Improperly Loaded Trailer Accidentally Fishtails on Highway

  • last year
This person was driving their vehicle on a highway when they saw a trailer fishtailing right in front of them. Thankfully, they pushed the brakes in time and saved themself and the other driver from a major accident.
00:00 [radio chatter]
00:10 How's that? Any better?
00:16 Nah, negative.
00:18 Oh, [bleep]!
00:23 What happened?
00:24 Oh, this [bleep] Silverado in front of me [bleep] with his tractor.
00:29 With his tractor, I'm stuck behind him.
00:32 Okay.
00:36 Hello?
00:37 I'm going to a 19. I'm trying to get out of the way here.
