 tell you what it said, because we are now figuring out that
00:24:50 people aren't interested in living according to the Bible.
00:24:53 They're interested in living according to religion.
00:24:57 I don't want to hear what the Bible got to say.
00:25:00 All I know is my Bible tells me, and you don't even know how to
00:25:04 read the Bible.
00:25:06 That's just like you going around talking about,
00:25:09 "The Lord spoke to me last night."
00:25:11 You just got baptized, still dripping water all over the
00:25:13 floor, ain't heard from God, but now all of a sudden,
00:25:15 he's been speaking to you about a lot of stuff.
00:25:17 Don't know the difference between his presence and the
00:25:21 air conditioning turned down low.
00:25:23 But those are the kind of people that can gain influence on
00:25:28 social media, and you'll follow them until you come to realize
00:25:36 that's not even in the Bible.
00:25:38 So, people aren't interested in living according to the Word,
00:25:44 'cause as soon as you show the Word, they say, "Well,
00:25:46 I'm interested in hearing what I've heard before."
00:25:50 And most people come to church to hear--they don't come to
00:25:53 church to hear no revelation.
00:25:54 They come to church to hear what they already know.
00:25:58 And I'm not trying to continue to preach what you already know.
00:26:00 I'm trying to challenge you.
00:26:02 I'm trying to make you mad.
00:26:03 I'm not trying to make you, "Let me see where he got that from."
00:26:05 I'm trying to--that's why I'm reading.
00:26:07 I'm reading right now.
00:26:08 I'm just reading.
00:26:09 I've been reading all day.
00:26:11 'Cause my opinion about life doesn't matter.
00:26:19 Now, we're where the rubber meets the road.
00:26:22 Have you received your identity?
00:26:26 I am the righteousness of God.
00:26:30 In him, I am righteous.
00:26:32 In him, I am holy.
00:26:34 In him, I am pure.
00:26:37 My stance in him is righteous, holy, and pure.
00:26:41 My state is not there yet.
00:26:44 I'm on my way.
00:26:45 But if I receive my stance, righteous, holy, and pure,
00:26:50 then that's gonna translate and begin to impact my state,
00:26:54 and I'll begin to transform into what I believe about Jesus
00:27:01 and what he has done for me.
00:27:04 And I made my mind up that this year,
00:27:05 I'm gonna preach it like I ain't never preached it
00:27:08 before in my life.
00:27:10 I cannot be preaching to try to get the validation of people.
00:27:15 I'm delivered from approval addiction,
00:27:19 and I hope you are too, because if you are still in bondage
00:27:24 to approval addiction, the devil gonna wear you out in 2024.
00:27:30 And stay out the comments.
00:27:32 You going on social media 'cause you think you look good,
00:27:39 and then you get five comments telling you you look like
00:27:40 a China cabinet, and all of a sudden you--
00:27:44 all of a sudden you upset.
00:27:45 Stay out the comments.
00:27:47 [laughter]
00:27:52 I'm sorry.
00:27:53 I just--God looks at us as holy and blameless in his sight.
00:28:00 Now, watch this.
00:28:03 2 Corinthians chapter 5, verse 17 in the NLT.
00:28:07 2 Corinthians chapter 5, 17 in the NLT.
00:28:12 You know, I could get up here and say a lot of inspirational
00:28:17 phrases, but sometimes those phrases aren't even biblical.
00:28:23 They sound good.
00:28:25 They're motivational, but they may not be biblical.
00:28:29 Verse 17 says, "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has
00:28:34 become a new person."
00:28:42 How many of you belong to Christ?
00:28:45 You're not the same.
00:28:47 The old life is gone.
00:28:52 A new life has begun.
00:28:57 Say this out loud.
00:29:00 Out with the old.
00:29:04 In with the new.
00:29:07 Out with the old identity.
00:29:11 In with the new identity.
00:29:14 Your old identification was sinner.
00:29:20 Your new identification is righteous.
00:29:23 The New Testament no longer refers to a believer as a
00:29:30 sinner, so when somebody says, "We just sinners saved by grace,"
00:29:36 speak for yourself.
00:29:39 I used to be a sinner, but now that I am saved, I am, according
00:29:44 to Scriptures, 67 times in the New Testament, a saint.
00:29:49 A saint not by the Catholic Church, but I am a saint by what
00:29:56 Jesus has done in this new agreement.
00:30:00 I am away from the old.
00:30:03 I accept the new.
00:30:05 I am the righteousness of God right now.
00:30:08 I am not a sinner saved by grace.
00:30:11 I am someone that used to be a sinner.
00:30:14 I am--have been saved by the grace of God, and now I no
00:30:18 longer identify with any parts of that old identity.
00:30:24 These are decisions you have to make.
00:30:29 I've made a decision I'm gonna preach this gospel, and if
00:30:33 there are three people left, I'm gonna preach it to them.
00:30:37 It's not that bad anymore.
00:30:38 When the pandemic came, this dome was empty, and I was
00:30:42 preaching to blue seats every Sunday for about several,
00:30:47 several months.
00:30:47 It wasn't how long it lasts.
00:30:50 At first, it was hard, and then the anointing came in.
00:30:52 Without nobody in the house, I'd rather please God than men, and
00:30:57 that's what happens when you become the righteousness of God.
00:31:07 You let it all go so that you might please one person, and
00:31:12 really, that's the only one that's gonna matter at the end
00:31:14 of the day, and you still trying to impress people by buying
00:31:19 stuff you can't afford, trying to impress somebody
00:31:23 that doesn't care.
00:31:26 That's that approval addiction, and you got it, and you won't
00:31:28 admit that you have it, and you're comparing yourself
00:31:32 to yourself, you know, doing Blossom--it's not Blossom,
00:31:39 it's Bloom, right?
