Heaven & Earth (1993)
Heaven & Earth is a 1993 biographical war drama film written and directed by Oliver Stone, and starring Tommy Lee Jones, Haing S. Ngor, Joan Chen, and Hiep Thi Le. It is the third and final film in Stone's Vietnam War trilogy, following Platoon (1986) and Born on the Fourth of July (1989).
Short filmTranscript
00:00:00 [Music]
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00:01:03 [Music]
00:01:10 A long time ago, a young woman went off into the world.
00:01:15 Like her brothers and sisters, she fought in wars, had children, suffered, and loved greatly.
00:01:26 [Music]
00:01:35 I was the sixth born child, Phuong Thi Le Ly.
00:01:40 And I lived in the most beautiful village on earth.
00:01:46 [Music]
00:01:51 [Music]
00:01:58 [Music]
00:02:08 [Music]
00:02:18 [Music]
00:02:28 [Music]
00:02:38 [Music]
00:02:48 [Music]
00:02:58 [Music]
00:03:13 My earliest memories were working alongside mother in the fields.
00:03:18 Always working, my mother.
00:03:20 Each grain of rice, a symbol of life never wasted.
00:03:25 While we worked, she would teach me everything I had to know about life.
00:03:29 Mama, where did I really come from? Where did babies come from?
00:03:34 [Laughs]
00:03:36 From my belly button.
00:03:40 Don't worry. God makes babies and put them in your belly.
00:03:45 You have plenty of warning.
00:03:47 [Music]
00:03:50 The fragile rice had to be planted and transplanted several times.
00:03:55 [Music]
00:03:57 Our rice paddies were always near the cemeteries because we believed the spirits passed through the soil into the rice.
00:04:04 So the new generation in eating the rice was sharing in the spirit of their ancestors.
00:04:10 [Music]
00:04:13 [Music]
00:04:15 [Music]
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00:04:31 [Music]
00:04:36 [Music]
00:04:39 [Music]
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00:04:50 [Music]
00:04:55 [Music]
00:05:00 [Music]
00:05:04 And one day, in the summer of 1953, the French came.
00:05:10 [Music]
00:05:30 They destroyed our village and the following year we went hungry.
00:05:36 I will never forget my father's eyes as he watched our house burn to the ground.
00:05:43 But as it had happened to our village for so many centuries, we rebuilt our lives.
00:05:49 [Music]
00:06:09 [Music]
00:06:19 [Music]
00:06:29 [Music]
00:06:39 [Music]
00:06:42 Mama, where do babies really come from?
00:06:45 [Music]
00:06:55 [Music]
00:07:13 [Music]
00:07:23 [Music]
00:07:33 [Music]
00:08:01 And in 1963, the peasant countryside changed forever.
00:08:07 [Music]
00:08:25 When the Viet Cong first arrived that rainy season, some of them were remnants from the war against the French.
00:08:32 Many of them were displaced immigrants from the North.
00:08:36 All of them were angry.
00:08:38 [Music]
00:08:55 My parents taught me Vietnam is Con Rầm Cháu Tiên, a free nation.
00:09:02 That is what this war is about.
00:09:04 The Chinese, the Japanese, the French, they have each tried to rule us.
00:09:08 And we have won.
00:09:10 The North and South are inseparable like sisters.
00:09:13 But in 1954, the French and American allies gave themselves the right to separate us and kidnap the South.
00:09:21 Can we stand by and watch a kidnapper taking turns raping and corrupting our sister?
00:09:29 That is what this war is about.
00:09:31 [Vietnamese]
00:09:34 Why should outsiders come in, divide the land, and tell some people go North and they go South?
00:09:39 Why?
00:09:40 If Vietnam were truly for the Vietnamese people, shouldn't we be able to choose the kind of government we want?
00:09:46 A nation cannot have two governments any more than a family can have two fathers.
00:09:51 They have aircraft, bombs, 10 men for every one of us.
00:09:55 What do we have?
00:09:57 We have rags.
00:09:59 We have rifles.
00:10:00 And sticks.
00:10:01 We have sticks.
00:10:04 We have no rank.
00:10:05 We have no promotion.
00:10:08 We take no money.
00:10:12 We are your servant.
00:10:14 We respect your home and shrine.
00:10:18 We are your family.
00:10:20 [Vietnamese]
00:10:46 [Vietnamese]
00:11:04 It was my brother, Sau, I loved the most.
00:11:07 He was always there to protect me and make me laugh.
00:11:10 [Vietnamese]
00:11:27 Marie.
00:11:29 Sweetwise, black things.
00:11:31 Mama.
00:11:32 You be very careful, huh?
00:11:33 Right, Sau?
00:11:34 I will, baby.
00:11:36 [Whistling]
00:11:41 I leave, I will return.
00:11:43 Be a big girl, always take care of Mama and Papa.
00:11:47 Protect yourself and go, Sau.
00:11:49 Take care.
00:11:54 As they went north to Hanoi with the Vietcong, I felt it was the last time I'd see my older brother, Bon,
00:12:01 and my younger brother, Sau, for a long, long time, maybe forever.
00:12:08 But it was Sau who was ripped from my heart.
00:12:19 You understand that a country is more than a lot of dirt, rivers, and forests.
00:12:28 You know your brother, Sau, may not come back.
00:12:39 I told you many times, the Chinese ruled our land.
00:12:45 Many died, Le Loi and Gia Long and the Cheung sisters,
00:12:51 and your ancestor, Phuong Tichin, fought to throw out the Chinese.
00:12:56 Your grandfather fought and died against the Japanese just before you were born.
00:13:02 We suffered much.
00:13:06 When the Japanese came, your mother and I were taken to Da Nang to build a runway for their airplanes.
00:13:16 We worked like slaves.
00:13:20 What was a bowl of rice and another day of life, freedom is never a gift, Bailey.
00:13:29 It must be won and won again. Do you know that?
00:13:33 I do.
00:13:34 You see this land, Vietnam, is going to be yours now.
00:13:40 If the enemy comes back, you must be both a daughter and a son now.
00:13:59 For my father, I learned to love God and the people I could not see, my ancestors.
00:14:06 But I would learn in time, my father's words would be twisted by events.
00:14:21 [dog barking]
00:14:24 [engine revving]
00:14:35 [engine revving]
00:15:01 [gunfire]
00:15:30 The government soldiers came to our village with the support of the American advisors.
00:15:35 Your village will be safe.
00:15:36 They built barricades against the Viet Cong.
00:15:39 It's a part of the new Binh Ki Hamlet.
00:15:42 Many of you will be asked to take militia training, so you will be prepared to resist the communist rebel.
00:15:53 You will be rewarded with food and money.
00:15:57 Your older children will be sent to camp for military training, but younger children can go to school.
00:16:06 Your village will be happy and peaceful.
00:16:10 If you have any questions, go to your leader.
00:16:16 [shouting]
00:16:20 The soldiers ate our food, slept with our women, and they searched our homes just as the soldiers of the warlords had centuries before.
00:16:29 But the government leader, whose name was Mô Đình Yến, America's ally, was a Catholic like the French,
00:16:36 and that alone made him suspicious to the Buddhists in our area.
00:16:42 The northern leader, Hồ Chí Minh, had been a great patriot against the Japanese and the French,
00:16:48 and we always heard stories of his compassion and his love for Vietnam.
00:16:53 [shouting]
00:16:58 [vehicle approaching]
00:17:00 [shouting]
00:17:09 What are they?
00:17:10 Americans.
00:17:14 They say they all have blind blue eyes behind their glasses.
00:17:18 If you take their shoes off, they have sore feet and cry in pain.
00:17:22 Take away their glasses, their boots, they can't fight.
00:17:26 They're not very good soldiers.
00:17:28 They're not very good friends.
00:17:31 Your president, Mô Đình Yến, wants to know,
00:17:34 what will you do if you see a Vietcong or hear about someone who's plopping them?
00:17:41 Plop them into the soldiers.
00:17:46 Good. And get a big reward for every Vietcong you help capture.
00:17:51 [applause]
00:17:53 During the day, we were a government village,
00:17:56 but each night when the soldiers returned to their base camp and we played amongst ourselves,
00:18:01 there was never any shortage of Vietcong fighters.
00:18:04 [shouting]
00:18:16 One night, the Vietcong came for my teacher.
00:18:19 [shouting]
00:18:31 You've been teaching these children to betray their country? Traitor!
00:18:35 [shouting]
00:18:41 The first thing you should learn on this night, Kila, was safe.
00:18:45 From the boots of the oppressor, we are the soldiers of liberation.
00:18:49 The night belonged to the Vietcong.
00:18:52 Even though I was scared, it was no real choice.
00:18:56 They fought for our freedom against the southern government.
00:19:00 No matter who's asking the questions, either side, they're stupid, stupid, stupid child.
00:19:06 [shouting]
00:19:09 Any news from Sao of Nguyen?
00:19:11 North. There's still train in the north.
00:19:13 Any chance for a visit?
00:19:14 There's no time now for sons and mothers.
00:19:16 [shouting]
00:19:20 And I told them we needed her on the farm.
00:19:23 For all the help, she's around here.
00:19:25 Maybe we should send her off with Sao.
00:19:27 That'll teach her the value of a good day's work.
00:19:29 Don't talk like that.
00:19:30 Bailey must do her work like everyone else.
00:19:33 She thinks she's some little princess.
00:19:35 Too good for work. Too busy blinking your eyes at good-for-nothing schoolboys.
00:19:38 That's not true, Mama. It's the big boys that bother me all the time.
00:19:41 Don't talk like that. You be quiet.
00:19:43 Don't hit her again.
00:19:44 Do you hear me? Do you want to send all my children to Hanoi or Saigon?
00:19:48 If I can't help my family around me, what's the point of living any longer?
00:19:52 Why do you always think of only yourself?
00:19:54 The French, the Japanese, now the Americans. All of us.
00:19:58 It's good they go north now and fight for the right thing.
00:20:00 We have no choice. War's coming, you stupid, selfish man.
00:20:03 Stop it. Go!
00:20:06 Forgive him, Mama. Don't cry.
00:20:16 I made your papa lose face.
