The Most Viral Videos On truly In 2023 | TRULY

  • last year
2023 has been an amazing year at Truly. We have shown you some of the most fascinating people from across the world. In this film we show you some of the biggest stories we released across our channel this year - people that captured our hearts, shocked us beyond belief and left us inspired.


00:00 As 2023 draws to an end, let's look back at some of our most viral videos that hit your screen this year.
00:07 In 10th place is Carla, who lost 90 pounds in one year.
00:12 So before I really didn't care and I would eat whatever I really wanted and I would get a lot of Uber Eats and I abused that a lot.
00:20 So I am getting fast food a lot less. I only get it a handful of times a year. It's very special every time that happens.
00:29 It was fun ordering takeout until a certain and then, you know, I got really, really bored.
00:34 When I started to realize I was overweight, maybe I was about 13 years old or 12 years old.
00:43 Coming into high school, you really start to care about how people see you, I find. I just became very conscious of it.
00:52 I remember I was in hospital due to ulcerative colitis.
00:56 I was in and out of hospital three times in the span of a year, I can remember.
01:01 And I remember the last time that I was in hospital, I was laying in bed crying all night saying,
01:08 I need to make this change. I don't want to live like this forever.
01:12 And that was my big turning point.
01:13 And as soon as I got out of that hospital, I started doing my research on weight loss.
01:17 And I tried to ingrain in my brain that we're going to do this right this time and we're going to do this healthy.
01:25 So I deleted all my fast food apps for no temptation at all.
01:28 I would grab my laptop, go on YouTube, search up some workout videos and follow them in my living room or even outside.
01:35 At my heaviest, I weighed 230 pounds and now I weigh 140.
01:40 For me to finally see results after two months, it felt very rewarding.
01:45 And putting those side by side photos of like my before and after just made me more like motivated to keep going.
01:53 In ninth place is Tanias, a seahorse dad who breastfeeds his child.
01:58 My son's name is Tanias and he is currently 11 months today.
02:03 I'm a seahorse dad and I get hate for breastfeeding my baby.
02:07 A seahorse dad is, we utilize that within the trans community because the seahorse, the dad carries the baby.
02:15 And within the trans community, the father carries the baby.
02:19 So he's the reason as to why we utilize the seahorse dad hashtag, just because we're fathers.
02:24 Even though I went through the whole transition or whatnot, I honestly felt as if me having a child was out of the window.
02:30 Because I mean, a lot of doctors say that you can't carry, you've got to freeze your eggs.
02:33 So me carrying a child, no, I did not see that coming at all.
02:37 So when I found out I was pregnant, I was actually going in thinking I had COVID.
02:41 And then went to the hospital or whatever because I was sick for like a couple of days.
02:46 Went in thinking I had COVID and then, hey, you're three months.
02:49 I did not want to breastfeed him at all.
02:53 But when it came to me getting further along in terms of pregnancy or whatever, I was kind of against the whole formula.
03:01 I mean, we know that fed is best.
03:03 And I just wanted a good head start when it came to my son or whatever.
03:07 So I'm like, screw it.
03:08 I think what got me was I was worried about what society had to say about me feeding.
03:15 The reaction that I'd gotten behind the whole breastfeeding video, men don't nurse their baby.
03:20 He's going to live a corrupt life because he's feeding off of a man.
03:24 A lot of the comments came from trans individuals within their own community.
03:28 A lot of them. You are you're not trans enough because you carried your baby.
03:33 You're not trans enough because now you're nursing your baby.
03:36 You're making the rest of us look bad.
03:37 My response to the haters is that we've got to stop living under a rock.
03:42 We've got to open up our eyes and realize that there's way more than one way to live.
03:46 There are trans individuals.
03:48 There are same sex households.
03:51 They are all different.
03:52 And if they were to take that into consideration, there's probably be a lot less bullying.
03:55 And the suicide rate would go down because we're not living as just one way.
04:00 In eighth place is Maya, who started tattooing at two years old.
04:05 Since she grew up, she was painting.
04:07 She was paint canvases with a couple of years.
04:11 When she was two, she asked if she can also tattoo.
