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It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a list! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re looking at the best animated man of steel films. Watch out as we’re going, up, up and away into spoiler territory.
00:00 (roaring)
00:02 - I have to get back to work.
00:05 - Welcome to WatchMojo, and today,
00:08 we're looking at the best animated Man of Steel films.
00:11 We're excluding live action and focusing on movies
00:14 where Superman's name is in the title.
00:16 Watch out, as we're going up, up, and away
00:19 into spoiler territory.
00:22 - It's not a perfect world,
00:23 but we can't just throw morality in the garbage.
00:27 - Number 10, Superman, The Last Son of Krypton.
00:30 - I ripped the camper apart like it was cardboard,
00:32 and the fire never touched me.
00:34 I've always felt I was different,
00:35 even before you and Pa told me I was adopted,
00:37 but how is it possible I could do these things?
00:40 - The three-part premiere of DCAU's Superman,
00:42 the animated series, also serves as an origin movie.
00:46 Here, we watch decades go by.
00:48 We see the sad destruction of Krypton,
00:50 the joyous childhood days of Clark Kent,
00:52 and his triumphant turn as the Man of Steel.
00:55 The Last Son of Krypton sets the protagonist up
00:58 for his role as Earth's protector.
01:00 - He's strong, he flies, he's the Nietzschean fantasy ideal
01:03 all wrapped up in a red cape, the Superman.
01:08 - Superman?
01:09 - It also brings viewers up to speed on his greatest foes,
01:12 Lex Luthor and Brainiac.
01:14 It goes for a hopeful tone to inspire young viewers
01:18 that pairs well with Clark's determination
01:20 to take on the mantle of Superman.
01:22 The downside is that the heavy elements of his backstory
01:25 are dialed back, but the movie still does hype fans up
01:29 for Superman's many adventures in the DCAU.
01:32 - All I ask is that you tell the truth about me.
01:34 - And that is?
01:36 - I'm not here to scare anyone.
01:39 In fact, I've always tried to help people whenever possible.
01:42 - Number nine, Superman, Batman, public enemies.
01:45 - Captain Adam, I wanna thank you.
01:47 - I have a federal warrant for your arrest, Superman.
01:49 - So much for the cavalry.
01:54 Electing a supervillain as president
01:56 is a recipe for disaster.
01:58 This team-up film shows us why when Lex Luthor
02:01 becomes the commander-in-chief.
02:02 Once in office, the villain uses his power
02:04 to frame Superman for a crime he didn't commit.
02:07 Now public enemy number one,
02:09 the man still has to fight off Luthor's cronies
02:12 and the heroes working for him.
02:14 - I suppose it's useless to tell you to leave.
02:16 - I wouldn't miss this for anything.
02:18 - Your funeral.
02:19 - Already had one.
02:20 - With Batman as Superman's only trusted ally,
02:23 the two team up to clear their names
02:25 and expose Luthor's villainy.
02:27 Public enemies keeps the tension tight
02:29 from start to finish.
02:30 It's also full of great fight scenes
02:32 between heroes and villains alike.
02:34 While Batman shares top billing,
02:36 the movie highlights how Superman sticks to his core values
02:39 even when the world's against him.
02:41 - And I am the president.
02:43 - Consider yourself
02:46 impeached.
02:51 Number eight, "Superman Batman Apocalypse."
02:54 - All these years of pretending to be human
02:56 have made you soft.
02:58 - Kara, he's controlling you.
03:00 Fight him.
03:02 - The follow up to "Public Enemy"
03:04 goes for a more ambitious tale
03:06 by putting the heroes in the center
03:07 of an interstellar adventure.
03:09 After Supergirl arrives on Earth,
03:10 Superman watches as everyone from the Amazonians
03:13 to Darkseid's forces try to utilize his cousin's powers.
03:17 The film is a great watch for hardcore fans
03:19 that want to see classic locations
03:21 like "The Mascara" and "Apocalypse."
03:23 Additionally, the dynamic between "The Man of Steel"
03:26 and Supergirl is really rich.
03:28 Superman shows a mature side of himself
03:30 while trying to keep his cousin safe.
03:32 - His control over you is total.
03:34 I see that now, which is why I have to do this.
03:37 - The mistakes he make along the way
03:42 show how human he can be.
03:44 While the story focuses heavily on Supergirl,
03:47 fans get to see plenty of action
03:48 from Batman, Wonder Woman,
03:50 and of course, Superman himself.
03:52 - Don't ever come here again.
03:58 - Number seven, "Reign of the Supermen."