00:20:23 If you ever do that to a husband, I'll have both your cheeks blown.
00:20:28 One from him and one from me. You hear me?
00:20:31 Which one is first?
00:20:53 Hey, buddy! This is it!
00:20:55 You talk now or it's bye-bye, Charlie!
00:20:58 You big asshole!
00:21:01 Fucker!
00:21:03 Stay!
00:21:04 All right! You're it!
00:21:12 It's a good fight!
00:21:19 You're under arrest for anything to do with the French!
00:21:22 You're under arrest for anything to do with the French!
00:21:30 Shh!
00:21:32 Shh!
00:22:00 At my mother's request, a local wizard came to examine the umbilical cords of my two soldier brothers,
00:22:06 who had not written in more than a year.
00:22:09 The older one is strong and healthy.
00:22:13 The younger one is in a place too grey for me to see.
00:22:20 No, this is not true. I know Sao is alive. I feel it in my womb.
00:22:27 I feel it in my womb.
00:22:29 Did you hear funny noises last night?
00:22:39 Maybe voices last night in the rain?
00:22:44 I did.
00:22:45 Ah! Here is your trouble, then.
00:22:49 Your shrine is too small.
00:22:54 Who needs to come in? That's all.
00:22:57 Just build a shrine outside and everything will be fine.
00:23:03 [SOMBER MUSIC]
00:23:11 [SOFT MUSIC]
00:23:38 The Viet Cong ingrained in us a sense of sad.
00:23:42 Duty to land, duty to country.
00:23:45 The ant became our moral model.
00:23:48 We formed cells, associations, where no one person accumulated power over others.
00:23:54 Only in battle, or by your own hand, will you be immortalized.
00:23:58 You never moved up in the ant society. You only moved further in.
00:24:03 If the Viet Cong won the peasants over, it was because they lived their lives with us.
00:24:09 [SOMBER MUSIC]
00:25:09 [SHOUTING]
00:25:12 [SHOUTING]
00:25:31 But every time we ambushed the government soldiers, twice as many came back.
00:25:37 [SHOUTING]
00:25:40 [EXPLOSIONS]
00:25:59 [EXPLOSIONS]
00:26:02 [EXPLOSIONS]
00:26:12 [SHOUTING]
00:26:18 [SHOUTING]
00:26:26 [SHOUTING]
00:26:33 [SHOUTING]
00:26:43 One day, they came for me.
00:26:50 [SHOUTING]
00:26:53 [SHOUTING]
00:27:10 [SHOUTING]
00:27:13 Tell me quickly. Why were you on the road?
00:27:27 Cutting grass for my water buffalo. I didn't tell my parents.
00:27:30 Liar.
00:27:32 [GRUNTS]
00:27:35 Again.
00:27:39 Why were you on the road?
00:27:41 I didn't mean any harm to anybody.
00:27:44 Liar.
00:27:46 [SCREAMING]
00:27:49 You a gumbo guy?
00:28:00 DC cadre girl.
00:28:02 You were giving warning to your friends.
00:28:05 [EXPLOSION]
00:28:08 Where's the VC base?
00:28:13 I don't know.
00:28:16 [ENGINE STARTS]
00:28:20 [ENGINE STARTS]
00:28:23 [SOBBING]
00:28:26 How many battles have you been in?
00:28:33 How's your leg?
00:28:36 Please.
00:28:39 I'm just a girl. I haven't done anything.
00:28:43 [EXPLOSION]
00:28:46 You know what this is for?
00:28:58 Think about what this can do to your body.
00:29:01 How would your baby like you with no nipples?
00:29:04 Or maybe I could cut some skin off your ass to make some sandals.
00:29:08 Think about it.
00:29:11 Yes, be a cow hero.
00:29:13 When you're called again,
00:29:15 you be prepared to tell me everything you know.
00:29:18 [DOOR SLAMS]
00:29:24 [DOOR SLAMS]
00:29:30 [♪♪♪]
00:29:33 [♪♪♪]
00:29:36 [♪♪♪]
00:29:39 [♪♪♪]
00:29:42 [♪♪♪]
00:29:45 [GRUNTS]
00:29:51 [GRUNTS]
00:30:03 [GRUNTS]
00:30:15 [GROANS]
00:30:18 [SOBBING]
00:30:21 [SOBBING]
00:30:24 [SOBBING]
00:30:33 [SOBBING]
00:30:39 [SOBBING]
00:30:45 [♪♪♪]
00:30:48 [WHISPERING]
00:30:51 Yes. Yes.
00:30:54 No. No!
00:30:57 ( screaming )
00:31:00 ( screaming )
00:31:02 ( screaming )
00:31:05 I haven't done anything. I haven't done anything.
00:31:09 ( screaming )
00:31:12 ( screaming )
00:31:16 ( laughing )
00:31:19 ( screaming )
00:31:22 ( screaming )
00:31:25 ( screaming )
00:31:28 ( screaming )
00:31:31 ( screaming )
00:31:35 ( screaming )
00:31:38 ( screaming )
00:31:41 ( screaming )
00:31:44 ( screaming )
00:31:47 ( screaming )
00:31:50 ( screaming )
00:31:53 ( screaming )
00:31:56 ( screaming )
00:31:59 ( screaming )
00:32:02 ( screaming )
00:32:05 ( screaming )
00:32:08 ( screaming )
00:32:11 ( screaming )
00:32:14 ( laughing )
00:32:17 ( laughing )
00:32:21 ( laughing )
00:32:24 ( laughing )
00:32:27 ( laughing )
00:32:30 ( laughing )
00:32:33 ( laughing )
00:32:36 ( laughing )
00:32:39 ( laughing )
00:32:42 ( laughing )
00:32:45 Finally, the Viet Cong came for me.
00:32:49 - Hey, Lalan, hey! - No!
00:32:52 - She did nothing! - Save her! Save her!
00:32:54 No respect! You have no respect!
00:32:56 - I'm coming with her! - No, the prisoner come alone!
00:32:59 - You're lying! - Save her!
00:33:02 Our men will be great.
00:33:04 We're informer here.
00:33:07 How else could the enemy know so much?
00:33:10 This village few would treat us!
00:33:14 Government sympathizer that will sell us out
00:33:17 for a relative, for money, for privilege!
00:33:21 So I ask you, what should we do with these people?
00:33:26 We must give these people a lesson they will never forget.
00:33:30 ( gasping )
00:33:32 Lalan, Lalan, leave!
00:33:36 Leave!
00:33:39 ( gasping )
00:33:42 - What is it? - A grave.
00:33:45 You're a grave, stupid girl!
00:33:48 What kind of deal did you make to get out of prison?
00:33:52 You promised them some of our ear for their boat?
00:33:55 No! I'm not a private official!
00:33:58 Why won't you believe me?
00:34:00 Little rich girl, you're old air mate!
00:34:03 ( gunshot )
00:34:05 ( screaming )
00:34:08 ( panting )
00:34:11 ( music playing )
00:34:14 Lali, you wanna live?
00:34:31 My life is in your hands.
00:34:34 What does that mean?
00:34:36 I mean I won't talk to the enemy.
00:34:39 I've been shamed enough in my village.
00:34:42 If you want, I'll go far away.
00:34:45 I'll never come back.
00:34:48 ( grunting )
00:34:51 ( screaming )
00:34:53 You talk about this, we're gonna kill you for real.
00:34:56 No, no, no!
00:34:58 Oh, no!
00:35:00 Oh, no!
00:35:02 No!
00:35:04 ( screaming )
00:35:06 No!
00:35:08 Oh, my God! No! No!
00:35:10 Shut up!
00:35:12 No! No!
00:35:14 No!
00:35:16 No!
00:35:18 ( screaming )
00:35:20 ( music playing )
00:35:23 ( screaming )
00:35:26 I was never to understand why I was raped and not killed.
00:35:45 Or if I had ever really been sentenced by the Viet Cong.
00:35:52 It may have just been a warning to my father.
00:35:57 But it ended forever my relationship to my village.
00:36:02 ( music playing )
00:36:05 My sister Hai found us a job in the city.
00:36:30 Papa stayed behind on the land to guard the spirits of our ancestors.
00:36:35 In Saigon, much to our confusion, the monks were being arrested.
00:36:41 ♪ You're just too pretty to be true ♪
00:36:44 ♪ Can't take my eyes off you ♪
00:36:48 ♪ Pardon the way that I ♪
00:36:50 Hey, hey, let me go!
00:36:52 I'd never seen so many cars, so many people.
00:36:57 ( speaking Vietnamese )
00:37:00 ( speaking Vietnamese )
00:37:03 Greetings, dear.
00:37:15 Madam, they're ready.
00:37:20 ( speaking Vietnamese )
00:37:24 ( speaking Vietnamese )
00:37:27 This way.
00:37:29 Country fresh.
00:37:46 Good hookers.
00:37:48 ( speaking Vietnamese )
00:37:51 So, which village?
00:37:53 Kila.
00:37:54 Near Da Nang.
00:37:56 Yes.
00:37:58 Leigh is wonderful with children.
00:38:01 Perfect babysitter.
00:38:03 How old is she?
00:38:05 18.
00:38:07 Is she strong?
00:38:09 Yes, she's very strong.
00:38:11 She started to work in the fields since she was four.
00:38:15 - Builder. - Yes, ma'am.
00:38:19 Let's go.
00:38:20 ( speaking Vietnamese )
00:38:22 ( speaking Vietnamese )
00:38:26 ( speaking Vietnamese )
00:38:29 ( speaking Vietnamese )
00:38:32 ( speaking Vietnamese )
00:38:35 ( speaking Vietnamese )
00:38:38 ( speaking Vietnamese )
00:38:41 ( speaking Vietnamese )
00:38:45 ( car horn honking )
00:38:48 Leigh!
00:39:05 Leigh!
00:39:06 You'll be punished for this, you stupid little girl.
00:39:09 Making a mast open his own garage door.
00:39:11 Don't be too hard on Leigh.
00:39:13 It's a long day for everyone.
00:39:15 Run off to bed. I'm fine. Go on.