00:31:41 I looked at Taffi, "Blossom, Bloom, you know, Vase Voss."
00:31:46 Taffi asked me to share from a man's perspective the attitude
00:31:51 of biblical equality, and she asked the right person,
00:32:01 and I said, "Well, I ain't know about that."
00:32:03 When Taffi went to South Africa, called me and told me,
00:32:05 "I got something."
00:32:06 I'm like, "Don't be bringing nothing here now, you know,
00:32:08 if you don't start nothing, there ain't gonna be nothing."
00:32:10 "Well, what?"
00:32:11 And she came with this biblical equality stuff.
00:32:13 I'm like, "What in the world?"
00:32:15 And I said, "Wait a minute, this is just grace.
00:32:20 God had already prepared me with this grace."
00:32:23 And I was amazed at the number of people in this world that
00:32:29 don't understand that some of the things we're doing today
00:32:32 is a result of a curse, like male domination.
00:32:37 When God said that the man shall have dominion over you,
00:32:45 it was after they sinned in the garden, and then he started
00:32:49 dishing out the curses, and one of the curses
00:32:52 was male domination.
00:32:54 But we took male domination and said,
00:32:58 "What you supposed to do?"
00:33:00 And it's like, "Dude, we do the same thing with living for 70."
00:33:05 Seventy was a downgrade.
00:33:07 It was a part of the curse.
00:33:11 It ain't a blessing to live for 70 years.
00:33:13 You're supposed to be living way past 70 years.
00:33:16 That's a downgrade.
00:33:18 And it's amazing to me how we take pieces of the curse and
00:33:23 try to turn it into a blessing.
00:33:25 Man's supposed to dominate his wife.
00:33:31 God knew better than that because if you take an inferior
00:33:35 man and try to tell him he has dominion over his woman,
00:33:39 he is going to feel so inferior that he's got to get involved
00:33:43 into some false superiority to kind of deal with his
00:33:47 inferiority, and then start doing stupid stuff.
00:33:50 And then before you know it, he's putting his hands on his
00:33:52 woman and beating his woman because he got a problem with
00:33:55 his own inferiority.
00:33:57 Male domination is a part of the curse.
00:34:01 It is not God's plan.
00:34:03 It is not God's idea.
00:34:05 It is not God wanting that to happen.
00:34:07 He said, "Y'all messed up in the garden,
00:34:09 and as a result of it, men are going to dominate."
00:34:12 And then he said something interesting.
00:34:14 "Actually, women want to be in charge,
00:34:16 but the man gonna dominate the woman."
00:34:19 And Jesus said, "But give me some time.
00:34:22 I'm gonna fix it."
00:34:24 We gonna bruise his head, but he'll hit you here.
00:34:31 He said, "I'm gonna fix it."
00:34:34 And I'm just amazed at the number of leaders
00:34:36 that can't read.
00:34:38 Let me see how much time I got because I'm feeling asleep.
00:34:48 I seen about three, four, five of y'all all at one time.
00:34:50 I need to go home and make my pancakes.
00:34:55 I'm just being honest.
00:35:07 When I was up in this pulpit at 24,
00:35:10 and we stayed here for like three,
00:35:12 four hours and did the whole countdown to midnight,
00:35:15 that was good at 24.
00:35:16 I was ready to go and kept going.
00:35:18 It was all right at 30.
00:35:19 It was pretty good at 40.
00:35:22 50, I was hanging in there.
00:35:24 And then when I got out of my 50s,
00:35:26 this ain't working for me no more.
00:35:28 And I said, "I don't see nowhere in the Bible where it said you
00:35:33 had to stay in church to midnight.
00:35:36 So, we're gonna have a countdown in a minute,
00:35:40 and you're gonna pretend that it's midnight,
00:35:44 and you're gonna shout and hug each other and say,
00:35:46 'Happy New Year!' and all that other kind of stuff.
00:35:49 But I'm gonna tell you right now,
00:35:51 we ain't going to no midnight.
00:35:53 That ain't God, that ain't Eden God right here tonight.
00:36:00 I'm gonna be in bed before midnight.
00:36:03 Happy New Year tomorrow.
00:36:05 In fact, Happy New Year right now.
00:36:14 Because it might be the last point.
00:36:16 So, Happy New Year.
00:36:17 Tell your mama I said, "Happy New Year."
00:36:19 Happy New Year, y'all.
00:36:21 God bless you.
00:36:21 Happy New Year.
00:36:22 2024.
00:36:23 Whoo!
00:36:24 Yeah, wave them little things right there.
00:36:29 Wave them.
00:36:30 Go do that celebration right now.
00:36:34 That's what I'm talking about.
00:36:35 Now, look at that.
00:36:35 Celebrate right now.
00:36:36 Boy, I'm tempted to just go and let this thing happen, man.
00:36:39 2024.
00:36:40 2024.
00:36:42 2024.
00:36:43 What you say now?
00:36:45 What you talking about?
00:36:46 Now, stop.
00:36:47 I'm getting dizzy.
00:36:48 Stop.
00:36:48 I'm putting them things down.
00:36:51 Putting them things down.
00:36:52 I'm getting dizzy, boy.
00:36:54 We have a new identity.
00:37:08 We are not sinners with new clothes on.
00:37:11 We are new from within, and we have become partakers of the
00:37:15 divine nature of Christ.
00:37:17 We're no longer called sinners, but saints.
00:37:20 We no longer do we put our trust in our self-effort, but we put
00:37:25 our trust in Jesus Christ.
00:37:27 Look at Romans chapter 517 in the NLT.
00:37:35 Romans 517.
00:37:40 See, that ain't calling out red.
00:37:41 Happy New Year.
