Miss Rwanda Contestants visit to Cogebanque Head office (22/02/2017)

  • last year


00:03 Welcome to Koji Bank.
00:21 Thank you.
00:23 This is our head office where you are today, this evening.
00:28 The team has been looking forward
00:29 to see the 15 so far contenders of the crown that
00:37 is going to happen on Saturday.
00:39 And we are delighted to have you in our ministry this evening.
00:43 We at Koji Bank, we are delighted to be
00:45 part of this initiative of promoting beauty,
00:49 but more important, brains.
00:51 And on top of that, culture.
00:53 And which culture?
00:55 The culture of Rwanda that helps promote the girl child,
00:59 especially, to front not only their faces and their beauty,
01:05 but also their brains.
01:06 Put their brains to work.
01:08 So we are really proud to be part of this initiative.
01:12 The person who emerges winner is going
01:14 to be our brand ambassador.
01:17 And we have built a brand over the last 17 years
01:21 now of existence to start from a capital and asset base of $1.2
01:28 billion.
01:29 At the moment, we are over 170 in 17 years.
01:36 So that brand, we hold it so dearly
01:39 that our brand ambassador would want
01:41 them to promote that brand, not to cause
01:44 any tarnish to that brand.
01:48 So basically, if you're a brand ambassador,
01:50 I would expect you to leave our values,
01:53 whether you are in front of people
01:55 or whether you are not in front of people,
01:57 whether you are being seen or whether you're not being seen.
02:00 Because at the end of the day, we've
02:02 got values that guide our operations
02:06 and what we do here, even when we are not here.
02:10 So like our guiding principles.
02:12 So we'll expect that winner to actually be
02:15 guided by our guiding principles, our values,
02:18 to leave our brand, to promote our brand,
02:21 and not to tarnish our brand.
02:22 Because we've come a long way.
02:24 And we are proud from where we have come and where we are.
02:27 We wouldn't want any little blemish on that brand.
02:32 You are also a brand.
02:34 And we believe it will be in the interest of that winner
02:38 to also hold their brand very dearly.
02:41 So basically, that is our expectation in a nutshell.
02:45 [APPLAUSE]
03:19 Set goals as an individual, not as a woman, as an individual.
03:26 As an individual, set goals.
03:28 And if you have set yourself a goal,
03:30 what do you need to achieve that goal?
03:35 Work on what you need to achieve that goal.
03:37 Once you have attained what you need to achieve that goal,
03:41 go ahead and pursue it without thinking woman, man.
03:46 There is nothing like that.
03:47 In fact, you should be taking a leap from the president here.
03:53 Look at the ministers in this country.
03:55 Look at the permanent secretary in this country.
03:58 Look at the chief executives in this country.
04:00 Several of them are women.
04:02 So that the woman, man thing has been this misfied.
04:06 And we should be even be happy by our government
04:09 that actually has promoted that.
04:11 So the doors have been opened.
04:14 The only inhabitant is in our brain.
04:18 The moment-- yes, mindset is a word.
04:20 The moment you cancel that inhabitant and mindset,
04:24 the sky ceases to be the limit.
04:28 So yes, challenges were there.
04:31 But I never thought about myself as a woman.
04:35 I thought about myself as Vivian.
04:37 And I thought about myself, what do I want to be?
04:40 [APPLAUSE]
04:44 I think briefly that's what it is.
04:46 [AUDIO OUT]
04:50 the world.
