Three-year-old American staffy dog is living his best life with Figtree woman Maddie Marle after being rescued from a neglected upbringing. Video by Marlene Even and pictures supplied
00:00 He's a very dopey boy, but I love it.
00:08 He's a bit like his mum.
00:11 He's so caring and loving.
00:13 He's a really good family dog.
00:17 He just has so much love to give.
00:20 He's so funny.
00:21 Before Boss came to us, he was abused pretty badly.
00:24 He was chained up and the chain was cutting into his throat.
00:28 He was starved and for some reason fed off milk instead of actual water.
00:36 He had no love in his life or anything.
00:38 Since coming to us, he's been amazing.
00:41 It's just been a lot of hard work to get him to where he is, but he's the best dog.
00:45 He has so much love to give.
00:47 He's so caring.
00:49 I wouldn't change it for the world.
00:52 Everything we've been through together has been amazing.