Impact of Mastercard Foundation support on Davis College and Akilah Institute students

  • last year

#IGIHE #Rwanda


00:03 When Akila was established 11 years ago,
00:16 it started by admitting a small number of women
00:20 who were disadvantaged in post-genocide Rwanda, who
00:24 were economically disadvantaged.
00:27 And it sought to empower these women
00:30 to have an easy way into the economic model that
00:33 was Rwanda primarily and the world secondarily.
00:37 We offer three diploma programs.
00:40 That is a diploma in hospitality and tourism management.
00:44 And again, we are very detailed in that
00:46 and working with a lot of partners
00:48 to make sure that we are so futuristic,
00:49 especially because we are aware that Rwanda is trying very
00:53 hard to position itself as a nice destination
00:56 in this continent.
00:57 And then again, we offer business management
01:01 and entrepreneurship.
01:03 And again, creating futuristic leaders in the business world
01:06 and information system.
01:08 Absolutely, MasterCard Foundation
01:11 is one of our key partners.
01:13 The MasterCard Foundation grant came at a time
01:16 when it was greatly needed.
01:18 This was a time of school closure.
01:20 And in a practical sense, education
01:23 was to stop until schools were reopened.
01:25 But with this grant, we were able to look
01:28 at how to redesign activities within our curriculum
01:31 to cater for self-directed learners by the learners.
01:35 And then we were able to look at how
01:36 to equip our faculty with the skills
01:38 that they needed to scope, curate these activities,
01:42 and redesign them in a manner in which students would be able
01:45 to go through them independently.
01:48 Let me give you an example.
01:49 In a normal classroom setup for a face-to-face modality,
01:53 the students are able to collaborate in discussions
01:56 and engage with their instructor in real time.
01:59 In this way, the instructor is able to pivot instruction
02:03 according to how the learners are getting the concept,
02:06 according to the struggles the learners are having,
02:09 or according to any misconceptions that
02:11 are emerging in the classroom.
02:13 This is not necessarily the same with an online setup.
02:17 With the grant that MasterCard Foundation provided us,
02:20 we were able to train and equip faculty with the requisite
02:24 skills that they needed to be able to engage learners
02:27 in an online setup.
02:29 The faculty needed to know how to integrate technology
02:32 within their curriculum.
02:34 The faculty needed to know how to scaffold content activities
02:38 and chunk the knowledge into smaller pieces of information
02:43 that learners could engage with independently
02:46 at their own pace.
02:47 Without this grant, we wouldn't have
02:50 been able to upskill faculty and continue engaging learners
02:54 seamlessly amidst the pandemic.
02:57 The Hospitality and Tourism Management Program
03:00 is very practical in nature.
03:02 So that means that some courses are taught theoretically
03:06 and others are taught practically.
03:08 So with this grant and the stipends that the students got,
03:11 they were able to do some practicals
03:13 and submit their work online.
03:16 We were also able to track and follow them
03:18 through video calls and video recordings
03:21 that they were able to do and submit their work online.
03:25 And then also, they were able to do presentations and things
03:27 like that.
03:28 That enabled them to not lag behind
03:31 with the curriculum requirements because
03:33 of the practical nature of the program.
03:35 Before COVID-19, I paid school fees for myself.
03:40 Everything about my studies, I'm the one to support.
03:46 My financial problems, I'm the one to solve it.
03:53 So before COVID-19, I tried to make it like one trimester.
03:59 But COVID came when I was in first year.
04:03 And it was hard for me because COVID-19
04:07 brought many challenges.
04:09 I personally, I was a teacher actually.
04:12 I lost my job because schools, private schools,
04:18 was stopped that moment.
04:22 And I was like, how am I going to manage this?
04:25 How am I going to continue my studies?
04:29 I was somehow shocked.
04:32 I had a job, but I myself wasn't financing myself alone.
04:37 And when COVID came, I lost a job.
04:39 So the parents also, or the guardians,
04:42 or any way of getting the money was becoming more complicated
04:45 because people were not working anymore like before.
04:48 MasterCard came at the time when we really need that
04:51 because some of us--
04:54 me personally, because by that time,
