Midsomer Murders Season 24 Episode 4

  • last year
Midsomer Murders Season 24 Episode 4


00:00:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
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00:01:19 New day, new dawn.
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00:01:24 [DOOR OPENING]
00:01:28 Oh, come on, Dad.
00:01:30 Nothing could possibly go wrong.
00:01:32 Let's hope so.
00:01:33 [MUSIC PLAYING]
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00:01:40 Morning.
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00:02:19 Hello?
00:02:27 Is everything all right?
00:02:33 Hello?
00:02:34 Is everything OK?
00:02:36 [GROANING]
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00:03:42 Everything all right, sir?
00:03:44 Oh, I've had better starts to my day.
00:03:48 And I'm only on 66 steps.
00:03:50 You have a 10,000 target, right?
00:03:52 Woo!
00:03:53 I'll put a hair's on your chest.
00:03:55 Hey, Jamie, can't stop picking up Betty from a sleepover.
00:03:57 Don't forget, we're at the climbing wall party later.
00:04:00 We're on a health kick.
00:04:03 Please feel free to join in.
00:04:06 I'm good, thanks.
00:04:07 [MUSIC PLAYING]
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00:04:12 Right, let's get started.
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00:04:20 [SIGHING]
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00:04:42 We could drive into the village, you know?
00:04:59 We're electric.
00:05:00 Think of your step, sir.
00:05:01 Those kind of footprints are allowed.
00:05:06 I think it's Danny Tarleton, 28-year-old dairy farmer
00:05:09 who's out jogging.
00:05:10 Body found by Lana Markham two hours ago.
00:05:14 Oh, a bit of a chili competition.
00:05:17 Nothing I like more than a bit of spicy food, you.
00:05:21 I'm more of a sushi man myself.
00:05:22 [MUSIC PLAYING]
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00:05:57 Before you ask, weather vane pointing
00:06:00 very much through the heart.
00:06:02 Sharp force injury.
00:06:03 Single thrust, anterior chest.
00:06:06 Body's still warm, no rigor.
00:06:08 I'd say time of death within the last three hours.
00:06:11 Oh, and, uh, there's something else.
00:06:15 Hm.
00:06:16 Not your typical jogging accessory.
00:06:17 I've heard of people running with weights,
00:06:19 but a pair of slippers.
00:06:21 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:06:24 [CLEARS THROAT]
00:06:27 DCI Barnaby, DS Winter.
00:06:31 I gather you found the body.
00:06:33 What were you doing out here so early?
00:06:35 I'm a meteorologist and climate campaigner.
00:06:37 I have equipment all over the valley.
00:06:39 Did you know Mr. Tarleton well?
00:06:41 Fair to say we weren't close.
00:06:43 Danny was a petrolhead who hated
00:06:45 the village's green conversion.
00:06:47 One of the few that resisted it.
00:06:49 Locked horns with Brian constantly.
00:06:51 Brian?
00:06:52 Havergill.
00:06:53 Him and his wife, Dixie, fully embraced the green initiative.
00:06:56 Helped me to convince everyone, most people,
00:06:59 that Goodman's land was precious.
00:07:01 When exactly did the village go green?
00:07:03 Three years ago.
00:07:04 I believe the village can be used
00:07:06 to illustrate how climate change can be reversed.
00:07:08 And is the environmental debate still an issue?
00:07:11 Look, I like Brian, but he tends to be a bit domineering.
00:07:16 Imposes fines and penalties if people break the rules.
00:07:20 Tensions are running high, especially with the impending
00:07:23 sale of the village.
00:07:25 We're being bought by a Texan, Brewster Harlan III.
00:07:29 How do you mean, being bought?
00:07:31 The entire village and the land it's on.
00:07:34 A lease dating back centuries has run out
00:07:36 and deposits already paid.
00:07:38 Fair to assume some people aren't happy about that.
00:07:41 You included.
00:07:42 They're called the Dark Ages for a reason.
00:07:45 New owners and oilmen couldn't be less green if you tried.
00:07:49 The weather vane.
00:07:50 You recognize it?
00:07:53 Looks like the one from Birch Barn.
00:07:56 There's a student living there at the moment.
00:07:59 Why kill someone with a weather vane?
00:08:02 Victim clearly wasn't a fan of all things eco.
00:08:04 Or maybe it's got something to do with the climate issue.
00:08:07 Somebody hoping we'll think that.
00:08:09 Check out Lana Markham and pay a visit
00:08:11 to the student in the barn.
00:08:13 I'll talk to the victim's father.
00:08:15 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:08:18 Morning, Aldo.
00:08:32 Oh, come on now.
00:08:33 Don't be like that, mate.
00:08:37 Ah, once more onto the beach.
00:08:39 Shh.
00:08:40 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:08:44 Aldo's grumpy as ever.
00:08:51 Well, it's not our fault his brooch has gone under.
00:08:53 I mean, no one likes to see a business close down,
00:08:55 but he's had three years to try and make it work.
00:08:57 And he's had the chance to change like everyone else.
00:09:00 I don't think my recent sanctions
00:09:01 have helped his mood, though.
00:09:02 He broke the rules again.
00:09:06 You did what you had to do.
00:09:07 You banned him from the pub quiz.
00:09:08 And you rationed his toilet roll.
00:09:10 He'll get over it. - Oh, I don't know.
00:09:11 I also threatened to block his deliveries.
00:09:14 But he's not the only one.
00:09:15 I mean, the Cottinghams are still using their hot tub
00:09:17 and refusing to pay the fines.
00:09:18 And the deans left their lights on last night.
00:09:21 They know the rules.
00:09:22 The curfew is 7 o'clock.
00:09:25 Lights off for everyone, including us.
00:09:27 [COUGHING]
00:09:28 Oh, Dixie, darling, go easy.
00:09:30 It's not life or death, you know.
00:09:32 It bloom and well is.
00:09:34 In this village, status is everything.
00:09:37 Oh, there's my gorgeous girl.
00:09:40 Huh?
00:09:41 Sorry, what?
00:09:43 Your mother was just saying how lovely you looked.
00:09:46 They're all ethically approved salon and thingamabobs,
00:09:49 I take it?
00:09:49 Of course.
00:09:51 Good.
00:09:52 Right, I'm off to the barn in a sec.
00:09:54 Are you OK to give me a hand with a chili competition?
00:09:56 And what do these nails say to you?
00:09:58 Don't get triggered.
00:09:59 You know I have to look my absolute best for my socials.
00:10:01 I've got a campaign to run.
00:10:02 Oh, God.
00:10:03 Mum, not this again.
00:10:05 You might be happy jumping into bed with the American,
00:10:07 but I'm not.
00:10:08 Well, he has to stay somewhere.
00:10:09 And if he's going to buy the village,
00:10:11 we need to keep on his good side.
00:10:13 See the whites of his eyes.
00:10:14 Yeah, well, I am going to get Brewster a roasting
00:10:17 and have a girl welcome to remember,
00:10:19 which will be going live.
00:10:21 Oh, do you have to do that, darling?
00:10:22 We don't want to upset him.
00:10:24 That's exactly what I want to do.
00:10:25 I'm an influencer.
00:10:26 So I'm going to use my platform to raise awareness of me.
00:10:30 And of course, what this village is actually achieving here.
00:10:34 Just go back to your chili sauce, whatever it is you're doing.
00:10:37 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:10:40 You have reached 2,556 steps.
00:10:51 Good job.
00:10:52 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:10:55 [KNOCKING]
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00:11:03 [KNOCKING]
00:11:05 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:11:08 Didn't have a bad bone in his body, that lad.
00:11:15 Love life.
00:11:16 Kept fit.
00:11:18 Out early doors, come rain or shine.
00:11:22 Same route.
00:11:23 So his route would have been familiar to others.
00:11:26 Did you see Danny this morning?
00:11:30 How was he?
00:11:31 He was a bit hungover, but fine.
00:11:34 Looking forward to the arrival of the new guy in town.
00:11:36 Ah, yes, Rooster Harland III.
00:11:40 Danny was confident that Rooster would return the village
00:11:42 to how it was before all this eco madness.
00:11:45 You're not a fan of the village's green revolution,
00:11:47 then?
00:11:47 Well, dairy farmers were.
00:11:52 And the village went green.
00:11:54 It hit us bad.
00:11:55 We lost everything.
00:11:57 Not just us.
00:11:59 Aldo McLean recently lost his butchers.
00:12:02 Presumably, changing your old ways
00:12:04 was difficult and expensive.
00:12:06 Dairy cattle are often treated with antiseptics
00:12:08 and fungicides.
00:12:10 There are alternatives, but they're pricey.
00:12:12 We did our best.
00:12:15 It was never enough for the Havockills.
00:12:16 Don't you get on?
00:12:19 Not anymore.
00:12:20 They own the pub, not like they run the village.
