00:00:00 Thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep.
00:00:07 Thank you Lord that revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and
00:00:12 unhindered by any satanic or demonic force.
00:00:17 Father I pray that you will speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind.
00:00:25 Think through my mind.
00:00:29 Think through my mind.
00:00:34 Speak through my mouth.
00:00:38 I can't do this without you.
00:00:42 And I pray that every ear is anointed to hear.
00:00:47 Every heart will receive like a seed planted in the ground.
00:00:53 And we thank you Lord for what is to come.
00:00:57 In Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen.
00:01:04 You may be seated.
00:01:06 If you have your Bibles go with me to the book of Romans.
00:01:15 Romans chapter 1 and beginning at verse 16 and 17 I'll be studying this morning
00:01:26 mostly from the New Living Translation.
00:01:30 Romans chapter 1 verse 16 and 17.
00:01:34 As I was just really praying about what was going to take place this year there
00:01:42 were the practical things that I think we all know.
00:01:46 We know that we're moving into a year where technology will fast forward to the
00:01:55 front.
00:01:57 There will be adjustments that will be made that whether you're ready for it or
00:02:02 not will take place.
00:02:06 We also recognize that this will be the year where there'll be this weird thing
00:02:11 to happen in the church, in church as a whole almost like a split.
00:02:16 There will be many offenses amongst Christian people.
00:02:27 There will be offenses done even through the pulpit.
00:02:32 Slander amongst leaders, leaders slandering leaders.
00:02:40 The church will be in a weird state but she'll be all right.
00:02:44 And then finally worldwide you'll begin to see governments teaming up with one
00:02:56 another, of course for their own advantage.
00:03:02 To see the fulfillment of prophecies.
00:03:06 To try its best to connect the whole world and all of this stuff is designed
00:03:14 for the coming of that man of sin, the antichrist that will come shouting
00:03:24 "Peace, peace" to what's happening in the Middle East now and worldwide.
00:03:29 These are things that will happen and the next president will be used to
00:03:37 accelerate technology like you've never seen before.
00:03:41 There are things that have been invented that you've never seen.
00:03:43 And yet the spirit of the antichrist and Satan is trying to do everything he
00:03:54 possibly can to prepare the way.
00:04:01 Just as John the Baptist was sent to prepare the way, the antichrist spirit
00:04:10 was sent to prepare the way.
00:04:12 The world and certain governments are going to be working real strong to
00:04:19 somehow come up with some type of ruling that says it'll be illegal for a church
00:04:24 to come together.
00:04:25 He wants to attack the church, but she'll be all right.
00:04:29 She always has been.
00:04:31 So now, what do we do?
00:04:35 As individual Christians, a time has been prophesied that cold love will
00:04:44 invade the body of Christ.
00:04:46 People who love God now will one day for some reason or another decide,
00:04:51 "I don't care no more."
00:04:54 I wonder if you'll still be sitting here this time next year.
00:04:57 That these things are about to come and they will be real, but what do we do in
00:05:02 the middle of this attack?
00:05:11 How should we respond?
00:05:16 How should we walk?
00:05:18 How should we stand?
00:05:22 I'm encouraged.
00:05:24 I'm not afraid 'cause I know what I'm going to be doing.
00:05:29 I'm going to be standing in my identity and in my righteousness.
00:05:34 And so this morning, I prepared a one-day series, part one now, and part two
00:05:42 tonight.
00:05:43 If you're not going clubbing and drinking tonight, we'll be here tonight at 7 o'clock.
00:05:46 I want to talk to you today about maintaining your righteous stance.
00:05:52 It is going to be under attack, and here's how the attack is going to show
00:06:07 up.
00:06:08 It's going to show up through shame of your past, guilt of your past, and
00:06:14 condemnation.
00:06:22 Those will be the three missiles that will be launched against your soul.
00:06:26 Shame, guilt, condemnation, all designed to get you to repent.
00:06:35 Condemnation, all designed to get you to change your mind about who you are and
00:06:41 who you are in Christ Jesus.
00:06:45 Everything Satan wants to do against the Christian is designed to get you to step
00:06:51 away from your identity in righteousness, to get you to one day to stand up and say,
00:06:58 "Okay, okay, okay.
00:06:59 I yield to my emotions.
00:07:01 I yield to the shame.
00:07:02 I yield to the guilt.
00:07:04 I yield to the condemnation, and I'm just going to lay down the Bible, and I'm just
00:07:08 going to lay down my righteousness, and I'm going to listen to the world, and I'm
00:07:15 going to go along with them because this is real."
00:07:21 That's what he's going to try to put after you.
00:07:24 I'm telling you now so that this time next year, and you're wondering what happened to the
00:07:32 brother or sister?
00:07:33 Why don't they care anymore?
00:07:35 What happened to their love for God?
00:07:38 They used to love God.
00:07:39 They used to do this.
00:07:39 What happened?
00:07:40 I'm telling you now that they fell at the attack, an emotional attack to try to get
00:07:48 you to simply deny that you are the righteousness of God.
00:07:55 I thought about this, and I'm thinking, "Surely there's more you want me to talk
00:08:00 about than that," he says.
00:08:01 "Son, they ain't even got that yet.
00:08:03 Listen to me because if he can attack your righteous stance, you're going to end up
00:08:09 standing like the rest of the world.
00:08:14 You'll be open for all of the new ideas that the world will bring your way and the
00:08:22 technology that'll come."
00:08:27 So, here's what we got to do.
00:08:29 That's what we're going to talk about here.
00:08:31 Verse 16 and 17 in the NLT, let's begin.
00:08:35 "For I am not ashamed," look at there, "of the good news about Christ, and yet the
00:08:41 enemy's going to do everything he can to get you to be full of shame."
00:08:49 He says, "I'm not ashamed of this good news about Christ.
00:08:53 I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ."
00:08:55 Why?
00:08:56 Because it is the power of God.
00:08:59 The gospel about Christ is the power of God.
00:09:03 What is it that's so powerful about the news concerning Christ?
00:09:07 And yet he says, "While you're begging for power and praying for power," he's telling
00:09:12 you where the power is, "the gospel of Christ, this gospel of grace, the good news
00:09:19 about Jesus Christ, this almost too good to be true news about Jesus Christ is the
00:09:26 power of God at work."
00:09:30 So, it's something about believing this grace of God, believing this gospel of
00:09:36 Christ that will be power that'll be at work.
00:09:39 What is it at work doing?
00:09:40 Saving everyone who believes, the Jew first and also the Gentile.
00:09:50 This good news about Jesus tells us how God makes us right in his sight.
00:09:57 So, the good news, the gospel, is about how God made us righteous.
00:10:06 The gospel is about the fact that you have been made righteous and there is no
00:10:13 more imputation of sin or God is no longer charging sin to the person that's
00:10:20 been made righteous because he already charged that sin on Jesus.
00:10:26 He's not charging it on you because Jesus stepped up and said,
00:10:30 "I'll take all their sin."
00:10:32 It's like going out to eat with somebody and they say, "I'm going to pay everybody's
00:10:36 bill."
00:10:37 Jesus showed up at the restaurant and said, "I'm paying everybody's bill."
00:10:44 And with some of the friends that I hang out with, we'd work to try to pay the bill
00:10:49 before anybody know the bill been paid.
00:10:54 I'm telling you, those of you who have not understood that the bill has already
00:10:59 been paid, once you believe the gospel that you've been made right,
00:11:04 then you don't have to go around in the shame and the condemnation and all that
00:11:09 stuff because Jesus has taken all of your sin.
00:11:13 He's also taken the punishment that we should have got for our sins.
00:11:17 He went ahead and went to hell for us.
00:11:19 He went ahead and paid the ransom for us so that we could believe that we are
00:11:26 righteous in him.
00:11:30 And the Scripture says that's power.
00:11:36 He said this is accomplished from start to finish.
00:11:40 Look at there, by faith.
00:11:41 From start to finish, by faith.
00:11:43 You know what he's saying?
00:11:44 "Can I get you to believe it?
00:11:47 Can I get you to receive it?
00:11:50 Can I get you to, by faith, declare to somebody that I am the righteousness
00:11:55 of God?
00:11:56 I am holy.
00:11:57 I am pure."
00:11:59 Think about the Apostle Paul who was behind the murder of Christian people,
00:12:05 who sat back and watched Stephen stoned to death.
00:12:08 When he got converted on the road to Damascus, and when he received Jesus as his
00:12:14 Lord, and when he understood the power of the Gospel, he said this,
00:12:21 "I have wronged no man.
00:12:23 I have corrupted no man.
00:12:26 I have defrauded no man."
