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新闻报报看 | 最近,“假装存钱法”在中国青年群体中兴起!概念就是在自己幻想的场景中消费,在假装花钱的过程把这些钱存进自己的银行账户中。中国还有一名女子靠着幻想怀孕,用74天时间存下了接近4000元人民币,大约2600令吉!(主播:庄文杰、洪欣仪)


00:00 You have no zombie so much out there so you go through man. She should have a hot seat when I don't know to hold on
00:05 You don't know that you don't have to run well, huh?
00:08 Because you know something take a shit that I'll make a little cool to put in high school
00:12 So that's what you say that I'm going to see who ha ha ha ha yeah, so you think you don't know that you know
00:17 So you don't go to your computer down to the video. She's on her. No. She'll go to the train. She'll come back means it's all good
00:24 Yeah, John turn chain. Hey, go away. Turn chain. Just turn chain. Yeah, so now jaja turn chain. Hey, how many I can't even get leads
00:31 Don't worry. We mean you it's a taco. Joe. Why don't you hide you know?
00:36 You know cheese is a team to turn shot. You didn't see a chain. Remember me. Don't you?
00:40 You'll buy link you know what I'm saying. So you hide you in general. The crazy turn that you must sit down
00:47 Don't worry. Oh, I'm doing the same thing that I did. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
00:57 I don't want to eat white wine in the court. I'm just holding up. I'm going to go to bed. I don't feel like I'm going to lie to you
01:03 It's a job. I'm so afraid of school. You know you should do a thing. She's had a chance to buy that shit. They don't know John Dean's easy to
01:10 In buchu the in Hong Kong who are women can only tell the jungle needs it. You should say young you with him that I told you and you don't get it all at a single tool
01:18 You should do that. I don't play such a game why you know
01:21 Jason and I took away what I need to hold a so you can sell to John
01:25 So in Salah eat the same kind of anger with Jimmy needs me or did the white you had to sit down John, why you
01:31 Needs to be done. I thought I'm James you don't get John from him. But I said, you know, maybe in Syria. How so fun?
01:40 You can see the oil of all the school. They all send to my love. How so?
01:44 Rougauta zhengde que chichando man y tiene la juan chan huayun chou sheng shan de chien zhengde yokei dang yang lao jina
01:51 Tanya表示香蕉于传统的存钱方式假装存钱法呢需要长期费心费力为什么呢
01:59 她得要自己当编剧啊编剧情接着呢要骗自己相信自己就真的是活在那个状态里面
02:07 那尽管存钱的过程当中会被一些朋友认为这真的只是在自娱自乐但这名成功实验的女子就认为
02:15 假装存钱法不只是一种理财游戏
02:18 更是一种很有创意以及想象力将节俭跟娱乐结合在一起的新创储蓄方法呢
02:25 那简单来说假装存钱法就是让大家发挥创意天马行空的是幻想
02:31 只要能够帮助自己存钱就好那再给大家一个例子哈
02:35 在中国呢还有一个女网民把自己幻想成落难的公主自己的国家被无情的战争给摧毁了
02:43 为了保住性命呢他被父王送出国外
02:46 身处在异国他乡只能够放下公主的身段到快餐连锁店去打工
02:53 那当然这位公主啊在他幻想出来的快餐连锁店工作中赚到的每一分钱就是他在现实生活中
03:00 曾经自己银行账户的存款了
03:03 嗯像
03:07 you
