• last year
Lancée en 2018, la sonde Parker s'approche chaque année un peu plus près du soleil.
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00:00 Launched in 2018, the Parker probe approaches the Sun a little closer each year.
00:05 By 2024, it should beat its own record by trailing another star at a distance of only 6.1 million km.
00:13 The goal is to learn more and more about the solar crown and wind,
00:17 this energy flow of particles that bathes the entire solar system.
00:21 This is one of the most fascinating missions in the history of space exploration.
00:25 Parker Solar Probe, the first mission to penetrate the solar atmosphere, should know its peak in a year,
00:31 at the end of December 2024, approaching the Sun, only 6.1 million km away.
00:38 Another feat, Parker will travel at an incredible speed of 700,000 km / h,
00:42 the equivalent of a New York-Tokyo trip in a minute, which will make it the fastest object in history.
00:48 This is a monumental achievement for all of humanity.
00:53 It is the equivalent of the 1969 landing, assured by the scientific boobie,
00:58 Nour Rawafi, of the physics laboratory applied by the Johns Hopkins University of Baltimore, in the United States.
01:04 The NASA probe will thus beat its own record, established this year with a passage
01:09 at 7.26 million km from the Sun at a speed of 635,000 km / h.
01:14 To reach such a speed, Parker uses Venus' gravitational assistance,
01:19 a technique that uses the attraction of a planet to offer additional speed to a spacecraft.
01:25 Temperatures approaching 1,400 ° C.
01:29 Launched in 2018, Parker Solar Probe aims to make 24 trips through the part of the atmosphere of the Sun
01:35 that scientists call the "Key Crown", paradoxically, is 300 times hotter than the surface of the star.
01:42 To be at the first stop of the solar show, the spacecraft faces unimaginable conditions,
01:47 temperatures approaching 1,400 ° C and solar winds loaded with high-energy particles.
01:53 To escape this hell, Parker uses its speed as well as a carbon thermal shield
01:58 composed of a dozen centimeters thick that protects scientific instruments.
02:03 A shield whose construction was only made possible recently thanks to the progress of technology.
02:08 At each passage, the embarked tools measure high-energy particles,
02:13 magnetic fluctuations take images but also sound.
02:17 In 2020, recordings made near the Sun were the first to offer a sound representation of solar winds.
02:24 The mysteries of the solar crown.
02:27 For scientists, the goal is to better understand the functioning of solar activity,
02:32 and in particular the mysteries surrounding the crown,
02:35 whose temperature can reach 1 million ° C, against only 6,000 ° C at the surface of the Sun.
02:41 How to explain that the heat rises far from the core of the star?
02:45 It is also this region of the solar atmosphere that is at the origin of the solar wind,
02:49 this flow of high-energy particles loaded with ions and electrons
02:52 that constantly escapes from the Sun and bathes the entire solar system.
02:56 The hope of scientists is to understand the formation of the phenomenon
03:00 and predict solar eruptions, these spasms that can disrupt the Earth's magnetic field,
03:04 radio communications and satellites, or even harm the health of astronauts.
03:09 In the long run, the goal would be to set up a solar weather
03:12 to anticipate the arrival of these flows of particles.
03:15 The flight of December 2024 will represent the ultimate chance for scientists
03:19 to get closer to the mysteries of the solar star.
03:23 After that, the Parker probe will no longer be able to repeat the feat
03:27 because its orbit will no longer allow it to use Venus to rectify its trajectory.