00:12:28 And I know I can turn to the next page and find where he corrupted,
00:12:32 where he defrauded, and where he did all the things he just said he'd had done.
00:12:37 Well, who was talking?
00:12:39 That was his belief.
00:12:40 "I receive that I've been made righteous, and I will not contradict that with my
00:12:45 action.
00:12:45 I will not contradict that with my words.
00:12:48 I receive that he made me righteous."
00:12:51 And he said, "That's power."
00:12:56 Don't you know it upsets hell when hell can't convince you that you're still
00:13:01 a sinner?
00:13:04 Even the New Testament refuses to refer to you as a sinner.
00:13:08 Now that you are born again, 67 times, he says in the New Testament,
00:13:14 67 times you see the word "saint."
00:13:19 Turn to your neighbor and say, "Hello, saint."
00:13:24 Now, that's if you've been born again.
00:13:27 Now, if you're sent by somebody who hasn't been born again, say,
00:13:29 "Hey, sinner."
00:13:35 He says, "As the Scripture says, it is through faith that a righteous
00:13:42 person has life."
00:13:45 He says, "Something happens when you become so convinced that I am righteous.
00:13:52 When you so gain, I am righteous with all of the mistakes and all the trip-ups."
00:13:59 And it's getting better because the more you can agree with your new identity in
00:14:06 righteousness, the more the power is released to change you from glory to
00:14:14 glory.
00:14:15 Somebody shout, "I'm the righteousness of God."
00:14:17 But the battle we fight is not believing we're righteous,
00:14:26 so we continue to try to do something to be what he's already made us.
00:14:34 Go with me to the book of Romans chapter 5, verse 17 and 19.
00:14:40 Verse 17 and 19.
00:14:42 Romans 5, 17 and 19.
00:14:45 You know, I figured today the best way to tackle this is Scripture
00:14:49 by Scripture.
00:14:51 So, if you still don't believe, you know it ain't God's fault,
00:14:55 and you know it ain't my fault.
00:14:56 I done told you, and I told you, and I told you.
00:14:59 Look at verse 17 and then 19.
00:15:04 He says, "For the sin of this one man, Adam," so now he's talking about Adam.
00:15:08 "The sin of this one man, Adam," all that stuff that happened in the garden,
00:15:13 "caused death to rule over many."
00:15:16 Adam sinned, died spiritually, and so every person that's born on the planet
00:15:24 comes here spiritually dead because of the sin of one man.
00:15:30 Now, they didn't do anything.
00:15:32 They were just born.
00:15:33 They just showed up.
00:15:36 They didn't commit a sin.
00:15:37 They showed up, and they were victims of Adam's action.
00:15:44 Oh, my goodness.
00:15:46 So, they were sinners, born into sin, shaped into iniquity.
00:15:49 But even greater, so now there is something greater than sin.
00:15:53 I need to pause here.
00:15:54 I didn't see this when I was studying it.
00:15:55 I see it.
00:15:57 There is something greater than sin.
00:16:00 It's the righteousness of God.
00:16:02 There is somebody greater than the first Adam.
00:16:04 It's Jesus.
00:16:06 You say, "Why do you keep emphasizing righteousness?"
00:16:10 Because righteousness is greater than sin.
00:16:13 And if you focus more on righteousness, which is greater than sin,
00:16:17 it's going to change your sin situation to line up with your
00:16:21 righteousness situation.
00:16:25 He says, "But even greater is God's wonderful grace and his gift
00:16:31 of righteousness."
00:16:31 Look at there.
00:16:32 His wonderful grace and his gift of righteousness.
00:16:35 Righteousness is so powerful that God gave it by grace.
00:16:40 You are righteous by grace, which means when something is by grace,
00:16:44 you got it without having to earn it, without having to work for it,
00:16:48 not without having to qualify for it.
00:16:51 You're righteous by grace.
00:16:52 Say, "I'm righteous by grace."
00:16:56 God favored you with it.
00:16:57 There's no way you can brag about being righteous in him because it's a gift.
00:17:04 All right?
00:17:04 On Christmas, we talked about that magnificent gift of righteousness.
00:17:07 So, "But even greater is God's wonderful grace and his gift
00:17:11 of righteousness."
00:17:13 Now, watch this.
00:17:13 Here's again the key.
00:17:15 "For all who receive it, for all who receive it,
00:17:20 for all who receive it."
00:17:23 I can tell you about it, but will you receive it?
00:17:27 I can put a gift in a box and extend it to you, but will you receive it?
00:17:32 I can put a bow on it, tell you there's a million dollars in the box,
00:17:36 but will you receive it?
00:17:39 And that's the issue we have right now with Christian people.
00:17:42 We say we receive it at church, and then when we're ashamed,
00:17:47 guilty, or feeling something happen emotional,
00:17:51 or something happen in our lives, we forget we received the box.
00:17:55 "For all who receive it."
00:18:00 How many of you will receive it today?
00:18:02 I'm not talking about just saying it.
00:18:04 How many of you will receive it today?
00:18:06 Now, you got to know, every hand didn't go up.
00:18:09 So, there's still a struggle with, "How can I receive that?
00:18:12 Because my church told me I had to do X, Y, and Z in order to be righteous."
00:18:18 So, you're trying to be something that Jesus has already made you,
00:18:21 and what Jesus says is, "I don't need what you got to do to make you that.
00:18:26 I went ahead and passed your actions and made you that for you."
00:18:32 My goodness.
00:18:36 "For all who receive it will live in triumph or victory."
00:18:42 How many of you want to live in victory and triumph?
00:18:44 All right, so that's what I am prophesying over your life in 2024.
00:18:48 Because you've received the gift of righteousness,
00:18:51 you will live in victory.
00:18:52 You will live in triumph.
00:18:54 Hallelujah.
00:18:55 There'll be some days where it look like you're going to lose, but watch out.
00:18:58 At the end of that day, you're going to see triumph in your life.
00:19:01 It may be a week where it look like you're going to lose.
00:19:04 Oh, they messing with you.
00:19:05 They lying on you.
00:19:06 They talking about you.
00:19:08 But watch out.
00:19:09 You are the righteousness of God.
00:19:11 Right in the midnight hour, your victory shall show up.
00:19:15 I declare in the name of Jesus, if you'll receive this righteousness,
00:19:19 you're going to walk in victory.
00:19:21 It might not seem like it's there, but you will always triumph in Christ Jesus.
00:19:27 Somebody shout, "I'm a winner."
00:19:33 And that's what we're talking about for you for 2024.
00:19:35 This ain't for everybody.
00:19:37 See, I'm writing this letter for you.
00:19:38 Whoa, changes.
00:19:41 This ain't for everybody.
00:19:42 Everybody else might be working on something else, but for us,
00:19:45 we will walk in victory.
00:19:47 We will walk in triumph.
00:19:49 We will walk in promotion.
00:19:51 We will walk in the goodness of the Lord because we know who we are.
00:19:56 We have received the gift of righteousness.
00:20:04 Now, you see why he want to attack it.
00:20:06 He says, "You'll triumph."
00:20:10 Now, watch this.
00:20:10 Not only will you have victory, you're going to have victory over sin and death
00:20:17 through this one man, Jesus Christ.
00:20:19 See, we think that victory over sin is by teaching you--making sin greater.
00:20:26 Come to church, let me condemn you with sin.
00:20:29 Let me tell you, you ain't no good.
00:20:30 Let me tell you, God don't like ugly, and he don't like ugly,
00:20:32 but all of that's designed to make you feel condemned,
00:20:36 to make you feel ashamed.
00:20:37 You ought to be ashamed of yourself, not praying.
00:20:40 All that stuff, you ought to at least feel guilty for doing what you did.
00:20:45 That's not my job.
00:20:46 That's not what I'm called to preach.
00:20:48 I'm called to preach, "You know better because you are the
00:20:52 righteousness of God.
00:20:54 You'll do better because you're the righteousness of God.
00:20:57 You are better because you are the righteousness of God."
00:21:01 See, you're trying to stop sin when sin has already been dealt with and you
00:21:06 already have victory over it, but sometimes you give victory to sin just
00:21:15 by receiving that, "Well, I still must be a sinner if it must not have took--"
00:21:20 Are y'all seeing how important this is?
00:21:27 Come on, let's travel through the Scripture.
00:21:30 So far, all I've done is read the Scripture and explain it.
00:21:33 Look at Romans chapter 3 in the NLT.
00:21:38 Let's go to the NLT, Romans chapter 3, and I'm going to read 20 through 31.
00:21:44 Romans chapter 3, 20 through 31, because there's always somebody,
00:21:49 quote, "trying to correct my teaching," unquote.
