Rwanda & Rhineland Palatinate celebrate 40 years of fruitful collaboration

  • last year

#IGIHE #Rwanda


00:03 [DRUMMING]
00:30 On behalf of the government of Rwanda, it is my pleasure
00:34 to welcome you all to Rwanda to celebrate
00:38 40 years of partnership between Rwanda and Rwanda and Palatinate.
00:43 Since 1982, we have established a unique partnership
00:49 where Rwanda and Palatinate and Rwanda have
00:52 been able to share experiences in various areas,
00:56 including education and health, as well as people
01:00 to people exchanges.
01:02 This relationship is indeed a testimony
01:07 of the strong relation that exists between Rwanda
01:11 and Germany as a whole.
01:14 Today is, therefore, an excellent opportunity
01:17 to assess the achievements, as well as
01:21 discussing future prospects and exploring
01:24 new areas of cooperation.
01:27 Your Excellency, distinguished guests,
01:31 the last 40 years of historical bilateral relations
01:35 between Rwanda and Rwanda and Palatinate
01:39 have been marked with high-level visits and meetings
01:44 in our respective countries.
01:46 You mentioned it, Excellency President, Mr. President,
01:51 your last visit here in Rwanda was in 2018.
01:56 I further wish to take this moment
01:59 to commend the signing of a letter of intent
02:01 for cooperation in the field of biotechnology
02:06 between Rwanda and Rwanda and Palatinate.
02:10 The collaboration in this particular sector
02:12 is critical, as it will help addressing the skills
02:16 gaps in the biotechnology sector in Rwanda, which
02:20 is highly welcome ahead of the construction of the BioNTech
02:25 vaccines plant in the country, and that
02:29 will benefit those in need, save lives, and strengthen
02:33 Africa's resilience against potential pandemics.
02:38 Excellencies, distinguished guests,
02:42 I strongly believe that the existing
02:44 partnership between Rwanda and Rwanda and Palatinate
02:47 will continue to produce remarkable achievements
02:51 in the coming years.
02:54 As I conclude, I would like to thank you once again,
02:57 Madam Minister President, for taking time
03:00 to be with us this week.
03:03 We look forward to continuing strengthening
03:05 the existing bond of friendship and partnership
03:09 between Rwanda and Rwanda and Palatinate,
03:12 based on a shared vision and trust
03:16 for our people's benefits.
03:19 I thank you for your kind attention.
03:21 [APPLAUSE]
03:28 It is, by the way, the only partnership
03:31 between a land state and an African state
03:36 that continues for such a long time.
03:39 Four years ago, it was the wish of the national government
03:43 that the land states have--
03:46 yeah, corporations with African--
03:48 with the African states in the continent.
03:52 But no partnership has long-- for such a long time
03:55 than this between Rwanda and Palatinate and Rwanda.
03:59 Our relationship exists at all levels.
04:02 We already heard it-- 180 school partnerships,
04:05 14 municipal partnerships, 12 partnerships between parishes
04:10 and dioceses, and more than 50 associations and foundations
04:15 keep the partnership alive.
04:18 It is not exaggerated when I say the heart
04:22 and the brain of the Jumelage is the Partnership Organ
04:26 Association, also as the coordination office.
04:29 And therefore, I want really to say thank you
04:32 to our chairman, Norbert Neusser,
04:34 and the vice chairman, Anke Beinschlein,
04:36 and also to Katja Gruber and her team.
04:39 We are very glad about that.
04:40 Thanks a lot.
04:41 [APPLAUSE]
04:45 Rwanda has meanwhile experienced rapid development
04:51 in many areas and achieved a great deal--
04:54 education, economy, development, health care, gender equality,
05:00 digitalization, and sustainability.
05:04 I am deeply impressed by the many things that
05:07 have happened and changed since I was last here
05:10 in Rwanda in 2018.
05:14 For our [INAUDIBLE] we have chosen
05:16 the motto 40 years of partnership
05:19 between Royal Island Palatinate and Rwanda
05:21 together into the future.
05:24 Education, health, and sustainability
05:27 are these areas that we believe are essential for ensuring
05:32 a good future.
05:34 Many people talked this evening about those issues,
05:37 and I don't have to do that now.
05:39 But I think we agree all together
05:41 that we have to have a certain point at sustainability.
05:45 It's an issue that brings us together on all continents,
05:49 and it's real something we want to do here with you in more
05:53 and stronger contact.
05:56 Also, a special lighthouse, of course,
05:58 is the project in the 40th year of our partnership
06:02 is the investment in Rwanda of the space biotechnology company
06:07 Biontech.
06:09 This is an important step towards global vaccine equity.
06:13 I think it's important to say that also.
06:16 Yesterday, it was a highlight for our whole delegation
06:20 that we were able to see the container principle.
06:23 And with this project, we opened a new chapter
06:27 in our partnership.
06:28 I'm sure about that.
06:29 This partnership, this new chapter, has already began.
06:32 I was very proud that we could sign today the LOE
06:36 because the new cooperation between our universities
06:40 and our academy for biotech and here in Rwanda,
06:45 it's very important for us all.
06:47 We know that a project with Biontech
06:49 can only be successful when highly qualified specialists
06:55 here in Rwanda.
06:56 And so I'm very proud that we have
06:58 this change in the future.
07:01 Therefore, I'm very happy.
07:02 Thank you for that.
07:04 This is a very important signal to the future for us
07:08 and for us all.
07:12 We know also that besides those really important issues,
07:16 sports keep people happy, and sports keep people healthy.
07:21 And so I'm very happy that the new president
07:24 of our association, he is really a sportsman.
07:27 And he wants to support sports and the cooperation
07:31 in this issue.
07:33 And there are the athletic Rwanda, they are here today,
07:37 and we are very proud of this initiative.
07:40 Also, the soccer, and I'm very glad that you found out
07:44 yesterday in your appointments that you will intensify
07:50 the cooperation in soccer.
07:53 Ladies and gentlemen, we have a great history,
07:56 and I am sure we will have a good future.
07:59 We have everything we need to have a good future together.
08:04 Thank you for your friendship.
08:06 And this is the most important thing,
08:08 that from the partnership, we got friends.
08:11 And I try it in Rwandan.
08:15 [APPLAUSE]
08:18 I said in both our countries, we know
08:28 that sports keep people happy and healthy.
08:31 And it's the same thing with food and eating and drinking.
08:35 And our celebration is not long anymore,
08:39 but we don't have a glass of wine now.
08:42 But I want to say now, [INAUDIBLE]
08:45 we have the possibility to celebrate later,
08:48 and then we can give us our-- the greeting, [INAUDIBLE]
08:52 it means [INAUDIBLE] I think that is something that
08:55 is very important in Rwanda and in Rwanda, too.
08:59 Thanks a lot, and I'm looking forward
09:00 for further cooperation.
