H.E Kagame hosts Kenyan counterpart Ruto at glamorous state banquet, paving way for stronger ties

  • last year
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00:00 (upbeat music)
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00:37 (upbeat music)
00:42 - Excellency, friend,
00:54 Dr. William Samoy Ruto,
00:58 President of the Republic of Kenya.
01:02 (speaking in foreign language)
01:06 Senior officials from Kenya and Rwanda.
01:10 Diplomatic corps,
01:13 distinguished guests,
01:17 (speaking in foreign language)
01:21 Good evening to you.
01:23 (audience applauding)
01:31 (speaking in foreign language)
01:34 It is an honor
01:38 to welcome you back to Rwanda.
01:42 This time,
01:45 as the President of Kenya.
01:49 (audience applauding)
01:53 On your first state visit,
01:58 let me say congratulations once again.
02:01 (audience applauding)
02:04 We are delighted
02:07 to host you and your delegation
02:11 and hope your visit so far
02:14 has been productive
02:18 and enjoyable.
02:24 Rwanda and Kenya are brother countries
02:28 bound together by our membership
02:32 in the East African community
02:35 and longstanding ties
02:39 in language,
02:42 culture,
02:45 business,
02:47 education, and other areas.
02:49 We are happy to have
02:54 living among us
02:56 a sizable community
02:58 of Kenyan brothers and sisters,
03:02 many of
03:03 whom have
03:05 lived
03:07 in Rwanda
03:10 for many years,
03:13 contributing
03:14 productively
03:17 to our
03:19 society.
03:24 The people-to-people ties
03:26 between our countries remain strong
03:30 and it is
03:31 a pleasure
03:33 to know
03:36 and learn from each other
03:38 and also
03:41 grow
03:43 together.
03:44 Rwanda is also host to a number of important
03:50 Kenyan companies
03:53 that are contributing to the vibrancy
03:56 of our private sector.
03:58 Our teams have been working together
04:05 in the last few days
04:06 to renew and expand
04:09 our bilateral cooperation
04:12 through the joint permanent commission,
04:15 which resulted in the agreements
04:18 signed earlier.
04:23 We look forward
04:24 to continue working together
04:29 on implementing what has been agreed
04:34 as soon as possible for the benefit of the people
04:39 of both
04:40 our
04:43 countries.
04:44 I want to take this opportunity to thank you
04:52 once again, Mr. President, for your leadership
04:56 and commitment in finding
04:59 a solution
05:01 to the security crisis in eastern DRC
05:05 that
05:07 has affected all of us in the region.
05:11 Kenyan troops have taken the lead
05:16 in the East African Community Regional Force.
05:22 Together with the rest of the region,
05:25 Rwanda will continue to play
05:28 its part
05:30 towards achieving lasting peace
05:34 and
05:36 stability.
05:38 Let me add here that I know you visited
05:44 a number of places this afternoon.
05:50 One of which was
05:51 genocide memorial.
05:55 What you saw there
06:01 is a history that
06:06 ties in with many things
06:12 happening in this region
06:16 and
06:19 and
06:20 that also shape us and inform us
06:26 here in Rwanda
06:29 as to
06:31 what we need to do
06:35 for ourselves, working with others as well.
06:40 And it is just
06:43 what you saw there is
06:48 an outcome of
06:49 politics of extremism
06:55 that
06:59 we need to watch out for all of us
07:03 and
07:07 fight so that
07:10 it doesn't
07:13 flow
07:17 over to
07:18 any other part of our region.
07:23 We have had
07:26 our own share
07:32 resulting from that.
07:35 I believe we
07:36 even
07:39 took over the share of others.
07:45 I can tell you that
07:47 those who are still able to
07:52 stabilize their own countries and
07:57 I know many countries are capable of doing that.
08:01 I wish you all the best to make sure I don't
08:05 take the route we took ourselves here in Rwanda.
08:12 (speaking in foreign language)
08:16, Rwanda.
08:17 (speaking in foreign language)
08:21 (audience applauding)
08:24 (speaking in foreign language)
08:28 (audience applauding)
08:47 If I may,
08:49 I will ask
08:54 all of us
08:55 to raise
09:00 our glasses and join me
09:06 in a toast
09:08 to the health of his excellency
09:12 William Ruto and the long-lasting friendship
09:16 and cooperation between Kenya
09:19 and Rwanda.
09:22 (speaking in foreign language)
09:24 (upbeat music)
09:27 - Your excellency, my dear brother, Mr. President,
09:34 I am greatly honored
09:36 to be in Rwanda
09:40 this time
09:42 as president of Kenya.
09:45 (audience applauding)
09:47 I have been,
09:48 I have been here before
09:52 and I have enjoyed every moment
09:55 that I have always come to Rwanda
09:59 and I want to confirm
10:01 that Rwanda is getting better.
10:04 I am grateful
10:07 to you, Mr. President, for inviting me
10:12 to your beautiful country
10:15 and I'm highly privileged to have the opportunity
10:18 of enjoying Rwanda's gracious hospitality.
10:22 My delegation and I have experienced a taste
10:27 of Rwanda's famous warmth and hospitality.