00:21:52 And I'm like, "Dude, I'm not even teaching.
00:21:58 I'm just reading.
00:21:59 I can't help it that I know how to read the Bible."
00:22:01 And in order to read the Bible, you got to understand context and pretext.
00:22:06 And you just got to understand how to read.
00:22:12 You got to understand if I wrote, "Boof, I wrote your letter," okay,
00:22:16 and that letter was from me to you, that's part of context.
00:22:21 I can't take your letter and make it for everybody.
00:22:26 That's part of context.
00:22:29 And then I got to understand the old covenant or agreement and the new covenant
00:22:36 or agreement, and then in the new covenant, he says, "We have a new agreement.
00:22:43 We're not going to operate by the old agreement anymore.
00:22:45 We have a new agreement.
00:22:48 And then we tell you the new agreement and you still want to stay with the old.
00:22:51 It's just like if I give you a contract and we're doing business," and I said
00:22:55 business, "We're doing business and I give you a contract and we got a $200,000
00:23:01 deal on that contract."
00:23:02 And then I come back and say, "Let's tear this up.
00:23:06 Here's a new contract.
00:23:08 And then when I leave, you get the old one out of the trash can,
00:23:11 tape it back together and say, 'Nah, I'm going to live by the old one.'"
00:23:15 That's what church folks doing.
00:23:17 I keep trying to tell you about the new agreement and you keep trying to take me
00:23:20 back to the old agreement.
00:23:22 We have torn up the old agreement.
00:23:25 According to the new agreement, this is a better agreement.
00:23:28 Well, Creflo, then you know Creflo about to propose not to tithe.
00:23:43 Yeah, don't you dare bring no animals in here.
00:23:52 Well, Jesus, you know, he said we should tithe.
00:23:55 Did you see what he was talking about tithing?
00:23:57 Spices.
00:23:59 Because he was still under the old agreement.
00:24:06 The only time they mentioned money was when they were taking a long trip and they
00:24:11 said, "You can go ahead and sell all of your animals and your produce and convert
00:24:18 it over to money.
00:24:19 And then when you get to where you're going, then if you want to use it to buy
00:24:21 some other stuff," because they wasn't taking no money, the priest wasn't taking
00:24:25 no money.
00:24:26 Money could not get your sin covered over there.
00:24:29 The priest wasn't taking no money.
00:24:31 The priest had to have some animal stock or some produce.
00:24:35 Now, if you want to keep doing that, do it at home.
00:24:42 And listen, if you want to give 10% of your finances, 20% of your finance,
00:24:51 that's between you and God.
00:24:54 But don't try to, you know, because now it's the new year,
00:24:57 you're going to see a lot of talk about, "All right, you got to bring your
00:25:01 first fruit."
00:25:04 Well, I ain't having no puppies.
00:25:05 What am I going to bring you?
00:25:08 It's just crazy like that because we still stuck in the old agreement.
00:25:16 And some people will fight you.
00:25:18 "Well, I just don't agree with that."
00:25:20 You have that right.
00:25:22 But you're going to look real funny in heaven trying to explain to Jesus after
00:25:26 he died, crucified, dead, and buried, went to hell for you, only for you to stay
00:25:33 with the old agreement when he said, "We don't need no more sacrifice because
00:25:38 I'm the one.
00:25:40 I'm the one sacrifice.
00:25:41 I'm the one for all time sacrifice.
00:25:44 I'm the one for all time."
00:25:45 Jesus even said to the priest, "Sit down now because we won't be coming
00:25:49 back no more.
00:25:50 I'm the one and forever time sacrifice."
00:25:54 And through this one and for all sacrifice, I done took care of your sin.
00:26:02 I don't know why that's so hard to believe.
00:26:06 It's because religion, like a demon, has put handcuffs on you and you don't want
00:26:11 to take them off.
00:26:17 The only thing talking about me has done has made me more bold to keep preaching
00:26:22 because I'm not going back to where I came from.
00:26:24 I'm not going back to the old agreement.
00:26:26 I'm not going back to the old contract.
00:26:29 That contract had me feeling shameful.
00:26:31 That contract had me feeling guilty.
00:26:33 That contract had me feeling condemned.
00:26:35 That contract had me feeling unworthy.
00:26:37 That contract had me thinking, "I don't even know if I'm going to get to heaven.
00:26:40 I was scared to die because the old contract made it hard for me to believe
00:26:45 that I was going to die and go to heaven.
00:26:46 But under this new contract, I have a blessed assurance that when I'm absent
00:26:52 from the body, I'll be present with the Lord."
00:26:55 Man, I need to calm down.
00:27:04 I got to preach again.
00:27:06 I didn't understand.
00:27:16 How is it that 40,000 people could be a member of this church while I was
00:27:23 preaching the old contract?
00:27:27 And the day I started preaching the new contract, they all left talking about the
00:27:33 Lord leading me to leave.
00:27:36 You ain't never heard from the Lord.
00:27:37 Now, all of a sudden, you heard him say, "Go," because I don't agree with that
00:27:45 grace, what they call it, that grace stuff.
00:27:49 And you know Jesus is grace.
00:27:53 Would you ignore yourself?
00:27:54 Jesus is grace.
00:27:56 I mean, I'm going for it this year.
00:28:04 Y'all might have to put me out because I'm getting so radical.
00:28:08 And I got other churches I can go to.
00:28:09 I just start up there, but I ain't holding back nothing.
00:28:12 Jesus is on his way back.
00:28:15 I am going to preach this gospel of Jesus Christ until it gets the hell out of you
00:28:23 or you let heaven get in you.
00:28:25 I will not go back.
00:28:27 I ain't doing it.
00:28:37 I ain't doing it.
00:28:40 Y'all can get together and vote me out.
00:28:41 Wow, you can't vote me out.
00:28:42 I was here first.
00:28:44 I mean, it say all of what I'm saying.
00:28:54 It say right there, right there, R-A-T, right there in Hebrews.
00:28:59 It right there, it say, "There is a better covenant, better than the old one."
00:29:05 So, you know what that says?
00:29:12 You're really not interested in living like what the Bible say.
00:29:20 You're more interested in living like religion say and going with the crowd.
00:29:28 Y'all excuse me.
00:29:34 I lost it just a little bit there, didn't I?
00:29:38 But do you understand what it feels like?
00:29:40 Do you understand what it feels like to be a preacher and to wake up and wonder
00:29:44 if you're going to heaven because you hadn't done enough?
00:29:50 And then you compare yourself amongst yourself and then you start doing what
00:29:54 you see some other minister or ministry doing because they seem to be doing more.
00:30:00 So, that means they're going to be more, you know, okay with God than you are.
00:30:06 Let's just pause for a moment.
00:30:12 That's just too--somebody said that's just too much.
00:30:20 Whoa, whoa, wait a minute.
00:30:23 You think that's too much?
00:30:24 Wait till we read this.
00:30:26 Are you ready?
00:30:28 All right, we're going to look at verse 20 through 31.
00:30:35 Boy, this is heavy.
00:30:39 "For no one can ever be made right with God by doing what the law commands."
00:30:47 That's what we've been taught though, right?
00:30:58 No one can ever be made right with God by doing what the law commands.
00:31:04 The law simply shows us how sinful we are.
00:31:13 Okay, now let me explain this.
00:31:15 The law was perfect.
00:31:21 The law is not sin.
00:31:26 The law is flawless.
00:31:27 The law is perfect.
00:31:29 The problem with a relationship with the law is you're trying to take imperfection
00:31:35 and match it with perfection.
00:31:38 So, what's going to happen when you hang around perfection?
00:31:42 It's going to show up all your flaws.
00:31:44 I don't want to hang around a perfect father.
00:31:49 It's just going to show me how imperfect I am as a father.
00:31:52 That's what that does.
00:31:55 So, what God was saying is, "You really think you can do this without me?
00:31:58 Okay, I'm going to give you something perfect since you--that awesome.
00:32:04 I'm going to give you the law."
00:32:06 And he says, "The reason why I gave the law was to show you how sinful you are,
00:32:14 to show you you can't even go a day keeping it."
00:32:19 Not all of it anyway.
00:32:20 I heard a preacher one time who says, "I keep the law perfectly.
00:32:24 I'm thinking, 'This dude, he just broke one,' bragging and lying."
00:32:31 Look at verse 21.
00:32:38 Look at verse 20.
00:32:40 He says, "Nobody, no one can ever be made right with God by doing what the
00:32:45 law commands."
00:32:46 Why?
00:32:46 Because the law simply shows us how sinful we are.