04:14 And I said, yeah, why not?
04:15 And then she tattooed me.
04:17 My first tattoo I did when I was two years old was like just like dots, not more.
04:23 I think back then we just put her like a square and say, yeah, try to stay in the square
04:28 because like two, three year old children cannot paint.
04:33 You know, it's just scribbling around.
04:34 Are you nervous before tattooing our friend, the Greek?
04:40 Um, not so much.
04:43 Do you already know which tattoo you're going to do?
04:46 And this one.
04:49 She really tries to make the best tattoo possible.
04:52 And sometimes it feels like she's very frustrated because then there's some stuff happen, not perfect.
04:57 But have you ever thought it's irresponsible for Maya to be tattooing people at such a young age?
05:04 I'm a professional, irresponsible person.
05:09 So that's how we make our living, like.
05:11 In seventh place is Jessica Alves, who began her journey on becoming a mother.
05:20 I have reinvented myself throughout the years with the help of the best doctors in the world.
05:26 I have had every single body modification that I could possibly have.
05:31 I am a woman, but I'm not a biological woman.
05:35 Therefore, I had to put myself through plastic surgeries and body modifications alongside
05:41 psychological treatment to be the woman that I am today.
05:45 I know there are cases of people like myself that have had a wound transplant.
05:51 I've looked into it.
05:53 It is a surgery that it's it can be done, but with risks.
05:58 I want to be educated today and to understand the ways and the options that are available
06:05 for me and the biological woman to get pregnant.
06:07 For people like you, we have three options.
06:10 You have what's called IUI, IVF and ICSI.
06:14 So IUI, what we do is we in your case, we get a donor sperm and we insert the sperm into you
06:21 and then it just travels into your womb and then hopefully you can get pregnant through that way.
06:25 The second way is IVF, where we collect your eggs and use ultrasound scans to collect your eggs.
06:32 And we then put it into a dish with the sperm.
06:36 They come together and create an embryo and then the embryos is then inserted back into you.
06:40 The third way is called ICSI.
06:42 And what we do is very similar to IVF, where we do collect your eggs, but we insert the sperm
06:48 directly into the egg itself, create a embryo and then put the embryo straight back into your
06:53 womb and hopefully you can get pregnant.
06:55 One of those ways.
06:56 That sounds all pretty amazing.
07:00 But there is a piece of information that I have to tell you.
07:03 Yeah?
07:03 I'm not a biological woman.
07:07 In sixth place is 3ft3 Celia, who went on her first blind date.
07:13 My name is Celia.
07:14 I'm 27 years old.
07:17 I was born with diastrophic dysplasia.
07:19 My dwarfism did held me back a lot because I was shy and society can be cruel.
07:25 My condition definitely does not define who I am.
07:29 It's been almost four years since my last relationship.
07:31 This is my first blind date.
07:33 Hi, how's it going?
07:35 Nice to meet you.
07:37 So when was the last time you dated someone?
07:39 Like actual relationship?
07:41 It was a year, but it was a really long relationship.
07:47 It was like a nine year relationship.
07:49 Oh, wow.
07:50 Yeah.
07:50 That's a long time.
07:51 Yeah.
07:52 What about you?
07:54 Let's see.
07:54 My last one was like four years ago.
07:57 And that lasted two years, roughly two years.
08:01 You speak Spanish?
08:02 Yeah.
08:02 What's your, I don't know your, what's your ethnicity?
08:04 I'm Mexican.
08:05 Mexican?
08:05 Yeah, I grew up in Mexico.
08:06 Oh, so you were born there?
08:08 Yes.
08:09 What part?
08:09 Guadalajara.
08:10 Well, four hours away from Guadalajara.
08:12 Oh, you could teach me Spanish.
08:14 Yeah.
08:14 That's what I do.
08:16 In fifth place is Casey, who lost almost 600 pounds.
08:21 I'm my heaviest.
08:22 I weighed 823 pounds.
08:25 Come on, buddy.
08:25 Didn't do anything.
08:27 I just kind of woke up, ate food, stayed in bed, sat on the couch,
08:32 played video games all day.
