If you do not use your brain, it will die Kagame encouraging Youth to innovate

  • last year
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00:00 [Music]
00:03 Another thing you should know, if you don't exercise your brain, it dies.
00:07 You lose it. You have heard about that. You don't use it, you lose it.
00:14 Why don't you use it? Keep thinking, thinking, every time.
00:22 If you don't succeed today, if you don't succeed tomorrow, still no harm.
00:31 Maybe you will succeed at the tenth trial. Isn't it? Yes, keep trying.
00:42 And you know the funny thing, you have heard many people say, well, many times people like adoring failure.
01:01 Everyone says, "No, you see, failure is good. You have to fail. You have to keep trying. You have to fail."
01:07 Don't take it literally. No. Nobody is looking for failure.
01:16 But failure will come anyway, whether you are looking for it or not.
01:20 Failure is always knocking at the door. Right?
01:26 But the meaning of it, as I understand it, is when failure has come your way,
01:33 when you are trying an idea, you are trying to do something, and you fail,
01:40 one, it means don't give up. Keep trying.
01:45 Two, it means pick lessons even from that failure.
01:50 Learn something. Learn why things didn't work for you, and try something else.
01:59 But failure will always be there. We will meet failure wherever we go.
02:06 But as we meet failure wherever we go, there are also opportunities.
02:18 There is an opportunity in every corner. Wherever you go, there is an opportunity.
02:27 So we have this world where there is opportunity, but the chance of failing is also high. Isn't it?
02:39 So we have these two things coexisting.
02:42 So the difference, as I understand it, is, you see, failure keeps coming for you.
02:55 It keeps coming looking for you.
02:58 So you have to keep dodging the bullet.
03:04 You have to keep trying to find a way of avoiding failure, but it keeps following you.
03:14 But the opportunity, it's you to keep chasing the opportunity.
03:20 It won't chase you.
03:24 You hear the big difference?
03:27 The failure looks for you wherever you are even hiding.
03:32 It is looking for you.
03:36 But the opportunity, you are the one to keep looking for it.
03:42 You keep pursuing it.
03:46 It goes under the table, you follow it there.
03:50 Wherever it is hiding, it's you to keep chasing the opportunity.
03:56 You have a task of not getting tired to pursue the opportunity, and there are many out there.
04:04 So it is your task.
04:11 So let the opportunity, therefore, not escape.
04:19 Keep pursuing it until you get it.
04:24 But try as much as possible for failure not to get you.
04:31 Keep running away from it until it catches up with you.
04:36 Then you deal with it the way you should.
04:41 (dramatic music)