00:32:51 It shows you how sinful you are.
00:32:55 It was designed to condemn you.
00:32:58 It was designed to shame you.
00:33:00 It was designed to make you feel guilty and to show you--that's what the law
00:33:05 was doing.
00:33:09 The law simply shows us how sinful we are.
00:33:12 The law wasn't given so you can be saved.
00:33:15 If the law could have saved us, Jesus could have just stayed away from the
00:33:20 cross and hell.
00:33:22 Verse 21, "But now," so we're talking about now under this new covenant,
00:33:32 "God has shown us a way to be made right with him without keeping the
00:33:38 requirements of the law."
00:33:40 God's made us a way to show us to be right with him without keeping the
00:33:45 requirements of the law.
00:33:46 "As was promised in the writings of Moses and the prophets long ago."
00:33:54 Next verse, "We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ."
00:34:04 The day Abraham said to God, "I believe," Genesis records that heaven said
00:34:12 immediately, "You're righteous."
00:34:14 He said, "I believe."
00:34:19 Heaven said, "You're righteous."
00:34:21 Wow.
00:34:23 And when you read further in Genesis, you see lying Abraham, coward Abraham,
00:34:32 turn his wife in Abraham, and then God turned around in the middle of all of
00:34:38 that, glory to God, and transferred wealth into his hands, got his wife back,
00:34:47 and used him to bring healing to those who had been--who had had a curse on
00:34:51 him.
00:34:53 I'm like, "Well, he sure didn't earn that."
00:34:58 But God said, "I had already declared he righteous."
00:35:00 We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ.
00:35:07 How many of you believe in Jesus?
00:35:09 But not just believe that Jesus exists, but you believe that because of Jesus,
00:35:14 you've been made righteous.
00:35:17 How many of you believe that you're righteous because of Jesus?
00:35:20 See, here's the deal.
00:35:22 So, you said, "Jesus, I believe."
00:35:24 He said, "You're righteous."
00:35:26 All right?
00:35:27 So, some things, you know, popped off in your life, and you were wondering,
00:35:31 "Uh-oh, am I still righteous?"
00:35:32 So, I said, "What do you do?"
00:35:33 Go check with Jesus.
00:35:35 "Jesus, you still all right?"
00:35:37 He said, "Yeah, I'm all right."
00:35:38 "Well, then I'm all right."
00:35:41 Because I'm not all right because of what I do.
00:35:44 I'm all right because of what he did.
00:35:46 And if he is all right, then I am all right.
00:35:48 See, during the time of the sacrificial animals, you couldn't just bring any
00:35:54 animal.
00:35:55 The animal had to be acceptable.
00:36:00 And if the animal sacrifice wasn't okay, you ain't okay.
00:36:07 But Jesus is our sacrifice who will always be okay.
00:36:14 And if he is okay, I am okay, you are okay.
00:36:23 I thought this is an awesome…what a gift.
00:36:26 This is so awesome.
00:36:27 This is amazing.
00:36:28 And there are people who turn the TV off and say, "I can't hear this, man.
00:36:32 Say this."
00:36:36 You just trying to justify your sins.
00:36:40 Exactly.
00:36:41 It has been justified.
00:36:45 Just as if I never sinned.
00:36:48 This church is either going to explode in growth or we're going to be putting
00:37:01 curtains in front of chairs.
00:37:03 But either way, you and I who believe in Jesus and our righteousness will be able
00:37:13 to stand in front of a righteous Christ and hear him say, "My good and faithful
00:37:18 servant, well done."
00:37:22 And then God will look down the ages and he will use us for an example and say,
00:37:32 "Look at what I did to those who didn't deserve it.
00:37:37 Look at what I did for those who couldn't do it.
00:37:40 Look at my magnificent grace."
00:37:46 What a gospel I already have been preached around the world.
00:37:55 Now, what I'm preaching is the gospel, and I can assure you this has not been
00:37:59 preached all around the world.
00:38:02 But it will be.
00:38:04 Technology's coming out.
00:38:07 I'm going to use it.
00:38:09 We're already working on it.
00:38:13 They're working on an AI type of software that will allow me to speak every language
00:38:21 in the world with my voice.
00:38:27 So, I'll be able to go on television or media anywhere in the world and everybody
00:38:33 there will think that this black dude preaching their language.
00:38:38 I ain't scared of AI.
00:38:39 I ain't scared of technology.
00:38:41 I'm going to get it saved and use it to preach the gospel.
00:38:46 And when this gospel has been preached around the world, then the end will come.
00:38:56 You got worried about Jesus coming in 2024?
00:38:58 He ain't coming nowhere near in 2024 because this gospel has not been preached
00:39:03 around the world.
00:39:05 I guarantee you that.
00:39:07 And besides, anybody that said he coming 2024 when he said, "No man knows a day
00:39:11 or an hour," it ain't coming.
00:39:18 I asked God, I said, "Give me 35 years.
00:39:20 Give me at least 35 years strength and strong to preach this gospel.
00:39:26 Thirty-five years.
00:39:27 I need y'all to agree.
00:39:28 Thirty-five years.
00:39:29 I need y'all to agree with me.
00:39:29 Thirty-five years.
00:39:31 Thirty-five years.
00:39:32 And I ain't talking about no 35 years, can't hear, can't see, can't remember where I put
00:39:37 my Bible, always on the podium.
00:39:39 I ain't talking about that kind of 30.
00:39:40 I'm talking about rock and Betty, 35 years more.
00:39:43 You understand what I'm saying?
00:39:46 You understand what I'm saying?
00:39:47 Still coming here, still sitting out there, still looking good.
00:39:49 I ain't studying you all.
00:39:51 This gospel will be preached around this world.
00:39:55 Why you think he called us world changers?
00:40:01 But we can't change the world until our world has been changed.
00:40:12 If you do that, you be putting the buggy before the horse.
00:40:19 Ooh, I'm taking my time this morning 'cause I got part two tonight, praise the Lord.
00:40:26 We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ.
00:40:30 And every time you see placing your faith in Jesus Christ, it's not just saying,
00:40:33 "I believe in Jesus."
00:40:35 It's saying, "Placing your faith in Jesus Christ and his righteousness."
00:40:41 And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are,
00:40:48 for everyone has sinned.
00:40:52 Now, let's talk about that just for a moment.
00:40:53 For everyone has sinned, for everyone has sinned, we all fall short
00:40:59 of God's glorious standard.
00:41:01 Now, now, now, now listen to me.
00:41:04 Everybody in this church got an issue.
00:41:13 Everybody, everybody.
00:41:18 Every preacher on this planet got an issue.
00:41:24 Every preacher.
00:41:27 I have to move my neck just to say that, every preacher.
00:41:32 I don't understand this thing we do.
00:41:37 When we see what we already know, when the issue's revealed,
00:41:41 when we see it, then you panic as if you magically don't have one.
00:41:48 And I think the Bible somewhere say, you know, "Take heed, lest you fall."
00:41:55 Everybody got an issue.
00:41:58 I already told y'all, I know I got some issues.
00:42:04 But because I know I'm righteous, I don't have them same issues.
00:42:11 I got some different issues today.
00:42:12 Well, maybe they've always been there, but, you know, I'm calming down.
00:42:21 But every now and then, the calmness ain't there.
00:42:26 Every now and then, I, you know, a word come out of my mouth.
00:42:30 Not too bad of a word, but, you know, when is God like, "This is not bad,
00:42:34 and this is, you know, really bad."
00:42:37 But I got enough sense to go to God and say, "That's proof that I still need you.
00:42:45 Help me to continue to develop.
00:42:49 I'm on a journey."
00:42:52 Now, some people see this at church, "You're so holy, and you are holy
00:43:03 in your stance, but your state's still catching up with your stance."
00:43:11 Quit being so judgmental of people in 2024 because the trap you set just
00:43:18 may be for you.
00:43:23 We all growing.
00:43:24 Now, we're not all at the same level.
00:43:27 You know, we're not all getting developed.
00:43:30 We're not all getting delivered from the same things, but there's an issue
00:43:34 somewhere, your attitude, how you treat waitresses and waiters.
00:43:44 I ain't going to tip them.
00:43:45 You ought to stop it.
00:43:47 That's how they got babies at home.
00:43:52 You ought to go in there with the attitude that I'm going to serve and tip.
00:43:55 And if you ain't got no money, say, "I'm sorry.
00:43:57 I'm so sorry, but I ain't got no…I'll get you the next time."
00:44:01 But don't act like it, you know.
00:44:04 We got that little thing.
00:44:05 "Where is your manager?"
00:44:07 Like you…all that.
