• 2 years ago
Sporty Dancer returning from an injury setback at Dubbo
00:00 To the winning post in three laps.
00:03 In the Quambi Steyers Cup.
00:05 They're set. There's the green light.
00:07 Away they go.
00:08 And showing a bit of speed out wide out to Billy,
00:10 but inside starting to hunt up now,
00:12 including Corinna Rocco, Barrett and also Waradere.
00:15 Further back in the field then was Mighty Joe.
00:17 Saint-Emilien elects to go back to the inside.
00:19 It's three back the pigs.
00:21 Then came Cassius Deck.
00:23 Further back in the field then as they turn around
00:25 to the back straight was Sporty Dancer.
00:28 Ramos jumped onto its back second last
00:30 and dropping out last of all.
00:31 Rip balances up at the rear.
00:33 It spots the leader about 40 metres.
00:35 They race down the back.
00:36 And out in front with just over two and a half laps to travel
00:39 is out to Billy.
00:40 Amanda Turnbull's driven two winners here tonight.
00:42 She's trying to take out the Quambi Steyers Cup.
00:45 In second spot, five metres behind Corinna Rocco.
00:48 Three back the inside, Waradere,
00:49 and leading up that outside brigade now.
00:51 Cassius Deck whips around them three wide.
00:54 It'll fill the breeze.
00:55 Also pushing forward was Barrett.
00:57 It's 1-1.
00:58 Over on the inside, a runner's next, Saint-Emilien.
01:00 It's back to full back the inside around it next now.
01:03 In fact, out three deep going forward
01:06 as they run down that back home straight is Sporty Dancer
01:09 and then came getting shuffled back in the field then
01:12 was Mighty Joe.
01:14 Second last, Terry Rama, and Rip still last of all.
01:16 109.9 the lead time.
01:18 They got just short of two laps to travel
01:20 and it's out to Billy in front in the Quambi Steyers Cup.
01:23 In second spot, up on the outside at the leaders wheel now
01:27 as they make their way into the back straight, Sporty Dancer,
01:30 trailing the leader, Corinna Rocco,
01:32 and then came three back the inside.
01:34 Waradere, Cassius Deck is around it.
01:37 And Barrett's in the running line.
01:38 It covers up over to the inside, Saint-Emilien,
01:41 and then Mighty Joe, Terry Rama, and still Rip can see them all.
01:45 They're about to go by the first quarter.
01:47 It's posted in 31.2.
01:49 So she's got the leader travelling along comfortably.
01:52 Out in front, out to Billy.
01:53 A bike wheel away on the outside and edging closer against Sporty Dancer.
01:57 Trailing the leader at the moment, Corinna Rocco.
02:00 Cassius Deck, 1-1. Waradere, three back the inside.
02:03 Around those runners next was Barrett.
02:05 Saint-Emilien's going to have to need some luck.
02:07 And then came further back, the Mighty Joe.
02:10 Now he comes, Rip out three wide,
02:11 and Terry Rama will try and drop onto its back.
02:14 They race down the home straight.
02:15 They're about to go by the quarter.
02:17 It's posted in 30 seconds.
02:18 They sped up a little.
02:20 61.2 the half.
02:21 Out of the straight.
02:22 In front, still out to Billy.
02:24 In second spot on the outside, Sporty Dancer.
02:26 Trailing the leader as they make their way into the back, Corinna Rocco.
02:29 And then came Cassius Deck, Waradere.
02:32 Rip's out three wide and midfield.
02:34 Saint-Emilien's next.
02:35 Terry Rama's getting a nice piggyback.
02:37 And last of all in the run is Mighty Joe
02:39 as they work their way towards the 400-metre marker.
02:42 It's still out of Billy in front.
02:43 I think there's still a gear left.
02:45 They go by the quarter in 28.6.
02:47 In second spot on the outside, Sporty Dancer.
02:50 Trailing the leader, Corinna Rocco.
02:52 Cassius Deck hasn't got clear yet.
02:54 Rip's going backwards.
02:55 And then came Waradere.
02:56 Further out now, trying to push a passage is Barrett.
02:59 They straighten up though.
03:00 Out to Billy in front, still by a length.
03:02 In the outside, Sporty Dancer.
03:04 Cassius Deck getting clear and over on the inside, Corinna Rocco.
03:07 But in front is out to Billy in the Quamby Steyers Cup.
03:10 Down to the line, untouched.
03:12 Amanda Turnbull gets a treble.
03:13 Corinna Rocco second, Cassius Deck third.
03:16 Saint-Emilien.
03:17 Mitch Turnbull works some magic there.
03:19 He got it clear and ran home fourth.
03:21 And then came further back to Waradere.
03:23 Then came Barrett was there.
03:25 Along the inside was Mighty Joe.
03:27 Sporty Dancer.
03:29 Rip second last.
03:30 And last of all was Teri Rama.
03:32 Out to Billy.
03:34 Gets the cash for a minute.