00:37:43 Look at verse 17.
00:37:55 He says, "For the sin of this one man, Adam,
00:37:58 caused the deaf to rule over many."
00:38:03 So, because of what Adam did, everybody after Adam came to the
00:38:10 earth spiritually dead.
00:38:12 But even greater, even greater than what Adam did is God's
00:38:22 wonderful grace and his gift of righteousness.
00:38:27 Isn't that interesting?
00:38:31 Could have mentioned any other gift, but he says that this gift
00:38:35 of righteousness came by grace, not by effort, not by your works.
00:38:42 It came by his unmerited favor.
00:38:48 He favored you and gave you undeserved privilege to receive
00:38:53 this gift of righteousness, and we still struggle to receive it.
00:39:04 We still struggle to receive.
00:39:06 Somehow we still let behavior convince us that we're not who
00:39:16 he said we are because we worked so hard to be a lawman,
00:39:26 Galatians chapter 2, 16, in the message, instead of a God man.
00:39:30 There's so much we can say about this.
00:39:35 "For all who receive it," now here it is, "will live in
00:39:45 victory over sin and death."
00:39:48 Look at your victory over sin and death,
00:39:50 receiving the gift of righteousness.
00:39:54 That's where your victory's gonna come from,
00:39:56 receiving your identity as the righteousness of God.
00:40:01 You overcome sin and death through this one man,
00:40:07 Jesus Christ.
00:40:08 The issue I'm trying to point out tonight is have you or will
00:40:13 you receive this gift of righteousness?
00:40:20 I have been made, not become.
00:40:24 You didn't become it.
00:40:25 Become it means you did something to deserve it.
00:40:29 I have been made righteous by what Jesus has done,
00:40:34 and I believe Jesus and that I have been made righteous.
00:40:40 Now I will see victory over the behavior and the sin that you
00:40:47 have tried for years and years to overcome through your own
00:40:53 self-effort, and it seemed like it got worse and worse because
00:40:59 you went back to believing that you were a sinner and refused
00:41:08 to accept that you have been made righteous.
00:41:12 Wow.
00:41:13 Say out loud, "I am the righteousness of God."
00:41:21 I believe I've been made right.
00:41:23 Now I want to end with where we started this morning,
00:41:29 Romans 3, 20 through 31.
00:41:34 The Bible says we reign in life, Romans 5 and 17.
00:41:40 That's another effect of it.
00:41:49 We understand that we are the righteousness of God.
00:41:52 According to James 5, 16, our prayers avail much.
00:41:56 Another effect is that we are heirs of God and join heirs with
00:42:04 Christ Jesus.
00:42:06 Healing comes when you understand you're the
00:42:10 righteousness of God.
00:42:14 Let's go to chapter 3 in the NLT verses--starting at verse 20,
00:42:20 and I'm going to read this and pray that God will tell you
00:42:24 whatever else you need to know.
00:42:26 I apologize.
00:42:33 I just get really straight when I'm sleeping.
00:42:35 Maybe I shouldn't have just screamed so much this morning,
00:42:42 but the Bible says, "For no one can ever be made right with God
00:42:46 by doing what the law commands."
00:42:48 The law simply shows us how sinful we are.
00:42:53 Yeah.
00:42:57 The law in the Old Testament shows you how sinful you are.
00:43:00 Why is that?
00:43:01 The law is perfect.
00:43:03 Nothing wrong with the law.
00:43:04 The law is perfect.
00:43:05 The problem is we are not.
00:43:07 We are fallen men, and when you take fallen men,
00:43:12 something that's imperfect, and try to match it with something
00:43:15 that's perfect, the only thing that's going to happen is you're
00:43:18 going to see your imperfections in the face of perfection like
00:43:22 you've never seen it before.
00:43:24 Jesus said, "I got to come up with something else.
00:43:27 This not working because the law in and of itself will cause
00:43:32 condemnation and shame and guilt," which what it was
00:43:36 designed to do.
00:43:38 The Bible says the law simply shows us how sinful we are.
00:43:41 Verse 21, "But now God has shown us a way to be made right with
00:43:45 him without keeping the requirements of the law,
00:43:51 as was promised in the writings of Moses and the prophets
00:43:54 long ago."
00:43:57 We are made right with God by placing our faith
00:43:59 in Jesus Christ, and this is the true--this is true for everyone
00:44:04 we meet, no matter who you are.
00:44:08 For everyone has sinned.
00:44:10 We all fall short of God's glorious standard.
00:44:15 That just simply means as a result of sin,
00:44:19 everyone has to deal with inferiority.
00:44:24 Inferiority is that feeling of falling short.
00:44:26 Inferiority is that feeling of not feeling that you're noticed
00:44:33 or that you're cared for or you--the only antidote and
00:44:38 answer for inferiority is Jesus, 24.
00:44:46 "Yet God in his grace freely makes us right in his sight."
00:44:50 He did this through Jesus Christ when he freed us from the
00:44:54 penalty of our sin.
00:45:00 He presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin.
00:45:03 People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus
00:45:06 sacrificed his life.
00:45:07 How many of you believe that Jesus sacrificed his life?
00:45:10 How many believe in his shedding of his blood?
00:45:12 When you believe what Jesus did for you,
00:45:15 the reason why he's not going to charge sin to your account is
00:45:20 because he decided to charge it to the account of Jesus.
00:45:23 Jesus has taken upon himself all of the sins of the world,
00:45:27 those who are born again and who are not born again.
00:45:30 He says, "I took the sins of the sinner,
00:45:33 so when he got ready to get born again,
00:45:35 I was already his sacrifice as well."
00:45:37 People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus
00:45:42 sacrificed his life, shedding his blood.
00:45:46 The sacrifice shows that God was being fair when he held back
00:45:51 and did not punish those who sinned in times past.