00:44:11 "I want to talk to your manager.
00:44:12 I said I want grenadine in my Coke."
00:44:15 "Where's the grenadine?"
00:44:17 "You need to go home.
00:44:18 You need to go somewhere else."
00:44:23 That's an issue.
00:44:28 You see what I'm saying?
00:44:29 Fornicating is an issue, but that bad attitude is still a sane issue.
00:44:36 You follow what I'm saying?
00:44:38 So, nobody in here, including the good Reverend, is without an issue.
00:44:48 And some of y'all needed to hear that.
00:44:50 Some of y'all needed to hear, including me, because for so long, we stand on this
00:44:55 pulpit like we are excluded, when in fact, a better leader will be included so that it's
00:45:04 easier to follow somebody who has gone down the path, who has crossed the goal line, who
00:45:12 know what you're talking about.
00:45:23 For everyone has sinned, we all fall short of God's glorious standard.
00:45:28 We all fall short.
00:45:29 Now, what is he describing here in this verse?
00:45:34 He is saying because of what Adam did in the garden, every person deals with inferiority.
00:45:44 Inferiority, saying, "I don't measure up."
00:45:48 Inferiority that says, "I don't feel like I'm cared for."
00:45:53 Inferiority, it's this thing that men fight, especially, that your manhood is under attack
00:46:01 because of your inferiority, because what happens in the life of a man is in order for
00:46:08 him to battle his inferiority, he tries to gain a false sense of superiority.
00:46:17 This is where racism comes from.
00:46:21 Racism comes from, "I really feel inferior, but I'm going to find somebody of a different
00:46:27 color so that I can pretend to be superior."
00:46:33 But it's a false superiority, which will create a false identity and false intimacy because
00:46:45 you're now developing under the covers because you're not showing who you really are.
00:46:54 And we encounter this every day.
00:46:56 We encounter somebody's inferiority complex, and in order to deal with it, I got to figure
00:47:03 out how I can be superior.
00:47:04 So, you beat your wife?
00:47:09 The ugly things we do to fight off inferiority, and the only antidote for inferiority is Jesus.
00:47:22 That's the only antidote is Jesus.
00:47:27 Oh, our society's something.
00:47:32 I often sit in my kitchen in the morning and turn on the early broadcast and listen to
00:47:37 it to judge myself and what can I say better, what better illustration I can use.
00:47:42 And then I close, and the Lord's dealing with me.
00:47:44 I say, "Lord, I wonder if anybody in the world even watching this."
00:47:50 I remember going to my CEO, and I told him this.
00:47:54 I said, "Man, I don't even know.
00:47:57 Is anybody paying attention to this, or am I just laughable?"
00:48:03 He called the head of our television department or the head of our TV thing, TV buys or whatever
00:48:12 that is, media.
00:48:15 And he had them to put a report together about where we stood.
00:48:21 And the media guy came in, Brother Damon, he said he just--he had to hold back his tears.
00:48:27 He said, "You ain't going to believe this."
00:48:29 And I'm like, "Yeah, what?
00:48:31 Go on, give it to me.
00:48:33 We need to come off TV because there ain't nobody paying attention to nothing."
00:48:37 He said, "Pastor, on the contrary."
00:48:41 He said, "You are the number one broadcaster on several networks and stations around the world."
00:48:52 And he answered the question.
00:48:55 He says, "You want to know if anybody's watching?"
00:48:58 And he put something in front of me, the millions of people that tune in every single day to get the gospel.
00:49:06 I may never know that.
00:49:08 And the whole time, the Spirit of God would say to me, "You don't--you won't know till you see me."
00:49:15 The impact of this ministry.
00:49:21 Now, what did I do when I received that?
00:49:27 It still ain't enough.
00:49:29 There's still some people that need to be reached.
00:49:32 They're talking about building condos on the moon.
00:49:34 We got to believe for a space shuttle.
00:49:38 And we got to get somebody that's going to stay on the moon with them because they need Jesus.
00:49:44 If we discover--if that telescope discover life on Mars or something, we got to figure out how to get there.
00:49:48 They need Jesus.
00:49:50 We don't have just the God of the earth.
00:49:52 Our God is the God of the universe!
00:49:54 Hallelujah!
00:49:57 And I don't know why he favored us on the planet.
00:50:01 What is man that thou art mindful of him, that you visit him, that the hell glory to God, this little dust,
00:50:08 why do you visit this man who has been made a little lower than Elohim?
00:50:16 That you crown him with glory and honor, the little speck of something that can't even be seen in distant God.
00:50:23 What is man?
00:50:26 That you chose to live in him, the creator of the universe, lives in us.
00:50:33 Came down and died for us, went to hell for us, gave us the gift of righteousness,
00:50:40 and we let some earthly religious theology talk us out of what he has given us.
00:50:54 Now, I'll come to hell or high water, I'm the righteousness of God.
00:50:58 Like me or not, I'm the righteousness of God.
00:51:01 When I fall, I shall arise, I am the righteousness of God.
00:51:05 You take that with you in 2024, no demon or devil in hell will even be able to remain on your front porch.
00:51:14 They'll come by your house and say they'll be warned by other demons.
00:51:18 Don't do it. Don't do it.
00:51:20 These people know who they are. Don't mess with them.
00:51:24 They know they're the righteousness of God.
00:51:26 You need to pass by. They'll sing a thousand hallelujahs.
00:51:30 You better leave them alone.
00:51:32 They'll pray in tongues.
00:51:35 You better watch out.
00:51:56 I've been trying to teach this, now you just got to preach it.
00:52:03 You are a special class on this planet.
00:52:10 You are from the class of those who have been made righteous.
00:52:16 Do you understand what that's going to mean in heaven?
00:52:20 Here are those who I decided to make righteous before their creation.
00:52:31 And I will not refer to myself as anything else except I am the righteousness of God.
00:52:43 Not because of what I've done, but because of what he has done.
00:52:53 And my inferiority complex is over because I've accepted Jesus as Lord of my life.
00:53:03 I have been made by God to be superior over everything except one another.
00:53:12 God never created you to try to be superior over one another.
00:53:26 Verse 24, "Yet God in his grace, even though you fell short,"
00:53:35 even though sin caused inferiority,
00:53:40 that's the thing that Christians battle with.
00:53:42 They don't know what they're battling with.
00:53:44 It's inferiority.
00:53:46 And Jesus is the only antidote for inferiority.
00:53:52 I don't know, have you ever felt inferior before I have?
00:53:55 I've gone to places and felt inferior, felt short, felt like I didn't measure up.
00:54:01 And then I focused in on Jesus, and none of that mattered.
00:54:08 "Yet God in his grace freely makes us right in his sight."
00:54:14 He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty of our sins,
00:54:23 freed us past tense, done, done it.
00:54:29 25, "For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin."
00:54:37 People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life shedding his blood.
00:54:46 I believe he sacrificed his life. I believe he shed his blood.
00:54:52 This sacrifice shows that God was being fair when he held back
00:55:00 and did not punish those who sinned in times past.
00:55:06 Ooh, Jesus.
00:55:09 "For he was looking ahead and including them in what he would do in this present time."
00:55:18 God did this to demonstrate his righteousness.
00:55:22 "For he himself is fair and just, and he makes sinners right in his sight when they believe in Jesus."
00:55:33 Oh, my God.
00:55:40 Oh, my goodness.
00:55:44 Can we boast then that we have done anything to be accepted by God?
00:55:54 And we love to do that.
00:55:56 Religion says boast.
00:55:58 Talk about all of the things you have done to be accepted by God.
00:56:02 Can we boast that we have done anything to be accepted by God?
00:56:06 He said no, because our acquittal is not based on obeying the law.
00:56:15 It is based on faith in what Jesus has already done.
00:56:21 Verse 28, "So we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law."
00:56:27 Oh, my goodness. That's strong, ain't it?
00:56:29 'Cause every time you come around a Christian, you got to obey.
00:56:32 Oh, yeah, you got to obey.
00:56:33 And listen, I understand that.
00:56:35 I understand there's this issue of, whew, resting in what God has done
00:56:43 and working trying to get something done.
00:56:46 That's obedience in the New Testament.
00:56:49 In the New Testament, I am obedient because I am resting in what is finished.
00:56:55 In the New Testament, I am disobedient because I am not resting in what He has finished
00:57:00 and I'm trying to get something done on my own.
00:57:03 And that's very plain in the book of Hebrews chapter 4.
00:57:08 And I'm trying to tell people, under the old contract,
00:57:12 disobedience and obedience is different under the new contract.
00:57:18 Under the old contract, it is disobeying 'cause you did not keep that law
00:57:23 or obeying 'cause you did.
