President Kagame co-chairs 5th SDG Center for Africa Board Meeting

  • last year


00:00 [ Music ]
00:11 >> Excellencies, heads of state, President Alfa Conde,
00:19 the Chair of African Union, Excellency,
00:28 President Wattala, President of Cote d'Ivoire Board,
00:36 Co-Chair, [inaudible] Government Representatives,
00:45 Fellow Board Members, Director General, Dr. Bilal Begashu,
00:52 distinguished ladies and gentlemen.
00:57 I start off by wishing to welcome you today
01:02 to our fifth board meeting and to thank you
01:07 for finding the time to join us.
01:13 I particularly appreciate excellencies, heads of state
01:19 and the government who are here with us
01:23 to reaffirm our shared commitment to this initiative
01:29 that has far reaching implications in the process
01:37 of sustainable development.
01:40 The report to the board makes it clear,
01:50 the report will be discussed and touched on priorities
01:58 and specific important items of that.
02:02 But the pace of activity at the SDG Center has picked
02:08 up since the last meeting in January.
02:12 I commend the team for their continued hard work.
02:19 We have a packed agenda today and we are looking forward
02:24 to hearing from Dr. Bilal about the various matters
02:33 that require the board's attention.
02:36 Before I end, I have particular thanks to extend
02:45 to a couple of individuals and parties or countries.
02:52 Particularly, I want to thank our co-chair, Ariko Dangote.
03:04 Other than being a co-chair, he has made very significant
03:13 and very important contribution in other ways in the form
03:19 of financial contributions
03:21 that have enabled the SDG Center operations.
03:30 Thanks go to Betsy Parker as well
03:37 who has made important contribution in this regard.
03:43 So I want to extend our thanks.
03:46 Also to government of Benin that has made their contributions
03:56 and my country Rwanda has made contributions as well
04:03 and we are promising to make more.
04:08 JICA as well has done that.
04:13 I don't know if I have left anyone else who did that
04:20 but I wanted to most sincerely thank you for this contribution
04:27 that has enabled very important activities to go on.
04:33 So without much ado, I wanted to once again thank you all
04:40 and we get moving with the report unless co-chair
04:46 if you wish to say something.
04:48 >> I stand on your welcome.
04:50 >> Thank you.
04:51 Good. Please, let's go.
04:55 [ Music ]
