सर्दियों में लोग गाजर खूब खाते हैं. कई लोग गाजर के पराठे के साथ-साथ गाजर का हलवा भी खाते हैं. कई लोग गाजर का आचार भी खाते हैं. लेकिन आपकी जानकारी के लिए बता दें कि हद से ज्यादा गाजर खाना काफी ज्यादा नुकसानदायक होता है.
People eat a lot of carrots in winter. Many people eat carrot halwa along with carrot paratha. Many people also eat carrot pickle. But for your information, let us tell you that eating carrots in excess is very harmful.
#sideeffetcsofeatingcarrot, #Rozgazarkhanekenuksan
People eat a lot of carrots in winter. Many people eat carrot halwa along with carrot paratha. Many people also eat carrot pickle. But for your information, let us tell you that eating carrots in excess is very harmful.
#sideeffetcsofeatingcarrot, #Rozgazarkhanekenuksan