08:34 My lifestyle at my heaviest was kind of non-existent.
08:38 Didn't really like people.
08:39 Didn't like being seen.
08:41 I didn't like socializing.
08:42 Felt like a freak show.
08:44 I didn't shower inside.
08:46 I showered in a trough tub outside for a while.
08:49 And then I had sleeve surgery on my stomach.
08:52 I had a surgery in September of 2018, bariatric sleeve surgery.
08:57 I weighed 823 pounds.
09:01 Today I weigh about 245.
09:04 I've lost over 550 pounds.
09:06 Choosing to have the surgery is by far the best decision of my life.
09:10 Yeah.
09:11 I would do it again to this day.
09:14 That's a huge lifestyle change from where I was to where I am now.
09:17 In fourth place is Brooke and Kewan, who lasered their baby's face.
09:22 My pregnancy with Kingsley was even better than my pregnancy with Amani.
09:26 There was nothing to alert us that anything was wrong.
09:30 It was smooth sailing right up until we had him.
09:33 If you want to sit up, you can.
09:35 Mommy's just got to put this on.
09:37 Ready?
09:38 Wow.
09:40 Instantly, the moment he was born, they knew it was a birthmark,
09:46 but we didn't know what type yet.
09:49 And then we got the confirmation that day that it was a Port Weinstein birthmark.
09:54 And then obviously later on, we found out about the Sturge Brothers syndrome.
09:58 When we started Googling, that's when I started getting concerned because of the
10:03 type of birthmark it was and the pictures that are in Google images scared the hell out of us.
10:08 We had his first laser treatment when he was five months old.
10:12 It was probably one of the most difficult decisions I've ever had to make.
10:15 Were you scared when Kingsley went through his laser treatment?
10:18 Absolutely scared.
10:19 I was as a parent, like it was one of the hardest things that I've ever had to
10:27 to kind of go into.
10:29 I couldn't stay in the room.
10:31 I actually left the room whereas dad was in there with him.
10:34 But everything in me just broke.
10:37 Have you ever regretted your decision to get treatment for Kingsley at such a young age?
10:43 Um, during, during the process.
10:48 Yeah.
10:48 Yeah.
10:49 We had moments when he was crying that like, we were like, we don't want to do this again.
10:54 And like by the fourth one, it was kind of like, do we go again or not?
11:00 Yeah.
11:01 The whole thing was difficult.
11:02 But would we regret it?
11:04 Absolutely not.
11:05 In third place is Dominique, who had a glow up after her weight loss surgery.
11:10 I was always a chubby girl growing up in school.
11:13 On one day, I can account that I was eating about four to 5,000 calories a day.
11:18 I did have health fears at my heaviest.
11:20 The year I will never forget, it was 2020.
11:22 I woke up one day and I couldn't stand like air.
11:25 I could not stand like my back was killing me.
11:28 But when I tried to stand, I fell to the floor.
11:30 I went to emergency room.
11:31 I didn't know what was wrong with me.
11:33 Uh, literally crying tears cause it was hurting to just barely get on my knees.
11:38 After doing a whole bunch of tests, he was like, if you don't change, something's
11:41 going to basically get cut off.
11:42 I didn't think that the cause of my weight that I'm having knee and back issues.
11:46 If I can't do it on my own, I need help.
11:48 Went to my doctor and they gave me some advice on gastric surgery.
11:54 And then June of 2021, I decided to have the procedure.
11:57 My heaviest weight was 420 pounds.
12:00 And I have lost 205 pounds.
12:02 What attracted me to this type of workout is basically I
12:05 don't like traditional cardio.
12:07 I don't like treadmill.
12:08 I don't like stair steppers.
12:09 I don't like none of that elliptical.
12:10 I like to build my endurance by jumping rope outside, outdoors.
12:14 It just makes me feel rejuvenated.
12:17 I just block everything else out and I just go hard to go home.
12:20 In second place is Ashley, who gets comments questioning whether some
12:25 of her children are really hers.
12:27 I actually didn't even know what albinism was until my son was born.
12:32 I didn't realize that something was wrong until I was breastfeeding him
12:36 and he had on his little hat.
