Epi1:With the nominal of all sentient beings, how did Tathagata Buddha set up the Chessboard

  • 7 months ago
Do you know why Game Science named their game as a “black” myth?

"If good and evil have no retribution, the universe must have selfishness."

Friends, do you think that the world is selfish?

The real face of 《Journey to the West》, this ancient, wise novel, we will show it to you...

《Journey to the West》 is called one of the greatest four classic Chinese novels in history. We call them the greatest, not just because they can be accepted by all ages. Metaphors, sarcasm, social contradictions, everything that can’t tell right in front of those who are in power, etc.

《Journey to the West》, without a doubt, was full of those things. When we dig deeper and deeper into this novel, we’ll find many confusing things and contradictions. Therefore, unscrambling and unraveling this ancient novel was a huge job.

Till nowadays, the dark side of this novel finally started to show itself. The hypocrisy of Buddhas and Gods, the real aim of this journey, I believe even many Chinese people haven’t realized it yet. Even we haven’t noticed what the author meant after almost 500 years passed, and I’m afraid you guys don’t have a clue either.

From the moment we could remember things, Wukong and his opera witnessed almost every child’s growth in China.
We watched Wukong choose the rebel path, we watched him fail, we watched him learn from them, and we watched him finally become…… one of them.

So I decided to share what’s new about 《Journey to the West》, and maybe we will know a bit or two of the reason《Black Myth: Wukong》, its creators want to call it a “dark” myth.

These videos are from a talented Chinese Bilibili uploader called “阿粥粥阿粥”。 He brought us a brand-new view of our Childhood hero and his story. And through his video, we started to really understand what this ancient, wise novel tells us about.

But indeed, the video has ancient Chinese. This is why I have to translate the videos with my own words and own thoughts, sentence by sentence, word by word. My translation is not perfect, so please do not hesitate to ask when you don’t understand.

Some explanations that I can't put into the video, I will put them on Twitter.
