10 Wrestlers Who Performed Their Own Theme Songs

  • last year
On this microphone, or in that ring...
00:00 The wrestler's entrance is so important it can make or break them.
00:03 One of the reasons I think The Undertaker had such longevity is because his walk to
00:07 the ring was so damn cool you'd buy a ticket to see it live.
00:11 As ever, many a performer has then decided the best way they could take advantage of
00:14 this is to add their personality to it, and well, the results have been mixed.
00:19 So I'm Tom from WhatCulture, please do subscribe.
00:21 This is 10 Wrestlers Who Performed Their Own Theme Songs.
00:25 10.
00:26 Chris Jericho & Judas
00:27 Chris Jericho was always going to do something different when he arrived in AEW.
00:31 He decided years ago to always reinvent himself, so given he was arriving in a brand new promotion,
00:36 no way we were going to get anything we'd seen before.
00:39 On this occasion, this included a brand new entrance song.
00:43 While he had used "Break the Walls Down" for most of his WWE career, this was the time
00:47 to throw his entire being into his ring walk, so he went for a song that he and his band
00:52 Fozzy had written.
00:53 Now, this was quite the gamble given how wrestling fans can be, but man, was this an inspired
00:58 choice.
00:59 Not only did it just click, but the audience loved it so much it became par for the course
01:02 that as soon as the opening riff hit, everyone sang along.
01:07 This instantly gave it a cool factor too, and really now has cemented itself as a classic
01:10 theme, so that damn Jericho did it again.
01:14 There's a reason why many call him the GOAT.
01:17 9.
01:18 John Cena & The Time Is Now
01:19 Wanna know the genius of John Cena's long time entrance music?
01:22 The start of it.
01:23 Much like Stone Cold Steve Austin's "Glass Break" or CM Punk's "TV Static", the whole
01:27 "Dun Dun Dun" whipped fans into such a frenzy, and by the time "Doo Doo Doo Doo" hit, that
01:34 was it.
01:35 We got booze, we got cheers.
01:37 Naturally, the champ was here.
01:38 It also gained cult status as the chant "John Cena Sucks" fit so well, and of course, after
01:44 a few beats, the man himself started to rap the lyrics.
01:47 It would tie into his gimmick from years prior that we'll talk about more later, and while
01:51 I doubt he's ever going to win awards for his style, Cena was more than fine, and I
01:55 tell ya, I kinda like it.
01:57 The most important aspect is that he became mad to anything else now, it just wouldn't
02:00 work, and that means he got it right.
02:03 8.
02:04 Ted DiBiase & It's All About The Money
02:05 The Million Dollar Man is an all-time gimmick.
02:09 Such was the dedication to the cause, Vince McMahon even plowed Ted with real cash so
02:12 if anyone saw him outside of the wrestling bubble, they'd really believe he was rich.
02:16 I mean, that's the way to do it.
02:18 It also tied into the fact that this guy had a huge ego, so despite his wealth, decided
02:23 he would use his own voice to sing his entrance song.
02:26 And to be fair, singing is a bit much as he basically talks to us throughout, but the
02:29 best part is that this is all themed around his finances, and that eventually he will
02:34 buy everyone.
02:35 That's brilliant.
02:36 You also get the iconic laugh to kick it off, and while Ted didn't partake in the "money,
02:40 money, money" part of his theme, it just ensures that you hate him instantly.
02:46 This is one of my favourites.
02:48 7.
02:49 The Rock & Know Your Role
02:50 Man, The Rock loved doing this, didn't he?
02:52 Not only do multiple variations of his theme music have him saying "if you smell what
02:56 The Rock is cooking", but every now and then he would drop in some speaking too.
03:01 He had the whole "The Rock says, The Rock, The Rock, Know Your Role" - it was weird.
03:05 Much like Cena though, him shouting his catchphrase just sent people loopy instantly, which is
03:09 always a joy, and he's pretty much had the same style of song for over 20 years.
03:14 I don't think that just happens.
03:16 Even when he was Hollywood Rock, he did a slower version of this, so he must have been
03:19 a fan of it, and I can see why.
03:21 If he ever does come back too, you know that you'll just get more of this.
03:25 And is anybody gonna complain?
03:27 No.
03:28 6.
03:29 The Honky Tonk Man & Cool Cocky Bad
03:31 As ever when the Honky Tonk Man comes up, we must remember that this guy thought the
03:34 best way to success in wrestling was to pretend to be Elvis.
03:38 Just sit with that for a while.
03:40 He was a right ass though, to the point he decided, as he was paying homage to a musical
03:44 great, he should sing a song fitting of the king.
03:46 The opening line of this theme is the best, as Honky goes "I've got long sideburns and
03:51 my hair's slipped back, I'm gonna do your town in my pit Cadillac" as if we couldn't
03:56 just see this with our own eyes.