00:39:18 ( music playing )
00:39:21 ( speaking Vietnamese )
00:39:47 ( music playing )
00:39:51 ( music playing )
00:39:54 ( beeping )
00:39:57 ( music playing )
00:40:00 ( music playing )
00:40:03 ( music playing )
00:40:06 ( music playing )
00:40:09 ( music playing )
00:40:12 ( music playing )
00:40:15 ( music playing )
00:40:18 ( beeping )
00:40:44 ( beeping )
00:40:47 I could not sleep.
00:41:09 I could neither, Master.
00:41:12 ( music playing )
00:41:15 ( music playing )
00:41:37 ( music playing )
00:42:05 ( music playing )
00:42:33 I am not your first.
00:42:36 Yes, you are.
00:42:38 I was raped.
00:42:48 By the village poison killer.
00:42:55 My poor thing.
00:43:01 ( singing in Vietnamese )
00:43:04 You, you!
00:43:27 ( music playing )
00:43:30 Have you blacked out?
00:43:37 You stupid girl.
00:43:46 You are not satisfied with a perfect life in a prison?
00:43:50 You used a husband, made him drink from his wife.
00:43:55 Look what it brought you.
00:43:57 That's not how it happened.
00:43:59 I'm careful. He loves me.
00:44:01 You think a stupid girl like you means anything to him?
00:44:05 I know you are going to have his bastard.
00:44:08 Perfect.
00:44:10 You just have to get rid of it.
00:44:13 We go see the herbalist tomorrow.
00:44:16 ( music playing )
00:44:20 ( music playing )
00:44:23 ( speaking Vietnamese )
00:44:29 ( speaking Vietnamese )
00:44:34 ( speaking Vietnamese )
00:44:47 ( speaking Vietnamese )
00:44:50 What are you doing, Lily?
00:44:56 Oh, I'm sorry, madam.
00:44:58 I'm expecting a child.
00:45:05 Yes, I know.
00:45:07 We learned it from the herbalist.
00:45:10 Who is the father?
00:45:13 Don't look so surprised, Lily.
00:45:17 A boy.
00:45:18 Someone I met in the park.
00:45:20 You don't know him.
00:45:22 Why are you burning incense?
00:45:25 Because I don't want the baby.
00:45:30 I was praying to be forgiven.
00:45:32 You're afraid of my husband's ancestors?
00:45:36 I don't know what else to do, madam.
00:45:39 The boy's Catholic like you.
00:45:43 I'm a Buddhist.
00:45:45 I see.
00:45:47 Well, Lily, I have another explanation.
00:45:53 I believe the father of your baby is my husband.
00:45:57 Oh, no, madam.
00:45:59 You be silent!
00:46:12 You know I'm not well, Lily.
00:46:14 But I have given my husband's sons beautiful boys.
00:46:19 As fine as any woman could have given him.
00:46:22 So don't think...
00:46:24 don't think you won't pay for what you've done.
00:46:28 You and your daughter will have to leave the house at once.
00:46:32 Me?
00:46:34 But why?
00:46:36 Nobody knows but you.
00:46:40 Let people think the father is some soldier.
00:46:42 I know. That's enough.
00:46:45 Men are like dogs, passing on posts.
00:46:50 If they go once, they go twice.
00:46:52 But Bai Li is no threat to you.
00:46:54 She has nothing for a proper man.
00:46:56 She's just a country girl.
00:46:58 An ignorant, stupid, foolish child.
00:47:01 A maid that'll never be a bride.
00:47:04 She's nothing. Worthless.
00:47:06 Absolutely nothing.
00:47:09 Absolutely not.
00:47:10 I won't have her in my house.
00:47:12 Not as a nanny.
00:47:14 Not as a housekeeper.
00:47:16 - Then as number two wife. - What?
00:47:18 You're out of your mind.
00:47:20 As concubine to the master.
00:47:23 As your slave, madame Li.
00:47:25 To kick around, to warm your husband's bed,
00:47:27 when you have better things to do.
00:47:29 Why waste your health on the mess,
00:47:31 rutting where you can leave it to a stupid girl, huh?
00:47:34 You're always number one wife.
00:47:38 The law is on your side.
00:47:39 Please, Mama.
00:47:41 Stop.
00:47:43 They must go now. Today.
00:47:51 Before supper.
00:47:53 You try to get rid of it?
00:47:55 Yes, of course.
00:47:57 But your seed master is too strong.
00:47:59 And now it has hold of Bai Li, too.
00:48:02 Please, help us get by the best we can.
00:48:06 At least until the child is born.
00:48:07 Well, I won't throw you into the street.
00:48:10 But I cannot ask my wife to let you live with us.
00:48:14 - I can put you in an apartment. - Not in Saigon.
00:48:17 Well, then, how far away did you want them?
00:48:20 How far away can you drive in a day?
00:48:23 All right.
00:48:27 I will send them back to Da Nang.
00:48:31 But we have nothing.
00:48:34 With enough money until the baby is born.
00:48:36 - I will send you money every month. - To a bank or relative.
00:48:40 I don't want you to know their address.
00:48:43 That's an absolute condition.
00:48:45 You will have enough to live on.
00:48:50 My steward will take care of everything.
00:48:55 One day she'll come back.
00:48:57 Don't forget her. She makes an excellent second wife.
00:49:02 Promise you won't forget her.
00:49:03 But the money never came.
00:49:12 Madam Lien saw to that.
00:49:14 My mother sold snails for a while in Da Nang.
00:49:18 But soon gave up and returned to K'i La.
00:49:21 My father, ashamed that I was unmarried and pregnant, refused to see me.
00:49:26 - You want anything for dinner? - No, wait.
00:49:30 - I want a cigarette. - I don't have any money.
00:49:32 - I don't have any money. - I don't have any money.
00:49:35 - How much is a cigarette? - Fifteen dollars.
00:49:38 - Fifteen dollars? - No, I don't have any money.
00:49:41 - I'm pregnant. - I don't have any money.
00:49:44 - Fifteen dollars. - No, you're a jerk.
00:49:47 - I'm pregnant. - I'm not pregnant.
00:49:50 I'm not pregnant.
00:49:52 I'm not pregnant.
00:49:54 I'm not pregnant.
00:49:56 I'm not pregnant.
00:49:58 I'm not pregnant.
00:50:00 I'm not pregnant.
00:50:02 I'm not pregnant.
00:50:04 I'm not pregnant.
00:50:06 I'm not pregnant.
00:50:08 I'm not pregnant.
00:50:10 I'm not pregnant.
00:50:12 I'm not pregnant.
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00:50:16 I'm not pregnant.
00:50:18 I'm not pregnant.
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00:50:22 I'm not pregnant.
00:50:24 I'm not pregnant.
00:50:26 I'm not pregnant.
00:50:28 I'm not pregnant.
00:50:30 I'm not pregnant.
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00:55:22 I'm not pregnant.
00:55:24 I'm not pregnant.
00:55:26 I'm not pregnant.
00:55:28 I'm not pregnant.
00:55:30 I'm not pregnant.
00:55:32 I'm not pregnant.
00:55:34 I'm not pregnant.
00:55:36 I'm not pregnant.
00:55:38 I'm not pregnant.
00:55:40 I'm not pregnant.
00:55:42 I'm not pregnant.
00:55:44 I'm not pregnant.
00:55:46 I'm not pregnant.
00:55:48 I'm not pregnant.
00:55:50 I'm not pregnant.
00:55:52 That's for you, young lady.
00:55:54 No more charity for you!
00:55:57 Go on. Get out.
00:55:59 Get out!
00:56:01 Do you think that you're the only one Papa loves?
00:56:04 You? Spoiled!
00:56:06 Spoiled!
00:56:20 To survive, I picked through the American base camp garbage.
00:56:25 And it was there that I first saw the remains of poor prostitutes...
00:56:39 who had been murdered by men.
00:56:42 [baby crying]
00:56:45 [baby crying]
00:56:48 [baby crying]
00:56:51 [baby crying]
00:56:53 [baby crying]
00:56:55 [baby crying]
00:56:57 [baby crying]
00:57:00 [baby crying]
00:57:02 [baby crying]
00:57:04 [baby crying]
00:57:07 [baby crying]
00:57:10 [baby crying]
00:57:13 [baby crying]
00:57:16 [baby crying]
00:57:19 You are a very lucky girl among the injured personnel...
00:57:22 who have been referred to this office.
00:57:24 And I will have no problem placing you...
00:57:28 provided, of course, you play ball.
00:57:32 Come on, no big deal.
00:57:34 We'll do it any way you want.
00:57:36 You do your best.
00:57:38 I'll do my best.
00:57:41 Open the door right now!
00:57:47 Come on, Lili. Don't make such a big deal about it.
00:57:50 It's just a little suck.
00:57:52 [screams]
00:57:54 Bitch!
00:57:58 [glass shatters]
00:58:00 Stop! You call FB now!
00:58:03 This man died with me!
00:58:05 Go! Go!
00:58:07 Go! Go!
00:58:09 It's not a joke, huh?
00:58:11 It's a joke, huh?
00:58:13 Months went by.
00:58:17 There were more prostitutes, pimps, black marketeers.
00:58:21 Everything had a price.
00:58:23 My family was suffering.
00:58:25 My papa had gotten old and sick...
00:58:28 and could no longer work the land.
00:58:31 Hey, G.I., you buy? You buy, G.I.?
00:58:34 No. Hey, G.I., you buy?
00:58:36 No. Hey, Smokes, you buy?
00:58:38 You buy?
00:58:40 G.I., you buy?
00:58:42 Hey, Lei. Hi, Big Mike.
00:58:44 You look buku-sao.
00:58:46 No good day.
00:58:48 Well, I got something might change your mood.
00:58:50 See those grunts over there?
00:58:52 They're short-timers leaving for the world today.
00:58:55 Sure. What souvenirs?
00:58:57 I got Chinese jade, Big Mike, Mary G., T.T. Money.
00:59:00 No, they want a real souvenir.
00:59:02 They want boom-boom you.
00:59:04 Buku-boom-boom over there.
00:59:06 Have plenty of crabs over there, too.
00:59:08 Look, Leli, these pencil dicks are clean.
00:59:11 They've been in the bush since they got here.
00:59:13 One of them's going home to his wife, for Christ's sake.
