What Is The Vatican Hiding? | Unveiled

  • last year


00:00 The Vatican is arguably one of the most enigmatic and allegedly secretive entities in the world.
00:05 It's a city-state, an enclave, and the spiritual heart of the Roman Catholic Church, headed by the
00:11 Pope, the leader of more than 1.3 billion Catholics worldwide. It's a place steeped in tradition,
00:17 dating back around 2,000 years, but it's also shrouded in mystery and a magnet for conspiracy
00:23 theories. This is Unveiled, and today we're answering the extraordinary question;
00:28 What is the Vatican Hiding?
00:30 The Vatican may be one of the most powerful religious centres on Earth, but it's also a
00:46 place of great unknowns; of rumour, speculation, and doubt. Today, we're taking a closer look at
00:51 some of the more attention-grabbing conspiracy theories. They touch on the alleged cover-up of
00:56 UFO encounters, the apparently true existence of time-travel technology, and even on the idea that
01:02 the Vatican holds verifiable proof as to whether God and Jesus do or don't exist. The history of
01:09 the Vatican is in parts well-known, in parts incomplete, and in parts totally non-existent.
01:14 What we do know is that it was officially established as an independent state in 1929
01:19 through the Lateran Treaty with the Kingdom of Italy. However, its historical and religious
01:24 significance dates back to the very earliest days of Christianity. Its origins can be traced to the
01:29 first century AD, when Saint Peter, one of Jesus' twelve apostles, became a founding figure of the
01:35 Catholic Church. Tradition holds that he was martyred in Rome, crucified upside down, and
01:40 buried on Vatican Hill, the site where Saint Peter's Basilica now stands. And so, over the
01:46 centuries, this location has been a focal point for Christian pilgrimage. And eventually, the
01:51 Vatican was established as the centre of the Church. Of course, over the years, it has become
01:56 not only a religious landmark, but also a cultural and historical treasure trove. From the awe-inspiring
02:02 Sistine Chapel, painted by Michelangelo, to the Vatican Museums, housing many priceless artifacts,
02:08 its rich heritage and incredible architecture attracts millions of visitors. With so many eyes
02:13 constantly geared towards it, though, perhaps it's unsurprising that various fringe theories and
02:18 alternate histories have also emerged. One of the most persistent conspiracy theories
02:23 surrounding the Vatican revolves around UFOs, now increasingly known as UAP. The idea that
02:29 the Vatican is somehow involved in covering up evidence of UFO and extraterrestrial encounters
02:35 has been fuelled by numerous, mostly speculative, claims and some seemingly official documents.
02:40 Perhaps most notable of all, however, are the reported "elongated skulls" that are said to
02:45 have been found in the Vatican sometime in the late 20th century. The existence of these skulls
02:50 is still a hot topic for debate, but for those who think the Church knows more than it's letting on,
02:55 the only reason the skulls still aren't common knowledge is because they could be seen to
02:59 contradict Christian teachings. That said, in 2008, the Vatican's chief astronomer,
03:05 Father José Gabriel Funes, publicly explained that the existence of extraterrestrial life does not
03:11 contradict Catholic doctrine… which on the one hand could be viewed as fair comment, but on the
03:17 other ignited speculation that the Vatican does know more than it's willing to reveal. Perhaps
03:22 unsurprisingly, the Church does maintain extensive astronomical study, including via the Vatican
03:28 Advanced Technology Telescope, or VAT, based in Arizona. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it's then rumoured
03:34 that the Vatican's lenses have captured variously unexplained celestial events. Some even claim that
03:40 the Vatican collaborates with world governments to keep UFO encounters under wraps. This idea came
03:46 to the fore in 2023, following the whistleblower accounts in the US delivered by former serviceman
03:52 David Grush. Among Grush's many claims, he mentions an alien craft once owned by the Italian dictator
03:58 Benito Mussolini, which the Vatican supposedly helped to smuggle out of Europe and into America
04:04 for further testing. Importantly, no concrete evidence has so far emerged to confirm that the
04:10 Vatican is involved in UFO cover-ups. Father Funes' 2012 statement was made in the context
04:15 of theological speculation, rather than it being an admission of direct knowledge about extraterrestrial
04:20 life or UFO encounters. Nevertheless, rumours of UFO links inside the Holy See now refuse to
04:27 disappear. The theories do get more bizarre, though, and perhaps the biggest alt-claim surrounding the
04:33 Vatican is that it's in possession of advanced time-travel technology… with some believing that
04:38 it has, in fact, harnessed the power of time manipulation for decades, perhaps centuries.
