Noddy Holder opens up on cancer diagnosis and being given months to live

  • last year
Noddy Holder opens up on cancer diagnosis and being given months to live. Source: White Wine Question Time, Apple podcasts
00:00 He said, "We've never tried it on anybody over 60."
00:03 Four times more powerful than normal chemo.
00:06 And he said, "If you want to try it, we can try it.
00:10 We're not giving you any guarantees.
00:12 You know, you'll be the first one over 60 to take it."
00:16 I was 72 at the time.
00:18 I thought, "What choice have I got?"
00:19 It's six months, I want to try it out.
00:23 I tried it out five years ago and I'm still here.
00:27 So it's worked so far.
00:29 They never tell you you're cured, mind you.
00:31 Never in any concept.
00:33 But so far, touch wood, it's been OK.
00:36 They came to the right man, didn't they?
00:38 Constitution of an ox you've got.
00:40 Well, it's also your mindset.
00:42 I'm down to say it works for everybody.
00:44 And this treatment wouldn't work for everybody.
00:46 I was one of the lucky ones.
00:49 And the consultant says, "I'm giving it to you
00:53 because you have got a great outlook, a positive outlook on life,"
00:57 which I've always had, even as a little kid I have.
00:59 I live for now.
01:01 Yesterday don't matter that much to me.
01:03 Future don't matter much to me.
01:06 What people say about me don't matter much to me
01:08 because the most of them I'm never going to meet and I never don't know.
01:11 So I go along in my own sweet way.
01:13 I've always done that.
01:15 And he said, "That's a good attitude for you to,
01:17 you know, try the treatment and the recovery, aren't we?"
01:21 Because it fell on lucky for me
01:24 that just as I'm getting my strength back, I'd done my course of chemo.
01:27 Just as I'm getting my strength back,
01:29 because I'd have built up my immune system and everything again.
01:32 Covid hit.
01:34 Oh no.
01:35 So then if I'd have caught Covid, I would have been in big trouble.
01:39 God, that must have made it very stressful in lockdown.
01:43 I have to be very, very careful what I did and where I went and stuff like that.
01:47 But, you know, it's all worked out so far.