12:38 And I thought he had like a lint stuck to his hair.
12:43 And when I went to go pull it, it was actually attached.
12:46 And so when I took the hat off, I damn nearly just froze.
12:52 I was like, oh my gosh, he has a lot of blonde hair.
12:57 I started freaking out.
12:58 Like I went in a total eruption of emotions because he should have came out my color.
13:05 And he did not come out my color.
13:07 And I felt like somehow maybe the nurses probably swapped the babies.
13:11 Like something was definitely wrong because I totally believed that that was not my child.
13:17 I was already being judged before he was had even come home.
13:23 Did you sleep with a white man?
13:26 You had to have because you and dad are the same complexion.
13:30 So how did you create this type of child?
13:33 One day that Katie was crying.
13:37 I was just looking at him and he was just looking at me and I was just talking to him
13:43 and he just smiled and it was like.
13:46 I just finally embraced it like it was the way he smiled.
13:52 It just melted my heart so much and I just I fell in love with him.
13:59 I wouldn't let him go.
14:01 I wouldn't put him down.
14:03 Let's start educating people and bringing more awareness instead of the stairs.
14:10 The comments.
14:13 And in first place is Inga, who was born without arms.
14:17 I was born without arms.
14:19 Medically, that would just be called bilateral aplasia of the upper limbs.
14:23 I'm getting ready for my date.
14:24 Maybe wear some perfume so I don't smell bad.
14:27 I'm definitely very self-conscious about it.
14:30 Meeting someone that like uses their feet for everything, it can pose a lot of questions.
14:36 That's why I'm doing this.
14:37 So people can see it's not that scary.
14:39 Hi, how's it going?
14:41 Yeah, sure.
14:42 How are you?
14:44 Good. How are you?
14:44 Good.
14:45 Have you ever done a blind date before?
14:48 No, first one.
14:49 This is my first one too.
14:50 Nice. Yeah.
14:51 So do you work here?
14:52 Are you going to school?
14:53 Or?
14:54 Yeah, I'm in my third year of med school.
14:56 Oh my God, that's so cool.
14:57 What kind of medicine do you want to practice?
15:00 So I'm leaning towards psychiatry.
15:02 That's definitely like what my interests are.
15:05 Yeah.
15:05 Thanks.
15:06 Oh my goodness.
15:06 Wait, can I ask what year you are?
15:07 I'm 27.
15:08 Okay.
15:09 Yeah.
15:09 How about you?
15:09 I'm 22, but I'm turning 23 on the 23rd.
15:12 Oh, nice.
15:13 Did they tell you I didn't have arms?
15:15 No.
15:16 Wait, you don't have arms.
15:17 Oh my God, I know.
15:18 Where the f*ck did they go?
15:19 Oh.
15:19 I know.
15:20 I literally had to like go out and find them.
15:22 No, I was like, I wonder what he'll say about it.
15:25 Yeah.
15:26 I mean, you know, what can you say about it?
15:28 Like.
15:28 Yeah.
15:28 Growing up without arms, it's like very interesting, right?
15:33 Because you sort of live with it every day.
15:36 So even though I feel like I have had to spend my entire life working to find new
15:41 solutions to do things or to get places or to do what I want to do, it's the only
15:45 thing I've ever known.
15:46 So for me, it's not this, you know, crazy different thing.
15:51 It's just sort of adapting in a world where you are not the standard norm, I
15:57 guess.
15:58 Do you have a hot take on anything?
16:00 Um, I have a few hot takes.
16:03 What's your shoot?
16:04 You're not gonna like the first one.
16:07 One, cats are not my favorite animal.
16:10 I think snakes and reptiles are.
16:12 Secondly, very controversial take.
16:18 I feel like ghosts exist.
16:19 I'm sorry.
16:20 Oh, do I have any proof?
16:22 No, but like sometimes something will happen and I'm like, no, like literally
16:27 there's a ghost in my room.
16:28 For sure.
16:29 I think if anything's possible, ghosts could be out there.
16:33 Aliens are for sure out there.
16:34 For sure.
16:35 Maybe it's the aliens disguised as ghosts.
16:37 [MUSIC]
