Mort de Nahel en banlieue parisienne, colère persistante.

  • last year
Un jeune de banlieue est tué par un policier, à bout portant, lors d'un contrôle routier : ce matin d'été 2023, c'est la mort de trop qui plonge la France dans une semaine d'émeutes bien plus destructrices qu'en 2005, symptôme d'une histoire qui se répète.

Le 27 juin, dans les rues de Nanterre, à une dizaine de kilomètres à l'ouest de Paris.
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00:00 A young man from the suburbs was killed by a policeman, at Bouportan, during a road check.
00:05 This morning in the summer of 2023, the death of Troc qui plonge la France
00:09 in a week of much more destructive riots than in 2005,
00:12 a symptom of a story that repeats itself.
00:15 On June 27, in the streets of Nanterre, about ten kilometers west of Paris.
00:20 Naël, 17 years old, lives in a Mercedes,
00:24 with two other teenagers aged 14 and 17 as passengers.
00:28 Pursued by two policemen, the car is stopped in its course by traffic jams.
00:33 The young motorist would then have run to the officers, causing the deadly shot.
00:39 This first police version is however quickly contradicted by the broadcast of a video
00:44 where we see the policeman on the side of the vehicle shot at Bouportan in the habitat.
00:49 Put on trial and incarcerated for murder,
00:52 the policeman will be released under judicial control on November 15.
00:56 For Naël's mother, a real injustice.
00:59 The death of the young Frenchman whose parents are from the Maghreb
01:03 triggers immense emotion and ignites debates on police violence and racism in the police.
01:08 His fate resonates with that of other young people killed during an intervention by the police.
01:14 Adama Traoré in 2016, Moussin et Lacamy in 2007,
01:17 Osier and Bouna in 2005, whose death had led to three weeks of riots.
01:22 Over-investigation.
01:24 From the first evening, firefighters set off fireworks, urban furniture and firetrucks.
01:31 Massively relayed by social networks, anger reigned over many cities in the province,
01:36 including those of Annonay in Ardèche.
01:39 These small and medium-sized cities stand out clearly from the others by their more disadvantaged social profiles,
01:45 analyzes Marco Oberti, a researcher at Sciences Po,
01:48 for whom many were also gathering places of the "plus gilets jaunes plus".
01:53 Dressed in black, masked, the rioters are taking on the symbols of the Republic, school, town hall, elected.
02:00 The majority of those convicted in the future will be very young men,
02:04 under-diplomed, of French nationality, for Paris and its first crown,
02:08 from families from the Maghreb or from sub-Saharan Africa.
02:12 The riots quickly take the form of store robberies.
02:16 The images of clashes flood social networks and are part of a collective euphoria and a surrender,
02:22 says Marco Oberti.
02:24 The fire broke out on July 5, but the balance far exceeds that of the riots of 2005,
02:30 up to 45,000 forces of the mobilized order against 11,700 in 2005,
02:35 1,239 sentences of prison terms against 400 and 730 million euros of damage against 204.
02:43 The use of LBD, the "Lancers of the Defense Balls", by the forces of the order
02:47 quickly returns to the center of criticism as the list of victims extends.
02:52 Among them, Mohamed Bandris, 27, died in Marseille, and Edi, 21, amputated part of the skull.
03:00 "We must work to re-civilize", says Emmanuel Macron, evoking a problem of integration.
03:07 Very much awaited, the government's response falls in two times in the fall.
03:12 A security role, announced by Elisabeth Born,
03:15 makes it possible for young criminals to be placed in military custody
03:18 as well as for the general interest work for parents.
03:21 The next day, social measures are put in place for priority neighborhoods,
03:26 including testing, discrimination and change of social housing attribution rules.
03:31 Sitting on a cauldron.
03:33 But for many, the count is not.
03:36 We had called on the president to say that our territories were being populated
03:40 and that we were sitting on a cauldron, recalls Catherine Arnoux,
03:43 vice-president of the association "City and suburbs".
03:46 "Have you heard, you, a real setback to know the causes of riots?",
03:51 asks the elected DVD.
03:53 The political response is shifted in relation to reality,
03:56 says Patrick Shemovitch, mayor of Colombe, Haut-de-Seine,
04:00 while means are being withdrawn from schools and post offices are closing.
04:05 "We know very well that the solution cannot be instantaneous",
04:09 recognizes the mayor of Trappes, Yveline, Alirabay, Generation.S.
04:14 But nothing serious has been produced,
04:16 judges the elected, for whom there is no breath,
04:19 no cap to finish with the ghettos.
04:22 At the verrière, Yveline, where two schools were burned,
04:25 the mayor, DVD, Nicolas Dainville, has the feeling that "we are dancing on a volcano,
04:30 to any drama, I fear that we will not relive these dramatic events".
04:34 Questioned at the Senate, sociologist François Dubé says he is struck by the "repetition" of history
04:40 since the first major riots of the 1980s in the Lyon suburbs.
04:45 A repetition on the feeling of discrimination, injustice, unemployment,
04:50 of being put aside and on the "almost automatic trigger" by a confrontation with the police.
04:56 According to Julien Talpin, researcher at the CNRS,
04:59 there was a will of the government to consult the university students.
05:04 But the questions of police violence and institutional treatment of the inhabitants of the neighborhoods have been "put aside",
05:10 symptoms, according to him, of a will not to attack the real problem.