00:12:24 All the deliveries go to the pub.
00:12:26 So you name it, they order it in for us.
00:12:28 They even tell us what to wipe our backsides with.
00:12:31 Brian's a control freak.
00:12:32 Thinks he owns the place, literally.
00:12:34 This whole scheme, it's changed him.
00:12:40 Not for the best.
00:12:43 Tell me about the lease on the village.
00:12:45 Dates back 850 years, but will expire unless someone
00:12:49 proves a claim on the land.
00:12:51 But no one can.
00:12:52 There's a local legend that the lease has been overruled.
00:12:56 That one family does have a legitimate right of ownership
00:12:58 in perpetuity.
00:13:00 Based on what?
00:13:01 Medieval documents that no one's ever seen
00:13:05 and maybe never existed.
00:13:08 Some years back, the Havockills asked me
00:13:10 to help prove it was them, but I could find no evidence.
00:13:16 I see.
00:13:18 Might I take a look around your son's room?
00:13:22 Yeah.
00:13:24 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:13:28 Reduce, reuse, recycle mean nothing?
00:13:35 No.
00:13:36 Appearance is everything.
00:13:38 Clearly.
00:13:39 Can we go?
00:13:40 I hate coming here.
00:13:41 Not flashy enough for you?
00:13:43 Can't you get a phone like the rest of us
00:13:44 so I can call you at least?
00:13:45 Villagers' e-waste is down 40% from last year.
00:13:48 Yeah, whatever.
00:13:48 I think you'll find that phones are pretty useful when it comes
00:13:50 to changing the world.
00:13:53 And shoes.
00:13:54 Shoes would be good.
00:13:55 I like to stay grounded.
00:13:57 Question is, do you want to change the world
00:14:00 or are you just pretending?
00:14:03 Fake and single.
00:14:06 Not a good vibe.
00:14:06 Don't you judge me, barefoot boy.
00:14:11 I think you know me, but you don't.
00:14:13 Come on.
00:14:17 I've got content to film.
00:14:18 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:14:22 Danny's passion.
00:14:27 Designed for a racetrack in the greenest village in Midsomer.
00:14:46 His dream.
00:14:48 He was hoping Rooster would fund it.
00:14:50 Was your son in a relationship?
00:15:10 Definitely not.
00:15:12 I'd have known.
00:15:15 I see.
00:15:16 And I take it you don't know who these belong to.
00:15:19 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:15:22 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:15:26 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:15:54 Sergeant Winter, Coulson CID.
00:15:58 Please, come on in.
00:15:59 Wow.
00:16:10 Wish my halls of residence looked like this.
00:16:13 I have funding from Tokyo University for my PhD
00:16:16 on the fertility of ecosystems in and around Goodman's Land.
00:16:19 Quite a long way to come.
00:16:24 Tokyo to Midsomer.
00:16:27 Worth it, though.
00:16:29 I've only been here a couple of days.
00:16:31 The area is fascinating.
00:16:34 Truly fascinating.
00:16:36 I can explain if you want.
00:16:37 Maybe another time.
00:16:39 What I would like is you to explain where you
00:16:41 were first thing this morning.
00:16:44 Collecting soil samples.
00:16:46 I like to go out as soon as it's light.
00:16:48 You didn't take a weather vane with you by any chance, did you?
00:16:52 Or notice that the one on your roof is missing?
00:16:56 Oh, it was there last night.
00:17:00 You didn't see or hear anyone in the vicinity overnight?
00:17:04 No.
00:17:05 Thank you very much.
00:17:11 Winter, found proposed racetrack plans.
00:17:14 And some women's shoes were in Danny Tarleton's wardrobe.
00:17:18 Given them to forensics, size five.
00:17:22 Whereas the trainers he was jogging in
00:17:24 were size nine or 10 at least.
00:17:26 Well spotted, sir.
00:17:27 I'm a detective, Winter.
00:17:29 Observation is everything.
00:17:30 See if we can find out who those shoes belong to.
00:17:33 Liam Tarleton has no idea.
00:17:35 I want to have a word with the Havergalls.
00:17:37 How was your student?
00:17:39 Intense.
00:17:40 Check him out with his uni.
00:17:41 Bog off, you bunch of woke-fueled snowflakes.
00:17:44 Nothing wrong with a bog, Aldo.
00:17:47 Wholesome, natural, organic.
00:17:49 Unlike you and your fake extensions.
00:17:51 So?
00:17:51 You're a disgrace, you know that?
00:17:53 Wielding your unwelcome influence,
00:17:55 destroying livelihoods.
00:17:57 Get that thing out of my face!
00:17:59 OK, OK.
00:18:00 Emotions are clearly running high.
00:18:02 Do you mind telling me why?
00:18:03 I came up here to welcome Rooster.
00:18:05 Yeah, well, we're here to send the rooster packing.
00:18:07 Yeah, this is our land.
00:18:08 Why? Why?
00:18:08 What am I missing?
00:18:09 Why here?
00:18:10 He only ever travels by helicopter.
00:18:11 He's known for it.
00:18:13 This is the only place he can land.
00:18:14 Not if we could stand in the way.
00:18:16 Here's the truth about Harlan.
00:18:19 Lied about fossil fuels, lost court cases, lost his soul.
00:18:23 Sold it, more like.
00:18:24 Oh, get off your high horse, Harper.
00:18:26 What do you know about souls?
00:18:27 Says the butcher.
00:18:28 Or should I say ex-butcher?
00:18:32 Butchering has been my whole life.
00:18:35 Or it was until this lot stuck their oar in.
00:18:37 Do you know how much it costs to source and transport
00:18:40 organic meat?
00:18:43 Snear all you like.
00:18:44 Didn't stop you eating my meat for years, did it?
00:18:47 God, he totally gives me the ick.
00:18:49 Right, I've heard enough.
00:18:51 We're going to need your names and details from all of you
00:18:53 about your whereabouts this morning.
00:18:55 Danny Tarleton's been killed.
00:18:57 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:19:12 Can I be of assistance, ma'am?
00:19:15 My name's Rooster.
00:19:17 Red Rooster Harlan III.
00:19:20 Place is all mine.
00:19:22 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:19:24 Find out everything we can about Tobit Seton, Harper
00:19:31 Havegill, and Aldo Maclean.
00:19:33 You just take this down the road to the barn
00:19:34 as quick as you can.
00:19:35 Thanks very much.
00:19:37 Mr. Havegill, DCI Barnaby, dearest Winter,
00:19:40 we need to ask you a few questions.
00:19:42 Of course.
00:19:43 Oh, is this about Danny?
00:19:44 Harper, my daughter just called me.
00:19:45 Terrible news.
00:19:46 Awful.
00:19:47 Howdy, y'all.
00:19:48 Say, is one of you gentlemen Mr. Brian
00:19:50 Havegill's puff landlord?
00:19:51 Yeah, I am.
00:19:52 Can you get this little old lady a drink?
00:19:54 She seems to have taken quite a turn.
00:19:55 This is the old?
00:19:57 The oldie, Brink?
00:20:00 Sounds like my ex-wife.
00:20:01 Mr. Harlan, I believe.
00:20:03 We heard you were arriving by helicopter.
00:20:05 Oh, too flash, too windy.
00:20:07 Those days are gone.
00:20:09 DCI Barnaby, sounded Winter.
00:20:11 My, oh my, glory be.
00:20:13 Slap my thighs and call me Betsy.
00:20:15 Are you two a pair of genuine, bonafide Sherlock Holmes?
00:20:18 Not exactly, but we are investigating a murder.
00:20:21 Wonderful.
00:20:23 Tell me, do you wear a deerstalker?
00:20:25 Not as a rule.
00:20:26 Heck.
00:20:27 Can I be of assistance?
00:20:28 Who died?
00:20:29 Name's Danny Tarleton.
00:20:31 Do you know him?
00:20:32 I can't say that I do.
00:20:33 Watson, are you Holmes?
00:20:35 Perhaps we could all go inside, Mr. Havegill.
00:20:37 Hell, yes.
00:20:38 I can't wait for a pint of God's Earth.
00:20:40 We think Mr. Tarleton's death could have something to do
00:20:48 with your arrival, Mr. Harlan.
00:20:50 You're quite a divisive figure.
00:20:52 I'm a pussycat when you get to know me.
00:20:54 And I can assure you I have no plans to change
00:20:56 this village one iota.
00:20:59 Liar!
00:21:00 My daughter, Harper.
00:21:01 Nice to meet you, ma'am.
00:21:02 And I'm no liar.
00:21:03 I fell in love with this place.
00:21:05 Why would I want to change it?
00:21:06 How about because you're the devil incarnate when
00:21:07 it comes to pollution and climate change?
00:21:10 Or how about Mr. Tarleton's plans
00:21:12 to build a motor racing circuit?