00:59:15 One of them will go boom-boom some scuzzbag...
00:59:17 and bring home a dose of clap.
00:59:19 They're willing to pay 20 bucks each head.
00:59:22 Leli, good girl.
00:59:24 Fuck off.
00:59:26 Okay, five flags, and that's just for one of them.
00:59:28 A hundred for the other guy.
00:59:30 $200, Leli. Real money.
00:59:32 Why?
00:59:34 Too much.
00:59:36 You're joking.
00:59:38 I tell you, these guys got the bread from being in the bush so long...
00:59:41 I told them clean food is expensive.
00:59:43 Look, Leli, they beat the odds.
00:59:47 They want to leave something behind, you know?
00:59:49 A memory, something.
00:59:51 Leli, not that kind of girl.
00:59:56 No deal.
00:59:58 Jesus Christ, you drive a hard bargain.
01:00:01 $400. This is green.
01:00:04 That's it, man.
01:00:06 That's all they gave me.
01:00:08 You give me 50 commission, you pocket 350.
01:00:10 Support your family for a year, easy.
01:00:12 What's so hard about it?
01:00:14 15 minutes, it ain't even work.
01:00:16 You just lie there and let them do the work.
01:00:18 What are they gonna do that ain't been done already?
01:00:21 Come on, sweetheart.
01:00:25 They don't got all day.
01:00:27 Take the fucking money and give them a story to bring home.
01:00:29 You know Cherry Girl.
01:00:31 She's doing it for fucking world peace.
01:00:34 Come on.
01:00:36 Send the poor bastards home with a smile.
01:00:39 [thunder rumbling]
01:00:42 [eerie music]
01:00:45 [dramatic music]
01:00:51 ♪ ♪
01:00:55 [baby crying]
01:00:58 [baby crying]
01:01:01 [baby crying]
01:01:04 [helicopter whirring]
01:01:07 ♪ ♪
01:01:14 [baby crying]
01:01:22 [baby crying]
01:01:25 [baby crying]
01:01:28 [baby crying]
01:01:31 [baby crying]
01:01:34 [baby crying]
01:01:37 [baby crying]
01:01:40 [dramatic music]
01:01:43 ♪ ♪
01:02:02 My father was dying.
01:02:05 I returned for the first time to my village.
01:02:09 [dramatic music]
01:02:12 ♪ ♪
01:02:31 [indistinct shouting]
01:02:34 ♪ ♪
01:02:41 [birds chirping]
01:02:44 ♪ ♪
01:02:51 ♪ ♪
01:02:58 ♪ ♪
01:03:05 [helicopter whirring]
01:03:16 ♪ ♪
01:03:25 Mama.
01:03:28 Hey.
01:03:30 What are you doing here?
01:03:32 I heard there's trouble.
01:03:34 Where's Papa?
01:03:36 Hey, Papa.
01:03:39 The Americans came one day
01:03:44 to look at our family bunker.
01:03:46 [indistinct shouting]
01:03:48 They think we have gone inside.
01:03:50 Made Papa go inside first.
01:03:52 When he told them no one was inside,
01:03:55 they still threw a grenade.
01:03:57 [glass shattering]
01:03:58 But the grenade did not explode.
01:04:01 [indistinct shouting]
01:04:03 The two Americans went in.
01:04:06 Boom! Mama.
01:04:08 ♪ ♪
01:04:10 They were very angry at your Papa.
01:04:13 They beat him.
01:04:15 Put paper on his back.
01:04:17 Resealed him.
01:04:18 Took him to prison.
01:04:20 Bad, bad beating.
01:04:23 Come, Mama.
01:04:28 Come.
01:04:30 ♪ ♪
01:04:49 Bye, A.
01:04:51 Papa.
01:04:53 You're drinking now.
01:04:58 Stupid wizard came by the other day.
01:05:02 He said to me,
01:05:07 "I have nothing to tell you.
01:05:09 "Just lie down. I have no future."
01:05:11 Oh, no. He didn't mean it.
01:05:14 If I stay in the village, I die.
01:05:18 You know wizards.
01:05:20 They hate to give people bad news.
01:05:22 You're just imagining things.
01:05:24 There's nothing to worry about.
01:05:26 Who's worried?
01:05:29 What's wrong with living forever with your ancestors?
01:05:33 I'm worried about you, baby.
01:05:36 But your mother is not the same.
01:05:38 What happened to her, Papa?
01:05:40 The Viet Cong came after Americans.
01:05:43 Killed so many of them in a fight.
01:05:46 They were very angry.
01:05:47 Traitor!
01:05:49 Traitor!
01:05:51 Traitor!
01:05:53 Traitor!
01:05:54 Traitor!
01:05:56 Traitor!
01:05:57 Your uncle Luke told him to stop.
01:05:59 He yelled, "How can a woman
01:06:01 "who sent two sons to die for the revolution
01:06:04 "even think of betraying her country?
01:06:07 "How can you accuse her of treason?"
01:06:14 You tell her to keep her mouth shut.
01:06:17 I never should have left Kila.
01:06:31 I should have stayed to fight them all.
01:06:33 The Viet Cong.
01:06:35 Government.
01:06:36 What am I now, Papa?
01:06:39 Not a warrior woman.
01:06:41 Not a fool.
01:06:42 Just a tramp begging in the streets.
01:06:46 So ashamed.
01:06:49 Don't be ashamed.
01:06:51 You did the best you could.
01:06:54 Betty, listen to me.
01:06:57 You were born to be a wonderful wife and a mother.
01:07:02 Not a killer.
01:07:04 No, Betty.
01:07:10 Don't ask what is right or wrong.
01:07:13 These questions are very dangerous.
01:07:16 Right is only the goodness you carry in your heart.
01:07:20 Love for your ancestors, for your family.
01:07:24 Wrong is all that comes between you and that love.
01:07:29 Go back to your son.
01:07:31 Make him the best son you can.
01:07:34 That is the war you must fight.
01:07:36 That is the war you must win.
01:07:39 That is the victory you must win.
01:07:42 Quick, before they see you and talk.
01:07:50 My little peach blossom.
01:07:59 What will you do without me?
01:08:03 My little peach blossom.
01:08:06 What will you do without me?
01:08:09 What will you do without me?
01:08:12 What will you do without me?
01:08:15 What will you do without me?
01:08:18 What will you do without me?
01:08:21 What will you do without me?
01:08:24 What will you do without me?
01:08:27 What will you do without me?
01:08:30 What will you do without me?
01:08:33 What will you do without me?
01:08:36 What will you do without me?
01:08:39 What will you do without me?
01:08:42 What will you do without me?
01:08:45 What will you do without me?
01:08:48 What will you do without me?
01:08:51 What will you do without me?
01:08:54 What will you do without me?
01:08:57 What will you do without me?
01:09:00 What will you do without me?
01:09:02 What will you do without me?
01:09:05 What will you do without me?
01:09:08 What will you do without me?
01:09:11 What will you do without me?
01:09:14 What will you do without me?
01:09:17 What will you do without me?
01:09:20 What will you do without me?
01:09:23 What will you do without me?
01:09:26 What will you do without me?
01:09:29 What will you do without me?
01:09:32 What will you do without me?
01:09:35 What will you do without me?
01:09:38 What will you do without me?
01:09:41 What will you do without me?
01:09:44 What will you do without me?
01:09:47 What will you do without me?
01:09:50 What will you do without me?
01:09:53 What will you do without me?
01:09:56 What will you do without me?
01:09:59 What will you do without me?
01:10:02 What will you do without me?
01:10:05 What will you do without me?
01:10:08 What will you do without me?
01:10:11 What will you do without me?
01:10:14 What will you do without me?
01:10:17 What will you do without me?
01:10:20 What will you do without me?
01:10:23 What will you do without me?
01:10:26 What will you do without me?
01:10:29 What will you do without me?
01:10:32 What will you do without me?
01:10:35 What will you do without me?
01:10:38 What will you do without me?
01:10:41 What will you do without me?
01:10:44 What will you do without me?
01:10:47 What will you do without me?
01:10:50 What will you do without me?
01:10:53 What will you do without me?
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01:10:59 What will you do without me?
01:11:02 What will you do without me?
01:11:05 What will you do without me?
01:11:08 What will you do without me?
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01:11:14 What will you do without me?
01:11:17 What will you do without me?
01:11:20 What will you do without me?
01:11:23 What will you do without me?
01:11:26 What will you do without me?
01:11:29 What will you do without me?
01:11:32 What will you do without me?
01:11:35 What will you do without me?
01:11:38 What will you do without me?
01:11:41 What will you do without me?
01:11:44 What will you do without me?
01:11:47 What will you do without me?
01:11:50 What will you do without me?
01:11:53 What will you do without me?
01:11:56 What will you do without me?
01:11:59 What will you do without me?
01:12:02 What will you do without me?
01:12:05 What will you do without me?
01:12:08 What will you do without me?
01:12:11 What will you do without me?
01:12:14 What will you do without me?
01:12:17 What will you do without me?
01:12:20 What will you do without me?
01:12:23 What will you do without me?
01:12:26 What will you do without me?
01:12:29 What will you do without me?
01:12:32 What will you do without me?
01:12:35 What will you do without me?
01:12:38 What will you do without me?
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01:12:44 What will you do without me?
01:12:47 What will you do without me?
01:12:50 What will you do without me?
01:12:53 What will you do without me?
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01:13:02 What will you do without me?
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01:15:31 What will you do without me?
01:15:34 What will you do without me?
01:15:37 What will you do without me?
01:15:40 What will you do without me?
01:15:43 What will you do without me?
01:15:46 What will you do without me?
01:15:49 What will you do without me?
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01:15:58 What will you do without me?
01:16:01 What will you do without me?
01:16:04 What will you do without me?
01:16:07 What will you do without me?
01:16:10 What will you do without me?
01:16:13 What will you do without me?
01:16:16 What will you do without me?
01:16:19 What will you do without me?
01:16:22 What will you do without me?
01:16:25 What will you do without me?
01:16:28 What will you do without me?
01:16:31 What will you do without me?
01:16:34 What will you do without me?
01:16:37 What will you do without me?
01:16:40 What will you do without me?