00:45:55 God was looking ahead and including them in what he would
00:45:58 do in this present time.
00:46:00 God did this to demonstrate his righteousness,
00:46:05 for he himself is fair and just, and he makes sinners right in
00:46:10 his sight when they believe in Jesus.
00:46:13 Come on.
00:46:15 He says, "So can we boast then that we have done anything to be
00:46:24 accepted by God?"
00:46:25 No, you can't boast that you have done something so amazing
00:46:31 to be accepted by God because our acquittal is not based on
00:46:37 obeying the law.
00:46:39 It is based on faith and believing in Jesus.
00:46:42 So, we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying
00:46:49 the law.
00:46:51 That blows your mind, right?
00:46:52 It says in the Bible.
00:46:54 What you trying to say, that we don't have to be obedient
00:46:59 anymore?
00:47:00 Okay, so check this out real quick.
00:47:02 So, there's like--so there's like the old covenant or
00:47:07 agreement or contract versus the new covenant or agreement or
00:47:12 contract.
00:47:17 And Jesus said in Hebrews, "We've got a better agreement in
00:47:22 the new that's better than the old agreement."
00:47:26 And so, what religious people do is, "Uh-uh, uh-uh, my mom and
00:47:31 them said, but the old."
00:47:33 And Jesus said, "It's a better agreement because in the old
00:47:37 agreement, you could die for not keeping the law, and you ain't
00:47:42 gonna never be able to keep it 'cause it's too perfect for you
00:47:45 to keep."
00:47:45 So, I'm out with a better agreement where I'll keep the
00:47:48 law perfectly for you, and then you get in me.
00:47:51 Obedience in the old agreement is different in the new
00:47:57 agreement.
00:48:05 In the old agreement, you had to keep these or else.
00:48:10 You had to do this or else.
00:48:13 But in the new agreement, obedience is resting in what
00:48:17 Jesus has already done, and disobedience is refusing to
00:48:23 rest but to continue in self-effort to try to do what
00:48:26 Jesus has already done.
00:48:28 This is a book of Hebrews chapter 4.
00:48:30 So, when you refuse to rest in the finished works of Jesus,
00:48:37 you refuse to rest in the fact that you're righteous and you're
00:48:40 healed and you're wise, you refuse to rest in that, and now
00:48:44 you continue in sweat and self-effort to try to achieve
00:48:48 what Jesus has already finished.
00:48:52 He said, "That's disobedience."
00:48:54 And the number of Christians that have never heard what you
00:49:01 just heard blows my mind.
00:49:03 So, we're made right with God through faith and not by obeying
00:49:09 the law.
00:49:11 After all, is God the God of the Jews only?
00:49:15 Isn't he also the God of the Gentiles?
00:49:18 Of course he is.
00:49:21 There is only one God, and he makes people right with himself
00:49:27 only by faith, whether they are Jews or Gentiles.
00:49:33 Well then, if we emphasize faith, does this mean that we
00:49:37 can forget about the law?
00:49:39 He says, "Of course not."
00:49:40 In fact, only when we have faith do we truly fulfill the law.
00:49:44 You know what he says here?
00:49:45 Look at that in the King James.
00:49:46 He's saying here, "Learn how to esteem the law, because without
00:49:51 you understanding that you couldn't keep it, you would have
00:49:58 never, ever reached out to Jesus."
00:50:04 The King James says, "Do we then make void the law through faith?"
00:50:07 He said, "God forbid, yea, we establish the law or we esteem
00:50:12 the law, because without it, we would have never seen a need for
00:50:17 a Savior."
00:50:19 Wow.
00:50:24 So, this year, the challenge from this pulpit is for you to
00:50:30 understand your identity in Christ, walk in your identity in
00:50:35 Christ, understand fully what this life of grace is all about,
00:50:42 and beat the devil in on a daily basis.
00:50:45 Beat his head in on a daily basis as he attempts to try to
00:50:50 get you to deny who you are.
00:50:55 Did you get anything out of that?
00:50:59 [applause]
00:51:06 Now, here's what we're gonna do.
00:51:09 I'm gonna have a little short altar call, and then we're gonna
00:51:11 stand up and have a countdown.
00:51:13 I'm serious, I ain't laughing.
00:51:21 We're gonna have a countdown.
00:51:28 Before I do that, I can't leave the fact that if you're here
00:51:32 tonight and you are not born again, and you do not want to
00:51:36 cross over unsaved, you want to start 2024 as a saint and not a
00:51:43 sinner.
00:51:50 "Well, you know, Pastor, I don't know about all that church
00:51:53 stuff, I'm just kind of tired of church."
00:51:55 That's an excuse.
00:51:56 Stop it.
00:51:58 Where and what is gonna happen to you when you die?
00:52:05 Not trying to put fear, but everybody's gonna die.
00:52:07 So, what happens to you who are not born again when you die?
00:52:14 See, there's only one way to get to heaven.
00:52:18 Make Jesus the Lord of your life.
00:52:20 No man comes to the Father except through Jesus, period.
00:52:24 Now, somebody says, "Well, what about hell?
00:52:30 You know, ain't you gotta do this, do this, do this,
00:52:31 go to hell?"
00:52:32 No, no, no, no.
00:52:32 The only thing you have to do to get to hell is reject Jesus.
00:52:35 Yeah, but wait a minute.
00:52:39 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, no, no, no, no, no.
00:52:41 See, we gotta quit sending people to hell based on their
00:52:43 behavior.
00:52:43 If you make Jesus the Lord of your life, he knows you are on a
00:52:47 journey, and he is going to be working with you throughout your
00:52:51 journey, and believe me, when it's over with, you're gonna be
00:52:53 like him.