00:21:14 That would count as quite a change, don't you think?
00:21:17 Did you know anything about that?
00:21:19 Can't say that I did.
00:21:20 Why would we believe you, you fat cat,
00:21:22 American capitalist cretin?
00:21:24 I just love the way you guys speak.
00:21:28 Is that William Shakespeare or just a good old fashioned
00:21:31 Anglo-Saxon insult?
00:21:33 Are you for real?
00:21:34 Is he for real?
00:21:35 Enough, Miss Havegill.
00:21:36 Yee-haw!
00:21:38 Spoken like a true sheriff.
00:21:39 Mighty fine chili.
00:21:46 Care to try?
00:21:47 See what you Brits is made of.
00:21:49 What do you say?
00:21:50 I say we might have to warn Dixie that she has a challenger.
00:21:52 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:21:56 Nice one, deputy.
00:22:09 Well done, Winsor.
00:22:11 May I?
00:22:12 Mm.
00:22:12 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:22:16 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:22:19 Have you any idea how long you're planning to stay?
00:22:32 [COUGHING]
00:22:36 [GASPING]
00:22:39 Cheers.
00:22:40 [GULPING]
00:22:42 [KNOCKING]
00:22:43 [GROANING]
00:22:46 Find out everything you can about our larger than life
00:22:48 text from a friend with the asbestos mouth.
00:22:51 He's playing us, sir.
00:22:52 Very possibly.
00:22:53 [COUGHING]
00:22:55 Are you-- are you OK, sir?
00:22:56 Of course I am.
00:22:57 Clearly just got a rogue chili.
00:22:59 Either that or you need to get your mouth insured.
00:23:03 So.
00:23:03 Mm.
00:23:04 Just got a little.
00:23:05 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:23:08 Sir.
00:23:09 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:23:13 You think this is where Danny Tarleton's getting his slippers?
00:23:16 Why take women's slippers out of the recycling?
00:23:20 Maybe he's got a thing about women's shoes, sir.
00:23:24 This is the master bedroom.
00:23:26 Ooh, mighty fine room.
00:23:28 Hm.
00:23:29 Also happens to be the room where my husband's
00:23:31 ancestors used to sleep.
00:23:32 Ah, dang.
00:23:34 For real?
00:23:34 Yeah, this building's been in Brian's family for generations.
00:23:37 Dates back to the 12th century.
00:23:39 His ancestor, Arthur Havergill, gave the village its name,
00:23:43 Goodman's Land.
00:23:45 He was the good man who looked after the villagers.
00:23:48 I mean, the Havergills, well, they are the village.
00:23:50 Why, that's fascinating.
00:23:51 Hm?
00:23:52 I reckon I'll sleep like the dead tonight, jet lag and all.
00:23:56 Ma'am, I just love your history, even
00:23:58 if it is all in the past now.
00:24:01 The past is, after all, another country.
00:24:05 Not here it isn't.
00:24:09 But might I ask you a question?
00:24:10 Can you tell me where Miss Lana Markham lives?
00:24:13 Lana?
00:24:14 Yeah, she lives in Rose Cottage, across the street,
00:24:16 just opposite.
00:24:18 Why?
00:24:20 I believe that's between me and Miss Markham, ma'am.
00:24:24 There's no need to call me ma'am.
00:24:27 Your Highness will do nicely.
00:24:28 [LAUGHS]
00:24:30 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:24:34 [DOOR CLOSES]
00:24:36 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:24:39 I haven't got time to go through these.
00:24:49 One's for Aldo.
00:24:50 Can you take a look?
00:24:51 Yeah, go on then.
00:24:52 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:24:56 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:24:59 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:25:03 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:25:06 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:25:10 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:25:36 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:25:40 Miss Markham?
00:25:55 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:25:58 Lana?
00:25:59 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:26:02 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:26:06 Let's see.
00:26:09 Can we meet a rooster?
00:26:15 [INAUDIBLE]
00:26:17 07.
00:26:20 086.
00:26:21 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:26:24 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:26:28 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:26:31 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:26:35 No fingerprints on the wither vein.
00:27:01 Anything on the slippers?
00:27:02 Not so much the slippers, but the shoes, yes.
00:27:06 All the shoes in the victim's wardrobe were size 5.
00:27:10 And judging from the Hallux Valgus
00:27:12 impressions on the shoes--
00:27:13 The Hallux what?
00:27:14 Bunions, dear.
00:27:17 I'd say they belong to the same woman.
00:27:20 Interesting, although his father said that Danny
00:27:22 wasn't in a relationship.
00:27:24 And the shoes weren't his size.
00:27:26 Maybe he was a foot fetishist.
00:27:28 Let's not jump to conclusions.
00:27:30 I never jump to anything, especially conclusions.
00:27:36 His wallet had a membership card for a foot fetish truck,
00:27:40 Achilles heel.
00:27:42 He was a fully paid up member.
00:27:44 Maybe someone disapproved.
00:27:47 One other thing.
00:27:48 Sarah asked me to remind you.
00:27:54 Think of it as brunch.
00:27:56 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:28:00 [KISS]
00:28:01 Oh, this is yours.
00:28:03 And have mine.
00:28:06 What have you found out about our Texan?
00:28:09 Oh, there's loads of stuff.
00:28:11 Not all positive, I'm sure.
00:28:13 He certainly was the worst kind of old school oilman.
00:28:16 But to be honest, I'm not sure how he's paying for the village.
00:28:19 He's been fined repeatedly by regulators
00:28:21 for failing to declare a mission stage.
00:28:23 It's costing millions of dollars.
00:28:25 His biggest critic was a fellow Texan called Dougie Duke.
00:28:30 Maybe we should contact him.
00:28:32 If only, he's completely fallen off the radar.
00:28:34 Then there's something else.
00:28:35 Tech are sending through Danny Tarleton's photos and text.
00:28:39 But his email shows a long exchange with Rooster Harlan.
00:28:43 The discussions are well underway
00:28:44 about the motor racing circuit.
00:28:46 So Mr. Harlan is definitely lying
00:28:48 about no change for the village.
00:28:50 Oh, OK.
00:28:53 What is it?
00:28:54 Uh, compromising photographs of Harper
00:28:58 Havagle and Danny Tarleton.
00:28:59 He was-- he was threatening to go public
00:29:02 unless she paid him money.
00:29:04 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:29:07 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:29:11 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:29:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:29:19 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:29:22 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:29:29 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:29:36 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:29:45 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:29:49 What are you actually doing here?
00:29:58 Learner, isn't it?
00:30:01 Research into climate change.
00:30:03 You know that's what I do, right?
00:30:05 I don't want or need you interfering
00:30:07 with years of work, understood?
00:30:09 Do yourself a favor and stay out of my way.
00:30:11 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:30:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:30:18 I don't mean to bother you at this difficult time,
00:30:44 but, um, you recognize this man?
00:30:48 Yeah, his name is Dougie Duke.
00:30:53 I did some local history work with him, why?
00:30:55 Uh, never mind, Wyfer, now.
00:30:57 When did you last see him?
00:30:59 No offense, Mr. Harlan, but no, really isn't a good time.
00:31:05 I get it.
00:31:08 Loss of a child goes against the natural order of life.
00:31:11 Hopes, dreams, future.
00:31:15 But if I can level with you, there's
00:31:19 something about this village I'm about to buy
00:31:21 that's a little off right now.
00:31:24 And it seems to me we both need answers.
00:31:26 I was wondering if you could help me with this.
00:31:33 I can't make head nor tail of it.
00:31:34 It's medieval documents, mainly.
00:31:37 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:31:40 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:31:43 I'm sorry.
00:31:51 I was a licking.
00:31:52 My fault.
00:31:54 You, um, must be Ken from Tokyo.
00:31:57 The student, right?
00:31:58 Harper Havergill, as in the Havergills.
00:32:01 Yeah, I'm like an influencer, so I've heard loads about you.
00:32:04 Village gossamer.
00:32:06 Seems we have loads in common.
00:32:07 I love Tokyo, and I love technology, and I love mango.
00:32:11 Manga?
00:32:14 Manga?
00:32:16 Yeah.
00:32:17 And you like all things green, as do I.
00:32:19 So what do you say?
00:32:21 Mojito, pub, 7 o'clock?
00:32:25 Sounds good, yeah.
00:32:26 I'll be there.
00:32:27 Content to edit first.
00:32:29 I'm not really fond of social media.
00:32:30 Digital distractions wreak havoc with fragile egos.
00:32:34 See you at 7.
00:32:35 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:32:38 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:32:42 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:32:48 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:32:51 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:32:55 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:32:58 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:33:02 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:33:05 [CHATTER]
00:33:09 Has the package arrived for me?
00:33:12 Sure has.
00:33:13 [CHATTER]
00:33:16 All set for tomorrow's competition, are we?