01:16:43 What will you do without me?
01:16:46 What will you do without me?
01:16:49 What will you do without me?
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01:17:01 What will you do without me?
01:17:04 What will you do without me?
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01:19:22 What will you do without me?
01:19:25 What will you do without me?
01:19:28 What will you do without me?
01:19:31 What will you do without me?
01:19:34 What will you do without me?
01:19:37 What will you do without me?
01:19:40 What will you do without me?
01:19:43 What will you do without me?
01:19:46 What will you do without me?
01:19:49 What will you do without me?
01:19:52 What will you do without me?
01:19:55 What will you do without me?
01:19:58 What will you do without me?
01:20:01 What will you do without me?
01:20:04 What will you do without me?
01:20:07 What will you do without me?
01:20:10 What will you do without me?
01:20:13 What will you do without me?
01:20:16 What will you do without me?
01:20:19 What will you do without me?
01:20:22 What will you do without me?
01:20:25 What will you do without me?
01:20:28 What will you do without me?
01:20:31 What will you do without me?
01:20:34 What will you do without me?
01:20:37 What will you do without me?
01:20:40 What will you do without me?
01:20:43 What will you do without me?
01:20:46 What will you do without me?
01:20:49 What will you do without me?
01:20:52 What will you do without me?
01:20:55 Thank you.
01:20:58 If you'll have me.
01:21:01 I want you to be my wife.
01:21:04 Three years passed.
01:21:20 No, no, no. It's Tommy.
01:21:23 We're going to change Hong to Jimmy.
01:21:26 We moved to the Central Highlands with Steve's new job.
01:21:30 Steve loved our new son Tommy as if his life had started again.
01:21:34 When you come to California, Mama San to visit.
01:21:37 My Mama San, we're going to take you to Disneyland in those little pajamas.
01:21:41 Mama was missing Papa too much.
01:21:44 He seemed to be living between this world and the next.
01:21:50 I know. Your Papa wanted you to stay on the land.
01:21:53 I can't, Mama. I can't. It's the past.
01:21:56 Who will take care of the land? I'm old.
01:21:59 Hi.
01:22:01 Maybe Bo-Hee will come back. I know he will.
01:22:05 America, Mama.
01:22:10 In America, I can save the children.
01:22:13 The South is dying.
01:22:15 Steve says it will fall faster than anyone thinks.
01:22:19 He has a mother and sister near San Diego.
01:22:22 He will leave the army soon to find a good job.
01:22:25 He loves me.
01:22:27 I love him.
01:22:31 You love him?
01:22:33 Yes.
01:22:35 He's good, Mama.
01:22:40 He loves the children.
01:22:43 Americans are "voteui vojong."
01:22:47 They have no beginning and no end.
01:22:50 They don't care about their ancestors.
01:22:53 So they think they're free to do any bad thing they want in this world.
01:22:57 You will not be happy with this man.
01:23:00 And your father's spirit will not rest
01:23:03 till his most loved child sleeps in his house.
01:23:07 Eric!
01:23:15 Eric!
01:23:17 Where are you going?
01:23:23 Don't separate!
01:23:25 What happened?
01:23:30 They overrun the American base. Get out there!
01:23:33 Eric!
01:23:35 Don't separate!
01:23:37 Eric!
01:23:39 Eric!
01:23:41 Eric, run!
01:23:43 Eric!
01:23:45 Get out there!
01:23:53 Move, move, move!
01:23:57 There you go, son.
01:23:59 -Elizabeth! -All right.
01:24:02 -Let me get our things! -Get up there!
01:24:05 Here, here.
01:24:07 Take that right there, okay? Come on.
01:24:09 -Leave. We gotta go. -Out there! Come on!
01:24:13 Get the fuck out of here! Get out of here!
01:24:15 Go!
01:24:20 Go!
01:24:22 Come on!
01:24:25 Come on!
01:24:27 Come on!
01:24:29 Come on!
01:24:31 Come on!
01:24:33 Come on!
01:24:35 Come on!
01:24:37 Come on!
01:24:39 Come on!
01:24:41 Come on!
01:24:43 Come on!
01:24:45 Come on!
01:24:47 Come on!
01:24:49 Come on!
01:24:51 Come on!
01:24:53 Come on!
01:24:55 -DeeDee! DeeDee! -You better run!
01:25:00 -Fuck you! -Get out of here!
01:25:03 Come on!
01:25:08 Come on!
01:25:11 Come on!
01:25:13 Come on!
01:25:15 My family was now blown to the four winds.
01:25:26 But on the road out of Quy Nhon, I realized I was not alone.
01:25:31 My whole country was collapsing.
01:25:34 My whole country was collapsing.
01:25:37 My whole country was collapsing.
01:25:40 My whole country was collapsing.
01:25:43 My whole country was collapsing.
01:25:46 My whole country was collapsing.
01:25:49 My whole country was collapsing.
01:25:52 My whole country was collapsing.
01:25:55 My whole country was collapsing.
01:25:58 My whole country was collapsing.
01:26:01 My whole country was collapsing.
01:26:04 My whole country was collapsing.
01:26:07 My whole country was collapsing.
01:26:10 My whole country was collapsing.
01:26:13 My whole country was collapsing.
01:26:16 My whole country was collapsing.
01:26:19 My whole country was collapsing.
01:26:22 My whole country was collapsing.
01:26:25 My whole country was collapsing.
01:26:28 My whole country was collapsing.
01:26:31 My whole country was collapsing.
01:26:34 My whole country was collapsing.
01:26:37 My whole country was collapsing.
01:26:40 My whole country was collapsing.
01:26:43 My whole country was collapsing.
01:26:46 My whole country was collapsing.
01:26:49 My whole country was collapsing.
01:26:52 My whole country was collapsing.
01:26:55 My whole country was collapsing.
01:26:58 My whole country was collapsing.
01:27:01 My whole country was collapsing.
01:27:04 My whole country was collapsing.
01:27:07 My whole country was collapsing.
01:27:10 My whole country was collapsing.
01:27:13 My whole country was collapsing.
01:27:16 My whole country was collapsing.
01:27:19 My whole country was collapsing.
01:27:22 My whole country was collapsing.
01:27:25 My whole country was collapsing.
01:27:28 My whole country was collapsing.
01:27:31 My whole country was collapsing.
01:27:34 My whole country was collapsing.
01:27:38 [shouting]
01:27:41 [shouting]
01:27:44 [shouting]
01:28:12 [shouting]
01:28:15 [shouting]
01:28:18 [shouting]
01:28:21 [shouting]
01:28:30 [shouting]
01:28:57 [singing]
01:28:59 It was everything I dreamed of.
01:29:05 America.
01:29:08 Big skies and giant people who crushed me in their arms.
01:29:16 And best of all was my husband, Steve Butler.
01:29:20 Marine Sergeant Butler.
01:29:22 Well, here it is, babe. The dream begins.
01:29:25 And his big, craggy face was everything I loved about America.
01:29:29 Played football, the guy lived in that house right there.
01:29:33 The first girlfriend lived in this house.
01:29:36 She was a real dog.
01:29:39 You make me happy, babe.
01:29:42 I make you very happy.
01:29:45 Today we passed on the street
01:29:49 You just walked over the line
01:29:54 Oh, she's so cute.
01:29:55 Like a little china doll.
01:29:58 Oh, I just want a hug with the pieces.
01:30:02 And the kids.
01:30:04 I'm just gonna eat you up.
01:30:07 Hi, honey.
01:30:09 Oh, poor clocking dog. There's Mark.
01:30:12 How are you?
01:30:14 Tell him you want a speech, can't you? He's a lot of people's favorite.
01:30:17 Of course. I'm so happy to meet you, honey.
01:30:22 Oh, the boys.
01:30:25 Honey, come on in.
01:30:28 Come on.
01:30:30 Come on.
01:30:32 Oh, wow.
01:30:34 Look at this.
01:30:36 Good God.
01:30:38 Not bad, huh? It's ranch style.
01:30:40 We're gonna be here for a little while.
01:30:42 But pretty soon we're gonna get by somewhere.
01:30:44 So when did you get back?
01:30:46 Last night. We got a C-130 out of Pendleton.
01:30:48 How was the flight over?
01:30:51 It was terrible.
01:30:52 We don't want to talk about that now, do we, Bernice?
01:30:55 We'll talk about that later.
01:30:57 I've got steak and baked potatoes.
01:30:59 All bland, sweetie, just like you like it.
01:31:02 And chocolate ice cream.
01:31:04 Does that sound nice? Do you eat that, too?
01:31:06 I prepare some food. You show me the kitchen?
01:31:09 No, honey. I'm supposed to do that. You're the guest.
01:31:12 Come on. This way.
01:31:14 You hungry, Lee? You're 95, you're late for short.
01:31:20 I'm not hungry.
01:31:22 I'm not hungry.
01:31:24 I'm not hungry.
01:31:26 I'm not hungry.
01:31:28 I'm not hungry.
01:31:30 I'm not hungry.
01:31:32 I'm not hungry.
01:31:34 I'm not hungry.
01:31:36 I'm not hungry.
01:31:38 I'm not hungry.
01:31:40 I'm not hungry.
01:31:42 I'm not hungry.
01:31:44 I'm not hungry.
01:31:46 I'm not hungry.
01:31:48 I'm not hungry.
01:31:50 I'm not hungry.
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01:31:56 I'm not hungry.
01:31:58 I'm not hungry.
01:32:00 I'm not hungry.
01:32:02 I'm not hungry.
01:32:04 I'm not hungry.
01:32:06 I'm not hungry.
01:32:08 I'm not hungry.
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01:32:12 I'm not hungry.
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01:35:02 I'm not hungry.
01:35:04 I'm not hungry.
01:35:06 I'm not hungry.
01:35:08 I'm not hungry.
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01:35:12 I'm not hungry.
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01:35:16 I'm not hungry.
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01:35:20 I'm not hungry.
01:35:22 I'm not hungry.
01:35:24 I'm not hungry.
01:35:26 I'm not hungry.
01:35:28 I'm not hungry.
01:35:30 I'm not hungry.
01:35:32 I'm not hungry.
01:35:34 I'm not hungry.