00:52:54 He will be working as you go on your journey.
00:52:58 Quit, why do you keep trying to act like people, no, first of
00:53:01 all, here's the truth.
00:53:02 Why do you keep trying to act like you perfect?
00:53:04 You ain't perfect.
00:53:05 Like I said this morning, everybody in the house got an
00:53:07 issue.
00:53:09 You can't sit there like you ain't, you ain't got an issue.
00:53:11 "Well, at least I don't smoke, and at least I don't drink, and
00:53:17 at least I don't have sex outside of marriage."
00:53:19 That's good, but you still got a nasty attitude in the
00:53:23 restaurant with that waiter.
00:53:25 You got an issue with your anger.
00:53:30 You got an issue with envy.
00:53:36 You still got a 20-year-old ought against somebody for
00:53:40 something that happened in 1974.
00:53:42 Everybody in the house got an issue.
00:53:50 That's why everybody in the house needs a Savior, and his
00:53:55 name's Jesus.
00:53:57 If anybody in here goes to hell for your behavior, then all of
00:54:03 us are going to hell.
00:54:05 You better hear me.
00:54:10 If anybody goes to hell for their behavior, everybody's
00:54:15 going to hell for their behavior.
00:54:17 I've made Jesus the Lord of my life.
00:54:22 He is responsible for giving me new desires and taking away my
00:54:28 old desires.
00:54:29 He's responsible for the change.
00:54:30 I can't change you, but Jesus can.
00:54:32 So, what are you prepared to do?
00:54:38 Do you sit here because out of the fear of embarrassment, I
00:54:42 ain't walking up there, I ain't doing none of that.
00:54:45 I ain't, you know, I don't care what Creeplo said, I ain't doing
00:54:49 none of that.
00:54:51 Well, that's your choice.
00:55:02 I'm not responsible for your behavior.
00:55:06 I'm not responsible for any of that.
00:55:08 That's you.
00:55:10 People do what they want to do.
00:55:14 That's what I figured out.
00:55:16 But you have this opportunity.
00:55:18 I don't know what's going to happen in your life, but I do
00:55:24 know you need to get ready to go and be ready to be glad that
00:55:30 you made Jesus the Lord of your life.
00:55:32 So, I have this little simple old-fashioned altar call.
00:55:40 I know churches don't do no altar call no more, but I still
00:55:44 believe that something happens at the altar.
00:55:47 So, if you're here tonight and you want to trust somebody
00:55:57 greater than you, if you're here tonight and you're so tired of
00:56:04 trying to get yourself together and you want Jesus to come and
00:56:09 heal you, let's not cross over with unfinished business.
00:56:17 Don't be ashamed.
00:56:22 Don't be afraid to get your life together for
00:56:27 the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:56:29 Come to Jesus just like you are.
00:56:31 Come to Jesus just like you are.
00:56:37 You don't have to get fixed up.
00:56:39 You don't have to get dressed up.
00:56:41 Come to Jesus just like you are.
00:56:44 Come to Jesus with that weed in your pocket.
00:56:46 He'll take care of it.
00:56:48 Come to Jesus just like you are.
00:56:50 See, the Bible says that he will start working on your desire so
00:57:01 that you are going to want to do what pleases him.
00:57:06 Now, you might not want to do what pleases him, but if you let
00:57:09 him in your life, he'll start working on you.
00:57:11 He'll start working on you.
00:57:14 And you've seen how crazy 2023 was.
00:57:20 It's going to get crazier in 2024, but that's why I'm trying
00:57:25 to convince you don't go through this year without a Savior.
00:57:29 You're going to need a Savior.
00:57:31 You're going to need Jesus.
00:57:33 [applause]
00:57:39 Not religion.
00:57:41 Not rule keeping.
00:57:47 Pull up Galatians chapter 2, verse 16 through 19 in the
00:57:57 message translation.
00:57:59 Not rule keeping.
00:58:02 All the church does is talk about rule keeping.
00:58:05 Come to Jesus just like you are.
00:58:11 He will change your heart.
00:58:13 He will change your desire.
00:58:17 You're going to want to do what pleases him.
00:58:20 Galatians says this, he said, "We Jews know that we have no
00:58:29 advantage of birth over non-Jewish sinners.
00:58:33 We know very well that we are not set right with God by
00:58:37 rule keeping, but only through personal faith in Jesus Christ."
00:58:43 How do we know?
00:58:46 How do we know this to be true?
00:58:48 I love this.
00:58:48 He said, "We tried it.
00:58:51 We tried keeping the rules.
00:58:54 We tried doing everything the church said to do.
00:58:58 We tried it and we had the best system of rules the world has
00:59:03 ever seen, convinced that no human being can please God by
00:59:09 self-improvement, because we all tried the
00:59:13 self-improvement thing.
00:59:15 You said to yourself, "I ain't cussing no more," and then by
00:59:19 the end of the day, you cuss more than you ever cussed for
00:59:21 in your life because you needed Jesus to help you.
00:59:27 We believed in Jesus as a Messiah so that we might be set
00:59:31 right before God by trusting in the Messiah,
00:59:34 not by trying to be good.
00:59:36 Have some of you noticed that we are not yet perfect?
00:59:43 That ain't no great surprise, right?
00:59:45 And are you ready to make the accusation that since people
00:59:49 like me who go through Christ in order to get things right with
00:59:54 God aren't perfectly virtuous, Christ must therefore be an
00:59:59 accessory to sin?
01:00:01 The accusation is frivolous.
01:00:05 If I was trying to be good, I would be rebuilding the same
01:00:10 old barn that I tore down.
01:00:13 I would be acting as a pretender.
01:00:15 What actually took place is this.
