GUN COMEDY | movie | 2023 | Official Trailer

  • last year
Gun Comedy isn't a documentary about guns, it's a documentary about people who've shot guns. Gun Comedy documents a sui | dG1fclh3Y0dDMXIySU0
00:00 And most people don't realize that coming into it, that your whole life has to change
00:05 when you decide to become a gun owner.
00:07 What you think, what you feel, how you interact with other humans, you know, it's just, it's
00:11 never going to be the same.
00:13 There were six bullets in the gun.
00:15 He shot at me five times, four bullets hit me.
00:21 But here in Georgia, we carrying around here.
00:25 You asking for trouble if you walk up on somebody, you don't know who that was.
00:29 But as a citizen and a former Marine that swore to uphold and defend the Constitution,
00:35 I think everyone should exercise their right to buy a firearm.
00:38 In fact, I think everybody should have 10 firearms.
00:41 I didn't even know if it was loaded or if the gun was going to work.
00:43 I knew nothing about guns.
00:46 So I even thought, is the safety on?
00:48 Is it loaded?
00:49 I have no idea.
00:50 I was like, you know what, let's find out.