01:35:36 I'm not hungry.
01:35:38 I'm not hungry.
01:35:40 I'm not hungry.
01:35:42 I'm not hungry.
01:35:44 I'm not hungry.
01:35:46 I'm not hungry.
01:35:48 I'm not hungry.
01:35:50 I'm not hungry.
01:35:52 I'm not hungry.
01:35:54 I'm not hungry.
01:35:56 I'm not hungry.
01:35:58 I'm not hungry.
01:36:00 I'm not hungry.
01:36:02 I'm not hungry.
01:36:04 See, you don't need money in America, Lee.
01:36:07 You just give this piece of paper to the bank and send the bank pays.
01:36:11 They don't get it, Lee.
01:36:20 I do.
01:36:22 Okay?
01:36:29 We'll lick them together.
01:36:31 We'll lick them together.
01:36:33 Thank you, Lord, for watching over us all this year...
01:36:40 and giving us all these fine things for which we are truly grateful.
01:36:44 In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, amen.
01:36:47 Amen.
01:36:49 They're on a dang street corner.
01:36:51 A girlfriend of hers tried to rip me off.
01:36:54 I had one like that in Okinawa one time.
01:36:57 I had a size-pump as that turkey's cracked coconut.
01:37:00 Wait a minute. It's not what you think.
01:37:02 I chased this girl down like a starving orphan hunting a grain of rice.
01:37:06 Hey, don't go running off with your filthy, dirty, salacious mind there, bud.
01:37:10 You're gonna give yourself a headache.
01:37:12 You and Macy were peeing in the pie.
01:37:14 And more young women, see?
01:37:16 That tell you anything you want to hear?
01:37:18 That'll do anything you want to do.
01:37:20 If you wouldn't believe that, that's your right.
01:37:22 I'd be the first to end up in solitary.
01:37:24 What are you saying? More young women are also very fucking loyal.
01:37:27 Have a drink. All I'm trying to say is, more power to you.
01:37:31 Come on, Lee. It's Thanksgiving.
01:37:33 You can eat.
01:37:35 Think of all those starving children in Vietnam.
01:37:37 Oh, Bernice, leave the poor girl alone.
01:37:39 She always eats like a sparrow.
01:37:41 Rice and fish, fish and rice.
01:37:43 That's all the kids ever get.
01:37:45 They're starving for some good old-fashioned meat and potatoes.
01:37:47 Would you give her a break, Bernie?
01:37:49 She can't eat for her whole damn country.
01:37:51 I just wanted to know we're being generous.
01:37:53 I want her to be grateful for what she has.
01:37:55 Let me tell you something about grateful.
01:37:57 We used to go into the villages.
01:37:59 You know the first thing the old men and the old women would say to us?
01:38:02 "Please, sir, don't kill me."
01:38:04 And tonight, we'd drive past these hospitals.
01:38:07 Past people our bombs had blown to bits.
01:38:10 And they'd wave.
01:38:12 Boys and girls with no arms, no legs,
01:38:15 waving at us like goddamn tourists on the way to the beach.
01:38:18 Why?
01:38:20 Because they're happy to be alive.
01:38:22 They're glad to see us.
01:38:24 And we put them where they were.
01:38:26 And there's 20 of them, dead or mutilated, for every one of us.
01:38:30 So don't expect Lee to do handstands over your goddamn turkey.
01:38:34 She knows exactly what she's got.
01:38:37 And she knows what she's left behind.
01:38:40 Well, excuse me, baby brother.
01:38:44 - Come on, let's save some shit. - I'm sorry, man.
01:38:47 Goddamn.
01:38:51 Lee, it's about time these kids got some sleep.
01:38:54 They can sleep in their own bed.
01:38:57 They're more loving when they stay with their parents.
01:39:00 Who's going to protect them from evil spirits that come around them?
01:39:03 There ain't Vietnam in this bedroom, baby.
01:39:06 It's California.
01:39:08 How can I even see you across all these bodies?
01:39:11 Kids sleep by themselves, for Christ's sake.
01:39:13 It makes them more independent.
01:39:15 Steve, you're Lee's hero.
01:39:19 Tonight, you protect Lee.
01:39:21 You're a good man.
01:39:23 There's too much whiskey.
01:39:25 - Steve? - Hmm?
01:39:32 Steve.
01:39:34 I want real work.
01:39:36 I want to make money.
01:39:38 I want to get out of here, out of the house.
01:39:40 I think your family like their dogs better than our boys.
01:39:43 So what are you going to do, anyway?
01:39:45 Work factory, restaurant.
01:39:48 There are plenty of oriental restaurants growing around here.
01:39:51 I'd like to go back to Vietnam.
01:39:54 Like a bundle, I'll tell you.
01:39:56 The truth, I kind of miss it, you know, in a way.
01:39:59 Steve, what's this job they want you to do for so much money?
01:40:04 It's just between you and me, okay?
01:40:07 The government's got rules about the kind of jobs you can take...
01:40:10 after what I've done, and this one's sensitive.
01:40:12 What's this job, Steve?
01:40:14 It's arms.
01:40:16 Selling arms.
01:40:18 I don't understand.
01:40:20 You know, guns. Sell guns.
01:40:23 What? You're joking?
01:40:26 No. What do you think I've been doing for the last 17 years?
01:40:29 What do you think a military advisor does?
01:40:31 I go into countries the U.S. is helping.
01:40:33 I teach them how to use the weapons that our corporations are going to sell.
01:40:37 Okay, you go sell guns to the government...
01:40:39 that blow up women and children, do you?
01:40:41 You understand, God damn good and well...
01:40:44 that if we didn't sell weapons to these people, the fucking communists wouldn't.
01:40:47 And how would they? Aren't we being any better off?
01:40:49 - Guns, communists... - Shh!
01:40:51 Is that all you Americans ever think about?
01:40:53 It's my life, Lee. It is the only thing I know how to do.
01:40:56 At least I'll be making more money for doing it.
01:40:58 You ever listen to anything that Lee ever tell you?
01:41:01 Oh, shit.
01:41:03 You mean the Buddhist stuff.
01:41:05 No, not just that.
01:41:07 I mean my family, my life.
01:41:15 We don't know anything about each other, Steve.
01:41:19 You lied to me in Vietnam.
01:41:22 No, it wasn't a lie.
01:41:27 Exactly.
01:41:29 It was a white lie.
01:41:33 A good lie.
01:41:35 But a bad lie.
01:41:37 - Come on, please. - I'd like to talk to you.
01:41:41 I'm sorry.
01:41:43 Much against Steve's wishes, I found a job...
01:42:09 in a factory.
01:42:11 I know the girls well, so I borrow 5,000.
01:42:18 I need 10,000 to open a little deli in a neighborhood with many immigrants.
01:42:23 We Vietnamese never trust a bank, loan money to each other.
01:42:27 - You winning, huh? - Sorry.
01:42:29 You think I can borrow some money?
01:42:31 I think I'm gonna make $1,400 profit.
01:42:33 I did not tell this to Steve.
01:42:35 He would be angry, because he did not like my starting a business of my own.
01:42:39 I don't know about that.
01:42:41 It cost me 5,000 in Vietnam.
01:42:43 Take it back? Vietnam?
01:42:45 I'm going to open a restaurant. You know I'll come back.
01:42:48 Steve wants to give me money, control me.
01:42:50 But I used to work it, have my own money.
01:42:53 But in America, he want me be housewife.
01:42:56 So I wear two hats.
01:42:58 I'm not leaving. What do you mean?
01:43:00 You told me two years we had agreement, not one.
01:43:03 No, no, no, no, no.
01:43:05 Two years, not $10,000.
01:43:08 I don't think so.
01:43:10 I put in air conditioner, I clean electric wiring,
01:43:13 I remodel, I put up shelves.
01:43:15 I should pay $10,000 for two years, and you're out.
01:43:19 When I tell Steve, we have a big fight.
01:43:23 Then more fights.
01:43:25 Home, now Jimmy.
01:43:29 Break my heart when he refused to speak Vietnamese with me.
01:43:33 As did Tommy and our new son, Alan.
01:43:36 In school, because of the war, they told the others they're Mexicans.
01:43:41 I'm going to sign it.
01:43:43 I was starting to behave like an American.
01:43:46 Yelling back at my husband, frowns, scowls.
01:43:50 You're trying to spill the tipple with those weird-ass fucks.
01:43:53 Steve was drinking more
01:43:55 and seemed unhappy with his job at the Marine base.
01:43:58 You're a Buddha, don't know shit!
01:44:00 There was another side to Steve I had not seen before.
01:44:04 He speaks angry words now, or blurting thunder words.
01:44:09 She's a bitch! What do you want me to say?
01:44:14 She wants more!
01:44:16 Money goes like water around here.
01:44:18 I got five kids to leave, including your little bastard.
01:44:21 Green card on my back, my body and my soul.
01:44:24 I got nothing of my own.
01:44:26 Then why use $400 on two more guns, Steve Howard?
01:44:29 You're still bitching about money.
01:44:31 That's a little good, can't you?
01:44:33 You call me that, Steve Butler.
01:44:35 These guns are worth something.
01:44:37 I can sell them right now for twice what I got in them.
01:44:40 One day, they can be the only thing to stand between you and death.
01:44:43 Death? Death from who?
01:44:45 You're the only person who waves guns around here.
01:44:48 You're the only person who drinks and shoots.
01:44:50 I don't need you to tell me what I should and what I should not have.
01:44:53 They're my sons, too.
01:44:55 I'm going to take them up into the mountains, learn how to hunt and shoot.
01:44:58 You're going to live what it takes to survive in this world.
01:45:01 You will not take my sons!
01:45:03 Shut it!
01:45:04 I've seen too many guns in my lifetime.
01:45:06 Killing, no way to protect anything.
01:45:08 I don't want guns in my house.
01:45:11 No more.
01:45:12 You want them, you get out!
01:45:14 Fuck you.
01:45:17 You lying little bitch.
01:45:19 Don't you ever tell me to get out of my own house.
01:45:22 I read your letter.
01:45:23 What letter?
01:45:24 The one from your dink lover.
01:45:26 I saw it stashed in your purse.