00:33:22 I'm really looking forward to it.
00:33:25 You haven't got a cat's chance in hell of winning.
00:33:30 We'll see, won't we?
00:33:32 Yes, we will.
00:33:33 [CHATTER]
00:33:37 [CHATTER]
00:33:40 [DOOR SLAMS]
00:33:42 Mr. Harlan?
00:33:43 Aldo McLean, a pleasure and a delight to meet you.
00:33:46 Bless your heart.
00:33:47 How y'all doing?
00:33:48 Good, good.
00:33:50 If you need anyone to help you with anything, anything at all,
00:33:54 I'm your man.
00:33:56 Well, actually, there is something you could do for me
00:33:57 in return for a fee, of course.
00:34:00 I need to know how truly green the village really is,
00:34:03 or if they're pretendent.
00:34:05 Could you possibly help me with that?
00:34:07 My pleasure.
00:34:08 But this lot aren't as squeaky clean as they like to make out,
00:34:11 if you know what I mean.
00:34:11 Well, this ain't my first rodeo, Al,
00:34:14 but you gather the dirt, my friend,
00:34:15 and maybe we can discuss it over a pint of Waller.
00:34:19 Oh, a pint a pint, of course.
00:34:20 Yeah.
00:34:21 Hey, you all-- you all going to turn the clock back on you?
00:34:24 Eh, maybe more forwards than backwards.
00:34:26 [CLICKS TONGUE]
00:34:27 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:34:31 Just me.
00:34:34 So far, so good.
00:34:36 All going to plan.
00:34:39 This lot are all hat, no cattle.
00:34:41 [GRUNTS]
00:34:45 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:34:53 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:34:56 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:35:00 So that's the latest on Harper Havergill.
00:35:26 Brings down the slimeball oil man
00:35:28 and conquers the--
00:35:31 the world.
00:35:32 We need to ask you a couple of questions.
00:35:39 Did you know Danny Tarleton intimately?
00:35:42 By intimately, you mean were we in a situation ship, then yes.
00:35:46 Sorry, what?
00:35:47 Less than a relationship, more than casual sex.
00:35:50 Standard.
00:35:51 Or pretty vanilla, actually.
00:35:52 Which would explain the explicit photos of you on his phone.
00:35:55 Oh, those?
00:35:56 Yeah, a loser tried to do a number on me,
00:35:58 threatened to expose me like I cared.
00:36:01 Like Danny was a fantasist.
00:36:03 He'd use people, played them, or tried to.
00:36:08 Trust me, didn't even register.
00:36:10 I didn't care about him.
00:36:12 Quite a thick skin you've got there.
00:36:15 And if he had gone public?
00:36:17 All for it.
00:36:18 Would have just brought more followers to the yard.
00:36:20 Easy gains, major influence on my social sphere.
00:36:22 It caused account growth, revenue, and job
00:36:25 offers around the world.
00:36:27 So presumably, they were your size five
00:36:29 shoes we found in his wardrobe.
00:36:31 You're joking, right?
00:36:32 They were near his place.
00:36:34 Well, size six, anyway.
00:36:38 Did you know anything about his plans for a--
00:36:41 a motor racing circuit in the village?
00:36:43 What?
00:36:44 No.
00:36:46 No, like I say, he was full of it.
00:36:48 He liked to blag.
00:36:49 I see.
00:36:51 And the, um, the green agenda in the village,
00:36:54 you're fronting the fight.
00:36:55 So where does Lana Markham fit in?
00:36:59 She started everything, I suppose.
00:37:01 But you're not a fan.
00:37:02 Of course I am.
00:37:06 She's the real deal.
00:37:08 She's just a tough act to follow.
00:37:10 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:37:13 I've heard about the great British hospitality,
00:37:28 but, um, a dead rat?
00:37:31 Where I come from, that is not a sign of welcome.
00:37:33 It's not here either.
00:37:35 Any idea who might have put it there?
00:37:37 Well, of course not.
00:37:38 Could have been anyone.
00:37:40 I mean, all the rooms are accessible from down here,
00:37:41 and he's not popular.
00:37:43 No offense.
00:37:44 A little taken.
00:37:45 Lying doesn't exactly help.
00:37:47 Pardon me?
00:37:48 The motor racing circuit you denied all knowledge of.
00:37:51 We've seen your emails with Danny Talt,
00:37:53 and they make for interesting reading.
00:37:55 Especially the bit when you ask him to keep shtum.
00:37:58 Well, that didn't work.
00:37:59 Danny was in here last night mouthing off about it.
00:38:02 We thought he was having us on until he
00:38:03 started waving plans around.
00:38:05 Did you know that?
00:38:06 No sirree, Bob.
00:38:08 It wasn't me who silenced him, if that's your angle.
00:38:12 I agreed to nothing.
00:38:14 So what?
00:38:15 I looked at his big plans.
00:38:18 He wasn't the only one.
00:38:19 Hell, my laptop blew up with emails.
00:38:22 I made a decision to be nice to everybody.
00:38:24 Keeping them sweet whilst you get your feet
00:38:26 firmly under the table.
00:38:27 I simply asked for discretion.
00:38:30 What did Mr. Talton say specifically
00:38:32 about the motor racing circuit?
00:38:34 That he was going to dig up the field where Tobit lives.
00:38:37 Finishing line straight through his shack.
00:38:40 Tobit lost it.
00:38:41 Spitting nails, he was.
00:38:44 We'll need a word with him.
00:38:45 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:38:49 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:38:52 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:38:56 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:38:59 Can I help you?
00:39:24 Ah, Miss Kilcannon, maybe you can.
00:39:29 Someone put a rat in Mr. Harlins bedroom.
00:39:32 Wouldn't be you by any chance, would it?
00:39:34 No, it wasn't me.
00:39:36 I get squeamish around rats.
00:39:39 But you're a taxidermist.
00:39:43 Have you been doing the taxidermy long?
00:39:45 Ever since the village went eco.
00:39:47 Before that, I ran the local garage, but that had to go.
00:39:51 That must have been inconvenient.
00:39:52 Not really.
00:39:53 Who am I to stand in the way of progress?
00:39:55 Besides, I've always been a fan of recycling.
00:39:59 They're roadkill, mainly.
00:40:00 Ah.
00:40:01 Have you sold many?
00:40:05 Yes, plenty.
00:40:08 Well, sort of.
00:40:09 No, three ravens.
00:40:12 But they had maggots, so old Reggie the fisherman took them.
00:40:18 Nice shoes.
00:40:20 Did you know Danny Tarleton well?
00:40:23 No more than anyone else.
00:40:25 Winter, get me everything you can on Ginny Kilcannon.
00:40:38 [INAUDIBLE]
00:40:43 [INAUDIBLE]
00:40:44 Ah, yeah, that's good.
00:40:50 Oh.
00:40:51 [INAUDIBLE]
00:40:56 [INAUDIBLE]
00:40:57 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:41:00 [INAUDIBLE]
00:41:02 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:41:04 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:41:07 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:41:09 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:41:12 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:41:39 Glad I got you.
00:41:42 We need to talk about Dougie Duke, tomb in the churchyard,
00:41:45 what he found out.
00:41:48 I'll see you in town.
00:41:49 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:41:52 [GRUNTING]
00:42:06 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:42:08 First Danny Tarleton and now his father.
00:42:19 It's some kind of vendetta against the Tarletons.
00:42:22 Possibly.
00:42:23 But we also know that Mr. Tarleton
00:42:24 had been looking into the land claim on the village.
00:42:27 And let's not forget, he's the current chili-eating champion.
00:42:31 Penetrating injury of the left anterior triangle,
00:42:36 reaching the internal carotid artery and jugular vein.
00:42:40 Time of death, within the hour.
00:42:43 Metal weapon?
00:42:45 Yes.
00:42:46 An aero comb, I believe.
00:42:51 A meteorological tool for measuring rain.
00:42:54 Well, that can only belong to Lana Markham or Ken Makoto.
00:42:57 But they leave their equipment out and about
00:42:59 so anyone could find them, which doesn't
00:43:01 exactly narrow things down.
00:43:03 Did he have a phone on him?
00:43:05 No sign of one.
00:43:07 We'll get on to the service provider.
00:43:09 Yeah.
00:43:09 And I still need to speak to Tobit Seton.
00:43:12 Yes, ma'am.
00:43:13 You keep an eye on Rooster.
00:43:15 All is not what it seems with him.
00:43:16 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:43:19 Where did you say you went this morning?
00:43:28 Um-- um--
00:43:30 The gas guzzler?
00:43:37 And you didn't go to the eco salon.
00:43:40 Don't even think about lying.
00:43:42 I've already called them.
00:43:44 And?
00:43:45 What is this?
00:43:46 How are we supposed to uphold standards if our own daughter
00:43:48 keeps flouting the rules?
