President Kagame receives credentials from 14 new envoys

  • last year

#IGIHE #Rwanda


00:03 It's our deep honor to be the first to be here.
00:19 The relationship is growing, but more so
00:22 it's also fueled by the strength of the personalities
00:27 of our prime minister and the president.
00:31 There are many, many areas that our two countries
00:34 have found common purpose in.
00:37 And I think through the adventures
00:42 that we had in COVID, we realized
00:45 that we were stronger together than we were apart.
00:48 What I would point out to you is that there's a road tennis
00:51 court just outside here.
00:53 And road tennis is our gift to the people of Rwanda.
00:56 It's a sport that was developed in Barbados,
01:00 and the people of Rwanda seem to have taken it on very well.
01:07 I think we still have a few things
01:08 that we can teach them competitively,
01:12 but I'm told that the Rwandans are getting very, very good.
01:15 They're a very athletic nation, so I'm
01:18 told that they're becoming very, very good at road tennis.
01:21 And we are concerned, but I think we can still take you.
01:24 We have so many areas that we are going to be cooperating on
01:29 that I think that we will have-- that our embassy,
01:31 our mission here is going to be well worth it.
01:34 And it's also high praise to the president of Rwanda
01:38 and the government of Rwanda for expressing the need
01:41 to broaden its footprint, because it is truly
01:44 becoming a global player.
01:47 It's a great pleasure to be officially ambassador
01:53 of Japan to Rwanda.
01:55 We have a very longstanding relations
02:01 of mutual confidence and friendship,
02:05 and I am committed to promote these good relations.
02:14 Talking about our economic cooperation,
02:19 we put emphasis on the education, agriculture,
02:24 and social infrastructure, like water supply
02:29 and electricity.
03:41 Thank you very much.
03:42 It is a pleasure to be in Rwanda
03:43 at the occasions of the presentations of credentials
03:46 to His Excellency the President Kagame.
03:51 Indeed, it was an occasion to exchange our commitment
03:55 to the strengthening of the relations between our countries,
03:59 and that is the main purpose of this revigoration
04:03 of the relations.
04:04 We have been present in the last years,
04:08 and the strength of relations have had a very meaningful
04:12 development.
04:13 But there is still a lot to do in many fields,
04:17 including the economy, culture, political sphere.
04:21 So we are hopeful that we will have an occasion
04:26 to develop those relations in the next years.
04:29 I am very happy that we have a dimension that
04:34 is very much similar between Portugal and Rwanda.
04:41 And I think that we will have plenty of opportunities
04:45 to develop, most and foremost, I think, the human factor.
04:49 I think I would like to focus on education, on culture.
04:54 And with that, many things will come along, naturally,
04:56 the economic relations, the exchanges,
04:59 the facilitation of the contacts between the people.
05:02 During the past three years, the relations
05:05 between Rwanda and Finland, it has become deeper and deeper
05:09 and broader.
05:10 And this is something that I definitely
05:12 want to push forward and continue with.
05:15 We have had rounds of bilateral consultations
05:18 where we have been looking at trade issues.
05:20 We have been looking at cooperation in meteorology,
05:23 for example, and in some other sectors as well.
05:29 We have had cooperation in the World Circular Economic Forum,
05:32 which was held in this very convention center,
05:34 I believe, last December.
05:36 And Finland is going to have the next one in May.
05:40 So more generally, how to deepen the relations,
05:44 how to have more exchanges, how to have more visitors from
05:47 Rwanda to Finland, but also from Finland here to Rwanda,
05:51 is a very good and important way to identify also new sectors
05:56 where we can do work together.
05:59 So for Finland, generally, it's, let's say,
06:03 climate change issues, gender, youth.
06:08 These are something that in our foreign policy
06:10 are important questions.
06:12 And we look forward to see how to further deepen
06:15 this with Rwanda.
06:16 We're very pleased to be here.
06:17 This was a fantastic day.
06:19 Just like Rwanda, we're a little bigger than Rwanda,
06:25 have a little better income.
06:27 But we're also a developing country.
06:30 And that makes a lot of similarities
06:32 between our both countries, even though we're
06:34 in different continents.
06:36 We are Chileans.
06:38 We are very aware of that.
06:41 So we like to fortify our relationship
06:44 with other developing countries, especially in areas
06:48 where we can do it, like cooperation.
06:50 So the reason why I told the president this
06:54 is I want to reinforce the cooperation between our two
06:58 countries.
06:59 And that was going to be my main objective
07:02 while being an ambassador.
07:03 Well, we do a lot of cooperation and give scholarships
07:06 in capacity building.
07:08 We are now offering a scholarship
07:09 for five civil servants to go to Chile and study
07:14 about administrative issues.
07:16 So that's going to be our fourth in these matters.
07:19 I'm really very privileged to be the first ambassador
07:22 of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to our friendly country,
07:25 Rwanda.
07:26 And today, I had the pleasure to present my credentials
07:30 to Honorable President Kagame.
07:33 And this relation is a strategic relation
07:38 between our two countries.
07:39 It has been lifted up since the relations started
07:45 between His Majesty the King and President Kagame.
07:48 And everybody knows that President Kagame
07:51 has been to Jordan many times.
07:52 Looking forward to have His Majesty coming to Rwanda
07:55 anytime soon.
07:57 We are going to, in my capacity as an ambassador
08:01 accredited non-resident to Rwanda,
08:04 I'll be working very hard to strengthen this relation more
08:07 and more.
08:08 From deep of my heart, I wish Rwanda and the president
08:11 and the people of Rwanda all the best and a prosperous time
08:16 to come.
08:17 And Happy New Year for everyone.
08:19 First of all, I would like to say South Sudan and Rwanda
08:24 share a lot of things in common.
08:26 And it is that existing bilateral relations
08:30 that we will work on, especially in the areas of agriculture,
08:35 food security, and the economic investment opportunities
08:39 in financial sector.
08:41 And the skills transfer so that we share experiences and skills
08:46 between our two governments and two peoples.
08:50 And work within the greater East Africa community
08:54 to ensure the regional integration is a reality.
08:58 Where Rwandans travel to South Sudan feel at home,
09:02 South Sudanese coming to Rwanda feel at home.
09:05 And that's what we want to achieve.
09:08 (upbeat music)