01:00:22 I tried keeping rules and working my head off to please
01:00:25 God, and it didn't work.
01:00:28 So, I quit being a lawman so that I could be a God man.
01:00:33 Christ's life showed me how and enabled me to do it,
01:00:38 and I identified myself completely with him.
01:00:46 Indeed, I have been crucified with Christ.
01:00:50 My ego is no longer central.
01:00:52 It's time to trust him.
01:00:57 It's time to trust him, man.
01:01:05 It's time to let go all of the stuff that you thought
01:01:08 would work.
01:01:09 It's time to trust him.
01:01:11 If you were to ask me, "What's the first thing I need to do as
01:01:13 a Christian?"
01:01:15 Get to know Jesus.
01:01:19 Talk to him.
01:01:21 Let him talk to you.
01:01:23 Seek after him.
01:01:24 Get to know Jesus.
01:01:27 Forget about the rules.
01:01:29 God will show you how to live.
01:01:32 When my wife and I got married, it was overwhelming because she
01:01:36 comes in from a family that wasn't really a church family,
01:01:40 and she felt like, "I gotta learn all the rules.
01:01:42 I gotta learn the rules of the first lady.
01:01:44 I gotta learn what kind-- how big my hat need to be.
01:01:47 I don't play no--
01:01:48 what are the rules?"
01:01:50 Doesn't have to be like that.
01:01:54 Get to know Jesus, and he will make everything all right.
01:01:59 Father, is there anybody else before I pray?
01:02:05 Anybody else before I pray?
01:02:07 I mean, if you're sitting there and you're thinking, "Well,
01:02:09 you know, this is just another one of them church things,"
01:02:12 I'm telling you, it's not another one of those
01:02:15 church things.
01:02:16 It's not.
01:02:19 Jesus is hungry for you.
01:02:21 He will fight for you.
01:02:24 He will continue to stay with you.
01:02:26 He will not let you go.
01:02:28 [congregation applauding]
01:02:35 Come on, come on, come on.
01:02:37 Satan's lost one more.
01:02:39 Come on, the kingdom of darkness has lost one more.
01:02:42 [congregation applauding]
01:02:45 Satan is a loser.
01:02:47 He can't even keep you.
01:02:49 Anybody else who would dare to accept this challenge?
01:03:01 Anybody else who would dare say, "I need a Savior"?
01:03:04 We're crossing over right, man.
01:03:14 We're crossing over right, and you're gonna be all right.
01:03:17 God is gonna rearrange your furniture.
01:03:23 Some days you're gonna wake up and say,
01:03:25 "Where's that desire I used to have?"
01:03:27 He gonna rearrange that furniture.
01:03:30 All you need to do every day is just declare,
01:03:33 "I am the righteousness of God.
01:03:34 I am the righteousness of God."
01:03:37 Even when you do something crazy,
01:03:39 "I am the righteousness of God.
01:03:41 I'm not gonna let go of my identity,
01:03:43 but I am the righteousness of God."
01:03:45 He is going to change you.
01:03:47 You ready?
01:03:54 Man, I love you.
01:03:59 We gonna get there together, boy.
01:04:01 I can't--
01:04:03 Father, I thank you, and I give you praise for those
01:04:11 who are standing at this altar.
01:04:13 Everything changes at this altar.
01:04:17 Now, Holy Spirit, move on the altars of their hearts.
01:04:24 Go to work giving them the desire to do what pleases you.
01:04:31 And for that, we give you praise.
01:04:35 In Jesus' name, amen.
01:04:39 Amen.
01:04:41 At this time, if you'll turn this way and follow this
01:04:46 gentleman to the prayer room real quickly.
01:04:48 They're gonna take--go upstairs and pray with you and answer
01:04:50 any questions you have, start you on a discipleship path,
01:04:55 get you where you need to be, and the best is yet to come
01:05:00 in your life.
01:05:02 Hey, church, don't you appreciate those who come
01:05:04 down in here?
01:05:07 All right.
01:05:09 Let's stand up and have this countdown thing.
01:05:19 Matt, y'all got something like a celebration thing after we had a
01:05:22 countdown so we just won't be sitting here looking
01:05:24 at each other?
01:05:25 How about that?
01:05:26 How about that little--that little song you sing?
01:05:34 ♪ The beginning of a-- ♪
01:05:39 This is the gospel.
01:05:44 I'm going to declare the blessing over your life
01:05:53 for this upcoming year.
01:05:55 We have a countdown and you can sing and do whatever
01:05:59 you're gonna do.
01:06:01 Thank you all for such an amazing year.
01:06:06 It's so symbolic to me.
01:06:08 This time last year, I had just come out of an operation.
01:06:12 I was 160-some pounds, swallowed up by this coat,
01:06:18 and one year later, I stand strong and healed.
01:06:31 I've been believing God for 35 good years to preach the gospel
01:06:36 of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:06:38 Now, unto the Spirit of grace, I declare over these lives,
01:06:49 over these families, over these marriages,
01:06:51 over this church, that the best is yet to come.
01:07:00 I pray that your blessings will be released upon these
01:07:05 precious people in a tsunami portion.
01:07:10 Let the blessing run after them and catch them and overwhelm
01:07:19 them with great joy.
01:07:21 I declare that their lives will be healthy and their souls
01:07:28 will be healed and sound.
01:07:32 I speak against brokenness of heart, that that brokenness ends
01:07:36 today because Jesus shed his blood and was crucified in his
01:07:40 body that we can behold.
01:07:43 I pray promotion over your life.
01:07:46 I pray that you come into a place in your life that used to
01:07:52 be a dream, but now it's a reality.
01:07:58 I curse lack in your life.
01:08:00 And in the name of Jesus, I announce to all of hell that
01:08:08 you cannot curse what God has blessed.