04:01 - I can't tell you how glad I am to see you again.
04:04 There's a lot you need to know.
04:06 - These broadcasts have brought me up to speed.
04:08 Darkseid killed my friends.
04:10 - Ironically, "The Blue Boy Scout"
04:12 is absent for most of this movie.
04:14 The film instead centers on four powerful beings
04:17 who try to take the Kryptonian's place
04:19 after he is presumed dead.
04:20 Since each one has a different approach of heroism,
04:23 the film wonderfully unpacks what it means to be Superman.
04:26 - I can't protect the people
04:27 if they think I'm a fake, Lois.
04:30 Even if you won't believe I'm Superman,
04:31 at least believe that I'm trying to do some good.
04:34 - It also highlights criminally underrated characters
04:37 like Steel and the Eradicator.
04:39 And when Kal-El steps back into the spotlight,
04:41 his return feels absolutely glorious.
04:44 "Reign of the Superman" keeps us fully entertained
04:47 with big clashes and a plot with surprising twists and turns.
04:51 It's a film that certainly showcases
04:52 why the world needs the original Superman.
04:55 - Clark Kent, feared lost in the doomsday fight,
04:58 is back home tonight,
04:59 thanks to the keen eye of another metropolis citizen
05:02 we thought we'd lost.
05:04 - Number six, "Superman Red Son."
05:06 - Until I was 12 years old, Miss Lane,
05:10 I was as human as you are.
05:12 This planet is the only home I've ever known,
05:15 and I would sacrifice anything to protect her.
05:18 - In this Elseworlds story,
05:20 Kal-El's rocket lands in the Soviet Union
05:22 around the time of World War II.
05:24 With a drastically different upbringing,
05:26 the Soviet Superman's aggressive morality
05:28 scares other world leaders.
05:30 The US in particular relies on Lex Luthor's brains
05:33 to defy this brutal man of steel.
05:35 "Superman Red Son" also puts different and intriguing spins
05:40 on established characters like Batman,
05:41 Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern.
05:43 But the inventive reimagining of man of steel
05:46 steals the show.
05:47 - No.
05:48 If I'd wanted to, I could have attacked
05:49 and brought America to its knees years ago.
05:52 But I want to achieve my goals by winning the argument,
05:54 not beating my opponents into submission.
05:57 - Rather than solely depicting Superman as evil,
05:59 "Red Son" gives us a complex superpower being
06:02 who simply embraced the values he was raised with.
06:05 As the movie progresses,
06:06 he constantly questions who he is
06:08 and who he should ultimately be in this new world.
06:11 - This is humanity's world,
06:15 and they have to be free to make their own mistakes,
06:18 chart their own course.
06:19 - Number five, "All-Star Superman."
06:21 - Your trip to the sun overexposed your cells
06:24 to solar radiation,
06:26 more than even your body can metabolize.
06:28 - I see it.
06:31 - The primary theme of Superman's stories
06:33 is to carry hope for a better future.
06:36 But what if there's no future for the man of steel?
06:39 "All-Star Superman" finds the hero in his last days
06:42 after overexposure to the sun.
06:44 Instead of looking for ways to survive,
06:46 the protagonist decides to spend his time
06:48 appreciating the ones he loves.
06:49 There's also the usual conflict with Lex Luthor
06:52 for him to contend with,
06:53 but the film leaves room for even this villain
06:56 to get a chance at redemption.
06:58 - All the things you said you would have done
07:00 to benefit humanity if I hadn't been in your way,
07:03 now's the time to prove it.
07:04 Lex, I know there's good in you.
07:08 - It's a heartfelt story that gives fans time
07:11 to say goodbye to this version of the character.
07:13 Superman eases everyone around him
07:15 as he approaches his impending demise.
07:17 - I'm running out of time.
07:19 I have few regrets.
07:22 My life has been a wonder.
07:24 - Number four, "Superman, Man of Tomorrow."
07:27 - Maybe we shouldn't have told him.
07:29 - He lifted a tractor with one finger, Martha.
07:31 He was gonna figure it out.
07:33 - The first entry in the "Tomorrow" verse
07:35 has another origin story for the last son of Krypton.
07:38 An unlikely combination of villains
07:40 and allies set up this adventure.
07:42 Fan favorites like Lobo, Jon Jones, and Parasite
07:45 stand out as fun new additions.
07:47 Since he's fresh into his superhero days,
07:49 there are quite a few surprises in store
07:51 for the inexperienced Superman.
07:53 - I am no bounty hunter.
07:55 My name is Jordan,
08:00 and I only wish to speak with you.