04:44 Proponents often look toward certain religious relics and artefacts, many that are lost but are
04:49 allegedly held inside the Vatican's vast collection. For instance, the fabled "Holy Grail" has before
04:55 been linked to various time-travel allegations. The claims are somewhat loose, that the Vatican
05:00 is somehow using relics like the Grail to manipulate time, and possibly influence historical
05:05 events or to gain insight into the future. In the case of the Grail, perhaps that is why it's never
05:10 been found by anyone else, because it's imbued with the powers of time. Elsewhere, and the
05:15 infamous "chronovisor" is probably the most well-known instrument of time travel ever to have
05:20 been linked to the Vatican, although the machine itself is now thought to have been destroyed.
05:24 It's said that at one stage during the mid-twentieth century, the Vatican was regularly
05:29 running the chronovisor - which was a kind of time-viewing device - that reportedly allowed
05:34 users to directly witness historical events. Not reproductions of historical events, but the real
05:39 thing as it happened, with it claimed that the chronovisor could take you back thousands of years,
05:44 and was even at one stage used to view the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Again, though,
05:49 with the Grail, the chronovisor, or with anything else, there is nothing by way of solid proof.
05:54 And, indeed, if there were, then the discovery of it would reasonably rank as one of the most
05:59 significant moments in all of human history. More than just time travel and aliens, however,
06:04 many have wondered exactly what the Vatican records say with regards to all of the most
06:08 significant questions of religion and God. For example, although Jesus Christ is arguably the
06:14 most famous person that ever lived, there is precious little in terms of written records
06:18 about him. But does the Vatican have more in its vaults? Meanwhile, some theorise that the Vatican
06:24 could even be hiding proof of God himself, or else materials and documents to strongly suggest
06:29 that God and/or Jesus doesn't exist, and the Church knows it. As with so many conspiracy theories,
06:36 this last one is based around the idea that a powerful organisation - in this case,
06:40 the Catholic Church - would withhold key information in order to maintain authority.
06:45 Religious sceptics often argue that religion itself is little more than a means to control,
06:50 although naturally those who do follow a religion would counter that such scepticism is purely a
06:55 lack of faith. There will no doubt always be some split opinions here, but the suggestion that the
07:00 Vatican could hold in its archives anything that could clear up matters one way or another
07:05 is potentially quite damning. If any type of certain knowledge, either of God or against
07:10 him, were to be revealed, then faith in the Vatican would certainly be damaged. Specifically
07:15 regarding Jesus, it's variously claimed that there could be some records attributed to the
07:20 Roman Emperor Nero to suggest that he never existed, either. In reality, the Vatican's
07:26 position has always been based on faith, rather than empirical proof. In some ways, it takes us
07:31 back to Father José Gabriel Funes, and his insistence that the potential existence of
07:35 extraterrestrial life doesn't contradict Catholic doctrine. If we ever were to find aliens, then
07:41 presumably the Church and God would have an explanation. If the Holy Grail does exist,
07:47 and is linked to time travel, or if the chronovisor did ever work, then all of those
07:51 things must have been okayed and rubber-stamped by God. Similarly, if there was ever proof for
07:57 or even against God, then that must have already been priced into life on Earth as well. In this
08:03 way, there's arguably very little that faith in God cannot explain. But, of course, that's all
08:08 part of the reason why the Vatican so often seems so steeped in mystery. What's your verdict? Is
08:14 there anything of note hiding inside the walls of this unique city-state? Does the Vatican still
08:18 hold enough relevancy and power for it to matter? And what do you think they could ultimately be
08:23 keeping there? Because between UFOs, time travel, and verifiable proof of the Almighty, that's what
08:30 the Vatican could be hiding. What do you think? Is there anything we missed? Let us know in the
08:35 comments, check out these other clips from Unveiled, and make sure you subscribe and ring
08:39 the bell for our latest content.