00:43:49 We're the Hammackles!
00:43:50 You have to set an example.
00:43:52 I fine people for breaking the rules.
00:43:54 What does that say about you, huh?
00:43:56 What example?
00:43:57 Spying on people, spying on your own daughter.
00:43:59 Now that-- that is a new low.
00:44:03 We're--
00:44:04 The Havagirls, yes.
00:44:06 Yes and no.
00:44:07 I've learned nothing else.
00:44:09 I've grown up with that.
00:44:10 Family first, protect the name, honor, obey,
00:44:12 like I really care.
00:44:15 Don't you?
00:44:16 No.
00:44:20 No.
00:44:21 I'll have you know my socials are off the scale.
00:44:24 I can go anywhere I want.
00:44:25 Paris, Dubai.
00:44:29 Should have gone ages ago.
00:44:30 Me and your mom don't know why you haven't.
00:44:33 We're not stopping you.
00:44:35 We've always said you could be what you wanted to be.
00:44:38 Whatever.
00:44:39 I'm out of here now.
00:44:41 Oh, Harper.
00:44:43 Oh, please.
00:44:43 You have reached your target.
00:44:53 Keep up the good work.
00:44:55 Thank you.
00:45:16 It's a lovely spot.
00:45:22 You're clearly very committed.
00:45:23 How'd you get on with Miss Havagirl?
00:45:25 Meaning she isn't.
00:45:27 Oh, let's just say she cuts quite a different figure.
00:45:31 We have our moments, but we rub along.
00:45:34 As long as she doesn't have to come down here.
00:45:36 She hates it here.
00:45:37 Why is that, I wonder?
00:45:40 Says it's too greed and natural.
00:45:42 She's too obsessed with her phone to appreciate nature,
00:45:45 or anyone, anyway.
00:45:47 Quite a varied bunch, aren't you?
00:45:50 You, Harper Havagirl, Miss Markham.
00:45:52 How do those two get on?
00:45:53 I mean, talk about different vibes.
00:45:55 Polar opposites.
00:45:57 They used to be friends, though, till things changed.
00:46:00 Lana changed.
00:46:02 Go on.
00:46:03 Lana was our inspiration.
00:46:05 Passionate, real force of nature,
00:46:07 and pretty damn cool to hang with.
00:46:10 Wanted to make a difference, you know.
00:46:13 And then her heart got broken.
00:46:16 Guy called Dougie.
00:46:17 Dougie?
00:46:18 Dougie Duke, by any chance?
00:46:21 I think so.
00:46:22 American.
00:46:23 Good bloke.
00:46:24 Used to live here before me.
00:46:26 What happened to him?
00:46:28 Did a runner.
00:46:29 Lana never got over it.
00:46:30 About this place, I gather you weren't
00:46:36 happy with Danny Tarleton announcing his plans
00:46:40 for a motor racing circuit.
00:46:43 That'd have quite a carbon footprint, wouldn't it?
00:46:45 If he started to dig up this field,
00:46:47 you'd lose your Garden of Eden.
00:46:50 Maybe, maybe not.
00:46:53 I have rights.
00:46:54 Do you?
00:46:55 I'm guessing you don't have a tenancy agreement.
00:46:57 If this land belongs to Rooster Harlin and he's in favor--
00:47:01 It's not going to happen.
00:47:03 Particularly now that Danny and his father are dead.
00:47:08 Call it karma.
00:47:10 I'd rather call it murder.
00:47:11 I believe that the earth is sacred.
00:47:18 I believe that life is sacred.
00:47:21 I'm an activist, not a murderer.
00:47:23 Winter, where's Mr. Harlin?
00:47:44 You need to speak to him about Dougie Duke.
00:47:46 He's meeting with Lana Markham.
00:47:50 I'm sorry, Dad.
00:47:52 She's not happy about it.
00:47:54 I'm on my way.
00:47:56 I don't know who you are or what you want,
00:47:58 but you have no right coming here showing me that photo.
00:48:01 Is this some kind of bad joke?
00:48:02 No, I had no intention of upsetting you.
00:48:05 I'm sorry about that.
00:48:06 You two know each other.
00:48:07 No, we don't.
00:48:08 No, we were just introducing ourselves.
00:48:10 Well, to see if you have anything in common,
00:48:13 like an American called Dougie, perhaps?
00:48:17 Dougie Duke?
00:48:18 He's quite a critic of you, Mr. Harlin.
00:48:20 Care to share?
00:48:23 Dougie is my brother.
00:48:25 Dougie Duke Harlin.
00:48:26 He dropped the Harlin because he was ashamed of me.
00:48:29 He came here to look into our family history.
00:48:32 That was four years ago.
00:48:34 I haven't seen him since.
00:48:36 And Miss Markham, your connection?
00:48:41 Dougie and I were involved.
00:48:43 We instantly hit it off, kept it quiet,
00:48:46 but we were together for the best part of a year
00:48:49 until he upped and left.
00:48:52 When was that?
00:48:52 When did you last see him?
00:48:55 He left just before we launched the Green
00:48:57 Initiative for the village.
00:48:59 What made him leave?
00:49:00 Dougie lived life off the grid, especially
00:49:03 when it came to commitment.
00:49:05 I wanted more, gave him an ultimatum,
00:49:07 and the next morning he was gone.
00:49:10 I only have one regret in life.
00:49:13 Me and Dougie never saw things eye to eye.
00:49:17 I came here hoping maybe we could work things through.
00:49:22 We had very different outlooks on life.
00:49:24 Mainly about oil.
00:49:27 Dougie was an environmentalist before anyone in Texas
00:49:30 had even heard of the word.
00:49:32 But one thing we always agreed on
00:49:33 was that one day we'd check out our English heritage.
00:49:38 I hope maybe by coming here I might find him.
00:49:45 Miss Markham, do you have any idea
00:49:46 where Dougie might have gone?
00:49:48 He was on his way to Greece when he arrived here.
00:49:52 I always assumed that's where he'd gone.
00:49:54 We can check.
00:49:55 Even people who live off grid leave a trail.
00:49:58 Not our Dougie.
00:50:00 I tried to track him down.
00:50:01 Nothing.
00:50:03 The way I see it, maybe if I lived here,
00:50:07 one day he might come back.
00:50:10 Just to box my ears, if nothing else.
00:50:12 Winter.
00:50:17 Check Tarleton's farmhouse.
00:50:19 Sir.
00:50:20 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:50:23 No.
00:50:49 This is no time to play hide and seek, Winter.
00:50:51 You find anything?
00:50:53 Yes, that Liam Tarleton was looking
00:50:55 into the Harlan family history.
00:50:58 And the immigration office got back to me.
00:51:00 So there is record of Dougie arriving in the UK,
00:51:03 but not leaving.
00:51:04 So if he is living off the grid, he's still in the UK.
00:51:08 All roads lead back to the Harlins.
00:51:10 Something to mull overnight.
00:51:13 Well, let's pick it up in the morning.
00:51:14 Sir.
00:51:16 [DOOR SLAMS]
00:51:18 [CLEARS THROAT]
00:51:26 Are you cheating?
00:51:28 Would I?
00:51:28 Yes, you would.
00:51:30 Nonsense.
00:51:31 Look, I'll have you know that I have done a whopping--
00:51:33 drum roll, please.
00:51:35 [BEEPING]
00:51:36 43 steps.
00:51:38 Hang on.
00:51:38 What's going on here?
00:51:39 No, the app must have broken.
00:51:42 It was over 11,000 last time I looked.
00:51:44 I don't believe a word of it.
00:51:45 43?
00:51:46 It barely moved.
00:51:47 But I've been traipsing uphill and down
00:51:48 Dale all over Goodman's Land.
00:51:50 There's two dead bodies and a lot of ground to cover.
00:51:52 DCI John Barnaby inventing murders just
00:51:55 so you can cover the fact that you've
00:51:56 been a couch potato all day.
00:51:59 Whereas I'm on 23,264.
00:52:03 Oh.
00:52:05 Betty was on fine form today.
00:52:08 I think that's why she's crashed out now.
00:52:09 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:52:12 [GROANING]
00:52:15 [SNIFFING]
00:52:18 Two of a kind.
00:52:21 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:52:25 [HOWLING]
00:52:40 What was that?
00:52:40 Oh, I do apologize.
00:52:42 That's my routine.
00:52:43 Every morning, the rooster crows.
00:52:45 [LAUGHING]
00:52:48 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:52:52 You OK, sir?
00:52:55 Oh, I will be if this thing works.
00:52:58 I had to download a new app.
00:53:00 This one gives you a heart rate, calories burned, altitude.
00:53:05 You never know.
00:53:07 Oh, here you go.
00:53:07 It's first message.
00:53:09 High speedy.
00:53:11 Speedy.
00:53:12 You accidentally forgot your juices.
