• 2 years ago
We're still pondering these ani-mysteries! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the plot points in some of our favorite series that, at the time of this video, remain unresolved or unexplained. If you’ve never pondered these mysteries, there will be spoilers.


00:00 Well, that's my nickname stranger my real name
00:02 Welcome to watch mojo and today
00:07 We're counting down our picks for the plot points in some of our favorite series that at the time of this video
00:13 Remain unresolved or unexplained if you've never pondered these mysteries there will be spoilers
00:21 Number 10 mr. Roman the spectacular spider-man
00:29 Tonight you're in a particularly unfriendly neighborhood
00:33 The final episode of spectacular spider-man was a rollercoaster of tension and plot twist you were the goblin all along
00:41 Norman Osborn is unmasked as the Green Goblin and supposedly perishes in the middle of a fight with Spidey
00:49 However in the very final shot of the series. He's seen at the airport in disguise
00:54 cryptically saying don't apologize I
00:58 Never do this shocking cliffhanger left too many questions is this mr.
01:04 Roman a clone or did Norman actually survive the fatal battle and if so how
01:09 we may never know since the show was robbed of a third season and
01:14 Nothing short of a revival will give fans the answer they desperately need number nine spikes parents
01:21 My little pony friendship is magic many of us are still annoyed that we never got a resolution
01:28 So the our pinkie pie and Applejack related plotline
01:31 But there's another familial mystery and friendship is magic
01:41 We never got an answer to who were spike the dragons real parents
01:45 All we really know about spikes past is that Twilight hatched his egg for her school entrance exam
01:51 And he became her surrogate little brother and number one assistant
01:55 Other than that the mystery of who his egg belonged to remains unsolved that doesn't tell me anything about who I am
02:02 It's made even more frustrating in the episode where the opportunistic sludge tricks poor spike into thinking
02:09 He's his father which ends up being a huge waste of time for everyone. I'm not your father
02:15 What I just said that to get in on this sweet castle life number eight the treasure chest
02:22 Steven universe and Steven universe future among her many other secrets Rose quartz
02:28 Steven's mother kept a few treasures in a pocket dimension in Lions, Maine
02:32 We've learned the history of every item hidden in the dimension except for one the treasure chest
02:46 Throughout the original show that chest has remained locked and outside of one failed attempt. No one has tried to open it
02:54 However in Steven universe the movie we see that the chest was opened off-screen
03:12 But its contents were never revealed it must not have been important enough to show the audience
03:18 But we can't help but ponder what other secrets Rose was hiding number seven the great mushroom war adventure time
03:25 No matter how much we learn about our favorite citizens of ooh
03:29 There's always one over arching mystery that's hung over adventure time since season one the great
03:36 Mushroom war one thousand years ago my beloved friend
03:41 Simon Petricoff gave his life to save this foolish
03:45 unworthy planet from annihilation this conflict took place
03:50 1,000 years before the series ultimately ending in the world's devastation and the near total
03:55 Annihilation of the human race and all of you bid it
03:58 While we've seen the aftermath of the war there's so much about it that still shrouded in mystery what started the war
04:07 How did they create a weapon deadly enough to devastate the earth?
04:12 and
04:14 Arguably the most frightening question of all how far along are we from making the mushroom war a reality it aches for our
04:23 extinction number six
04:25 Terror's revival Teen Titans fans are still rightfully upset about the original Teen Titans
04:31 Cancellation mostly because the series finale left too many unanswered questions
04:35 You were the best friend I ever had
04:39 One of the biggest is how terror returned from the dead
04:42 When we last saw her in season 2 she had been turned to stone after heroically sacrificing herself in the series finale
04:52 She appears to have returned to normal with seemingly no memory of her previous life
04:56 But how did she break out of her tomb?
04:59 Did she somehow break out on her own or was she set free by outside forces?
05:04 Is she truly amnesiac or is she still burdened by her past sins and desperately trying to leave her old life behind?
05:11 I'm just a girl with a geometry test next period and I haven't studied
05:15 Number five Timmy's parents real names the fairly odd parents in the original
05:22 Oh, yeah cartoons shorts Timmy Turner's parents had their faces hidden from the audience
05:27 Once the fairly odd parents got its own show their faces were revealed
05:31 But now their real names were hidden your first names are
05:35 They're mostly referred to as mom and dad mr. And mrs. Turner and so on anytime their real names are about to be revealed
05:47 They're hilariously cut off by outside forces
05:50 It's become a running gag within the show
05:57 But after a while you could call them something other than Timmy's parents
06:02 The only other names we could refer to them as are their code names from their poacher geek years
06:08 But those hardly count
06:10 Number four Bill ciphers final words Gravity Falls what?
