• 2 years ago
Check out my programs below:

How To Be Treated Like A Queen - https://bit.ly/Queen-Treatment
How To Make Him Fall Over Texts - https://bit.ly/Text-Chemistry101

Guys are always talking about the dreaded friend zone. That situation where a man likes a woman but she just wants to be friends. So he hangs around like a sad puppy dog, hoping she’ll change her mind.

Well I’m here to tell you that this happens to girls too, but oftentimes it’s a bit different. I call it the Friends With Benefits Zone and I’m here to tell you how to know if he’s putting you there and how you can get out.

Hi there, I’m Amy North, relationship expert and dating coach from the west coast of Canada. It’s my mission to show women how to get the relationships they deserve and often this means making the guys they’re already with see them differently.