00:53:15 It's juice fasting day today, no solids.
00:53:17 So be warned, he might be grumpy.
00:53:19 He's always grump.
00:53:20 A few things, sir.
00:53:26 I finally heard back from Tokyo Uni.
00:53:28 They confirmed that Ken Makoto is a PhD student there.
00:53:31 But guess what his PhD is about.
00:53:33 Oh, I know that, Winter.
00:53:34 It's something to do with ecosystems in the area.
00:53:37 No, the economic expansion of the cobalt
00:53:39 industry in Uzbekistan.
00:53:42 So he's lying about his PhD.
00:53:44 I'll speak to him.
00:53:46 And another thing.
00:53:46 Lana Markham has been in a very public battle
00:53:54 with the Department of Climate Change,
00:53:56 accusing them of ignoring her research,
00:53:58 saying that she gets a better hearing abroad.
00:54:00 Why might that be relevant?
00:54:01 Because she does.
00:54:02 There's an environmental group that's been championing
00:54:05 her research in Austin, Texas.
00:54:07 Rooster's hometown.
00:54:09 Coincidence?
00:54:11 I doubt it.
00:54:12 Find out everything you can about the environmental group,
00:54:16 board members, trustees.
00:54:19 Oh, and Danny Tarleton's bank records show regular deposits
00:54:23 from Ginny Kilcannon.
00:54:25 Why would she be doing that, I wonder?
00:54:28 Oh, first things first, greasy spoon on Causton Lane.
00:54:31 I need a bacon butty.
00:54:34 Breakfast.
00:54:36 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:54:39 [SNORING]
00:54:42 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:54:45 [SNORING]
00:54:48 [GIGGLING]
00:54:59 [SNORING]
00:55:08 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:55:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:55:21 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:55:24 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:55:27 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:55:30 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:55:34 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:56:05 Mm, smells strong and aromatic.
00:56:09 It is.
00:56:10 I brew it very slowly.
00:56:12 Please, be my guest.
00:56:14 Oh, no, most kind, but I'm afraid I'm rationing my intake.
00:56:20 Oh, why not?
00:56:21 How's the PhD going?
00:56:28 Well, it's rich territory.
00:56:32 Forgive my ignorance, but how does research into ecosystems
00:56:36 in this area factor into a PhD on the cobalt industry
00:56:42 in Uzbekistan?
00:56:43 A long way from Midsomer to Uzbekistan.
00:56:49 It's hard to explain.
00:56:54 Indeed.
00:56:56 Try.
00:56:57 Climate change research is a delicate subject.
00:57:04 I'm using good man's land as a test case, a microcosm,
00:57:08 if you like, for global strategy.
00:57:12 My findings might be controversial,
00:57:14 so my faculty suggested I submit a cover title at this stage.
00:57:18 Ah, lie, you mean.
00:57:23 What happened to the window?
00:57:26 Someone clearly tried to break in.
00:57:29 Why didn't you report it?
00:57:31 Um, I've only just noticed it.
00:57:34 I was out, and no one actually got in.
00:57:39 Mm.
00:57:40 You know, I see quite a few security systems and alarms
00:57:44 in my line of work, but I don't think I've ever seen
00:57:47 something this high tech.
00:57:50 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:57:53 Have many visitors?
00:57:56 Um, no.
00:57:58 That's mine from yesterday.
00:58:00 Typical student.
00:58:01 There's nothing typical about you, Mr. Makoto.
00:58:04 What's the, uh, blend?
00:58:09 Oh.
00:58:10 It's called mesquite.
00:58:12 Mesquite?
00:58:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:58:18 [DOOR OPENS]
00:58:20 [DOOR CLOSES]
00:58:23 Um, give me five.
00:58:32 I just need to deal with Mia.
00:58:34 Hey.
00:58:37 What happened last night?
00:58:38 You stood me up.
00:58:40 Did I?
00:58:42 Yeah.
00:58:43 How about tonight instead?
00:58:46 No disrespect.
00:58:48 I just really need someone with his finger on the pulse.
00:58:50 This whole forever student thing is just not my vibe.
00:58:54 Friend or more than.
00:58:56 [SIGHS]
00:58:59 Sure.
00:59:00 No sweat.
00:59:01 Excuse me.
00:59:06 Bye.
00:59:07 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:59:11 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:59:14 You know what, you and I don't have much time.
00:59:19 It's do or die time.
00:59:23 Do you want it to stop?
00:59:27 Have you had enough?
00:59:29 I'm not going to stop until you tell me.
00:59:34 Just so it's going to hurt even more.
00:59:39 Really, really hurt.
00:59:42 Oh, 100 pounds.
00:59:47 I told you it was going to hurt.
00:59:50 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:59:54 So what?
01:00:05 I sell shoes online to people who have a foot fetish.
01:00:09 It's not a crime.
01:00:11 Indeed not.
01:00:13 You clearly didn't want Hobit Seton knowing about it.
01:00:16 Why was he following you anyway?
01:00:17 No idea.
01:00:18 I don't trust anyone in this village,
01:00:20 and I didn't want him or anyone else knowing my business.
01:00:22 And yet Danny Tarleton knew.
01:00:25 Was he one of your customers?
01:00:26 Danny was the reason I got into it.
01:00:28 I saw him raiding the recycling, and he propositioned me.
01:00:32 Asked me, then and there.
01:00:34 In return for money which you took because the taxidermy wasn't thriving.
01:00:39 Is that right?
01:00:40 I was broke and had a fabulous wardrobe full of shoes.
01:00:44 And I thought, why not?
01:00:46 Everyone in the village had to do new things, be inventive.
01:00:50 Turns out there are a lot of Dannys out there.
01:00:52 You have to adapt to survive.
01:00:54 And yet there are regular amounts of money passing from you to Mr. Tarleton.
01:00:59 Was he blackmailing you?
01:01:01 Yes. I branched out.
01:01:04 Took my feet global.
01:01:06 People are paying way more than Danny.
01:01:08 Leaving him, scrambling around in the bins again.
01:01:10 He was furious and knew I didn't want anyone else in the village to know.
01:01:13 So, yes, I paid him some of my money to keep him quiet.
01:01:17 That must have been galling.
01:01:19 Did Danny's father find out?
01:01:21 Perhaps he silenced both of them,
01:01:23 and then tried to make it look like both deaths were somehow connected to the climate issue.
01:01:27 Look, I sell shoes online.
01:01:30 And, yes, I lobbed a rat into Rooster's bedroom.
01:01:35 But I didn't kill anyone.
01:01:37 How could you even think that?
01:01:39 Because, as you say, you've got to adapt to survive.
01:01:43 Target reached. Well done, Speedy.
01:01:46 Do you think it could be her? She's got motive for killing Danny.
01:01:53 She does, but then so does Harper Havagal and pretty much anyone who's green in the village.
01:01:59 And why would she kill Liam Tarleton?
01:02:02 Where are we at on the family history papers he was looking at?
01:02:06 Still working on it.
01:02:08 OK. Well, keep at it.
01:02:10 And, um, chase Tech about Liam's phone.
01:02:13 I need to speak to Tobit Seaton.
01:02:28 Spying on people? Not very ethical or idealistic?
01:02:33 Don't know what you're talking about.
01:02:35 Then allow me to confiscate your camera and look at everything on it.
01:02:39 What happened to your hand?
01:02:41 Fell over.
01:02:43 It looks like an electric shock mark to me.
01:02:48 Did you try to break into Birch Barn?
01:02:51 We could look for fingerprints, or, to be more precise, footprints.
01:02:57 Or you could start telling the truth. Why the surveillance?
01:03:01 For the village. For Brian. To see who's breaking the rules.
01:03:10 And what does Brian do with that information?
01:03:12 Well, he shows them the proof, then imposes sanctions or fines them.
01:03:16 The money goes into the pot to help with the eco stuff we need.
01:03:19 An ecologically sound neighbourhood watch scheme.
01:03:23 I guess.
01:03:25 Surveillance is one thing, but breaking and entering, that's a criminal offence.
01:03:32 Why Ken Makoto?
01:03:34 Because he's an outsider to the village. No one really knows why he's here.
01:03:40 Do you?
01:03:42 No, I do not.
01:03:45 All the same, I'll need to take those pictures as potential evidence.
01:03:52 Wow.
01:03:53 Wow.
01:04:00 Tobit's Seaton's camera. Let's access his photos and see if there are any old ones.
01:04:06 You cracked the puzzle yet?
01:04:08 No. But I can confirm that Harper Havagle did help Liam Tarleton and Duggee Harlan with their research.
01:04:14 The handwritten note matched that signature on her website.
01:04:18 But I don't really know what I'm looking for here. I mean, I was never very good at history, let alone Latin.
01:04:23 Latin?
01:04:24 Well, the claim on the land revolves around a family tomb in the grounds of the church.