00:57:26 But under the new contract, obedient because you are resting in what Jesus has done
00:57:33 and disobedient because you refuse to rest in what Jesus has done.
00:57:43 Well, where you get that from? I just told you, Hebrews chapter 4.
00:57:51 But you'll walk right out here and say, "Yeah, but you need to obey God."
00:57:55 What you're saying is you get back under the law, go back under the old contract,
00:57:59 and you better obey these laws.
00:58:01 So, what else are you talking about obeying?
00:58:04 I'm going to be obedient to love.
00:58:06 I'm going to be obedient to the law of the New Testament, which is walking in love.
00:58:10 I'm going to be obedient to that.
00:58:12 But that doesn't require me to do that.
00:58:14 It requires me to rest in the love that He has already deposited into me
00:58:20 and out of me will come the action of love towards everybody else.
00:58:31 Verse 29, "After all, is God the God of the Jews only?" Huh.
00:58:40 Isn't He also the God of the Gentiles?
00:58:44 Of course He is.
00:58:47 Next verse, "There is only one God, and he makes people right with himself by faith."
00:58:58 Whether they are Jews or Gentiles, he makes people right when they have faith
00:59:07 in what Jesus has already done.
00:59:10 I got two minutes.
00:59:14 Go to Galatians chapter 2, verse 16.
00:59:20 And now, this will be my last Scripture.
00:59:24 Well, I bleed out and holler throughout the whole hour.
00:59:33 That's what happens when you're trying to get past people's religious door.
00:59:44 "Yet we know that a person is made right with God by faith in Jesus Christ,
00:59:48 not by obeying the law.
00:59:52 And we have believed in Christ Jesus so that we might be made right with God
00:59:58 because of our faith in Christ, not because we have obeyed the law.
01:00:04 For no one ever will ever be made right with God by obeying the law."
01:00:09 Isn't it interesting he brings this up?
01:00:11 Look at this same verse in the message.
01:00:13 I think I read it in the beginning of service.
01:00:17 Galatians 2, 16, in the message.
01:00:21 "We Jews know that we have no advantage of birth over non-Jewish sinners.
01:00:28 We know very well that we are not set right with God by rule keeping."
01:00:38 We're not set right with God by rule keeping.
01:00:41 That's all we ever learned.
01:00:42 What are you talking about?
01:00:44 That's all we ever learned.
01:00:45 We came to church.
01:00:47 God gave us the rules and said, "You better keep it."
01:00:51 He sees you when you're keeping it.
01:00:53 He knows you when you're not keeping it.
01:01:02 "We know very well that we are not set right with God by rule keeping,
01:01:07 but we keep making the standard of our righteousness rule keeping,
01:01:18 but only through a personal faith in Jesus Christ are we made right with him."
01:01:24 How do we know?
01:01:27 I love this.
01:01:28 We tried it.
01:01:30 How many of y'all tried it?
01:01:32 That's how I know.
01:01:33 I tried it.
01:01:35 I tried it.
01:01:36 That's how I know.
01:01:38 I tried it.
01:01:40 I tried to keep all the rules.
01:01:43 I tried to make all the confessions.
01:01:44 My confessions got about five pages long.
01:01:46 I'm like, "Dog, I'm going to be late for work if I got to," you know.
01:01:50 But that's what they said, "You got to do.
01:01:51 You got to make all these confessions."
01:01:55 How do I know?
01:01:56 I tried it.
01:02:00 I tried to go on a fast for five days before I prayed for this person
01:02:04 that was sick, and they died.
01:02:05 I tried it.
01:02:09 I tried to wear the little thing to wear your head.
01:02:13 I tried it.
01:02:15 I tried to all, just pour the whole bottle one time.
01:02:18 Poor guy just walk out, just all on his face, the messes suit up.
01:02:23 I tried it.
01:02:30 I tried fasting for 10 days.
01:02:32 I fell out.
01:02:33 I tried it.
01:02:42 I tried loving people who didn't love me, and it didn't work.
01:02:46 I tried it.
01:02:52 I tried coming to church, two services on Sundays.
01:02:55 I tried doing the work.
01:02:58 I tried cutting the grass when they wasn't…
01:03:01 I tried it.
01:03:02 I tried it.
01:03:06 That's how I know.
01:03:09 Just like I know the chocolate cake ain't no good, I tried it without sugar.
01:03:13 I tried it.
01:03:18 And then my wife tried it.
01:03:19 She said, "That ain't it."
01:03:20 I said, "I know that ain't it.
01:03:21 I tried it."
01:03:30 And you have too.
01:03:34 And she said, "You're still not tired."
01:03:44 We tried it, and we had the best system of rules the world has ever seen.
01:03:52 Convinced that no human being can please God by self-improvement.
01:04:00 I tried that too.
01:04:02 I'm going to get into self-improvement.
01:04:04 No human being can please God through self-improvement.
01:04:06 He says, "We believe in Jesus as the Messiah so that we might set right before God
01:04:13 by trusting in the Messiah and not by trying to be good."
01:04:23 Go to the next verse.
01:04:25 "Not by trying to be good."
01:04:29 Have some of you noticed that we are not yet perfect?
01:04:35 He said, "No great surprise," right?
01:04:39 That's another way of saying everybody in the house got an issue.
01:04:44 And are you ready to make the accusations that since people like me who go through Christ
01:04:51 in order to get things right with God, our perfectly virtuous Christ,
01:04:58 must therefore be accessorized to sin?
01:05:03 The accusation is frivolous.
01:05:06 If I was trying to be good, I would be rebuilding the same old barn that I tore down.
01:05:16 I would be acting as a pretender.
01:05:22 Good Lord, have mercy.
01:05:25 And that's what the church is right now, a bunch of pretenders that this other generation
01:05:30 don't want to be a part of because they figuring out that you're pretending.
01:05:43 Amen. Next verse.
01:05:47 What actually took place is this.
01:05:49 I tried keeping this, keeping rules and working my head off to please God,
01:05:53 and it didn't work.
01:05:55 So I quit being a law man so that I could be God's man.
01:06:09 All right, I'll finish this tonight.
01:06:13 Seven o'clock.
01:06:16 Don't miss it.
01:06:19 Make it priority.
01:06:26 I want to please God not out of my convenience, but out of my devotion.
01:06:35 People be so quick to say, "Well, you ain't got to do it."
01:06:37 No, no, no, no, no.
01:06:38 Now it's about my devotion, love and devotion to him.
01:06:48 Doing what I do out of my heart, not out of rule keeping, out of my heart.
01:07:00 Father, we come before you on this day that we're preparing to cross over to a new year,
01:07:15 boldly declaring that we will maintain our stance in righteousness.
01:07:22 God, help us.
01:07:26 We know what we're declaring before you, but we don't dare do it without also knowing
01:07:32 that we have to depend on you to help us to do this.
01:07:37 Help me.
01:07:40 Help us.
01:07:43 Oh, God, help us.
01:07:47 We already receive what you've done, and we're grateful, and we rejoice over it,
01:07:51 but lately something's been going on on the inside of us where we want to do what pleases you.
01:08:02 Just as you said, that you're working on our desire, and you're changing us from the inside out,
01:08:07 and many of us, we want to do what please you, but we need you to discover that,
01:08:15 to walk down that path.
01:08:19 You've done things in our life that people say it couldn't be done.
01:08:24 Lawyers said it couldn't be done.
01:08:26 Doctors said it couldn't be done.
01:08:28 Preachers said it couldn't be done, and yet you did it anyway.
01:08:31 How can I not just praise you as the preeminent one in my life?
01:08:44 Let your glory fall on us.
01:08:49 Let we enter into this next year, this next phase clothed, accompanied by your Shekinah glory.
01:09:03 Fill this house with your presence.
01:09:07 Fill our homes with your presence.
01:09:12 Deal with our children with your presence.
01:09:19 Resolve and dissolve our fears with your presence.
01:09:27 Even now, right now, like a cloud descending from heaven, let your glory descend in this place.
01:09:41 We praise you.
01:09:45 We praise you.
01:09:48 Oh, Lord Jesus, we praise you.
01:09:54 You are His Majesty the King.
01:10:00 Help us to walk with you every day, having nothing to boast about,
01:10:09 having everything to be thankful for.
01:10:14 Thank you, Jesus.
01:10:18 Glory to God.
01:10:22 Penetrate the airways.
01:10:25 Penetrate the social media.
01:10:28 Penetrate the radio with your presence.
01:10:37 I love you.
01:10:42 Protect every person, every world changer, every person, a member of this church.
01:10:46 Protect them, Lord.