01:08:12 2024, regardless of the chaos, regardless of the confusion,
01:08:24 you will be at ease and you will be at peace.
01:08:30 And I declare joy in your life.
01:08:34 I declare wisdom in your life.
01:08:37 I declare witty invention in your lives.
01:08:40 And I declare that the doors that have been closed to you,
01:08:45 that those doors will swing wide open and you will find yourself
01:08:50 walking through the doors ready and prepared to sit
01:08:55 at the King's table.
01:08:57 May the angels of God watch over you and protect you as they have
01:09:02 already been ordered by God Almighty.
01:09:06 May your life be redeemed from destruction.
01:09:10 No early death, no sickness and disease.
01:09:15 Nothing shall wipe you out for the love of God will be your
01:09:20 shield and your protection.
01:09:22 And now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to
01:09:29 present you faultless before the Almighty God be glory,
01:09:41 majesty, dominion, and power.
01:09:47 Be blessed in 2024.
01:09:52 In the mighty name of Jesus.
01:09:58 Now let's count the hounds and cross over.
01:10:03 You ready?
01:10:05 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
01:10:15 Happy New Year!
01:10:26 Happy New Year!
01:10:30 Hallelujah!
01:10:32 [applause]
01:10:37 Now, I forgot to do something.
01:10:45 I'm going to see how y'all react because I reached in my pocket
01:10:48 and I got my offering.
01:10:50 [applause]
01:10:55 This is going to be my first offering for 2024.
01:11:00 Now, you know my attitude.
01:11:13 You give if you want to.
01:11:14 If you don't, that's between you and the Lord.
01:11:17 But if you don't mind, sit down for just one second.
01:11:21 Usher's?
01:11:25 Somebody said this is the weirdest countdown New Year
01:11:28 2024 thing I have been through for my life.
01:11:32 That's all right.
01:11:34 I got to hurry up because some of y'all are getting ready to go
01:11:38 to the club.
01:11:39 Let me hurry up and--
01:11:48 Come on, Lord, raise your hands.
01:11:54 [chuckles]
01:11:58 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:12:02 Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.
01:12:06 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:12:10 Mm-hmm.
01:12:16 Doe, thank you so much for coming.
01:12:17 You are amazing.
01:12:18 You are like, "Wow, wow."
01:12:21 I'm like, "Wow."
01:12:26 Oh, that was just like, "Wow."
01:12:28 Mm, wow.
01:12:34 We got to please get her back to something.
01:12:36 She is anointed, appointed, and I need more than two songs.
01:12:47 So, we got to do something.
01:12:49 Amen.
01:12:53 Father, we thank you for the opportunity to give.
01:12:56 We thank you for an opportunity to plant,
01:12:58 and we believe we receive in Jesus' name, amen.
01:13:02 Usher's, go ahead and receive the offering.
01:13:06 Ladies and gentlemen, it's been an amazing 2023 year,
01:13:13 and I am so grateful that I get to be the pastor of World
01:13:17 Changes Church International.
01:13:19 Amazing.
01:13:22 But we got a lot to do.
01:13:23 I hear that telescope done discovered some life somewhere,
01:13:27 so we got to get a space shuttle.
01:13:29 We got to believe God.
01:13:30 We got to--some of y'all called to that other planet.
01:13:32 Somebody said, "What is he--what is he talking about?"
01:13:34 I ain't going no outer space.
01:13:35 [chuckles]
01:13:39 "Where you at, Matt?"
01:13:40 "Yeah, yeah, yeah."
01:13:45 "Oh, in the beginning."
01:13:48 I love that song, especially that--just that little one part.
01:13:52 "Yeah, yeah, yeah."
01:13:56 So, you know you got to do that, right?
01:13:57 I'm going to be listening for you.
01:13:58 "Yeah, yeah, yeah."
01:14:04 Taff, I'm getting ready to dismiss.
01:14:05 You good?
01:14:06 Anything you want to--we got an amazing year coming up, right?
01:14:09 And Bloom is going to be dynamite.
01:14:14 Dynamite.
01:14:18 Amen.
01:14:20 So, this is the time that we would normally be coming in,
01:14:22 in the past.
01:14:24 Ain't he all right?
01:14:27 [laughter]
01:14:32 "Yeah, yeah, yeah."
01:14:37 Happy New Year, guys.
01:14:38 We love you.
01:14:39 God bless you.
01:14:40 Go ahead, Matt.
01:14:41 Come on, all over this building, get on your feet.
01:14:44 Let's go!
01:14:45 Two, clap those hands like this.
01:14:48 Come on!
01:14:49 "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah."
01:14:53 [laughs]
01:14:56 "Yeah, yeah, yeah."
01:15:02 Uh-oh.
01:15:05 ♪ In the beginning, you sent the earth spinning ♪
01:15:09 ♪ Fashioned us from the dust ♪
01:15:13 ♪ And since our existence, there's only been one mission ♪
01:15:17 ♪ For you to come here with us ♪
01:15:21 ♪ And then came the garden, we became the fallen ♪
01:15:25 ♪ Sin made us lose our way ♪
01:15:30 ♪ Oh, but the love that's too good to give up ♪
01:15:35 ♪ Set the course for amazing grace ♪
01:15:37 Let me hear you sing it out.
01:15:38 Here we go.
01:15:39 ♪ This is the gospel ♪
01:15:40 ♪ This is the good news ♪
01:15:42 ♪ Tell everybody how he saved you ♪
01:15:46 ♪ This is the gospel ♪
01:15:48 ♪ Come hear the good news ♪
01:15:50 ♪ Tell everybody ♪
01:15:52 ♪ There's a God that loves you ♪
01:15:54 ♪ Oh, how he loves you ♪
01:15:56 ♪ There's a God that loves you ♪
01:15:58 ♪ There's a God that loves you ♪
01:16:00 ♪ Oh, how he loves you ♪
01:16:02 ♪ There's a God that loves you ♪
01:16:04 Watch this, that verse, watch it.