01:45:28 On? You went through my things?
01:45:31 That's what writing in Vietnamese is about.
01:45:34 Does he want you back?
01:45:37 No.
01:45:40 He asked about Jimmy. I sent him pictures.
01:45:43 Just answer his questions, that's all.
01:45:46 Bullshit!
01:45:48 You lying little bitch.
01:45:50 Steve, one time I think I love you.
01:45:55 But I see now we're too different inside to be soul mates.
01:45:59 No more mistake now.
01:46:01 Not with children so young.
01:46:04 You say you want to divorce me?
01:46:12 Is that what you're saying, Lee?
01:46:15 One thing I learned, Steve.
01:46:16 In a marriage, there's no such thing as one person happy,
01:46:19 one miserable, both miserable.
01:46:21 That's the way life works.
01:46:23 This is the way life works!
01:46:26 Oh, my God.
01:46:28 Steve.
01:46:34 I felt my soul would go with him in moments.
01:46:45 God is not cruel.
01:46:48 He's just practical.
01:46:51 In this life, sometimes against our knowledge,
01:46:55 we're paying back for a lot of bad past lives.
01:46:59 I can't.
01:47:07 Shit.
01:47:15 I'm not there.
01:47:21 I can't live without you.
01:47:24 They got me so tied up, babe.
01:47:29 Who's doing this to you?
01:47:33 The Marine Corps.
01:47:35 I'm not gonna get the civilian job, I promise you, baby.
01:47:40 I'm up for an admin board and they're gonna kick me out.
01:47:44 You don't know the half of it, darling.
01:47:47 You don't know the half of it.
01:47:50 Tell me.
01:47:52 You must tell me all.
01:47:54 You feel better?
01:47:56 I'm a killer, baby.
01:47:59 I kill so many over there.
01:48:02 I got so good at it, they signed me to the projects, you know?
01:48:08 Black ops.
01:48:10 I kill sometimes three or four a night.
01:48:12 All kinds.
01:48:14 Rice farmers.
01:48:16 Rich fat cats.
01:48:18 Been growing a VC unit.
01:48:20 It was a complete mind fuck.
01:48:22 Psyops, baby. Knives.
01:48:24 Rip a man's guts out, take a bite out of his liver,
01:48:27 drop it on his chest so he don't get into Buddha heaven,
01:48:30 leave him laying in the road.
01:48:32 Cut his nuts off.
01:48:34 Stuff them in his mouth so his lips up like Frankenstein,
01:48:37 leave him laying in his bed in his house.
01:48:40 Blame it on the VC. I didn't care.
01:48:43 Drugs, running guns, slavery.
01:48:47 You name it.
01:48:49 One time, this guy killed a good girl I was jacking with.
01:48:55 You weren't supposed to fraternize
01:48:58 with any Vietnamese outside channels,
01:49:00 so they killed her.
01:49:02 They cut her throat from ear to ear.
01:49:05 I was in hell, baby.
01:49:07 I was in pure hell.
01:49:12 Maybe I'm a dinky dowel over there.
01:49:16 Maybe I am not, who the fuck knows?
01:49:20 The more I kill, the more they gave me to kill.
01:49:25 You know what it's like doing that?
01:49:27 It's like being eaten alive from the inside out
01:49:30 by a belly full of sharks.
01:49:32 You gotta keep moving,
01:49:34 'cause you never stop, the fucking sharks will eat you alive.
01:49:41 [breathing heavily]
01:49:44 One day, they cut me off.
01:49:48 And then one day, I found you,
01:49:52 and it all changed, I thought.
01:49:55 But, baby, nothing ever changes.
01:49:59 So fuck me, right?
01:50:02 [screaming]
01:50:06 [screaming]
01:50:08 No, no, no, no, no, no.
01:50:10 No, no, baby.
01:50:13 [sobbing]
01:50:15 [gunshot]
01:50:17 It's okay.
01:50:19 [sobbing]
01:50:21 Fuck.
01:50:25 What's gonna happen to me, baby?
01:50:28 I'm scared to death.
01:50:30 I don't know.
01:50:39 I too was a soldier in past lives.
01:50:43 I hurt many people.
01:50:46 Lied, I steal, I hate.
01:50:52 Now I pay.
01:50:56 Soldiers tried to kill my life.
01:51:00 Long time I have no man love me.
01:51:03 No respect.
01:51:07 It's my fate.
01:51:09 We the same, Steve.
01:51:16 We have made bad karma.
01:51:19 And our soul debt will come due,
01:51:21 if not in this life, then in another.
01:51:24 But we can't give up.
01:51:27 We must try.
01:51:29 Different skin.
01:51:36 Different skin.
01:51:38 Same suffering.
01:51:42 May, can you love me?
01:51:50 Can you really love me?
01:51:55 Steve.
01:52:05 Steve.
01:52:07 Steve.
01:52:10 Steve.
01:52:12 Steve.
01:52:14 Steve.
01:52:16 Steve.
01:52:18 Steve.
01:52:20 Steve.
01:52:22 Steve.
01:52:24 Steve.
01:52:26 Steve.
01:52:28 Steve.
01:52:30 Steve.
01:52:32 Steve.
01:52:34 Steve.
01:52:36 Steve.
01:52:38 Steve.
01:52:40 Steve.
01:52:42 Steve.
01:52:44 Steve.
01:52:46 Steve.
01:52:48 Steve.
01:52:50 Steve.
01:52:52 Steve.
01:52:54 Steve.
01:52:56 Steve.
01:52:58 Steve.
01:53:00 Steve.
01:53:02 Steve.
01:53:04 Steve.
01:53:06 Steve.
01:53:08 Steve.
01:53:10 Steve.
01:53:12 Steve.
01:53:14 Steve.
01:53:16 Steve.
01:53:18 Steve.
01:53:20 Steve.
01:53:22 Steve.
01:53:24 Steve.
01:53:26 Steve.
01:53:28 Steve.
01:53:30 Steve.
01:53:32 Steve.
01:53:34 Steve.
01:53:36 Steve.
01:53:38 Steve.
01:53:40 Steve.
01:53:42 Steve.
01:53:44 Steve.
01:53:46 Steve.
01:53:48 Steve.
01:53:50 Steve.
01:53:52 Steve.
01:53:54 Steve.
01:53:56 Steve.
01:53:58 Steve.
01:54:00 Steve.
01:54:02 Steve.
01:54:04 Good to see you.
01:54:06 It's been far too long.
01:54:08 [train whistle blowing]
01:54:10 Leda, this is Steve.
01:54:20 Steve, how's Alan, Tommy?
01:54:22 They're fine. You want to see them again?
01:54:24 Of course. I'm worried sick.
01:54:26 The police are looking everywhere for you.
01:54:28 Fuck the police. You want to see them again,
01:54:30 or do you what?
01:54:32 You write a letter to that bitch lawyer of yours.
01:54:34 Tell her you're dropping all the charges against me.
01:54:36 Tell her you want the house and all our stuff
01:54:38 put into my name.
01:54:40 Tell her you're dropping the divorce.
01:54:42 Please, you listening to me?
01:54:44 Yes. I'm listening.
01:54:46 Get the letter notarized.
01:54:48 Take it to Father Bob
01:54:50 and tell him I'll call.
01:54:52 Do it later. You're really gonna be sorry.
01:54:54 Of course you'll get the letter.
01:54:56 Just don't hurt them.
01:54:58 Steve, they have our lives in them.
01:55:01 Just get that letter.
01:55:03 "My boys, I birth them with pain.
01:55:13 "I chew their food for them.
01:55:16 "I am shocked.
01:55:18 "I am insulted at the insolence of men.
01:55:21 "They don't respect women.
01:55:24 "I cannot believe such men have known
01:55:26 "a mother's love."
01:55:28 Fatou,
01:55:30 if I show you a tiny baby killed by a bayonet
01:55:34 and say it is his karma,
01:55:37 we might cry for the baby,
01:55:42 for the baby's karma
01:55:44 and the bad karma of the soldier who killed it.
01:55:47 But we must never use our emotion
01:55:53 to deny the will of incarnation that caused the act.
01:55:58 It is as natural
01:56:03 as the movement of the sun and moon.
01:56:07 Master,
01:56:10 how can I tell him
01:56:13 we must be friends and soulmates
01:56:15 without being husbands and wife?
01:56:18 He has created much soul death for himself.
01:56:23 But if you fail to give him the opportunity
01:56:28 to redeem himself,
01:56:31 you will only increase your own soul death.
01:56:36 The manhate that blinds you
01:56:41 will blind any man you find in the future life.
01:56:46 If you turn Steve away,
01:56:50 you will be rejecting your own redemption.
01:56:55 Chai,
01:57:00 you have forgiven the man
01:57:03 who raped you,
01:57:05 destroyed your country,
01:57:08 harmed your family.
01:57:10 And this is how it should be.
01:57:14 Your karma is mixed with Steve
01:57:17 to Tommy and Alan.
01:57:19 The future, the past,
01:57:22 are all in the sand.
01:57:25 If you divorce,
01:57:27 you will only have to come back again
01:57:30 and walk it out again.
01:57:33 The path to nirvana
01:57:36 is never big and safe,
01:57:39 but tricky and steep.
01:57:42 And if you walk only on sunny days,
01:57:46 you never reach your destination.
01:57:50 Choose well, my peach blossom.
01:57:57 Con khong chai nhai nhai khong noc.
01:58:01 A child without a father
01:58:04 is like a house without a roof.
01:58:09 Without a roof.
01:58:12 Hello?
01:58:31 Listen carefully.
01:58:33 My sister Kim had come to America
01:58:35 and married one of Steve's military friends.
01:58:38 The two boys are here now.
01:58:40 They're drinking.
01:58:42 He's getting ready to take them to Canada.
01:58:44 Canada? God!
01:58:46 The two boys are very upset.
01:58:47 They don't want to stay with Steve anymore.
01:58:49 Yes.
01:58:50 Well, fine. Next Tuesday.
01:58:52 Whatever you want.
01:58:53 Is Steve on?
01:58:54 I must speak to him.
01:58:56 Here.
01:59:00 It's for you. Here.
01:59:02 Let's go, honey.
01:59:06 Steve?