01:10:47 Watch over them.
01:10:49 Any sickness that's brewing in their body, I command it to die, to go back.
01:10:54 You cannot inhabit that body.
01:10:59 Jesus' name.
01:11:04 Oh, Jesus.
01:11:08 Oh, you can get lost in His presence.
01:11:12 I'm standing before you, and I can get so lost in His presence
01:11:16 because I realize none of me and all of him.
01:11:24 It takes the help of God for you to not go back into approval addiction
01:11:33 and to be free to be who He made you.
01:11:41 In Jesus' name.
01:11:43 And those who are not saved today, Lord, draw them to you.
01:11:47 Draw them to you.
01:11:50 Draw them to you.
01:11:55 And I thank you, Lord, that our love for you will not wax cold.
01:12:04 You are His majesty, the King.
01:12:08 Praise you, Lord.
01:12:11 In Jesus' name.
01:12:16 Amen.
01:12:19 Let's receive our offering this morning.
01:12:24 Let's worship God with our offerings.
01:12:30 Started off right this year.
01:12:32 Quit the little argument about, "Well, there go the money."
01:12:35 Well, the Bible talks about this.
01:12:37 "Give unto the Lord glory due unto his name.
01:12:40 Bring an offering and worship him in the beauty of his holiness."
01:12:45 When are we going to start doing what the Bible say?
01:12:49 You need an offering envelope?
01:12:51 Raise your hands, and the ushers will get it to you.
01:12:55 And as we give, we're not giving out of pressure.
01:12:59 We're not giving out of necessity.
01:13:02 We're not giving to be a part of some gig, and then if we do this
01:13:07 and that--come on, man.
01:13:09 We're giving because we love God, and we worship Him,
01:13:12 and we know He's the one that already takes care of us.
01:13:20 I give out of my cheerful heart.
01:13:24 I get to give, not I got to give.
01:13:27 I get to do it.
01:13:29 I get to do it.
01:13:34 In Jesus' name.
01:13:35 Those of you who are watching online,
01:13:37 the information to give is on the screen,
01:13:40 "World Changers," plus the amount.
01:13:44 You can text it to 744-83.
01:13:46 You can call that number.
01:13:48 Be a part of this worship.
01:13:53 Be a part of this worship.
01:13:55 Hallelujah.
01:14:02 Whew, I'm like--I'm like--I'm like, "Dude, I'm--I'm full,
01:14:11 but I still got more room for anything else Jesus wanted."
01:14:14 I ain't never going to be that fool that ain't got no room
01:14:16 for anything Jesus wanted to do.
01:14:21 Okay, hold your offerings up, Father.
01:14:23 We give out of a cheerful heart, out of a willing heart,
01:14:29 not out of necessity, not out of pressure.
01:14:32 We bring unto you glory due to your name.
01:14:36 We bring this offering, and we worship you in the beauty
01:14:41 of your holiness.
01:14:43 We know that you are--you are our source.
01:14:48 You are our source.
01:14:51 And so it's easy to trust you to take care of us
01:14:53 because you're our source.
01:14:57 We know, Lord, it's hard to give when we make ourselves our source,
01:15:03 but we don't do that today.
01:15:05 You are our source.
01:15:09 In Jesus' name, amen.
01:15:13 Go ahead and receive the offering this morning, guys.
01:15:17 And if you're here this morning, and you have never made Jesus
01:15:24 the Lord of your life, if you're here this morning,
01:15:30 and you realize that you are going to die one day,
01:15:35 are you prepared to stand before him?
01:15:40 Are you prepared to give an account
01:15:45 of who you believed in?
01:15:49 That's something I think about.
01:15:51 There's something that I have peace about now,
01:15:53 but I didn't at one time.
01:15:56 If you're here today, and you're not born again,
01:16:00 and you want to settle that right now,
01:16:04 get your Bibles, your personal belongings,
01:16:07 and make your way down front, I'd love the opportunity
01:16:10 of praying with you.
01:16:12 If you are not saved, and today is your day of salvation,
01:16:16 don't let any embarrassment at all be dictated to your mind
01:16:22 on what you know you need to do right now.
01:16:26 And secondly, if you want to recommit yourself
01:16:28 to the Lord Jesus and reengage that relationship
01:16:31 that somehow got turned off, then do that.
01:16:35 Thirdly, if you want the baptism in the Holy Spirit
01:16:38 with the evidence of speaking in tongues, then do that.
01:16:42 And last but not least, if God's calling you
01:16:45 to join this church,
01:16:47 World Changers Church International, then do that.
01:16:53 I have done what I needed to do for this time.
01:16:57 It's all on you right now.
01:16:59 Come, let's make these decisions,
01:17:03 and let God arise in your life and in your heart today.
01:17:08 Amen.
01:17:10 [applause]
01:17:13 ♪ O come, let us adore Him ♪
01:17:24 ♪ O come, let us ♪
01:17:28 ♪ Adore Him ♪
01:17:32 ♪ O come, let us ♪
01:17:36 ♪ Adore Him ♪
01:17:41 ♪ Christ the Lord ♪
01:17:49 ♪ We give You all the glory ♪
01:17:57 ♪ We give You all the glory ♪
01:18:05 ♪ We give You all the glory ♪
01:18:14 ♪ Christ the Lord ♪
01:18:19 We'll praise Your name forever.
01:18:21 ♪ We'll praise Your name forever ♪
01:18:29 ♪ We'll praise Your name forever ♪
01:18:37 ♪ We'll praise Your name forever ♪
01:18:46 ♪ Christ the Lord ♪
01:18:49 Go up and offer it.
01:18:51 ♪ Christ the Lord ♪
01:18:54 ♪ O come, let us adore Him ♪
01:19:01 ♪ O come, let us ♪
01:19:05 ♪ Adore Him ♪
01:19:09 ♪ O come, let us adore Him ♪
01:19:18 ♪ Christ the Lord ♪
01:19:23 You are the mighty comforter.
01:19:25 ♪ You are the mighty comforter ♪
01:19:33 ♪ You are the mighty comforter ♪
01:19:41 ♪ You are the mighty comforter ♪
01:19:50 ♪ Christ the Lord ♪
01:19:57 Congregation, give those who've come down
01:19:59 a big hand clap of praise.
01:20:01 [cheers and applause]
01:20:05 Father, I pray that the presence of God
01:20:08 be strong in their lives,
01:20:11 and that they will come to know You
01:20:13 as magnificent King.
01:20:18 Blessings upon them in all that they do in their family.
01:20:23 In Jesus' name we pray.
01:20:27 And everybody say, "Amen."
01:20:30 At this time, if you'll turn this way and follow
01:20:33 these gentlemen to the prayer room,
01:20:35 they're gonna take you in ministry.
01:20:37 They're gonna give you the biblical understanding
01:20:39 of how to obtain and maintain what you came to see.
01:20:42 [applause]
01:20:45 Thank y'all for coming to church today.
01:20:47 If you'll stand for our final blessing,
01:20:49 we love you, we appreciate you.
01:20:51 Our prayer for you this year is that the best is yet to come,
01:20:55 and it will show up in your life, amen?
01:21:00 And now unto him who--
01:21:03 who will do exceedingly abundantly
01:21:06 above all that you dare ask or think,
01:21:11 that the Spirit of grace will protect you
01:21:16 throughout this day and in this time to come.
01:21:22 Glory.
01:21:25 May you encounter promotion,
01:21:29 peace, joy, and favor.
01:21:37 That you may live free from the chains of your past
01:21:43 and walk boldly and with confidence
01:21:46 in all that God has for your future.
01:21:50 May the blessings of God catch you and run you over.
01:21:58 And may this favor which is not fair
01:22:03 be seen in your life, your relationships,
01:22:08 your family, and that which God has wired you to do.
01:22:14 And now unto him who is able to keep you from falling
01:22:19 and to present you faultless before the Almighty God,
01:22:24 be glory, majesty, dominion, and power
01:22:30 both now and forever.
01:22:34 And everybody said--
01:22:36 - Amen.
01:22:37 - God bless you, everybody.
01:22:38 See you tonight at 7.
01:22:40 [coughing]
01:22:44 - Amen. - Amen.
01:22:46 - Amen. - Amen.
01:22:48 - My goodness. - Another great service.
01:22:51 - Per usual. - Per use.
01:22:53 - Per use. - Per use.
01:22:54 - Now we just want to first, of course, say thank you all
01:22:57 for joining us today for service.
01:22:59 We pray that you were blessed, that you were impacted,
01:23:01 that you were filled up, and that you were reminded
01:23:04 that you are the righteousness of God.
