• 2 years ago
This poor man was forced to become a burglar in order to get the huge amount of money required for his daughter's urgent surgery. However, it wasn't enough, so he had to rob again and again.

One day, everything changed! He came across an apartment that was empty – No furniture or even signs that anyone had been there.

It left him wondering but he didn't put much thought into it, at least until he leaned against a wall, causing it to start moving...
The pizza guy totally played the role well with the exact expressions.
It was really heart touching to see him cry after he locked the rich man and then he saw the drawing of her Daughter which he carried.
Really marvellous work by Dramatizeme Team.
Amazing content from an equally amazing Team DramatizeMe. You are entertaining us and making us happy amidst the debris of your war torn country!!! This shows how positive you people are. You are going on with a positive mind, a positive soul. Praying for the bright future of DramatizeMe. God bless you. Love you all.
There should really be an award system for shows like yours on Youtube. I would sponsor the submission of what you know is the best episode of the year at the festival held here, locally, but alas the Davis Film Festival has not reemerged from COVID. The last film festival was in 2018. This episode had excellent writing, direction and acting. The performance by the main antagonist actor, the pizza guy and the actress that played the mom were so good. I felt that they gave parts of themselves to these portrayals. I really liked this episode.
The actor that plays the evil pizza guy hater, I believe is a great actor. He has played in a past episode, a comedic artist very well. There are some show runners {Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul) that believe gifted comedic actors can play menacing, believable evil characters that audiences remember. This actor plays menacing evil so well, that I really remember each character he played with vivid memories. Because of him the story and the performances of the story work so well. Also the veteran actor that played the mother helped flesh out the story. The writing was excellent and upon the conclusion of the episode I found myself filled with emotional, which I did not expect to happen. This was again an exceptional episode. The writers, actors and production crew should be exceptionally proud of this dramatic episode. Thank you DramatizeMe!
Hi Garry, your team is really talented in acting than Hollywood actors and I have no words about your content. Indeed, it's awesome . Your content is full of teaching and morality that is necessary in today modern world because most people have lost their human values.