Interdiction d'une manifestation de l'opposition en RD Congo.

  • last year
En République démocratique du Congo, une manifestation de l'opposition, prévue mercredi, afin de protester contre le déroulement des élections des 20-21 décembre, a été interdite mardi par le gouvernement.
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00:00 In the Democratic Republic of Congo, a protest by the opposition, planned for Wednesday,
00:05 to protest against the outcome of the elections from 20 to 21 December,
00:09 was banned on Tuesday by the government.
00:12 The latter considers that this demonstration aims to compromise the electoral process.
00:17 The government of the Democratic Republic of Congo announced on Tuesday, December 26,
00:23 that a demonstration planned for Wednesday by the opposition to protest against the irregularities
00:27 that have entrenched, according to it, the elections from 20 to 21 December, would be banned.
00:32 "The demonstration tomorrow aims to undermine the electoral process,
00:37 the government of the Republic cannot accept this",
00:40 said the Minister of the Interior, Peter Kazady, in front of the press.
00:44 "I can assure you that there will not be this march", he insisted.
00:49 "They asked us to display the results, office by office.
00:54 The National Independent Electoral Commission has denied this fact.
00:58 And that the publication of the results is done in a progressive manner,
01:02 this is what is being done",
01:04 Peter Kazady continued to the microphone of the correspondent of RFI in Kinshasa.
01:08 The minister concludes, "I do not see why, before the final results,
01:13 we could allow ourselves to create disorder.
01:16 It is clear that this is not a legally ordered demonstration.
01:20 Its goal is to bring chaos to the country.
01:24 They will find the State on their way.
01:26 We do not intimidate the State.
01:28 We will ensure that public tranquility is preserved. "
01:32 Election Simulacrum
01:34 In a letter made public on Saturday,
01:37 five opposing candidates to the presidential election informed the governor of Kinshasa
01:41 of their intention to organize a march on Wednesday.
01:43 "We will protest against the irregularities observed during the voting operations",
01:48 he wrote, qualifying the election simulacrum scrutiny.
01:53 Among these opponents are Martin Fayoulou,
01:56 unfortunate candidate for the 2018 election,
01:58 and Denis McVeighet, Nobel Peace Prize winner for his action
02:01 against women victims of rape.
02:04 The camp of another candidate from the opposition,
02:07 the former governor of the Katanga mining region,
02:10 southeast, Moïse Katumbi,
02:12 has on its side called for the pure and simple cancellation of the elections.
02:15 Logistical problems
02:18 Nearly 44 million voters,
02:20 out of about 100 million inhabitants of the huge country,
02:23 were called to elect their president,
02:26 their national and provincial deputies and their municipal councillors on Wednesday.
02:29 Due to multiple logistical problems,
02:32 the scrutiny was officially extended by one day
02:36 and was continued until Christmas in some remote areas.
02:39 With AFP.