08:05 - This gives the character a true sense of vulnerability
08:08 that isn't seen too often in his stories.
08:10 The relatively low-key nature of the film
08:12 is a nice change of pace from other "Man of Steel" tales.
08:15 With action, humor, and good voice acting,
08:18 there's a bit of everything for fans to enjoy.
08:21 - Superman?
08:22 - You're right about my origins, Lois,
08:25 but not my intentions.
08:28 Please don't run your story.
08:31 I should be the one to tell the world.
08:33 - Number three, "The Batman/Superman Movie, World Finest."
08:36 - Bruce Wayne.
08:38 - You peaked.
08:40 - I won't have vigilantism in my town.
08:42 - You'll be rid of me as soon as I find the Joker.
08:46 - This three-parter from "Superman" the animated series
08:49 was released on home media as DCAU's first crossover film.
08:53 At the time, watching "Batman" and "Superman" together
08:56 was mind-blowing for viewers,
08:58 and honestly, the feeling still holds up.
09:00 It's hard to go wrong with a "Batman/Superman" team-up
09:03 where they face off against Lex Luthor,
09:06 Harley Quinn, and the Joker.
09:08 The clashing styles and belief systems
09:10 on both the good and evil sides
09:11 make for intriguing and layered scenes.
09:14 - I figured you might want to help me bring Luthor in.
09:16 - A partnership?
09:18 You're joking.
09:19 - Actually, I'm having trouble finding Luthor,
09:21 and I thought you might have some ideas.
09:23 - I might.
09:24 - Despite the differences between heroes,
09:26 "World's Finest" shows why "Batman" and "Superman"
09:29 are a winning combo.
09:30 Their rivalry ultimately brings the best out of each other.
09:33 It also serves as a springboard for their eventual bromance
09:37 in the DCAU's "Justice League" series.
09:39 - Come to make sure I'm leaving?
09:41 - Actually, I thought we worked pretty well together.
09:43 Not that I want to make it a regular event.
09:46 - Number two, "Superman vs. The Elite."
09:48 - This isn't a joke.
09:50 You can't murder people and call yourselves heroes.
09:53 - Why not?
09:54 Your government does it all the time.
09:56 - This entry exemplifies how "Superman"
09:58 can be the stuff of nightmares.
10:00 The conflict begins when a group known as the Elite
10:02 start doing the Man of Steel's job for him.
10:05 However, this isn't just about a matter
10:07 of who the best heroes are.
10:09 The two sides engage in a compelling moral debate
10:12 about the merits between lethal and non-lethal force.
10:15 Eventually, the Elite seem to encourage Superman
10:18 to embrace bloody vigilante justice.
10:20 - The world needs people in charge
10:22 who are willing to put the animals down.
10:27 - Nowadays, the notion of dark or evil Superman
10:30 seems to be quite commonplace.
10:32 But back when it was a little less common,
10:35 Elite gave us an excellent and complex peek
10:37 at how he could fall from grace.
10:39 Suffice it to say, we're glad Superman
10:42 stays on the right side of the law.
10:44 - Luckily, I'm not you, and I never will be.
10:48 (crying)
10:50 - Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
10:52 and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
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11:04 - Number one, the death of Superman.
11:08 - Wade, take him down, Clark.
11:12 Don't hold back, or he'll kill everyone.
11:18 - The death of Superman is one of the most popular stories
11:20 featuring the titular protagonist.
11:22 However, the movie doesn't just coast
11:24 on the title's premise.
11:26 This animated adaptation dives further
11:28 into Superman's struggle to balance his life as a hero
11:31 with his Clark Kent persona.
11:33 Even though he has a godlike battle
11:35 with the villainous Doomsday, his humanity matters most.
11:39 - I've got you.
11:40 - You've got me, but who's got you?
11:44 - Speaking of, the fight sequences compliment
11:47 both characters with breathtaking views
11:49 of their incredible powers.
11:50 But death of Superman's emotional beats
11:53 hit even harder than any of Doomsday's punches.
11:56 With themes of love and sacrifice
11:58 blended with pulsating action,
12:00 this movie sets a gold standard
12:02 for how a Superman story should play out on screen.
12:05 - You saved everyone.
12:06 - Good.
12:12 It's all I ever wanted.
12:15 - Which Superman movie do you think
12:17 does the Man of Steel justice?
12:19 Let us know in the comments down below.
12:21 - How does it feel to be deconstructed?
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12:33 (upbeat music)
12:35 (upbeat music)
12:38 (upbeat music)
12:40 (upbeat music)
12:43 [music fades out]