Beauty queen Pearl Hung preparing for Miss Global pageant

  • last year
A beauty queen from Palawan is looking to make the country proud in the pageant stage.

How is she preparing for this year's Miss Global?

Let's find out.

Miss Global Philippines Pearl Hung now joins us on The Final Word.
00:00 A beauty queen from Palawan is looking to make the country proud on the pageant stage.
00:05 How is she preparing for this year's Miss Global?
00:08 And let's find out also more about her advocacies.
00:12 Joining us now is Pearl Hung, who is a transformational coach.
00:16 She's also an entrepreneur, a publisher, and author.
00:21 And she joins us now on The Final Word.
00:23 Pearl, thank you so much.
00:24 Wow, you wear so many hats.
00:26 But first of all, I want to find out from you, how are you preparing for Miss Global,
00:30 which will be held in two countries.
00:32 Yes.
00:32 Vietnam and Cambodia.
00:34 And Cambodia.
00:35 Yes, Vietnam will be preliminaries and Cambodia will be coronation night.
00:39 And so I'm preparing so much for this pageant.
00:42 It has been months that I'm preparing for this.
00:46 But most importantly, I'm preparing and have prepared for a lot of years with my mental toughness.
00:55 Yes.
00:56 And the spirituality, why I joined the competition.
01:01 And of course, key here when you join these competitions is your advocacies.
01:07 Yes.
01:07 And how you are as well learning and building up for the question and answer sessions.
01:14 That's what everyone is always looking forward to.
01:16 Yes, that's the time where people get to know more about you during the question and answers.
01:22 And what are your key advocacies?
01:24 Okay, mine is about empowerment.
01:28 I've been through a lot of charitable works, advocacies.
01:33 I was doing that since I was a teenager.
01:35 Like, like Oplandines because I'm from Palawan and it's really...
01:41 One of the most beautiful islands.
01:43 Yes.
01:43 Not only in the Philippines but in the world.
01:45 In the world, yes.
01:46 And I've been through a lot of advocacies, a lot of charities.
01:50 And then I just realized one day that if you have changed the mindset of a person,
01:56 you will change not only that person's life but that person's generation.
02:01 And for me, that's what is the most important.
02:06 So you'll be championing self-healing and women empowerment.
02:12 Yes, definitely.
02:13 And of course, you've gone through a lot in your life.
02:16 Your parents passed on when you were three years old.
02:19 You were taken care of by your eldest sister and your older brothers.
02:25 How has that journey been to become who you are today,
02:30 representing the Philippines in the Miss Global Pageant in Vietnam and Cambodia?
02:35 Wow.
02:36 Having that kind of life before, I was thinking that, oh, I was so unfortunate.
02:41 But I was thinking that as a kid, you have that kind of mindset of that.
02:45 And securities about life until I've come to flip it
02:50 and transform my mind from a negative perspective to a reason.
02:55 A purpose.
02:56 A purpose that I see that as a gift for me to be strong
03:02 and to have this kind of motivation in my life.
03:05 It's given me something to fulfill in my life.
03:11 And what kind of inspiration did your older siblings help you with
03:17 through this transformation from being a kid, a teenager, and now an adult?
03:25 They're that siblings who will tell you, OK, do what you want.
03:29 It's up to you.
03:31 And the moment that you own your life, own your decisions,
03:34 that you grow from your own because you have nobody to blame at the end of the day.
03:40 And I really appreciate that kind of nurturing with me.
03:47 And your experience of women empowerment and self-healing as you grew up is now in two books, right?
03:57 Yes.
03:58 The Breakthrough Book and Pearl Notes.
04:01 And tell us more about the Breakthrough Book.
04:04 The Breakthrough Book.
04:05 What is the essence of it?
04:06 Yes. It was actually the life principles that I've realized during the journey of from the rocks,
04:14 from the bottom up to where I am now, though there's still a long way to go.
04:19 And the realizations that I've had getting that success, the perseverance, the grit,
04:26 the understanding why life is knocking you down and why you need to rise up once again.
04:33 Grit is really very important.
04:35 Yes.
04:36 And perseverance.
04:37 Yes.
04:38 Because when you're already down in the trenches, you're in the gutter, where else is the way but to go up?
04:44 Yes.
04:45 And it is really just yourself who can lift yourself up.
04:49 Others can guide you, but you have to really help yourself.
04:52 Yes. And I really advocate inspiration to go viral.
04:56 That's why I do content.