01:04:28 And these documents that seem to have come from Ruth Sir Harlan, well, they trump the original lease to state that the village is owned in perpetuity by the family named on the tomb.
01:04:38 Which is?
01:04:39 Illegible. What's left looks like M.A., but it's hard to tell.
01:04:44 And the rest of the lettering is obscure, perhaps deliberately.
01:04:47 Can't be Makoto, can it?
01:04:49 Markham?
01:04:51 Hmm. And the inscription also says "Grazia et Dignitas."
01:04:55 Grace and Dignity, Winter.
01:04:56 Yeah, I know. I looked it up.
01:04:58 Oh, and I spoke to the owner of Birch Barn about the security there, and they apologized that there wasn't any.
01:05:06 So whatever there is, Ken Makoto brought with him.
01:05:13 There's something about him that doesn't add up. How can a student afford high-tech security? How sensitive can this research be?
01:05:21 I've already requested his student ID. Oh, and get this. You know the environmental group that published Lana Markham's research?
01:05:28 The one in Texas?
01:05:29 Ruth Sir Harlan recently became a member. It seems that he had something of a conversion in recent years.
01:05:34 His environmental credentials aren't quite as bad as everyone seems to think, but why let everyone think the opposite? Why not explain?
01:05:41 I'm not sure. Good cover, maybe, while he's trying to track down his brother?
01:05:47 Ah, coffee.
01:05:54 You're not allowed coffee, sir.
01:05:56 No. But Fleur has confirmed that Ken Makoto's coffee is a special blend made in Austin, Texas.
01:06:04 So, so Ken has coffee from Texas, Lana Markham's research has fans there, and Ruth Sir Harlan lives there?
01:06:12 There must be a connection. I mean, I know there's a connection between Ruth Sir and Lana because of his brother, but where does Ken Makoto fit in?
01:06:20 You're checking his steps, Speedy.
01:06:24 I'm checking the time, actually. The Chile competition is about to start, and I suspect our presence there might be a good idea.
01:06:32 What's going on?
01:06:34 Catching up with Tobit. Turns out Ruth Sir Harlan is Dougie's brother.
01:06:39 I don't know what Ruth is doing here, though. Didn't Dougie leg it?
01:06:43 Yeah. Yeah, he did.
01:06:48 Anyway, see you later.
01:06:53 Is it you who took pictures of me and gave them to Dad? They were, um, taken on your camera, right?
01:06:59 We're meant to care for the environment, Harper. Do something good.
01:07:03 Yeah, still a bit grubby, though, isn't it? You're a snake, sneaking about, following me, grassing on people.
01:07:10 You and me were meant to be together.
01:07:13 I'm not going to be a snake.
01:07:15 Yeah, you're a snake, sneaking about, following me, grassing on people.
01:07:21 You and me were meant to be a team. I thought you had my back.
01:07:25 You're no better than the rest of us, you know, you and Lana.
01:07:29 I think you are, but you're not.
01:07:31 I am, Harper. I'm way better than you, because I'm genuine, and I'll stop at nothing to promote the cause.
01:07:38 It's called commitment, and it's called being authentic.
01:07:44 Whatever.
01:07:46 [music]
01:07:49 [music]
01:08:15 Just warming up for the big event. Are you participating?
01:08:19 I think I'll skip this one.
01:08:21 It's one thing losing to Liam Tarleton, but losing to a Texan. Imagine the shame.
01:08:28 You'll be fine, darling, don't you worry. Your eyes are going to burn bagel.
01:08:32 Final entry. Aldo's all-time greats. Time to find out who the winner is.
01:08:38 Those aren't allowed, I'm afraid.
01:08:41 Why? Is this a fix? What, with Brian in charge?
01:08:44 No, you're not trustworthy.
01:08:45 Unlike you.
01:08:47 Here's what was in that package that was sent to you. Manufactured capsicum to make your chilis hotter.
01:08:55 By unnatural and illegal means, those are banned. And so are you.
01:09:01 Not participating in a competition?
01:09:11 Too busy saving the world, right?
01:09:14 You trying to bait me?
01:09:15 No. I'm trying to build a bridge with you.
01:09:20 I'm not good with bridges. Best leave it.
01:09:23 The thing is-
01:09:26 I said, just leave it.
01:09:28 Champion chili-eating contestants, take your places, please.
01:09:37 (applause)
01:09:41 Now, we need more than three. We've got three seats to fill. Who else will go? Come on, let's fill them up.
01:09:46 Ladies, come on, anyone for you.
01:09:48 Thank you very much. How marvellous. And you, sir, with your red chilis, you know?
01:09:52 I believe we have Detective Sergeant Winter at your disposal.
01:09:58 (applause)
01:10:00 You can complete the line-up.
01:10:02 Now, Mr Harlan, would you be so kind as to do the honors?
01:10:06 I'd love to.
01:10:07 I'll show you, Dixie Havagul.
01:10:15 You can't do that, Alder. You're banned.
01:10:17 Watch me.
01:10:18 (chewing)
01:10:47 I need to confirm, but cause of death seems clear.
01:10:50 Heart attack brought on by the intense heat of body heat.
01:10:53 Death by chili? Can chilis do that?
01:10:56 Not your regular chili, no.
01:10:58 But chilis dripping in 8-methyl-n-vanillyl-6-nonenamide significantly raise the risk of heart attack,
01:11:06 particularly in men and women of a certain age or those with underlying health issues.
01:11:10 Capsaicin.
01:11:13 The chemical that gives chilis their heat.
01:11:16 Which, even from a cursory examination, I'd say this chili was doused in.
01:11:23 So he was deliberately poisoned?
01:11:25 Question is, was he the real target?
01:11:28 Were all the chilis laced or just the one Mr Maclean ate?
01:11:34 Well, there's only one way to find out.
01:11:38 Let Fleur examine them in the lab.
01:11:41 Well, Dixie Havagul certainly knew about the hot stuff.
01:11:45 Because she banned Mr Maclean from the competition.
01:11:48 Exactly.
01:11:49 Ah, that's tech.
01:11:51 The last call that Liam Tarlton made was to the pub.
01:12:12 Did you tamper with the chilis in any way?
01:12:15 Course not. I was next in line for crying out loud.
01:12:19 Perhaps only one of the chilis was poisoned.
01:12:21 Question is whether Aldo Maclean was the target or Rooster.
01:12:26 Of course, you didn't see eye to eye with either.
01:12:29 Why would Dixie do such a thing? She just wouldn't.
01:12:32 Perhaps you would, then.
01:12:33 You spy on the rest of the village, getting Tobit Seton to gather surveillance.
01:12:38 It's very controlling.
01:12:40 I'm protecting this village, maintaining the Havagul legacy.
01:12:44 According to what you think.
01:12:46 According to what the Havaguls have done for centuries, actually.
01:12:50 Yes, about that.
01:12:52 The last call that Liam Tarlton made was to the pub.
01:12:56 Did you take it? Did either of you take it?
01:13:00 Mr Havagul, who else might answer the phone?
01:13:09 Just us.
01:13:10 We get busy. We're on the go.
01:13:13 Pulling pints, chatting to people, serving food.
01:13:16 Sometimes we don't answer the phone.
01:13:20 Is that right?
01:13:23 Where are these from?
01:13:33 The memory card on Tobit Seton's camera.
01:13:37 Dougie Harlin was clearly popular.
01:13:40 Maybe this isn't about climate change or ownership of the village.
01:13:44 I'm not sure. Maybe it's about love.
01:13:47 And talking of photos, that's Ken Makoto.
01:13:52 Don't tell me. A Japanese student at Tokyo University doing a PhD on cobalt in Uzbekistan.
01:14:00 Yep.
01:14:02 So the only thing we know for sure about our Ken Makoto is that he isn't Ken Makoto.
01:14:06 Correct.
01:14:07 So who is he?
01:14:09 I'll speak to him.
01:14:11 That environmental group in Austin, Texas. Do we have a list of board members?
01:14:27 Focus on Liam Tarleton's research. The key to all of this lies somewhere in there.
01:14:35 Dougie Duke Harlin came to Goodman's Land to research his family history.
01:14:40 Maybe he discovered something.
01:14:42 Then why run away? I mean, there's no trace of him. No bank card usage. He hasn't shown up on any databases.
01:14:48 The only thing we know about him is that he disappeared.
01:14:51 Like Liam Tarleton, maybe he discovered something. Something someone didn't like.
01:14:57 You suggest we might have another body to contend with.
01:14:59 I'm considering all possibilities, Winter.
01:15:02 Well, if you're right, then Lana Markham has a motive. She told us herself that she gave him an ultimatum.
01:15:07 One thing at a time.
01:15:09 What if Danny Tarleton wasn't killed because of anything to do with climate change?
01:15:14 What if he was killed because of the land that he was planning to dig up? Such a beautiful spot.