01:23:06 I know that we got so much out of this service.
01:23:08 I do want to share one nugget that I got with you all,
01:23:11 which was you are a special class on this planet.
01:23:16 You are from those who have been made righteous.
01:23:19 So say that with me.
01:23:20 Type that in the chat.
01:23:21 I am the righteousness of God.
01:23:23 - I am the righteousness of God.
01:23:24 - It's not because of what I've done.
01:23:26 - It's not because of what I've done.
01:23:27 - But because of what he's done.
01:23:28 - But because of what he's done.
01:23:30 - Man, get this message, share this message,
01:23:33 re-watch this message, and make sure that you also
01:23:35 are joining us tonight for--
01:23:37 I'll even just say the part two.
01:23:39 - Part two.
01:23:40 Remember, pastor said this is part one.
01:23:43 So part two, this is a one-day series.
01:23:45 - It's a one-day series.
01:23:47 - So make sure and check out part two later this evening.
01:23:50 - Yeah, man, God is so good.
01:23:51 So like we said, be sure to share this with someone you love.
01:23:54 Kassarie plays all of that.
01:23:56 And man, we just--God is good.
01:23:58 - Yes.
01:23:59 - God is good.
01:24:00 - Yes.
01:24:01 - So we want to make sure that if you did not get an opportunity to give,
01:24:03 we want to make sure that you have that opportunity right now.
01:24:06 So of course we have those four different ways that you can participate in giving.
01:24:10 Those ways are simply you can text the word "worldchangers,"
01:24:14 leave a space, and then your amount to 74483.
01:24:17 You can also call in your gifts to 866-477-7683.
01:24:22 You can mail it in to 2500 Burnett Road, College Park, Georgia, 30349.
01:24:28 Of course, online just by simply giving on at
01:24:32 or
01:24:34 So participate in the giving.
01:24:37 - Yes, yes, yes.
01:24:38 - You know we get to give.
01:24:39 - We get to give.
01:24:40 - Like it's not an obligation.
01:24:42 - No, it's not.
01:24:43 - Look what God has done for us.
01:24:44 - And God has done--
01:24:46 - He done did it.
01:24:47 - Listen.
01:24:48 - He done did it.
01:24:49 - Listen.
01:24:50 - It never fails.
01:24:51 - Never fails.
01:24:52 - Never fails.
01:24:53 Man, listen, we have a few quick announcements.
01:24:55 You want to share the announcements that we have coming up?
01:24:56 - Yes, I can share the announcements.
01:24:58 We just got two announcements today, guys.
01:25:00 First up, Happy New Year's Eve.
01:25:03 Happy New Year's Eve.
01:25:05 If you're tuning in online at home, I know you're chilling in your bed
01:25:10 or your living room or wherever, but we would love for you,
01:25:14 especially if you're in the Atlanta area, to join us tonight at 7 p.m.
01:25:19 Eastern Time for our New Year's Eve celebration.
01:25:22 Doors open at 6 p.m.
01:25:25 And I highly suggest you get here at 6.
01:25:28 We're going to have a pre-New Year's Eve little party, little shindig.
01:25:33 You know, we got a little DJ.
01:25:35 We got DJ Coco on the ones and twos.
01:25:38 And we have some great giveaways.
01:25:42 Somebody, who hosting?
01:25:44 Who hosting this little pre-party?
01:25:45 - I mean, you know, just some beautiful chocolate people that you're looking at right now.
01:25:49 - Yeah.
01:25:50 - We're going to be there tonight too.
01:25:51 - You know, we might do a little two-step or something like that, you know.
01:25:54 - A little speculation.
01:25:55 - So we want you to come party with us.
01:25:56 We want you to come celebrate Jesus with us.
01:25:58 We want you to come celebrate this new year with us.
01:26:01 Listen, I don't care how 2023 may have looked for you.
01:26:04 It's all about happiness, joy, praising God.
01:26:08 So come on out.
01:26:09 Doors open at 6 p.m.
01:26:12 Praise Party starts at 6.15.
01:26:14 Come on out.
01:26:15 Have fun with us.
01:26:16 Enjoy.
01:26:17 You might win a giveaway or something.
01:26:19 You know, bring your friends.
01:26:20 Tell a friend to tell a friend to tell a friend.
01:26:23 Now, outside of that, when service starts at 7 p.m., we got some special guests.
01:26:28 - Who we got?
01:26:29 - We got some special guests.
01:26:30 We got recording artist Do.
01:26:32 We got LYE Dance Academy.
01:26:35 Listen, they were here a few years ago.
01:26:37 - They were.
01:26:38 - They were here a few years ago, and we love them.
01:26:41 We love them so much.
01:26:44 Bring your kids.
01:26:45 Bring your teens.
01:26:46 They're going to enjoy it.
01:26:47 And last but not least, last but not least, we got to give a special shout-out.
01:26:52 The comedian for tonight, Matthew Hudson.
01:26:56 - Matthew Hudson.
01:26:57 - Matthew Hudson.
01:26:58 - Going to be bringing the funny.
01:26:59 - If you know, you know.
01:27:00 If you know, shift in the building if you know.
01:27:03 Yeah, Matthew Hudson is going to be bringing the funny tonight, like Sylvester said.
01:27:09 - Yeah, so what?
01:27:10 Because it's another announcement.
01:27:11 - It's another announcement.
01:27:12 - I think you should put a little razzle on that one.
01:27:14 - All right, all right, all right.
01:27:15 So after New Year's, you know, we're celebrating and all that.
01:27:18 I want you guys to stay tuned.
01:27:21 Keep putting on your calendar, mark your calendars.
01:27:24 March will be here soon.
01:27:26 Bloom 2024, the Radical Women's Conference from March 13th and 14th.
01:27:32 Listen, a little birdie has been sharing with me some of the fun things that we got coming up for this conference.
01:27:39 And ladies, I highly suggest you get your tickets because it is a fun-filled packed two days, packed, packed, packed two days.
01:27:50 So make sure and join our pastor, Taffi Dollar, Laura Pickett, Chrislyn McNair, Dr. Anita Phillips.
01:27:58 We have Samira Joy and two--we got other artists, too.
01:28:03 We got some special guests.
01:28:05 - There's going to be some announcements coming very soon.
01:28:07 - Some announcements coming very soon.
01:28:09 Two days, two days, I suggest you get your tickets now.
01:28:13 You get your plane tickets now.
01:28:14 You get your caravan, your hotel.
01:28:18 Get your girlfriends.
01:28:19 Make this a spring girls' trip.
01:28:22 Come on out.
01:28:23 Remember, March 13th and 14th.
01:28:25 - That's right.
01:28:26 So how do you get their tickets?
01:28:28 - You get your tickets, text "radical" to 51555 or visit and save your spot today.
01:28:35 - That's right.
01:28:36 - I'm telling y'all.
01:28:37 - I'm telling y'all.
01:28:38 - Listen, I didn't see any little itinerary now.
01:28:41 That's all I'm going to say.
01:28:43 - Be sure to get your tickets.
01:28:44 - Be sure.
01:28:45 - Not yesterday, not tomorrow.
01:28:47 - Well, they were supposed to get them for Christmas.
01:28:48 - Yeah, they were supposed to get them for Christmas.
01:28:49 That's true.
01:28:50 But get it right now.
01:28:51 - Yeah.
01:28:52 - R-A-T, quick as a rat.
01:28:53 So we don't want to hold you guys up too much longer, but be sure if you're looking for anything else that's happening on in the World Changers Nation, be sure to visit for all of the events that are going on.
01:29:04 But, man, we thoroughly enjoy you all.
01:29:07 We cannot wait to see you all tonight for our New Year celebration.
01:29:11 It's going to be amazing.
01:29:12 Tell a friend to tell a friend.
01:29:14 - Tell a friend to tell a friend.
01:29:15 - And, man, we're going to have a ball.
01:29:17 - We are so excited to celebrate with you guys.
01:29:19 - So excited.
01:29:20 - Listen, I said all what I said earlier.
01:29:22 Just remember, be here at 6 p.m.
01:29:24 - That's right.
01:29:25 So you all have a blessed, blessed Sunday.
01:29:28 Take a little nap.
01:29:29 - Oh, yeah.
01:29:30 - Get something to eat and come on back out 6 o'clock if you're in the Atlanta area.
01:29:34 Of course, we'll see you all online.
01:29:36 You all be blessed and have a great one.
01:29:38 Happy Sunday.
01:29:39 - Bye.
01:29:40 [music]
01:29:50 [music]
01:30:00 [music]
01:30:10 [music]
01:30:20 [music]
01:30:30 [music]