Charytatywny maraton zumby w Głogowie

  • last year


00:00 In primary school number 8 in Głogów, another year in a row, a charity "Zoomba" marathon was organized, which was combined with the fair.
00:10 During this marathon, money was raised for the treatment of one of the school's pupils.
00:14 We are collecting money for the "Horom Nadje" from the third A.
00:17 There is a fair, people buy and give money for the "Horom Nadje".
00:23 The fans prepared the fair for the students and their parents.
00:26 What was the biggest interest?
00:29 The biggest interest is the cake and various sweets.
00:33 Bigger and more.
00:37 Girls, you work in a school volunteer.
00:40 Yes.
00:42 Do you often help others?
00:44 Yes, very often. We have a volunteer every week.
00:48 Sometimes there are some actions, and sometimes there are fewer of them.
