AbbVie presenta nuova terapia che rivoluziona concetto tempo per paziente

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - E’ iniziata una vera e propria evoluzione del concetto di tempo per il malato di leucemia grazie ad un nuovo paradigma terapeutico e ad una rinnovata valutazione della qualità di vita: è l’obiettivo di AbbVie, che ha promosso il congresso nazionale “Leucemia Linfatica Cronica: tempo per vivere”, in cui si sono riuniti a Roma clinici ed esperti per fare il punto rispetto alle nuove prospettive dei pazienti.


00:00 3,400 cases of chronic lymphoma are diagnosed every year, for a total of over 25,000 people affected in Italy.
00:13 It is the epidemiology of this type of leukemia, a disease most widespread in the West, which mainly affects men with an average age of 70 years, without particular symptoms evident at the time of diagnosis.
00:25 For many years, however, the sector has been witnessing a real revolution in the concept of time for the patient, thanks to innovative therapies and research always oriented to progress.
00:34 Compared to the past, in fact, now therapy can come to an end by controlling neoplasia and ensuring a better quality of life.
00:41 Representatives of the Italian hematology, clinical and experts have met to discuss the issue at the National Convention on Chronic Lymphedema, Time to Live, promoted by AbbVie, whose commitment is to restore quality and life time to patients.
00:54 The current possibility is to conduct an important and effective therapy for a year, two years and then allow us to interrupt it, thus moving away from the patient both what we call the burden of the disease, then the weight of the disease, but having to take drugs that still have a normal effect of toxicity.
01:14 So the supply of an effective drug, but which is possible to interrupt for a year or two, greatly reduces the risk of toxicity, thus bringing an advantage both to the quality of life of the patient, which is the first thing for us, and to the management of the doctor, who is able to manage more patients at the same time.
01:33 The immunotherapy approach of the past led the patient to have important side effects, especially in terms of infections more frequent in the elderly patient, therefore more fragile at the immune level, impact of the more modest infections, instead, with the therapy of the present.
01:48 In addition, the older patient, but also the young one, due to the chemotherapy chemo, could suffer from cytopenia, therefore anemia, therefore need for transfusion support, granulocytopenia, therefore an increase in the risk of infection.
02:09 All these side effects are greatly resized with a more specific therapeutic approach, more aimed at those that are the mechanisms that are the cause of the proliferation of the heliocemic cells and their prolonged survival.
02:30 In the use of this new therapeutic paradigm, the real challenge is to allow the use of drugs that guarantee a low profile of toxicity.
02:38 Since these diseases are actually comorbid, that is, they have many concomitant diseases, we must have drugs that, by affecting the disease, do not worsen the general conditions.
02:49 New drugs are succeeding. Benetox, for example, is able to give excellent responses with a very low profile of toxicity.
02:58 This has a strong impact and, above all, extends the possibility of therapy to a very wide range of patients, especially those who are very old.
