Mokshada Ekadashi 2023: मोक्षदा एकादशी बैकुंठ में स्थान दिलाने वाली और परिवार को हर कष्ट से मुक्ति दिलाने वाली मानी गई है. इस दिन व्रत और विष्णु जी की पूजा करने वालों के पितरों को मोक्ष मिलता है और वह तृप्त रहते हैं. मोक्षदा एकादशी का महामत्य स्वंय श्रीकृष्ण ने बताया था. जो लोग मोक्षदा एकादशी का व्रत करते हैं उनका यश संसार में फैलता है. उनके कार्य में कोई अड़चने नहीं आती. वैवाहिक जीवन सुखमय रहता है. इस साल मोक्षदा एकादशी 22 दिसंबर 2023 को है. आइए जानते हैं मोक्षदा एकादशी पर क्या करें और क्या न करें.
Mokshada Ekadashi 2023: Mokshada Ekadashi is considered to give a place in Vaikuntha and liberates the family from every suffering. On this day, the ancestors of those who fast and worship Lord Vishnu get salvation and remain satisfied. The significance of Mokshada Ekadashi was told by Shri Krishna himself. The fame of those who observe Mokshada Ekadashi fast spreads in the world. There are no obstacles in their work. Married life remains happy. This year Mokshada Ekadashi is on 22 December 2023. Let us know what to do and what not to do on Mokshada Ekadashi.
Mokshada Ekadashi 2023: Mokshada Ekadashi is considered to give a place in Vaikuntha and liberates the family from every suffering. On this day, the ancestors of those who fast and worship Lord Vishnu get salvation and remain satisfied. The significance of Mokshada Ekadashi was told by Shri Krishna himself. The fame of those who observe Mokshada Ekadashi fast spreads in the world. There are no obstacles in their work. Married life remains happy. This year Mokshada Ekadashi is on 22 December 2023. Let us know what to do and what not to do on Mokshada Ekadashi.