06:17 Do a pretty good impression of my brother don't I see the insidious Bill cipher being destroyed in the Gravity Falls finale was
06:27 Extremely satisfying
06:29 However as he fades out of existence Bill screams out a strange gibberish message before Stan punches his lights out
06:41 If you play his dying words backward they translate to a xo L O T L my time has come to burn
06:55 I invoke the ancient power that I may return had the show continued
07:00 This could have been a hint that bill could return since an axolotl is a salamander known for its ability for regeneration
07:06 If this is true, how could he pull it off? What ancient power was he referring to?
07:12 Exactly. Should we be worried about the cryptic shots of his petrified form?
07:17 Hopefully we'll never have to find out but we should still be wary of another weird mageddon
07:23 Number three double D's hat Ed Ed and Eddie
07:27 Double-d is unarguably the most sensible of the ads, but there's one dark secret
07:33 He's keeping from the rest of the cast in the audience. What is he hiding under his hat?
07:38 He is never seen without something covering or obscuring his head and he's desperate to keep his secret hidden from the world
07:49 Whatever he's hiding. It's enough to leave Ed and Eddie
07:52 Speechless and give Eddie plenty of blackmail material
07:55 We were promised to reveal in the movie but that didn't happen
08:02 For double D's sake it may be best that we never find out number two the secret formula
08:12 SpongeBob SquarePants we could sit around all day and ask how mr. Krabs can possibly have a well for a daughter
08:19 Pearl's my daughter! I'll spit in your eye!
08:22 Yo ho! Pearl's a whale and it's her birthday!
08:26 Yark Yark Yark! Ta da!
08:28 Thanks for the show dad, but there's an even bigger mystery in the SpongeBob franchise
08:35 What is the Krabby Patty secret formula?
08:38 This one mysterious ingredient is the key to crab success and Plankton is desperate to uncover the mystery
08:45 Over time the audience has become curious too
08:49 It doesn't help that every time we come close to finding out it turns out to be a dead end or misdirection
08:55 Mixed together with the most important ingredient of all
08:59 Four heaping pounds of freshly ground
09:03 Plankton?
09:05 There have been several theories
09:08 But it seems like the only one who could decipher the blessed recipe was the series late creator
09:14 Steven Hillenburg
09:16 Before we unveil our topic here are a few honorable mentions
09:23 Why did Dave tie a squirrel to his megaphone? Dave the Barbarian arguably the biggest mystery of all time
09:30 I'm sure many of you are wondering why I tied a squirrel to a megaphone
09:34 Well, goodbye!
09:37 How does cat dog coexist? Cat dog.
09:40 More importantly how do they go to the bathroom?
09:43 His actions they weren't his actions they were mine!
09:46 I did it! It was me! I admit it! I admit it!
09:50 Flintstones celebrating Christmas the Flintstones
09:54 How can they celebrate a holiday long before its existence?
09:57 Merry Christmas!
09:59 Remember the needy of bedrock this Christmas
10:03 Before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos
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10:17 Number one where is Springfield the Simpsons?
10:23 With such a colorful cast of characters anyone would be dying to visit the Simpsons home city of Springfield
10:29 There's just one problem. We have no idea where Springfield is.
10:34 I didn't know what state you lived in.
10:36 It's a bit of a mystery, yes.
10:37 The state in which the iconic city is set is purposely left vague within the show with a few misdirecting clues
10:43 Springfield eh? What state?
10:45 I can't imagine we're allowed to say.
10:47 The exterior and layout are almost never consistent and it's been said that it borders Ohio, Nevada, Maine and Kentucky.
10:55 A placement that would give any geography expert a migraine.
10:58 You can see the four states that border Springfield Ohio, Nevada, Maine and Kentucky.
11:04 It's clear the show is having too much fun with its intentionally contradicting location.
11:10 But it never stops fans from trying in vain to unravel the mystery of the iconic cartoon family's home.
11:17 Shut up!
11:19 Think you have the answer to these or any other cartoon mysteries?
11:23 Share your theories in the comments down below.
11:25 Slide on the soap!
11:27 Slide on the soap!
11:33 Slide on the soap!
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