Réforme du Code de la famille au Maroc limites mariage mineures, héritage ?

  • last year
Créé sur demande du roi Mohammed VI, un comité mène depuis la fin du mois de septembre des consultations en vue de réformer le Code de la famille.
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00:00 Created on request of King Mohammed VI, a committee has been carrying out consultations since the end of September
00:05 in order to reform the Family Code.
00:07 Among the most controversial issues are the marriage of minors,
00:11 equality in terms of inheritance, the right to care for children and polygamy.
00:15 This is a very much awaited evolution by Moroccan feminists.
00:19 The royal authorities launched consultations at the end of September
00:23 that should have lasted six months to reform the Hamouda Oana,
00:26 that is, the Family Code, twenty years after a refound saluted by civil society but now considered insufficient.
00:32 In 2004, a new Family Code had offered notable advances such as the marital responsibility of the two spouses,
00:39 the right for the wife to ask for divorce or restrictions on the marriage of minors and polygamy.
00:44 The departure of Islamists from power in 2021 gave King Mohammed VI the opportunity
00:49 to resume reformist positions relatively daring from the point of view of political Islam
00:53 and to reconnect with the spirit of the reform of the beginning of reign,
00:56 which had been saluted abroad and by many feminist associations,
00:59 analyzes Pierre Vermeuren, professor of contemporary history of the Maghreb at the University of Paris.
01:04 If the 2004 text was considered a historical turning point for the right of women in the Maghreb,
01:10 it nevertheless has many flaws and its most controversial aspects
01:13 resurface at regular intervals in public debate.
01:16 While the principle of equality between men and women is inscribed in the Constitution of 2011,
01:21 there are still many legal and institutional violence against women,
01:25 notes lawyer and activist Ghislane Mamouni, founder of the association Kif Mama Kif Baba.
01:30 Among the main claims of the associations is the end of discrimination in the matter of succession,
01:36 the daughter having only half of what the son inherits,
01:39 according to a rigorous interpretation of the Qur'an.
01:42 The marriage of minors is also one of the most controversial issues,
01:46 because it embodies a striking aspect of the discrimination of the law and arouses great concerns,
01:50 underlines the AFP Atifat Ingerdine of the Democratic Association of Women of Morocco.
01:55 Superior interest of the child
01:57 If the Umudda Wanada is to be brought up to 18 years old, instead of 15 years old,
02:01 the legal age of marriage for women, the derogations are commonplace.
02:05 Supposed to be exceptional, they reach very high levels
02:09 since nearly 85% of the requests submitted between 2011 and 2018 have been approved,
02:14 according to a study by the Public Ministry.
02:17 The restrictions on polygamy introduced in 2004 are also easily bypassed.
02:21 However, this practice only represented 0.3% of marriage acts in 2022,
02:27 according to the High Commission on the Plan HCP.
02:30 Judges and notaries keep a large margin of manoeuvre in Morocco.
02:34 "This allows the conservative to maintain an Islamic law outside the standards of the law,"
02:39 explains Pierre Vermeren, according to whom this situation also feeds corruption
02:43 because these legal derogations are bought by fathers and husbands.