01:59:07 Steve, please.
01:59:08 I know you hate me,
01:59:09 but I don't hate you.
01:59:12 Let me help you.
01:59:14 Let me try.
01:59:17 I feel your pain.
01:59:20 You come back home.
01:59:22 No police.
01:59:23 Just you, me, the children.
01:59:27 We make this right.
01:59:29 I'll go to your room.
01:59:31 I'll go to your room.
01:59:34 I'll go to your church.
01:59:36 I try harder.
01:59:38 I'll put the shrine away.
01:59:40 I love you, Steve.
01:59:44 I love the man I saw in Vietnam.
01:59:50 I'll find you again.
01:59:56 He's still there, Steve.
02:00:01 I still love you.
02:00:03 Steve?
02:00:09 Steve, please.
02:00:11 I'm sorry, ma'am, but you can't go in there.
02:00:29 I'm sorry.
02:00:31 I'm sorry.
02:00:33 You're all right.
02:00:34 Steve.
02:00:35 Steve.
02:00:36 He killed himself.
02:00:38 I'm sorry.
02:00:39 I'm sorry.
02:00:40 I'm sorry.
02:00:41 I'm sorry.
02:00:42 I'm sorry.
02:00:43 I'm sorry.
02:00:44 I'm sorry.
02:00:45 No!
02:00:47 No!
02:00:52 No!
02:00:54 No!
02:00:56 The spirits are here.
02:01:15 Holy she marvelous.
02:01:21 Lee, your husband is here.
02:01:26 He's a little child.
02:01:29 He doesn't want to come into the house.
02:01:33 He's not used to this new world.
02:01:36 He's in much pain.
02:01:39 But he forgive you.
02:01:41 He ask for you to take his soul into the Buddhist temple.
02:01:46 He say, "Bless me in the temple."
02:01:50 As he find peace, so will your family and your children find peace.
02:01:57 Well, that's it.
02:02:01 Are you sure that was Steve?
02:02:05 He was such a strong Christian.
02:02:07 Trust me, he change a lot.
02:02:11 And by the way...
02:02:17 This house...
02:02:19 What?
02:02:20 Have to live.
02:02:21 You're good.
02:02:23 Your front door, faces your back door.
02:02:27 Everything that come into your life in the front way,
02:02:32 we go out the back.
02:02:34 Man, money, happiness, everything.
02:02:39 Move fast.
02:02:41 It was 13 years after the war that I first returned to Vietnam.
02:02:48 To the spirit of my father,
02:02:50 to my sisters and brother Bo who had survived the war,
02:02:55 and to my mother who I had not spoken to in years.
02:03:00 I was so happy.
02:03:03 I was so happy.
02:03:05 I was so happy.
02:03:07 To my mother who I had not spoken to in years.
02:03:12 An ocean had come between us,
02:03:14 but I feared it would be the last time for my three sons to see her.
02:03:19 I had prospered in America, yes.
02:03:23 I buy and rent houses, became part in a restaurant,
02:03:27 working all the time, losing touch as a mother.
02:03:30 Affairs with different men, none of whom touched my heart.
02:03:36 Stopping in the old Saigon first, now Ho Chi Minh City,
02:03:40 my heart trembled with anticipation as I took Jimmy to see his father,
02:03:45 who a teenage girl had fallen madly in love with 20 years before.
02:03:51 Had we changed?
02:03:54 Had we changed?
02:03:57 Anna.
02:04:21 You're prettier than before.
02:04:25 Stop it.
02:04:27 How are you?
02:04:40 Are you hungry?
02:04:43 I'm hungry.
02:04:45 I'm hungry.
02:04:47 I'm hungry.
02:04:49 [music playing]
02:04:53 [music playing]
02:04:57 [music playing]
02:05:01 [music playing]
02:05:29 [music playing]
02:05:32 [music playing]
02:05:36 [music playing]
02:05:39 [music playing]
02:05:48 [music playing]
02:06:02 [music playing]
02:06:05 Mama.
02:06:17 Marie.
02:06:22 You look healthy.
02:06:29 You're a ghost.
02:06:31 I don't see you.
02:06:33 I don't know where you are.
02:06:36 How is your sister, Kim?
02:06:40 Hi.
02:06:43 Hi.
02:06:46 Your grandsons, my boys.
02:06:52 Jimmy is home.
02:06:54 I know.
02:06:55 Tommy is...
02:06:57 Alan.
02:06:59 Born in America.
02:07:01 [speaking Chinese]
02:07:04 What does she say?
02:07:06 She says you're a giant.
02:07:08 She can't believe your size.
02:07:10 You're the woman who used to scratch her back on the wooden post in our house?
02:07:14 Ciao.
02:07:16 Look at her teeth.
02:07:22 [laughing]
02:07:24 [speaking Chinese]
02:07:27 Goodbye.
02:07:29 Brother.
02:07:31 Here, take a chocolate.
02:07:33 I'm so glad.
02:07:35 [speaking Chinese]
02:07:37 School?
02:07:39 School.
02:07:41 I'm doing very good.
02:07:43 [laughing]
02:07:45 Mom.
02:07:48 Take one.
02:07:50 Be polite.
02:07:52 I'm sorry, Mother, I can't.
02:07:54 Don't spoil the good time.
02:07:56 I have my oldest son, my youngest daughter back with me.
02:08:00 My two aunts on either side.
02:08:03 We share the same mother, I agree.
02:08:06 And I love her as a sister.
02:08:08 But I cannot accept her gifts.
02:08:11 Uncle, I had this terrible fear that you would despise me.
02:08:15 No.
02:08:16 Because I married your enemy and left the country while you were still fighting.
02:08:21 I've been so many years, Bailey.
02:08:24 Much is forgiven.
02:08:27 But you don't understand how much suffering Americans have caused here.
02:08:31 Things were very hard.
02:08:34 We used our own excrement to grow vegetables.
02:08:38 All we had to hold onto was the future.
02:08:41 Because we knew the future would not arrive unless we won.
02:08:47 So we kept dying, no matter what.
02:08:51 Just like ants beneath the elephant's feet.
02:08:56 It wasn't because we prayed.
02:08:59 Because we had no choice.
02:09:02 Our freedom was all.
02:09:05 All that mattered.
02:09:09 And when the future finally came, there was more war.
02:09:14 The Cambodians, the Chinese.
02:09:19 When I came to look for Mama in 1918,
02:09:23 you had no idea how much your mother suffered.
02:09:26 She was too old to work the paddies.
02:09:29 She had to give the land, our land, to the state of liberation.
02:09:35 When I found Mama in Hai, they were starving.
02:09:39 They closed her racks.
02:09:41 They farmed tools that were stolen.
02:09:43 The animals slaughtered.
02:09:45 The house, it was in ruin.
02:09:47 Packs of wild dogs attacked them and bit them.
02:09:50 Nobody in the village cared for them.
02:09:52 It was just two old ladies scavenging and growing vegetables to stay alive.
02:09:58 Now you come here, a rich, strange foreigner,
02:10:04 to return to the village once more against them and against us.
02:10:10 I had no phones.
02:10:13 I was suffering so much.
02:10:17 Things were bad for everyone after liberation.
02:10:21 [speaking in Cambodian]
02:10:24 Many times, heaven and earth changed places.
02:10:28 If you ask me, rebuilding a nation after a war,
02:10:32 you're not trying to start a family by getting raped.
02:10:35 Aye, aye.
02:10:37 It's nothing. It's many cemeteries.
02:10:41 And in cemeteries, there are no enemies.
02:11:06 I've been thinking about it for so long.
02:11:09 It was how I made your brother, Sau, go to war.
02:11:12 Your father wanted your poor brother to know some of the joys of married life,
02:11:17 but I said no, so sure I was doing the right thing.
02:11:21 Can you believe it?
02:11:23 I gave up a grandson to gain a soldier.
02:11:27 When I lost the boat, how wrong I was.
02:11:32 It was also on Sau's choice.
02:11:35 He was just being a good son when he obeyed me.
02:11:39 If I could, I would have stopped you from going to America.
02:11:44 What would have happened to your sons here?
02:11:48 I'm so proud of you, buddy.
02:11:56 You've grown up to see the side of things that's hidden from most people.
02:12:02 [sobbing]
02:12:05 Tears are God's way of paying you back for what he's taken.
02:12:12 I have no more tears.
02:12:15 I have cried them out to all directions of the wind.
02:12:20 My colors change in me.
02:12:23 It began last year.
02:12:26 I have seen it before in others.
02:12:29 You have come back, my li, and that's what matters.
02:12:34 You have completed your circle of growth.
02:12:38 Mortai to haitai.
02:12:41 Poor to rich.
02:12:43 Sad to happy.
02:12:46 Beggar to a fine lady.
02:12:50 Your past is now complete.
02:12:54 And my destiny as your mother is now over.
02:12:59 I'm looking forward to joining your papa.
02:13:09 That night I slept in the house my father built.
02:13:22 [music]
02:13:25 Afterward, he found no need to visit me in my dreams.
02:13:48 I gave my offerings to all the dead of the village.
02:13:53 I had come home, yes.
02:14:13 But home had changed.
02:14:16 And I would always be in between.
02:14:19 South, north, east, west.
02:14:23 Peace, war, Vietnam, America.
02:14:28 It is my fate to be in between heaven and earth.
02:14:34 When we resist our fate, we suffer.
02:14:37 When we accept it, we are happy.
02:14:41 We have time in abundance and eternity to repeat our mistakes.
02:14:46 But we need only once to correct our mistake.
02:14:50 And at last hear the song of enlightenment with which we can break the chain of vengeance forever.
02:14:57 In your heart you can hear it now.
02:15:02 It's the song your spirit has been singing since the moment of your birth.
02:15:08 If the monks were right, and nothing happens without cause,
02:15:12 then the gift of suffering is to bring us closer to God.
02:15:16 To teach us to be strong when we are weak.
02:15:19 To be brave when we are afraid.
02:15:22 To be wise in the midst of confusion.
02:15:25 And to let go of that which we can no longer hold.
02:15:29 Lasting victories are won in the heart.
02:15:35 Not on this land or that.
02:15:39 [Music]
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