03:58 Also I have no idea what he's talking about.
04:00 Seriously though, could anybody have come up with anything better than this for such
04:03 a character?
04:04 I don't think so, and while the whole presentation is nonsense, it has stood the test of time.
04:10 Another classic.
04:11 5.
04:12 Mickie James & Hardcore Country
04:13 I mean this one was just smart.
04:15 As well as a wrestler, Mickie James is also a country singer, so much like Chris Jericho,
04:19 why not use one of your own songs to accompany you to the ring?
04:22 Mainly associated with her time in TNA, James was also allowed to use it when she appeared
04:27 at the 2022 Royal Rumble, which was really cool, especially because it got a massive
04:31 pop the fans approved.
04:33 It's also a genuinely good song and shows Mickie is quite the talent in this area, and
04:37 likely has the added benefit of getting more people to check out her music.
04:41 That's a win-win.
04:42 I'll always have a soft spot for that perky tune she used for most of her WWE run, but
04:47 you'd be hard pushed to say this switch didn't go pretty well.
04:50 4.
04:51 Shawn Michaels & Sexy Boy
04:52 Shawn Michaels is one of the best wrestlers ever.
04:56 You can find dozens of his matches that are all time, and yet for every single one he
05:00 came out to "sexy boy", one of the most bizarre entrance themes there is.
05:04 If we did something similar for someone in 2022, the internet would melt down saying
05:09 this was the end and this guy is toast because 1) who would chat over their own music and
05:14 2) who would tell us over and over again that they were a sexy boy.
05:18 Just proves that sometimes you do actually have to let things play out.
05:22 It did fit his character perfectly in the early 90s though when he was playing the Heartbreak
05:25 Kid to great effect, and Shawn is one of those individuals who kept the same music for a
05:29 essentially their entire career.
05:31 It was always greety with noise too, even if it did start with someone else going "ha
05:35 ha Shawn".
05:36 Seriously, this one really odd.
05:39 3.
05:40 John Cena & Basic Thugonomics
05:41 This ties in to what we spoke about earlier with one small difference.
05:45 This John Cena theme is the better of the two and an absolute banger.
05:49 Like many of this list, it sold the persona before you'd even seen him, and once again
05:53 John does more than a fine job on the vocals as he's allowed to rap with far more attitude
05:57 than he was given during his later years.
05:59 If you were around for Cena's rise, this will still get you to pop today because it just
06:02 riles something up within you, and for proof of this, just go back to WrestleMania 35.
06:08 Fans hadn't heard it in ages, so when he busted it out in order to run down Elias, it was
06:12 a true trip down memory lane and a wonderful classic.
06:15 2.
06:16 R-Truth & What's Up
06:17 This is just fun.
06:19 A word that sums up R-Truth's latter part of his career.
06:22 Him wrapping himself to the ring and getting a crowd to shout "What's up?" as he does
06:26 it has never failed to entertain.
06:29 Running with fans is always smart, which is why it's kind of weird that during Truth's
06:32 most successful run in WWE, he came out to no music at all.
06:37 There was the whole point, of course, but it was sorely missed, and let's face it.
06:40 Duke can spit bars as his albums have proved, and it's a big reason why he's always been
06:44 so popular with the audience.
06:46 I mean, he has good vibes anyway, but this is what put him over the top, even if I always
06:50 think the lyrics are "Now I'm over here, now I'm over there, where I'm going next, I think
06:56 I'll stay right here."
06:57 And in case you've never looked them up and are about to, don't bother, because they definitely
07:02 aren't that.
07:03 Tyler Breeze & Mmm Gorgeous
07:05 This is like everything we've already talked about coming together in one, because we've
07:09 got some Ted DiBiase, some Shawn Michaels, and it let you know exactly who Tyler Breeze
07:14 was instantly.
07:15 A guy more concerned with his looks than the match ahead, his music ensured he was insufferable
07:19 as he told us how great he was.
07:21 I even think he talks about his amazing eyebrows.
07:24 It also paints a wonderful impression for those in the arena, and Breeze was always
07:28 so good at playing up to this with his mannerisms and facial expressions, and it's just a huge
07:32 shame he was released in 2021.
07:35 He was never really given a proper chance once he was done in NXT, even though when
07:39 you think about it, this character is tailor-made for the main roster.
07:42 It's a missed opportunity, no doubt.
07:44 If he ever does return to WWE 2 and they bust this out, I bet it still gets a good reaction,
07:49 because if something works once, it's probably going to work again.
07:53 Do you know of any other wrestlers that sang their own entrance theme music?
07:55 Make sure you let us know in the comments below and don't forget to like the video,
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08:11 My name is Simon from WhatCulture, I appreciate you tuning in, make sure you give yourself
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