04:58 And I want to leverage books for me to be able to transform people's minds.
05:06 Because not all the people watch this video.
05:08 Some of them want to read books.
05:10 So I published this book.
05:12 Well, that's good, right?
05:13 You have to go really multi-platform.
05:16 Yes.
05:17 I'm guessing here on the final word, you have your own videos to inspire people and books.
05:23 Because a lot of our Kababayans right now, especially the youth, do not read anymore.
05:28 Yes.
05:29 But we still have to read.
05:32 And apart from the breakthrough book, what is the essence and the purpose of the Pearl Notes?
05:37 The Pearl Notes, I call it #PearlNotesMagicalInsightsOfAwareness.
05:41 Why does it have hashtag?
05:43 Because since 2016, I've been posting quotes or realizations for a day that it has gained followers.
05:52 It has gained people's mind to be okay.
06:01 Because there's a lot of them who are suicidal.
06:04 They even chat me that, "Pearl, thank you so much because of you."
06:09 In your book.
06:10 It didn't commit suicide because of that hashtag, #PearlNotes.
06:13 And so then I come to realize--
06:15 Everyone can relate, especially the millennials and the Gen Zs because of the hashtag.
06:19 The hashtag is used now in social media across the board.
06:24 So if you search the hashtag #PearlNotes, since 2016, I have been publishing content, quotes,
06:30 because I know that somehow it will give light to a person's life.
06:36 And so I have compiled all the best Pearl Notes quotable quotes originally by me.
06:42 It's 143 quotes.
06:44 So it's like 140, "I love you."
06:46 Something like that.
06:47 And it's my message to the world.
06:49 And it's really transformational.
06:53 What is your message right now to our viewers who are going through challenging times in their lives?
07:00 Life happens not for you, but it happens to you.
07:05 You need that for you to grow.
07:06 And life without growth is--you're not living at all.
07:10 And so the repetitive challenges that's happening in your life needs assessment.
07:17 And so you need to tweak your mind, set another perspective, have another energy for you to go on in your life.
07:24 And always remember, the great personalities endured many scars.
07:29 Wow. Fantastic.
07:31 I believe this is what will make Miss Pearl Hung Miss Global in Cambodia.
07:39 But you are also an entrepreneur.
07:42 How do you divide your time being a beauty queen, being a publisher and author,
07:48 being a transformational and motivational coach, and an entrepreneur of your own direct-selling business?
07:54 There's a lot of paths.
07:55 Yeah, a lot of paths.
07:57 But I'm sure it's all about balance.
07:59 Yes, and I have set everything one by one.
08:06 It looks like I have a lot of hats.
08:08 I'm doing a lot of things, but I make sure that before I go into another thing that I need to do in my life,
08:16 I have already built what needs to be built in my business.
08:21 Like, for example, I have already duplicated a lot of people, a lot of leaders,
08:25 who think the way I think, who does the way I do.
08:28 And so that's why right now when I was asked to represent Philippines at Miss Global 2023,
08:36 I said yes, so why not, because my business is already running.
08:40 Congratulations.
08:41 Thank you so much.
08:42 For being a successful entrepreneur.
08:43 What is your mindset, Pearl, as we enter the new year, 2024, the year of the dragon?
08:51 Wow.
08:52 It's really...
08:53 It's the year of the dragon, huh?
08:54 Yes, it's the year of the dragon.
08:56 It looks like it will be a very successful year across the board.
09:02 Yes.
09:03 For the year of the dragon, you need to start today, not the new year,
09:09 because many people just rely on the New Year's resolution for them to change something
09:15 or to decide that they want to go on into the next level of their lives.
09:19 So why not we do New Year's resolution or make a resolution every day in your life?
09:24 And so that you have daily chances to grow, then of the yearly chances to grow.
09:30 But definitely year of the dragon, this will be so abundant, so prosperous to everyone.
09:35 So brace yourselves to have a lot of growth learning and abundance in your life.
09:41 And celebrate life each day.
09:43 Yes.
09:44 Right?
09:45 Let's not make plans for the whole year, but we have to celebrate life one step at a time.
09:50 That's true.
09:51 And we wish the best to you in Vietnam and Cambodia.
09:54 Thank you.
09:55 We're really very proud of you.
09:56 And we will be rooting for Pearl Hung, Miss Global Philippines,
10:00 when she leaves for Vietnam on December 28th.
10:03 Yes. Thank you so much, Sir.
10:05 Pearl Hung, Miss Global Philippines, transformational coach, publisher, author, and entrepreneur.
10:11 Yes.