01:15:19 An Eden.
01:15:21 That would put Tobit Seton firmly in the frame.
01:15:24 Or anyone else who had something to hide there.
01:15:27 What are you thinking, sir?
01:15:30 I'm thinking there's a lot of people pretending to be what they're not.
01:15:48 Don't you knock?
01:15:50 I think the time for pleasantries is over.
01:15:52 Ah, two cups of Texan coffee.
01:15:58 You can come out now, Mr Harlin.
01:16:10 I checked out the environmental group in Austin, Texas. The board members and the sole funder above them.
01:16:17 Nico Akabane. A reclusive Japanese billionaire. One of the youngest ever made his money from tech.
01:16:25 And now wants to focus on reversing climate change.
01:16:29 Nice to meet you, Mr Akabane.
01:16:32 You are the person who's actually buying the village, aren't you?
01:16:39 Yeah.
01:16:40 Why don't you just come clean and tell everyone who you are?
01:16:44 Because I'm not a people person.
01:16:46 Oh. Ironic for someone trying to save the world.
01:16:50 This village is the heart of everything I believe in. A perfect test case study for how climate change can be reversed.
01:16:57 Lana's research was ignored here, but Rusa's brother sent it to me.
01:17:02 Without her knowing?
01:17:04 She has no idea.
01:17:06 Nico tried to find Dougie, couldn't. He came across me instead.
01:17:11 I needed to know if Lana's research was on the money. It is. I needed to check it out myself.
01:17:19 And you needed a smoke screen, a front man.
01:17:23 Who better than me? A bankrupt former oil man wanting to find his brother and pay something back.
01:17:30 I was more than happy to flush out who's really into a green future and who's just pretending.
01:17:37 Aldo McLean, God rest his soul, gave us the lowdown.
01:17:41 We think that chili he swallowed was intended for you.
01:17:45 That possibility had crossed my mind.
01:17:48 You're the detective, Sherlock. Who do you think was behind this?
01:17:58 Before I answer that, can I ask a question about your brother?
01:18:02 If he was involved with Lana, do you believe that he would just take off and leave without a word?
01:18:08 No, I do not.
01:18:10 Look, Dougie was a ladies' man and a free-spirited traveler, but he was also a gentleman.
01:18:16 A ladies' man, was he?
01:18:18 Yes, indeed.
01:18:20 But we were brought up properly. It's our family motto.
01:18:25 Hmm. Gratia et dignitas. Grace and dignity.
01:18:29 Verbonis facet. Makes a good man.
01:18:33 Good man.
01:18:39 I'm sorry to tell you, Mr. Harlin, but I think the person who killed Aldo McLean and the Tartans might also have killed your brother.
01:18:53 Sir, I think I've cracked it. Meet me at the church.
01:18:57 Winter. Winter?
01:19:02 It'll be okay. You'll be alright. We can talk it through.
01:19:20 Winter, are you okay?
01:19:22 Oh, yeah.
01:19:24 Mr. Havergill? Who are you talking to?
01:19:29 I just found him out here. I was taking him inside to take a look at him.
01:19:34 Lying and assaulting a police officer. I should arrest you right now, Mr. Havergill.
01:19:38 I'm sorry. I can explain.
01:19:44 Why don't we go to the pub? We could all do with a drink.
01:19:48 One second, Mr. Havergill. Why are we here, Winter? Because of the inscription?
01:19:52 Yeah. The M-A on the family crest. I think it's H-A.
01:19:57 Of course it is. Havergill. I've said it all along.
01:20:00 Or Harlin.
01:20:01 And the lettering that's worn. It looks like there's an L.
01:20:05 And I think the good man of good man's land was a Harlin all along.
01:20:10 That's what Liam Tarleton pieced together.
01:20:12 As did Dougie Duke four years ago.
01:20:17 [Somber music]
01:20:20 Quite a family gathering.
01:20:28 It has nothing to do with this.
01:20:31 This all started when Danny Tarleton drunkenly bragged about plans to build a motor racing circuit, didn't it?
01:20:37 You lied when you said you didn't know about his plans.
01:20:40 You couldn't have him digging up that field, could you?
01:20:44 So you stole the weather vane and lay in wait.
01:20:48 Is everything all right?
01:20:50 Hello? Is everything okay?
01:20:55 I don't know what you're talking about.
01:20:58 And what's she doing here?
01:21:01 I admit it. I did it. I killed them. I killed them all.
01:21:06 You said that you didn't answer the phone to Liam Tarleton.
01:21:09 I lied. I did.
01:21:12 No, you didn't.
01:21:14 It was you who answered the phone to Liam, wasn't it?
01:21:19 What's going on?
01:21:21 Liam Tarleton discovered that the village actually belongs to the Harlins.
01:21:25 So he rang the pub to tell you because he knew that you'd worked on the original research with Dougie.
01:21:30 Hello.
01:21:32 But you couldn't have Liam telling everyone.
01:21:35 So you intercepted and killed him with equipment grabbed in passing before making it back to the pub before anyone missed you.
01:21:42 Only, word spread that Rooster Harlin was none other than Dougie's brother.
01:21:48 New problem if Rooster started digging. What to do?
01:21:52 Presumably you saw the contents of the package that was delivered to Aldo.
01:21:57 And decided to try to poison Rooster.
01:22:00 But Aldo Maclean was killed by mistake.
01:22:04 So what's in that field, Miss Havagal?
01:22:10 A body? Someone you knew well? Someone who's been missing, perhaps?
01:22:16 Whose body? Tell me.
01:22:18 Did you know that your daughter was in love with Dougie Duke Harlin?
01:22:25 You're mine!
01:22:27 Dougie?
01:22:33 Dougie?
01:22:36 You and Dougie?
01:22:39 You were too young for him. It never would have worked.
01:22:42 So you did know.
01:22:44 I recognize heartbreak when I see it. I just thought he'd left.
01:22:49 This isn't just about ownership of the village. This is about love, isn't it? And not just any love, but first love.
01:23:00 And if Danny Tarleton dug up the land around Tobit's Seaton shack, he would have found-
01:23:06 Dougie! Stop!
01:23:09 What did you do to Dougie?
01:23:12 What did I do to him? I loved him, that's what I did!
01:23:20 No, we teased each other about who really owned the village. The Harlins or the Havagals.
01:23:27 But if we were together it wouldn't have mattered.
01:23:31 I loved him so much.
01:23:36 But you wouldn't see it.
01:23:38 You wanted him and the village.
01:23:41 Yes, I wanted to be someone. Somebody.
01:23:47 And all my life I've been told I can be whatever I wanted to be, have whatever I wanted.
01:23:54 And that was it.
01:23:57 But he rejected you.
01:23:59 Yes.
01:24:04 Dougie, he came to me and he said he knew for sure about the claims, that it wasn't ours and that it was his.
01:24:10 And that he loved Lana.
01:24:17 And I pleaded with him, but he said that we were just a bit of fun.
01:24:26 And that we were over.
01:24:32 And in that moment your whole world crumbled. You'd lost the village and Dougie.
01:24:38 That's when you changed. You became this.
01:24:45 I had nothing left.
01:24:49 [MUSIC]
01:25:07 I need to know where Dougie is.
01:25:15 He's buried behind the shack where the fight bit was.
01:25:20 His favourite place.
01:25:24 It's over.
01:25:35 [MUSIC]
01:26:02 Forensics have started digging in the field behind Toby Seaton's shack.
01:26:06 Over ten thousand?
01:26:08 And some. I even got congratulations.
01:26:11 From Sarah?
01:26:12 No, the app.
01:26:14 I'm very sorry about Dougie.
01:26:18 Me too. And I'm sorry I dealt with him.
01:26:23 All that matters now is that you continue with your work in his memory. Dougie would want that.
01:26:31 I hope we can ensure your research gets the attention it deserves. We'll rule it out to the world.
01:26:38 I don't know what to say.
01:26:41 One small concern if I might interject. Mr. Akabane here has bought a village that actually belongs to you. How are you going to resolve that?
01:26:48 Oh, I don't know. We'll think of something.
01:26:51 Either way, it's going to be greener than ever.
01:26:55 Absolutely.
01:26:59 We never did finish our competition. Great Britain versus America.
01:27:05 You know you want to.
01:27:09 No pressure, Winter. It's only national pride you play for.
01:27:18 Okay.
01:27:20 Let's do it.
01:27:25 [Sighs]
01:27:26 [Sighs]
01:27:27 [Music]
01:27:29 [Music]
01:27:57 [Groans]
01:27:59 [Groans]
01:28:00 Well, yee-haw. Let's get you a pint on the way home. I might even buy this one.
01:28:09 [Sighs]
01:28:12 [Music]
01:28:14 [Music]
01:28:16 [Music]
01:28:44 [MUSIC PLAYING]