04:57 I was not affording all the school fees that we pay here.
05:01 It's kind of high.
05:02 And so MasterCard come to cover--
05:06 I guess if I would say it's like a blessing to me
05:10 because maybe if it didn't come, I would have probably
05:15 dropped out of the school.
05:16 MasterCard, when it came, it gave us
05:18 the data to use for our studies and made our learning
05:24 environment more conducive for us.
05:27 Not only MasterCard gave us the data,
05:30 it also gave us more way of supporting us
05:37 because many of us, as COVID has led to many effects,
05:42 parents and guardians were unable to pay for more--
05:46 anymore to pay for the children, not for all of us,
05:50 but for many because of its effects.
05:53 So MasterCard Foundation also have tackled on that issue
05:56 because many of us, those who were more affected,
06:00 they gave us a scholarship.
06:03 I personally have received a full scholarship
06:06 from MasterCard, and that helped me very much.
06:09 It's just a full scholarship that covers the school fees
06:15 that we pay here.
06:17 And they also provide data stipend,
06:20 which help us in--
06:21 help all the students in this blended learning
06:24 because when pandemic started, we were not coming here
06:28 at campus.
06:29 So we had to adopt it to online learning.
06:32 So those data was helping us to interact with instructors
06:37 and do all the assignment on time.
06:39 I remember after COVID-19, they resumed schools.
06:45 And I was like, how am I going to manage
06:48 to pay these school fees?
06:50 Because we used to study from home, online.
06:55 So last, we used to use different platforms.
06:59 We used WhatsApp to make different conversation
07:04 between us as classmates.
07:07 So MasterCard really helped me.
07:10 Before the COVID, we were coming here to school.
07:14 We consumed the school internet.
07:17 So when the COVID came, we changed the way of studying.
07:22 We're studying from home.
07:23 So we needed enough bundle to use in a way of learning.
07:29 We use Canvas.
07:30 And a lot of them is needed.
07:32 So the internet bundle I got from MasterCard
07:38 really helped me to complete my studies.
07:41 And now I had made it to graduate in this year.
07:44 Yet some people will not make it.
07:46 This grant helped me because if it didn't come
07:51 and my parents was among those people who were affected
07:55 and they were no longer capable of paying my school fees,
08:00 maybe I would have dropped out.
08:02 But it helped me to keep moving and achieving
08:06 my goal, which is completing my studies.
08:08 And here I am now graduating.
08:11 I would like to thank MasterCard Foundation
08:14 for giving us the support.
08:19 MasterCard Foundation, thank you so much for helping me.
08:25 My journey was so long without MasterCard Foundation.
08:29 We really appreciate them for supporting us
08:32 and our incredible community.
08:34 We couldn't have made it without them and their generosity.
08:38 I would just want to request them
08:41 to keep supporting our incredible community
08:44 just and be part of their story and their success.
08:49 Now, other than the immediate benefits of the grant,
08:53 there are long-term ripple effects
08:55 that we will continue gathering and gleaning
08:58 from way after the grant.
09:01 What does this mean?
09:02 When students come to Davis College,
09:04 they are given applied technical skills
09:06 that they need through their major programs.
09:09 However, they also have to take leadership courses that
09:12 target internal transformation of the student.
09:16 They are taught growth mindset.
09:18 They are taught emotional intelligence, community
09:20 leadership, and social change.
09:22 Through these courses, they are able to develop resilience,
09:27 the confidence that they need to pursue innovative ideas
09:30 in their communities, the confidence
09:32 that they need to drive decision-making
09:34 in their communities.
09:35 Other than that, they are able to develop the spirit
09:38 of serving in the community.
09:41 You see, with Davis College, it is not
09:43 about educating one child.
09:45 What this grant enabled us to do was
09:48 to educate a community of people.
09:50 Because with one student having a job out of the education
09:54 they gain, they are able to support at least one family
09:57 member or other members of the community
09:59 financially through education, health care, and even
10:05 good nutrition.
10:07 Now, this is what the grant has been able to do.
10:10 It has been able to educate the entire community,
10:13 without which we wouldn't have been able to even engage.
10:19 (upbeat music)