01:16:06 ♪ Then came the Savior, was born in a manger ♪
01:16:10 ♪ Raised up to ransom us ♪
01:16:12 This is what he did, come on.
01:16:14 ♪ Healing the blind, raising dead back to life ♪
01:16:18 ♪ All the signs of his perfect love ♪
01:16:21 I like this.
01:16:23 ♪ And there on the cross, how he paid every cost ♪
01:16:26 ♪ Feeding death, healing grave ♪
01:16:29 Wait a minute.
01:16:30 ♪ On that third morning, the stone started rolling ♪
01:16:34 ♪ Oh, what a beautiful day ♪
01:16:36 Sing it out, let me hear you.
01:16:37 ♪ This is the gospel ♪
01:16:39 Let's go.
01:16:40 ♪ This is the good news ♪
01:16:41 Yeah.
01:16:42 ♪ Tell everybody how he saved you ♪
01:16:46 ♪ This is the gospel ♪
01:16:47 Come hear the good news.
01:16:48 ♪ Come hear the good news ♪
01:16:50 ♪ Tell everybody ♪
01:16:52 ♪ There's a God that loves you ♪
01:16:54 ♪ Oh, how he loves you ♪
01:16:56 ♪ There's a God that loves you ♪
01:16:58 ♪ Oh, how he loves you ♪
01:17:00 All right, come on, let's sing it a little bit higher.
01:17:01 ♪ There's a God that loves you ♪
01:17:02 ♪ Hallelujah ♪
01:17:04 ♪ Hallelujah, here and now ♪
01:17:08 ♪ You have turned my life around ♪
01:17:11 ♪ It was nothing but amazing grace ♪
01:17:13 ♪ Amazing grace, how sweet the sound ♪
01:17:16 ♪ I was lost, but now I'm found ♪
01:17:20 Come on.
01:17:21 ♪ Hallelujah, here and now ♪
01:17:25 ♪ You have turned my life around ♪
01:17:28 ♪ It was nothing but amazing grace ♪
01:17:30 ♪ Amazing grace, how sweet the sound ♪
01:17:32 ♪ Since I was lost ♪
01:17:33 ♪ I was lost, but now I'm found ♪
01:17:36 Wait a minute.
01:17:37 ♪ This is the gospel ♪
01:17:38 Come on.
01:17:39 ♪ This is the good news ♪
01:17:40 Yeah.
01:17:41 ♪ Tell everybody how he saved you ♪
01:17:45 ♪ This is the gospel ♪
01:17:47 ♪ Come hear the good news ♪
01:17:49 ♪ Tell everybody there's a God that loves you ♪
01:17:52 ♪ Hallelujah ♪
01:17:53 ♪ This is the gospel ♪
01:17:55 ♪ This is the good news ♪
01:17:57 Come on.
01:17:58 ♪ Tell everybody how he saved you ♪
01:18:01 ♪ This is the gospel ♪
01:18:02 ♪ Come hear the good news ♪
01:18:04 ♪ Come hear the good news ♪
01:18:05 Yeah.
01:18:06 ♪ Tell everybody there's a God that loves you ♪
01:18:09 One, two, three, let's go.
01:18:11 ♪ Hallelujah, here and now ♪
01:18:14 Let's go.
01:18:15 ♪ You have turned my life around ♪
01:18:18 ♪ It was nothing but amazing grace ♪
01:18:20 ♪ Amazing grace, how sweet the sound ♪
01:18:22 ♪ Since I was lost ♪
01:18:23 ♪ I was lost, but now I'm found ♪
01:18:27 ♪ Hallelujah ♪
01:18:28 ♪ Hallelujah, here and now ♪
01:18:32 ♪ You have turned my life around ♪
01:18:35 ♪ Nothing but amazing grace ♪
01:18:37 ♪ Amazing grace, how sweet the sound ♪
01:18:39 ♪ How sweet the sound ♪
01:18:40 ♪ I was lost, but now I'm found ♪
01:18:43 Play it with me, come on, let's go.
01:18:45 ♪ Hallelujah, here and now ♪
01:18:48 It's all right to be in front of Jesus tonight.
01:18:51 To the right, let's go, let's go.
01:18:53 ♪ Hallelujah, here and now ♪
01:18:57 Go.
01:18:58 ♪ Hallelujah, here and now ♪
01:19:00 Come on, family.
01:19:01 ♪ Hallelujah, here and now ♪
01:19:06 ♪ Hallelujah, here and now ♪
01:19:11 ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
01:19:16 ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
01:19:19 Sing, sing.
01:19:20 ♪ Hallelujah, here and now ♪
01:19:24 ♪ You have turned my life around ♪
01:19:27 ♪ Nothing but amazing grace ♪
01:19:29 ♪ Amazing grace, how sweet the sound ♪
01:19:32 ♪ I was lost, but now I'm found ♪
01:19:36 ♪ Hallelujah, here and now ♪
01:19:40 ♪ You have turned my life around ♪
01:19:44 ♪ Amazing grace, how sweet the sound ♪
01:19:49 ♪ I was lost but now I'm found ♪
01:19:52 This is the gospel.
01:20:00 (upbeat music)
01:20:02 (upbeat music)
01:20:05 (upbeat music)
01:20:08 (upbeat music)
01:20:10 (upbeat music)
01:20:13 (upbeat music)
01:20:15 (upbeat music)
01:20:18 (upbeat music)
01:20:21 (upbeat music)
01:20:23 [BLANK_AUDIO]
