Your Healthy Water Place at H2O Health

  • last year
Our whole house systems and countertop models are tested to remove toxic, cancer-causing chemicals and so much more. When you want to invest in a water purification system for your health, talk to us! For more information visit
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Welcome back to this special Arizona Daily Mix
00:09 from Prescott, and you know, you're out there shopping
00:13 and you're probably having trouble finding something
00:15 for that one person, well how about some water?
00:18 And that's where H2O Health comes in.
00:20 And Vicki, I'll tell ya, you are very much wanting people
00:24 to be healthy and drink healthy water,
00:27 so you have come up with this amazing place
00:30 and showing people how they can have healthy water, right?
00:33 - Absolutely.
00:34 - Tell me a little about H2O Health.
00:36 - Well, H2O Health was born because of a need
00:39 for clean water.
00:40 I was a lab technician, I worked in three hospitals.
00:43 I started seeing all the contaminants in human blood
00:46 that shouldn't be there.
00:47 I went, where are they coming from?
00:48 And we discovered it was the water.
00:50 - Wow, and that's why now you teach classes,
00:53 which is great.
00:54 And tell me a little about the classes.
00:55 - So I teach actually 12 different classes,
00:58 three are totally on the human brain
01:00 and how the brain works.
01:02 I teach people how the body works.
01:04 Why do you get cancer?
01:05 Why do you get arthritis?
01:07 Why is your digestive system a mess?
01:09 So when people learn the why, the how gets real easy.
01:13 And it's quite amazing how the human body works.
01:16 It's amazing.
01:17 - Yeah, and you make it now easy for people to have
01:19 that clean water in their house when they come in
01:21 and learn about it, and that's through some great gifts
01:24 right here that people can get.
01:26 And so the first one is actually,
01:27 you could do a whole big filter treat system in there, right?
01:30 - That's right.
01:31 We can treat every tap in your house
01:33 so all your water's clean.
01:34 You're bathing in clean water, you're drinking clean water.
01:38 It makes all the difference.
01:39 - Okay, and then what do we have here?
01:42 - That's an ionizer that makes alkaline ionized water,
01:45 super high oxygen and hydrogen.
01:47 - Wow, and these are things that you can have
01:49 actually right in your house.
01:50 - Right in your house.
01:51 - There you go.
01:52 Okay, now, this is pretty neat for that person
01:53 that travels to visit families or business trips
01:56 or anything like that, and they're like, you know what?
01:58 Ooh, they hear about drinking, of course.
02:00 That water can sometimes make you a little sick
02:03 'cause it's different water that you're drinking,
02:04 but now you have a portable one.
02:07 What do we have here?
02:08 - That is the coolest little gadget.
02:11 See that little diverter here at the bottom?
02:14 That hooks on any regular faucet.
02:17 You just screw off the aerator, screw that on,
02:20 and you can have pure water, clean water,
02:23 at your bathroom sink, on a cruise ship,
02:25 in a hotel, at your kid's home.
02:27 It's amazing how that works.
02:29 - I like this, this is so great.
02:30 - Super simple, $100 is all they cost.
02:32 - Oh my goodness, and this is what's so awesome
02:34 about you two is that you know how important
02:36 our children are and how important their learning is,
02:39 so you've actually made it pretty much a promise to them
02:44 by making sure they have clean water in their schools.
02:46 - That's right, Brad.
02:47 So we are donating water systems here in our area right now,
02:51 but this is gonna be a huge program.
02:54 We're setting up a non-profit to donate
02:56 whole water systems to schools,
02:59 so kids can start drinking clean water,
03:02 because that's why they have so many issues today.
03:04 I mean, think about it, a baby's four or five pounds,
03:07 what do we make their baby milk with?
03:09 - Water. - Water.
03:10 What's in that water?
03:11 - Oh, who knows? - Hormones,
03:13 pharmaceuticals, metformin, Prozac, Tylenol,
03:17 testosterone, estrogen, they're not ready for those things,
03:22 especially the hormones, so you can't take something
03:24 that's four or five pounds and start feeding it estrogen
03:27 and testosterone, and people aren't putting
03:29 two and two together.
03:30 - And that's why you're making sure
03:32 they're getting educated and taken care of.
03:33 Also, one other cool thing you're doing,
03:35 and right next to your store,
03:37 there's a little display going on.
03:38 What's that all about?
03:39 - That's our Vintage Toy Contest, it's our third annual.
03:43 It's all free.
03:44 People bring these vintage toys pre-2000.
03:47 We judge 'em, we have about 12 different judges
03:50 from the area, all local celebrities, wish you could come.
03:53 But we give away 10 $100 gift certificates for Christmas.
03:58 - I like that, I'll tell you, this is great.
04:00 Vicki, I love what you're doing for the community,
04:01 making sure people are drinking clean water,
04:03 and of course, what a perfect gift for someone
04:06 that you are having a hard time to shop for,
04:08 but clean water for you, and it's all right here
04:10 at the H2O Health in the Gateway Mall.
04:14 So come on up and give it a try.
04:16 But I want you also to stick around,
04:17 we got more for you from the Christmas City.
04:21 (upbeat music)
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