10:31 In the spirit of African brotherhood and goodwill,
10:37 we have come to celebrate our long-standing ties
10:42 of friendship and cooperation,
10:45 reflect on our present moment,
10:48 both in terms of challenges and opportunities,
10:53 and agree on a mutually beneficial common pathway
10:59 to the future we want for our nations and our people.
11:05 I am delighted, your excellency,
11:10 that our discussions have affirmed
11:13 the shared aspirations of our people and countries
11:18 and clarified for our governments
11:21 a viable joint approach towards achieving them.
11:26 Our common interest in stability, peace, security,
11:33 and prosperity underlies our strong commitment
11:38 to the institutional framework
11:40 of the Joint Commission for Cooperation.
11:43 It also informs the frameworks
11:48 that anchor our East African community
11:52 and the African Union.
11:54 The frameworks provide opportunities
12:00 in bilateral trade and cooperation,
12:03 our regional market, and the continental free trade area
12:08 for our business communities to exploit
12:12 to the advantage of our communities.
12:16 As you know, Mr. President,
12:20 137 or thereabout years ago,
12:25 in a famous conference in Berlin,
12:27 our continent was shared among its friends.
12:36 And as a result of the artificial boundaries so created,
12:41 we have had a difficult time working together,
12:48 trading together, thinking together,
12:54 but I am truly happy as an African leader
12:59 that slowly but surely,
13:04 we are assembling the bits, pieces, and portions
13:09 to which Africa was subdivided
13:13 into one big common market
13:18 under the Africa continental free trade area.
13:21 (audience applauding)
13:25 And with this one step,
13:28 I am confident that trade,
13:34 investment, commerce, enterprise in this continent
13:39 will sow into new possibilities and new heights.
13:47 It is now an irresistible fact
13:55 that by 2050,
14:02 Africa will be home to a quarter of the world's population
14:06 and that our potential in mineral resources,
14:13 our potential in green energy resources,
14:19 and the market that will come with a quarter
14:23 of the population living in this continent,
14:26 together with the reality
14:30 that Africa is the youngest continent,
14:33 we will truly become the continent of the future.
14:38 And it gives me a lot of inspiration
14:43 that leaders like yourself did champion
14:49 the coming together of our continent
14:56 under the Africa free trade area.
15:01 Let me also say it is the inspiration
15:05 that makes Kenya deploy its resources,
15:12 human and financial,
15:15 to attempt to stabilize Eastern DRC
15:23 because we consider it our duty
15:27 to stabilize our neighborhood
15:31 so that we can have the real possibility
15:34 of exploiting the tremendous opportunities
15:39 that exist in our continent
15:42 and give ourselves the best chance
15:44 for our young people, for our economies,
15:50 our business people to thrive.
15:54 I'm encouraged by the progress achieved during my visit
15:59 and the volume of caliber of business transacted
16:04 by our joint permanent commission for cooperation,
16:09 which has enabled us to sign 10 legal instruments
16:14 whose socioeconomic impact will be
16:19 over transformational magnitude.
16:22 (audience applauding)
16:26 This is the largest instruments
16:32 of memorandum of understanding
16:35 signed in one visit by any head of state from Kenya.
16:40 (audience applauding)
16:43 And it signifies and underscores
16:48 the commitment that you have
16:50 and the commitment that the government of Kenya has
16:54 to take our relations to a new high.
16:58 I am so grateful, your excellency,
17:01 that we have had the opportunity
17:03 to reaffirm our strong commitment
17:06 to the spirit, philosophy and institutions
17:15 of our multilateral institutions
17:18 and of our partnership in various international agenda
17:22 through which we have achieved significant success.
17:27 My faith in our ability jointly and individually
17:32 to keep punching above our weight
17:36 and to successfully pursue socioeconomic transformation
17:40 has been renewed.
17:43 I am confident that our deep friendship and partnership
17:48 will increase our capacity to achieve shared prosperity
17:51 for the people of Rwanda and the people of Kenya.
17:56 Mr. President, your consideration has done a great honor
18:04 to the government and the people of Kenya
18:07 and to express our joy and gratitude
18:11 and appreciation to you
18:13 for hosting a huge Kenyan community in Rwanda.
18:20 The government and people of Kenya truly appreciates.
18:26 (audience applauding)
18:31 And we don't take it for granted, Mr. President,
18:36 that you have become a wonderful host, not just to me,
18:42 but to the tens of thousands of Kenyans
18:47 who live, do business and have made Rwanda their second home.
18:52 We are truly grateful.
18:56 And to confirm to you that the presence of Kenyans in Rwanda
19:03 is not by accident.
19:08 Aside from your hospitality,
19:10 Kenya, we boast of having the best human capital
19:17 anywhere in the world.
19:18 And Kenyans are very good workers.
19:25 And we've done this to many of our friends.
19:31 We will continue to export our fine men and women
19:37 to work for this continent, to work for friends,
19:42 and to work together with the rest of the people
19:48 in our continent to grow our economies
19:51 and to raise the standard of living of all our people.
19:58 (upbeat music)
20:01 (audience applauding)
20:04 (upbeat music)
